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Ep 298 – Settling & Living On The Level You Choose – Darnyelle on the Mind of George Podcast


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This episode is powered by Scale with Grace: 5 Keys to Position Your Multi 6-Figure Business for Millions

In May 2024, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by George Bryant on his Mind of George Podcast.  George is on a mission to revolutionize some of the biggest brands by focusing on one thing: relationships.

While we are working diligently on season 6 for you, enjoy this powerful episode to learn my thoughts on settling and living on the level of your choosing. 

You’ve more than likely heard me say that God will let you live on whatever level you settle for. And the truth is, you shouldn’t settle; you should be experiencing the next level of everything!!!

When I first heard God tell me this message back in 2019, it stumped me.  I had to stop and catch my breath.  This powerful; revelation has been a guide for me ever since and I implore you to stop settling as well.  Settling is not your birthright; abundance is.

As we get ready for 2025, this is the perfect segue way into your year of BIG.

Join Darnyelle Jervey and George to dive deep into the power of embodiment and the journey to fulfillment. Discover the transformative power of shifting from a vantage point to a vision point. 

Tune in and learn how to…

  • Take action to embody your true self and align your beliefs with your aspirations to manifest the life you desire
  • Challenge and reshape childhood beliefs and experiences that limit your potential to shape your reality
  • Initiate change by making decisive choices and committing fully to your goals, setting the stage for embodying your desires
  • Embrace unexpected blessings and opportunities as manifestations of divine intervention, rather than waiting passively for help to arrive
  • Foster radical self-love and self-acceptance as catalysts for personal evolution and growth

Are you ready to step into your power and create a life of purpose and abundance? Press play on this episode filled with gold!!

Resources Mentioned:

  • Move to Millions by Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon – Get Your Copy
  • Companion Guide for Move to Millions – Download for a detailed overview of the seven systems to seven figures.
  • Join the Move to Millions Facebook Group for ongoing support and community engagement – Join Now
  • Move to Millions 90-Day Business Growth Planner – Get Your Planner
  • Learn more about God Girls Making Millions: God Girls Making Millions

Five Powerful Quotes:

  1. “When you decide to occupy your purpose and your skills, you’re not merely acting; you’re becoming.”
  2. Shifting your perspective is akin to choosing between personal ‘prison’ or ‘power.'” – George Bryant
  1. ” Waiting passively doesn’t spur divine assistance; taking action does.”– George Bryant
  2. ” Effort won’t make you millions. Embodiment will.” – Darnyelle Jervey Harmon
  3. “Like a lighthouse, hold your vision unwavering and let your light guide your path.” George Bryant

What do we talk about in this episode?

00:00 The Power of Transformational Conversations
00:20 Introducing Darnyelle: A Force for Good
00:56 Unpacking Childhood Beliefs and Embodying Desires
04:31 Darnyelle’s Journey: From Adversity to Empowerment
07:33 The Essence of Embodiment Over Effort
19:56 Vision vs. Vantage Point: Shifting Perspectives
34:07 Embracing Multiple Truths and Personal Growth
35:31 The Power of Decision and Surrender in Personal Transformation
39:38 Navigating Life’s Challenges with Faith and Surrender
45:53 The Role of Spirituality in Achieving Abundance
50:00 Building a Legacy Through Spiritual Principles
55:56 Reflections and Gratitude: A Journey of Faith and Leadership

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Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:04]:
You’re listening to the Move to Millions podcast with Dr. Darnyelle J. Harmon. If you’re ready for high level conversations that position and prepare you to move your company cash flow and connection to and beyond the million dollar mark, let’s get this party started. Welcome back to the Move to Millions podcast. I am your host, Dr. Darnyelle God Girl, eight figure entrepreneur and the CEO of the award winning Incredible One Enterprises where we grow businesses period. I am excited for you to be listening to this episode.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:44]:
In the event that this is your very first time listening. Welcome. You’re going to love spending time here with me this podcast. While it’s technically a business podcast, I believe that life and business are congruent and that you cannot have a booming business when you have a busted life. So we will have conversations around the topics that are impacting your ability to make move and eventually leave Millions. We’ll get into everything. Yes, there will be times when I will talk to you about good old strategy or sales, infrastructure or even your systems and building out your support team. But more often than not we will talk about success, mindset, spirituality and self care.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:01:30]:
Because these three areas or pillars in our Move to Millions method are what I have come to believe, the secret sauce to scaling and sustaining a seven figure business. I am so excited that you have found me and I want you to take some time to really catch up. Right now we are in between seasons. Season number six is going to start in just a few weeks and while we are preparing for season number six, I am actually rewinding some of the conversations that I have had this year on other powerful podcasts. And the conversation I have for you today is as much of a treat as the others I have shared with you during this rewind part of the season. This episode is powered by scale with Grace. Now listen, we do several masterclasses a year. This masterclass is for you.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:02:21]:
If your business is generating at least $300,000 a year and year after year you find yourself on repeat for that same exact money milestone. I’m going to hip you to the game and talk to you specifically about the five keys that you need to position your multiple six figure business for millions in 2025. So you want to go and get yourself registered right forward slash grace. In May of this year I had the opportunity to be on the Mind of George podcast with host George Bryant. This show, this guy, first and foremost ridiculous and amazing. Such a powerful connection, powerful energy, high octane and fully committed to helping people step into their next and best level. So, you know, we had us an amazing conversation. My episode on his show was called settling and living on the level you choose.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:03:20]:
Now, unless you are brand new around here, you have likely heard me tell the story about how in 2019, I was driving my car down the road adjacent to my home, where I clearly heard the spirit and the Lord say to me, I will let them live on whatever level they settle for. And if you’ve heard the story, then you know that I told you I had to pull my car over literally less than five minutes from my home. But I could not wait. I had to pull over on the side of the road and I had to ask God again, what did he say and who was he talking about? To which he told me that he was talking about the clients I’m called to. Entrepreneurs and small business owners and business leaders who have a trajectory of wealth for their family. And they were created to be a catalyst and to disrupt the curses and to establish the wealth transfer. And God said, I will let them live on whatever level they settle for. So right now, right here, as we finalize 2024 and get ready for 2025, we gonna stop settling on your last level because God is waiting for you at the next level.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:30]:
So I want you to grab your Move to Millions podcast notebook, your favorite pen, and a warm beverage because it’s cold out in these streets. And let’s tune in to my conversation with George Bryant on his podcast, the Mind of George. I’ll see you on the other side. Enjoy.

George Bryant [00:04:49]:
Have you ever listened to a podcast or read a book or heard a keynote or had a conversation with somebody and then the moment they start speaking, you knew it was going to literally take you to church? Like every ounce of everything you believe to be true was going to get dismantled in that moment. I now know what it feels like sometimes to be in a room with me. And for the most incredible reasons, because on today’s episode we have Dr. Dr. Darle. And I can tell you that I fell in love with this woman immediately. And I can’t even begin to explain the level of depth, the level of takeaways, the level of clarity, the level of love, the level of self empathy. And all of these incredible pieces that combine together make me and anybody who listens to this a super force for good in your business, on how to operate in your business, on how to operate in life.

George Bryant [00:05:42]:
And we broke into all of it. We got into childhood beliefs and experiences and how they shape our current reality, but how we have the power to challenge and change them. We talked about how making a decision and fully committing to it is the first step towards embodying our desires, how detaching from the outcome and trusting the process is essential in manifesting them. And boy, oh boy, did that one tickle. And I’m living on the other side of that 18 months later. And if, if there’s any recommendation I can make, it’s just write down all the notes in that part because it lands and it’s making me emotional talking about it. And we talk about how daily surrender and consistent belief in our vision are necessary to overcome fear and doubt and how surrendering and making space for God is essential for success. Plus so much more.

George Bryant [00:06:31]:
I feel like I found a long lost sister and this episode spoke to my soul on so many levels and I’m so excited to share it with you and I cannot wait to hear your responses. So please shoot me a dm. Please shoot me a message. There’s nothing that means more to me in the world than hearing how this lands. And here’s a little secret. My love language is words of affirmations. And the ones that make me the favorite are when you message me and tell me what you learned or what landed or what you got out of it. And it fills my bucket.

George Bryant [00:07:00]:
And so I’m telling you that because I really genuinely love it. So please make sure you take notes in this one. Please make sure you pay attention, be present because it’s loaded and I can’t wait to hear what you say. But without further ado, let’s get into the show. All right everybody, welcome back to another episode of the Mind of George Show. And to say I’m incredibly excited would be an understatement. But I’m just going to frame this right now because I feel like we’re about to be taken to church. Because in the five minutes, and I mean the five minutes where I got past the filter of awe and humility by today’s guest, she also have dropped so many one liners on me that’s made me covered in goosebumps and tickled.

George Bryant [00:07:42]:
And I don’t even feel qualified to be a host of my show today. I feel more qualified to throw her a softball and just let her take us to church. And so let me just give you some of the things that everybody looks for. Seven bestselling books generated over like a half a billion in revenue help clients make 378 million combined helps six and seven figure earners while keeping God at the forefront of everything and in my opinion, already, in a matter of moments, is like a walking embodiment of a soul queen that I am just so ready to take me to church. And so, without further ado, Darnyelle, welcome to the show.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:08:19]:
Thank you so much for having me, George. I’m so excited to be here. I, too, am one big goosebump right now. So I know that this is going to be a powerful conversation in my only hope is that whoever needs to hear this conversation today, that they hear it and that they execute on what comes out of it so that they can experience everything they desire as a result of it.

George Bryant [00:08:45]:
Yeah. And I feel like just in even hearing you speak, you have surgical precision with your words to get straight to the soul. Tickles. And so I am, like, here for it. And it’s actually kind of like a perfect intro, because for everybody to break the fourth wall, I was like, hey, where’s the dessert? Where are we starting? And she looked me dead in the eye, and I had to write this down. And she’s like, effort won’t make you millions. Embodiment will. And I was like, oh, girl, take me to church.

George Bryant [00:09:12]:
And so we’re just gonna start there. And so, Darnyelle, would you just mind unpacking that and take us to school?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:09:19]:
Absolutely. So in order to do that, I gotta go back, so I’m gonna just tell a piece of my story so that this all makes sense. So I was born to drug addicted turn crack addicted parents in 1975 in the projects of Wilmington, Delaware. When I was eight, my mom went to jail. Her home was raided during my eighth birthday, and they took her to jail. And so we went to live with my father and my stepmother. My stepmother did not let it be a secret that she did not want us to be there. My dad was a very functional addict.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:09:52]:
So he would leave for work on Friday, and then we’d see him again Monday after work. All weekend, he’d binge and do his thing. So I had lots of time in which to wonder and pontificate about my purpose, my existence, and my ability to have a life that would matter. I felt very lost. And on top of that, I’m the middle child, and middle children are invisible. And so I didn’t feel grounded to anything in particular as I was growing up, save for the teachers and guidance counselors who saw my promise and my potential. I think first of Ms. Dixon, who was my fifth grade teacher, who taught me the power of my words.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:10:36]:
You said I have surgical precision with my words, which I love. I have Never heard that before, but I receive it because I know that words matter. When I was 10, in the fifth grade, I was an angry black girl. My mom had just gone to jail and I heard my stepmom talking on the phone to her mother and her friends every day, saying she wished I wasn’t there. And I was pissed. I didn’t know pissed as a word at 10, but today at 48, I was pissed. And Ms. Dixon, she did not see an angry black girl.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:11:06]:
Instead, she saw promise and potential. And she was committed to honing that potential to turn it into something really great. And so she gave me my very first journal. And she told me about the power of channeling my words into positive energy so that I would not hold or embody, since that’s what we’re going to be talking about. The spirit of me that was defeated, deflated, felt unworthy, and didn’t think she mattered. And so in a matter of weeks, I literally got my life. When I filled that very first journal, her words were simply, every time you get anger, angry, I want you to write. And within two weeks, I had filled up the Journey journal because I was a angry child.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:11:50]:
And when I ran back to her at school, running off the school bus, running into her arms to tell her that I had found my purpose because she had been teaching us on purpose in class. And my purpose was to use words to change the lives of other people. And so I sit here today before you, purposely choosing words that will disrupt and disconnect the patterns that exist in your life that have you living in the mediocrity that is beneath what it is, that is truly desired for you. And so when I think about embodiment won’t make you million, or effort won’t make you millions, embodiment will. I’m going to take you to not too long ago, approximately six weeks ago, I was in the shower. That’s where God and I have our board meetings. And there’s just something about the water, right? And I just. The water is coming down and I hear as clear as day, not effort, embodiment.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:12:46]:
That’s what I hear now in my work. I work with entrepreneurs and small business owners that desire to have million dollar companies that serve them financially and spiritually with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. So we don’t believe in grinding, we don’t believe in hustle, and we don’t believe that you work hard for your money. Although that’s what most of us were born and raised to believe. And so as I Heard God clearly talk about embodiment. I started to question it everywhere. What does it first mean? So this is the definition, according to Darnielle. Embodiment means fully governing a feeling, a belief, and a conviction about who you are that flowers your whole life experience.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:13:35]:
It’s about taking up space. I was telling George just as we got started in January, because this year for me is the year of anchored ascension. And what that means is I’m looking to go deeper in pivotal relationships in order to go higher in my craft, in my business, in my industry, etc. And one of the most pivotal relationships that I desire to grow is my relationship with God. I am an unapologetic guy, girl. I won’t push my beliefs on you, but I won’t apologize for them either. And God told me to read the book of Deuteronomy in the Bible. And the Bible, if you ask me, you know, and a lot of people say this, the Bible stands for basic instructions before leaving Earth.

George Bryant [00:14:22]:
Leaving earth.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:14:23]:
It’s a book that is used religiously. It is not a religious book. Right. And so he told me to read Deuteronomy. And Deuteronomy is the book of the rules, because the children of Israel are on their way to the promised land. And he, Moses, who’s not going with them to the promised land, has to prepare them for what is to come when they enter the promised land. And in chapter seven of Deuteronomy, Moses tells the children of Israel, eight times eight is the number of new beginnings. He tells them eight times to enter and occupy.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:14:56]:
And what I heard in my spirit when I read that was embody. So many of us enter. We enter into a business, we enter into an industry, we enter into a room, but we don’t occupy it. Mean we don’t set up and take up space like it’s ours, like we own it, like we deserve to be there. And so I’m hoping that in this conversation today, I give you insight, I give you permission, I give you a sign that this is the season for you to enter and occupy, to take up space, to do what it is that you uniquely do that no one can do like you, and to do it in a way that when you do it, lives are changed and the planet shakes. And so for me, embodiment is about recognizing that when you were born, you were gifted with every talent and ability that you need to shake the corner of the planet that is uniquely yours to shake. And when you operate in the confidence of that, then you get to experience the result of having changed so many lives that you cannot even count. So that’s what it means.

George Bryant [00:16:05]:
Girl, I feel like I just found my sister. Like, what?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:16:10]:
I’ve been looking for you.

George Bryant [00:16:12]:
Oh, my goodness. And here’s the craziest thing. Like, parents, same drug addiction, same story, same function. It was my. It was literally my guidance counselors that literally passed me for school, so I had a chance to let me go to the Marine Corps. Except your clarity and journal at 8, I didn’t find till I was 35, but I’m still so glad that I found it and put it. I am. I’m over here just, like, covered in goosies right now.

George Bryant [00:16:39]:
I don’t even know what to call. That’s the silliest thing I could say. But gooseies is the only feeling body.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:16:44]:
An ice ball right now. Like it? Yeah.

George Bryant [00:16:47]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:16:48]:

George Bryant [00:16:48]:
Thank you. Number one. Holy moly. And. And it tickled me, because even when you were talking about deuteronomy and. And embodiment and taking up space, I feel like the. The world that we live in, marketing and business and. And all these entrepreneurs are taught all these, like, do it my way and do it this way, and it’s this way or the highway, and it has to be my way, and it just conditions all this noise and.

George Bryant [00:17:12]:
And things that block them, and they end up trying to hustle and grind their way out of it.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:17:17]:

George Bryant [00:17:17]:
And it’s like, no, it’s like, you belong. Like, this is your space. There is no other you. Like, I’m like, I just want to throw, like, 800, like, preach and, like, let you go. Holy moly. Yes. And so then I want to. Oh, man.

George Bryant [00:17:32]:
I got so many questions.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:17:34]:
I got answers.

George Bryant [00:17:35]:
I know. Trust me that I do know. I feel like God put you on my podcast today for me, and this is just going to be one of those combos. And I’m like, let’s go. And so, you know, I’ll say this personally, because I also know there’s a lot of people listening, and myself included, for years that felt like my story defined the life that I was supposed to live. Right?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:17:57]:

George Bryant [00:17:58]:
And people look at me and they’re like, well, how’d you do it? And I’m like, well, God was guiding me. I just didn’t know it was God because, you know, a lot of people looked at me and thought that I was trying to disprove God by going into breath work and plant medicine and ayahuasca, and it was all leading me back home. But there was always this Calling on my heart. Like, I don’t know how at nine years old when I was like, wait, I don’t want to end up like that. Like, that’s not mine. Like, I don’t have to be like this. I want to leave. Right.

George Bryant [00:18:25]:
And a lot of the things that people celebrate me for, like my New York Times bestseller and blah, blah, blah, they were byproducts of me just trying to take up space and find purpose.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:18:35]:

George Bryant [00:18:36]:
And, like, meaning. And so I’m just innately curious of, like, what that journey has been like for you, like, at 8 years old, like, ripping out pages of journals and journals of, like, who you want to become in the world. I also know that you’ve faced many pieces of adversity and challenges. And I feel like we only lose when we believe that story instead of choosing to write a new one. And so, like, what was that process like for you?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:19:04]:
How much time we got?

George Bryant [00:19:05]:
No, so we got, we got time, girl. We got nothing but time.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:19:09]:
So here’s what I realized, and it was, you know, hindsight is 20 20, so it was, it was later. When you’re in it, you’re in it, right. I, I talk a lot of times about what I call vision point versus vantage point. Right. Most of us are, we’re, we’re operating from our vantage point. And where your vantage point is always skewed, it’s limited. Your view is limited, Right. If you really want to elevate, you got to start operating from your vision point.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:19:32]:
Right. Well, being from where I came from very young age, recognizing that what was happening around me, I didn’t want it. Right. So similar to you at 9, I think I was probably 10, 11 when I was like, yeah, there’s, there’s, there’s got to be something else because this isn’t it. And I don’t want this. I didn’t want, you know, to be poverty stricken by the time we were 13 and in the seventh grade. Most of my little childhood girlfriends had. They were on their second child at 13, right.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:20:04]:
Which mean that they were excited about getting their own project and food stamps and your girl didn’t want that. And, and I can just remember thinking big before I knew it was called thinking big. And think about imagination, right? In The Bible, Genesis 1 in 26, God says, Let us make man in our image and likeness, right? Imagination being the highest form of creativity in the highest way that we can earn, right? When you operate in your creativity, you will make way more money than a person who is just efforting, right? Embodiment is about leveraging your creativeness. Right. Your ability to create things out of nothing. That’s who we are. That’s who we be. That’s our identity.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:20:52]:
And so recognizing that at a very young age and allowing my journals to be the place. Place where I pontificated about what I imagined until I was in position to actually, you know, do something different to make that my reality. And so for me, in. In my high school years, that looked like studying, Studying voraciously. I got a perfect verbal SAT score. I got into lots of schools. I ended up going to the University of Delaware. I live in Delaware.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:21:21]:
And primarily because I didn’t want to pay for college. Like, it never entered into my mind that I should get started. Student loans. I’m grateful. I’m so grateful that I never got student loans. And I just always believed that there was more, that there was better. I didn’t. I don’t think that that stopped me from making some of the mistakes that I made on the journey.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:21:44]:
I think that they were all apropos. They had to be made because they would be the source from which I’m not theorizing when I’m talking to clients today. If I hadn’t experienced anything, then I wouldn’t be able to guide them. Right. Like I shared with you before we started recording, I love talking about money. I love money. I, you know, I have an anointing for money. And had I not had money, a large amount of money stolen from me, amassed a whole bunch of debt that turned into bankruptcy and lost it all more time than I wanted to, I wouldn’t be equipped to lead people through and on the journey to learn how to make money move for them.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:22:26]:
And so I think all of these things that we’ve been through, I don’t feel like a victim. I think my parents did the best that they could with what they had. I just made a decision that their best was not the best. And I was after God’s best. And that meant that I needed to make some different decisions in order to arrive in that place.

George Bryant [00:22:46]:
All right. Yep. We.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:22:48]:

George Bryant [00:22:48]:
We were separated somewhere or brought back together because your vantage point, voice, vision point. I want to break this down, because in the shower, because that’s where God takes me to church.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:22:58]:

George Bryant [00:22:59]:
Every single day. And it’ll just be in the shower. And then all of a sudden, I feel this feeling. I dropped down on my knees, and the water rushes over me, and it’s either tears or clarity or boom. And a couple weeks ago, he put it on my heart. And he’s like, perspective. The difference between your prison and your power.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:23:13]:
Oh, that’s good.

George Bryant [00:23:15]:
And I love it. And it’s tickled me. It’s tickled me so hard. And when you just said vision point, vantage point, and so many things you said. So just, just to even wrap, because I’m going to ask a question about that, but like the things that are popping up in my head is like, you, God will give you the. What you fill in the details. And the other day I did a post and I said, yeah, and when you ask him to move mountains, don’t forget to look down and realized he gave you a shovel.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:23:39]:

George Bryant [00:23:40]:
And these stories and these experiences that, that we’ve lived and we’ve been through or what give that perspective and I feel like they’re the greatest gift because when, when resistance comes up, I, I think it’s a conditioned muscle at this point to trust it, but like to run into it like a buffalo, like it’s the fastest path through. And that’s what makes us so dangerous. Right? And, and, and I just had a incredible gentleman on the show responsible for like 80 billion in revenue. He’s like, well, no success is easy because I’ve literally done it all, so I know what not to do through that experience. Right. And it’s not even the hustle and grind. It’s like picking up the phone when it calls. Right.

George Bryant [00:24:16]:
Another thing I, I’ve been saying lately is that when the phone rings from God, they’re not interruptions, they’re just invitations.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:24:22]:
Yeah. Oh, I love that. Oh, it’s not an interruption, it’s an invitation. Oh, that’s good. I gotta write that down. That one was.

George Bryant [00:24:28]:
Oh yeah, write that one down. That one. That one tickle. That one tickles me because I’m like, they’re getting put there on purpose, right? And, and this, this concept of yours, like even when you just, you said vision point first, I wrote it in big caps, all letters, and I’m like, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. And so what is, what is a way or when we think about vision point versus vantage point, right? What, what are some tangible ways in which people can start to really change their perspective of that situation? Because I also know, as one of my mentors, Simon, Simon Bowen says, is that people don’t choose to self sabotage. They accidentally behave their way into it because of that perspective. And so when we think about, you know, the vantage point, it’s how we’re currently seeing what’s happening and we’re looking Backwards, Right. Like what got us here won’t get us there.

George Bryant [00:25:17]:
And so, like, how does somebody start to tune in or look from the vision point in your lens?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:25:23]:
Yeah. So there’s a couple of different things that I suggest there. So first, vision, right? So casting a vision. And when you cast a vision, you cast it in positive present tense as a. It’s currently your reality. Right? So if I am sitting here, but I want to be over there, what does it look like, what does it feel like, what does it smell like, what does it taste like for me to get over there? Right. What is the energy I need to be in in order to create the pathway that will get me to that place? And when I arrive there, what do I expect to be waiting for me? And so the curiosity of always challenging where we are as the best place for us to be. Now, our ego, its whole job is to keep us safe.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:26:12]:
And so your ego is going to lead you to believe that where you are right now is where you should be. And here’s the thing I want you to know. And this just literally just popped in, I just heard the spirit say, you have to remember that my ways are not your ways. Right? So we are, although we are created in God’s image and likeness, right? We’re literally gods of the earth, our ways are not his ways. Because the perspective that God has, because he’s over us, he’s. He’s a God of the universe and we’re just a God of the earth. He can see what we can’t see. So our view in the moment, if we’re only thinking about where we are right now, is always skilled, skewed imagination.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:26:56]:
I talked about that being the horm, the highest form of creativity and the highest way to create value. So imagining something greater, what does it look like? Right. We play this game with clients all the time where we’re like, okay, what’s the most you’ve ever charged for something? Add a zero to the end. First, where does it show up in your body when you add that zero? Because that’s going to give us an indication metaphysically of what we need to work through. That’s, that’s your fear, that’s your limiting belief. That’s showing up for you. And then secondly, and most importantly, if that was the new number, spend it in advance. Like, what would you do with it? Because money needs purpose to come into your life experience.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:27:37]:
It’s not coming if it doesn’t have purpose. And money can’t flow if it doesn’t know what you want it to do. So taking the time to say, okay, the most I’ve ever charged is a hundred K. And so now I’m going to make that a million dollars, spending that money and what would I do If I had $1 million drop into my lap right now? What would I do? And literally spend all of it in advance. Because now the purpose is set for the money. So the money can flow into your life experience just based on imagining what you would do if you had the resource. Well, we could apply that to business, right? So I want to have a launch and in my launch I want to bring on 50 new clients. I’ve never brought on 50 new clients at one time.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:28:18]:
I don’t even know what that looks like or what it feels like. Well, let’s imagine that you do play the game with yourself. If you were to bring on 50 clients at one time, how would that feel? Now we have to keep in mind that more clients isn’t always a good thing if you don’t have the right systems and infrastructure in place. So do you even have an infrastructure that could support you bringing on 50 clients at one time right now? And if not, once you imagine it. Because as soon as you imagine that thing, it is now in the realm of possibility for you. So as soon as you start the imagining process, also start backing into what are the systems you need to put in place so that when it shows up. Because it will show up unless you. What’s the word I want to use? Unless you realign it, like reassign it, right? And it’s because it’s coming to you.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:03]:
But if you send it out there, then it won’t show up to you, but it’s coming. So since you know it’s coming, do the work in advance. Because the amount of time that you delay doing the work, the amount of time you delay that the 50 clients show up, right, that’s that enter and occupy. So don’t just enter the space and say, I want to have 50 clients. Embody that thing, get everything in place so that when the 50 clients show up, not only can you serve them, not only can they get results, but they will refer other people. So that 50 client launch becomes a 500 client launch. All because you changed from looking at your vantage point where you are right now, never brought on 50 clients at once to your vision point and building out the systems to be able to bring on 500 clients.

George Bryant [00:29:46]:
Girl, I, I got, I got one liners for you for days too. Like I will be if you ever need an intro for a keynote. Like, just call me up. I will be your hype man all day. All day. One of my. One of my dear friends, Alex Scharf, and he says this better than everybody. And this one tickles.

George Bryant [00:30:00]:
And he says, you don’t have the business you want because you haven’t become the person to run it.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:30:06]:

George Bryant [00:30:06]:
And you are preaching it every which way. And for all my personal development people listening, this is also a masterclass in b have not do behalf because it. If it’s due, it’s a reaction to your current state instead of being. Which is what stretches your container and your capacity and your view to be able to fill these pieces in. And this is. I literally wrote that down. Money needs purpose before it comes into your experience. Spend it in advance.

George Bryant [00:30:32]:
Like, have it allocated in that state of thinking. It’s not this thing that you’re collecting. It’s energy. It’s. It’s how you’re bringing your vision into life. It’s how you’re investing in your company. Which also means that you also have to understand that. That.

George Bryant [00:30:45]:
And I’m going to ask you about this too, because I’m going to speak for some people because the. One of the biggest challenges that I see and the why people get stuck. Right? And this is what I tell people. I’m like, do you want to know why the quote the devil in the details is so powerful? And I was like, because when you’re thinking, you’re disconnected from God in your heart where the magic happens. And if he can’t make you sin, he’ll make you busy.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:06]:

George Bryant [00:31:07]:
All day.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:08]:
All day.

George Bryant [00:31:08]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:08]:
Twice on Sunday and that.

George Bryant [00:31:10]:
Twice. Twice on Sunday. And that perspective is huge. But I also see so many people allow their identities to be dictated by the business. And so then it’s like, oh, it’s my money or it’s I’m getting it to keep it, or I failed or I didn’t. And so it’s just this constant reaction. And so how do you pack? I know you have clients in the same five, six figures coming in. Well, well, it.

George Bryant [00:31:33]:
The launch didn’t work. I failed. Or. Or I can’t because I haven’t. Or what’s it mean about me? So, like, how do you unpack people’s like, codependency with their identity being their business rather than them being the vessel and the business is just the tool that they can make adjustments to.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:48]:
Yeah, I mean, we. We definitely have seen that. Thank you for joining me. If this episode has impacted you in Any way would you please take a moment and rate and review. Doing so helps us strategy deep in our impact. They’ve run all into our reach around the world to an extent and if you are ready limited by their ability to. I highly recommend that you order your very own copy of my brand new best selling book right. And the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO instead of hustle and grind.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:32:22]:
You can get your copy and our services today at 7 across. Until next time. So when we are born, millions are your literally come here to access them pushed out or pulled out literally. I’ll see you next time. And then we meet our family and immediately our abundance starts to go down. Now I think your parents did the best that they could with what they had. This is not an attack on them. This is just an indication for you to understand why you are who you are today.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:32:50]:
And so from birth to the age of seven you’re literally a sponge and you are being taught or you have caught life lessons that to this day you are still operating in and you don’t even know why. It’s just something that you inherited it because it’s what you saw. And you saw it in your subconscious mind, took it to be the truth. It created a pattern and a memory. And every time you’re presented in that situation, it brings that back to you as the way you respond to it. And you’re just meandering through life where most of us were asleep at the wheel, right? We’ve all gotten in a car and we consciously remember to start the car or start the car and then the next thing we know we’re on our street and we don’t remember the drive home because our subconscious mind has driven us home. It’s that powerful. And so most of the beliefs that we hold, they’re not even ours.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:33:42]:
They were inherited. They are hand me downs and they don’t serve us. But we never questioned them. We took them to be true because why would the people who are raising us tell us something that is not true? Something can be true without it being the truth. True is perspective. Truth is principle. And when you understand that and start to unpack it, you can find the patterns that are derailing your destiny to operate in your divine birthright and assignment. So take it from.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:34:17]:
From birth to the age of yeah, from birth to seven as far back as you can go remember things that happen. The first time you experience fear, first time you, you realize that there was a thing called money. The first time you felt lack any of the old any of the anxiety overwhelm any of the things that plague you today as an adult. Go back as far as you possibly can. If you can see back to birth through the age of seven and see where it landed. For me, most of that stuff happened for me around age 2 and around age 6. Age 2 was when I was first introduced to fear. When we were born, we only have two the fear of falling and the fear of loud noise.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:34:57]:
And we inherit every other fear that we have. And so at 2, I watched my mom and dad at the top of the steps fighting about money. My mom, who was the og, pushed my dad, he fell down the steps and I’m two years old. I don’t understand. So I cry and I feel a sense of panic and fear. That’s when I was introduced to fear. And what I started to observe is I started to trace these patterns in my life. Every two years in a seven year cycle, something traumatic would happen that would incite my fears.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:31]:
At age 6, I was at the grocery store with my mother. Now this is the grocery store of 1980, 81, right there. There are no conveyor belts in 1981. There literally is just a counter. I’m small, but I’m big enough to take a piece of candy and put it up on the conveyor belt and to be melt met with a backhand slap. As my mother gave me one of the first things I can remember learning about money. And that was that money is only for what you need. Poor people, people who grow up in poverty, believe that money is just for paying bills.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:36:11]:
Middle class people believe that money is to pay your bills so that you can get credit and live beyond your means. And rich people know that money is used to be create, to create more money. But at six, my mom gave me my first meaning of money. Every six years in my seven year pattern, I will have a trauma around money. It was when my dad stole $7,500 from me. It was when I had a hiccup in college and had to try to figure out if I was going to be able to keep my financial aid. It was when I graduated with more credit card debt than my average school person had. Student loan debt.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:36:49]:
It was when I was 30 years old, or yet 30, whatever that pattern was. When I had a quarter of a million dollars in credit card debt is when I was 34 years old and I was filing bankruptcy all because of money. And those are just two examples of the patterns that showed up in that first seven years. So once you identify the pattern, look at your Life in seven year increments and see how often that pattern shows up. Once you’ve identified the pattern, then you can actually radically dismantle the pattern by going back to the beliefs that created the pattern in the first place. You’re going to have to challenge the belief. You’re going to have to look for the evidence that the belief is in fact true, which there seldom is. Which then means you can create a new belief and rewires your subconscious mind to believe something different and allow that to become the new tape that plays.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:37:35]:
This is a lot of work. This is not the work people most want to do. What they want to do is they want to learn how to use AI to make more money instead of realizing that you won’t make more money even if you use AI if you believe that you don’t deserve it. Money flows away from those who believe there is a shortage of it. So if you say things like, I can’t afford it, that’s not in my budget. Why is it so expensive? You’re telling money that you are not worthy of it and it’s not coming to you because it’s an energy that is always moving. It never stops. But it starts with understanding the patterns that you hold and the beliefs that accompany them, and challenging those beliefs so that you can create a new truth, a new conviction, and therefore create a new belief and pattern.

George Bryant [00:38:22]:
Girl, I. Yep, yep. Okay, let’s go. And for all my sciency nerds, I’m gonna hit something she said. Because what tickled me so much, true is perspective, truth is principle, and these beliefs that we hold on to it. If, if you want to Google this, just google Schrodinger’s cat theory because it’s literally will break your brain in this. Because I’ll tell the story real quickly for everybody listening, but if I take two cats and I put them in a box with an aerosol poison and I close the box, the question is, are the cats alive or dead? And there is no answer. Because you don’t know until you open the box.

George Bryant [00:39:00]:
Because multiple truths can be true at the same time, but it’s the one that you choose to feed. And I literally above every toilet of every space that I have. And I mean we have like eight toilets, office, house. I have the quote of the old Cherokee talking to the grandson about the wolf of love and light and joy. And then the one of like anger, greed, and the grandson says, well, which one wins? And he says, whichever one you feed. Yeah, and I read that probably 400 times a day because of that perspective. And so that tickled on a way so, so deep and so deep. So I’m going to ask you a how question.

George Bryant [00:39:35]:
I don’t normally ask how questions, but that exercise of the 1 to 7, 8 to 14 and the patterns of beliefs, like I’m in. And the personal development coach of me from years ago is like, yes, yes, yes. Preach, preach, preach. Boom, boom, boom. And this lens of embodiment, right? Like it’s something that I just recorded a podcast on this. Like, the depth of your change comes down to the amount of reps that you do with the emotional intensity attached to it, right? Like when you really feel it, when you really believe it. And so when somebody is developing this new belief, right, that I don’t have to hustle and grind, that I don’t have to do these things, how do they go about actually embodying that? Like, how do you live in this? Like, how do you embody this and, and bring this into your ecosystem every day? Like, how do you make this a part of who you are?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:40:20]:
Daily surrender. Yeah. So you have to make the decision, right? So you decide first. I love the Emerson quote. I probably quote it at least once a week. Once you decide, all of the universe rearranges itself to bring you what you decided, right? So you decide first. And it sounds simple, although it’s not. Because as soon as you make a decision, all of the universe is rearranging itself.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:40:49]:
That’s the positive and negative forces. So you’ve decided, but the negative in you, the part of you that doesn’t really hold the belief that you’re worthy of it, starts to question and talk you out of it, right? And so you’re literally doing that devil and angel back and forth with whatever the decision is that you’ve made. But once you decide, you have to, and this is what trips people up, detach from the outcome. Because as the Bible says, God’s ways are higher than your ways. And if it is true, and it is that we operate from a vantage point, from your vantage point, which is always skewed, you likely will only see one, maybe two ways, three tops, of how to do anything. But when you surrender, when you hold the belief, you have decided that this is what you desire to bring into your life experience, you have fully convinced yourself that you are worthy and deserving of it. That is often a battle in, into itself. And then you detach from how it happens.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:41:54]:
The how is not your job is God’s. You just have to believe and not doubt and speak constantly over yourself, that this is your new reality. All the while doing the forgiveness work that must be done, forgiving yourself and forgiving anyone else that threatens to derail what it is that you say you desire to bring into your life experience and trust the process that it will happen. It will happen. It is, it’s daily, daily surrender. Because some days I surrender fully and other days I’m wearing, it’s the monkey on my back. Because fear is setting in, I’m worried or I’m looking at what I see and it is impacting what I decided. And there is a point in time with what you decided is not what you see, but you have to hold fast to that vision.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:42:48]:
You have to see it in order to see it so that you get to experience it. So even when it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen, holding the belief, speaking the belief, acknowledging, even acknowledging the fear. I like EFT emotional freedom technique. I love to tap. And when I feel fear over anything, I will get the karate chopping. Even though I’m afraid that I won’t realize my biggest dream. I love and appreciate myself. Even though right now I have no idea how this is going to happen.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:43:24]:
I believe it is true that this is coming into my life experience. It’s coming into my life experience like, you know, doing all the tapping wherever, literally. Because what happens is we free up space and capacity for what it is that we decided to actually show up and embody us. But when you make a decision, when you decide and you do not have capacity for your decision, your decision can’t show up. That’s where surrender comes in. We have to make space, make room, create. Allow for God to be God, right? What is the goal that takes God? If you can do it in and of your own strength, you’re not thinking big enough, right? And it’s. And when I say that takes God, I don’t mean that God is going to physically do it because he’s already given you the power to create whatever it is that you want.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:44:12]:
But that level of belief and imagination is so much bigger than you and what might be, quote unquote, humanly possible for you to actually accomplish.

George Bryant [00:44:24]:
And the space too. The space to even see it. Like, I was on a. I was on a call yesterday with some incredible clients and one of them dropped him with a story because he got tickled by what he said and he’s like, oh, it reminds me of that parable where the guy who’s drowning in the ocean and he. And he prays to God to ask him to come save him. And so he sends a boat, and the boat lowers the ladder and the guy’s like, no, thank you. I’m waiting for God. And then he sends a helicopter, and then he sends a whale, and then he drowns and he meets him and he’s like, what do you mean, I sent a boat, I sent a helicopter, I sent a whale.

George Bryant [00:44:53]:
Did you not see it? And that lesson in surrender is, Is one of the biggest ones because for me, the surrender was also radical. Self love and self acceptance.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:45:01]:

George Bryant [00:45:02]:
It’s from a place of humility, of like, wow, I don’t know how to get there yet, but I know that I can become that person or put in that work. But it’s also an act of choice. And one of my favorite quotes and I love in Isaiah, chapter 43:18 to 19, is like, as I continue to walk through an inhospitable, dangerous wilderness, constantly walking away from what was and walking towards what will be. It’s the walking part that I got stuck in for so long because it was this waiting. Yeah, waiting.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:45:34]:
Yeah. You can’t wait on God. He’s waiting on you. God will give you more when you’re moving than he ever will if you stand still. So you gotta be moving.

George Bryant [00:45:43]:
And what was that, what was that first one that you said that tickled before? God will let you live.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:45:47]:
God will let you live on whatever level you settle for. He’s a gentleman.

George Bryant [00:45:50]:
Oh, yeah. Can we unpack that one a bit?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:45:53]:
Sure, absolutely.

George Bryant [00:45:55]:
Yeah. I just want you to unpack it because just so everybody knows, right before we record, I’m like, hey, we want to start with desserts. Like, what tickles? And she spoke one to me and my whole body went into goosebumps. And I was like, here we go. And so God will let you live.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:46:07]:
On whatever level you settle for. Whatever level. Right. So God is a gentleman and we have free will. He’s not going to usurp his way into our lives, into our hearts, into the way that we operate as human beings. Right. This is how, for those of you, if you’re not a person who holds a belief in God, and I’m not necessarily talking about religion, but if you don’t believe that there’s a force in the universe that is greater than you, that’s your business. And even if you don’t believe it, it doesn’t make it not truth.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:46:39]:
And remember I said truth is principle. Right? So because God is a gentleman and because he’s not going to force himself on You. You get to decide, right? The Bible says in a couple of different places, the gist of being, you know, you can have what you say. Life and death is in the power of the tongue. If you delight yourself in the Lord, he’ll give you the desires of your heart. You can ask me and it will be given to you. You can seek me, and the door will be open for you, you know, or seek, and you will find. And knock on the door will be open.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:47:11]:
There are lots of indications in the Word that when you take the action, God meets your action with an action that produces what it is that you desire. And so you get to decide, right? That is why right now. And it’s, you know, some people, some people are going to think this is esoteric, but there are people right now who are choosing to be homeless. They’re choosing. They could get up and get a job. They have skills like they. They’re choosing. This is the way that they know to live.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:47:44]:
And therefore, that is the choice that they have made. And God will let them live on that level because that’s the one that they settled for. Just the same as there are people who have decided and chosen to live on the level of wealth and abundance. And guess what? God will let you live on that level too. Wherever you decide, you get to decide. That’s the beauty. That’s the beauty of being created in his image and likeness. You’re a God of the earth.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:48:11]:
You have the scripture, Genesis 1 in 26 through 28, let us make man in our image and likeness. Let us give him, you know, dominion over the birds and the trees and all of the things and the power to subdue. Subdue means you have the authority to call everything under your jurisdiction. You, you over there, you, you listening all the way back in the back. You riding in your really nice car right now. You in the Uber right now. You have the authority to call everything under your subjection. That’s your identity.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:48:48]:
But you get to choose whether or not you do that. And some of you, you are succumbing to the thing. Your money is funny, and you’ve decided that it will always be funny instead of figuring out how to make it not so funny, right? You’ve decided that that’s your choice. That’s your decision, and God will let you live. There.

George Bryant [00:49:11]:
I am. I feel like I’ve been to seven churches in the last hour, and I am so here for this. I am drenched in sweat right now. So I just thank you for all of these tickles. And I’m Nowhere near done. But I just, I. I have the most immense amount of gratitude for you and thank you. It’s so humbling to see how you see the world.

George Bryant [00:49:34]:
And it feels so validating for me, but also inspiring. Like, I. I have notes and notes and notes for me to jump into. And I. One of my favorite quotes that was ever given to me is that a student says, I already know, and a master says, thanks for the reminder. And I feel like you are just reminding me and reminding me and like, this is the greatest gift that I could ever receive. The fact that everybody gets to listen to this is. Is beyond, beyond my comprehension.

George Bryant [00:50:00]:
And I understand the gift of it for everybody. But like, just right now, I just wanted to stop for a moment and just say thank you genuinely, I appreciate it.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:50:09]:
I receive it all. And like, the one thing that I just want to say for everybody, I want to be very clear. I am. This is not. This is not about religion. This is about having a relationship with your creator. Just the same as you’re in a relationship with money. And some of you are in a thin line between love and hate relationship.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:50:33]:
And some of you are in a loving, affirming, edifying, safe relationship. You get to decide, I think that having. And it’s part of the reason why. It’s part of our framework, the Move to Millions Method spirituality. So when I. When I wrote my book last year, Move to Millions, which came out in November, we. Our Move to Millions method was five pillars. Strategy, Sales System, Support, Success, mindset.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:51:02]:
Well, as we were coming into the new year and I was going deeper into everything, I realized that success mindset is really broad. And so we broke it into three pillars. So now we have Strategy, Sales system, Support, success mindset, Spirituality, and self care. And the reason we broke out spirituality, which is bold, which is disruptive. I mean, in business, who does that, right? I do, because I’m bold and I’m unapologetic and I’m unafraid to meet somebody where they are and to show them a perspective that might help them. It’s not about getting you to go to church, even though I know George keeps saying we’re going to church. Talking about the feeling that is created in the space. I’m not necessarily talking about the physical building.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:51:44]:
Listen, I don’t even go to church. I don’t go to a physical building. It’s about building a relationship that allows you to understand the principles. God is principled. And when you operate and understand his principles, then you get everything that is entitled for you to experience inside of your life. I don’t know about you. I’ve heard the story of the, you know, the person gets to heaven and the angels walking them around and takes them into this room. And this room has all of these gifts in it.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:52:12]:
And he’s like, well, what is this? And he says, these are all of the gifts that you want that we wanted to give you while you were on earth, but you didn’t line up to get them. I want mine all right? Now. I want it now, when I can enjoy it, when I can know that I know that I am excited, experiencing a blessing. And so in order to do that, I’ve made the decision personally to operate in accordance to the principles that God established in the Bible. Basic print or what is it? Basic instructions before leaving earth. Right. I don’t believe necessarily that it has to be a book that is looked on religiously. I think it is a book that is used in religion.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:52:55]:
But I think that it is a book that gives you a clear strategy for how to navigate the world. Because it’s rough out there. Yeah, right. I was going to say it’s rough out there for a pimp, but we’re not pimps. But you know, like, it’s rough out there. It. There are a lot of things happening that we cannot explain. Right.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:53:16]:
I’m a black woman there. I don’t have children. But every time my husband is leaving the house and going somewhere, I am praying that he does not get pulled over because I don’t know if the cop who stops him is going to see a black person and feel fear and get trigger happy. Because it happens. That’s the reality. Right. And as a result of that anchoring into something greater than me, knowing that every step that I take has been ordered and is preordained, it gives me a level of solace that allows me to navigate in confidence because my connection is strong. And that means I don’t need to worry.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:54:00]:
I can just show up and show out. I can just enter and occupy. I can just take it up space. I don’t have to spend my time and energy worrying about something that I don’t ever have to be concerned about because of who I am and whose I am, because of the relationship that I chose to be in. And it governs everything. It’s why I talk about it in business now. People always ask, do you work with people who don’t believe in God? Yes, I do. And it’s not like if you don’t believe in God, I won’t Work with you.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:54:29]:
I mean, I try everything by my level of spirit and discernment. And if I feel like we could be good together, then I would invite you to hire me. But it has to feel good. It has to be a win, win, win. I know how you’re going to win. I need to know that I’m going to win, too, if we work together, because this is my legacy that I’m creating. And so it’s important to me that I have these conversations, even though they might be uncomfortable, even though it might make people slide in my DMs and say mean and hurtful things, because that happens. But I can’t be concerned about that.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:55:01]:
I don’t have time for that. I got too much of the planet to shake. And my mission to shake the planet is far greater than your mission to be unhappy with me as I do. And just what you think, what people think of me just is not my business. I don’t have time for that. And it. But it’s a. It’s a personal decision, and we all get to make it.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:55:22]:
And I can respect the decision that you make about yourself, even if I would have made a different one. So I don’t have to be in judgment.

George Bryant [00:55:29]:
I just also want to call out, like, we’ve been talking about embodiment. But one of the things that I say, people and I just gave a. I just gave a keynote in San Diego, and I said, you know, a lot of people listening to this are going to literally ask me and be convinced that you’re here for me to tell you what to think or what to do. But you should look at how we think and how we be. And I just want to say this for everybody listening, like, the amount of undertone underneath here has been summarized so well from you, but your entire state of being is embodiment. There’s personal development, there’s values, there’s principles, there’s focus, there’s standards. They’re understanding that we’re what we tolerate, right? And your distinctions and the way that you break them down, I also love it because it sucks all the oxygen out of the excuses. And it doesn’t matter which path you take.

George Bryant [00:56:16]:
And if you’re in the world of abundance or scarcity, she hits it, too. It’s, you have to be grateful for what you have. You can’t allow outside toxins or poisons to taint your view because it changes what your brain sees. And all you see is limitations. And so, like, for everybody listening to this, like, this is one of those like, listen three times and have notebooks galore. But I also want to call out what Darnyelle said in the beginning of, like, allow this to serve you. Like, the worst thing this can become is shelf help. And I know there’s tickles happening, right? And those tickles are not interruptions.

George Bryant [00:56:48]:
They’re invitations. They’re an invitation to surrender. They’re an invitation to look. They’re an invitation to go deeper and. And really understand that at the end of the day. And it doesn’t matter which path. And. And.

George Bryant [00:56:59]:
And I love. And. And here’s why. And I’m just going to break the fourth wall. You speak about God and your relationship and God and God in a way that I’ve. I’m still learning how. And. And I’m.

George Bryant [00:57:11]:
I’m blessed that I’ve got to be on the receiving end of this, because it’s a muscle for me, and it’s. It’s a new one, you know, for me. But, like, you, your embodiment of all of this, just literally inspires the ever living life out of me. Like, I literally feel like taking over the world right now.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:57:28]:

George Bryant [00:57:29]:
In such a powerful, powerful way. And, like, this is a permission slip for everybody, myself included. Like, you have to take up space, you have to hold a vision, and you have to understand. And the reason I use a branding of a lighthouse in my business is because my favorite lighthouse quote is, lighthouses give light because giving light is its nature. It’s not interested in who gets it.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:57:52]:

George Bryant [00:57:53]:
But the oldest standing lighthouse has been in operation for almost 1300 years, and it’s only been turned off twice to go from whale blubber to kerosene and kerosene. Kerosene to electricity. But that thing was built for an eternity. And I can see you, girl, building a foundation on a castle that literally stands the test of time. And to also see you embodied in it. And it. It’s not even a question. It’s just a.

George Bryant [00:58:18]:
Oh, it’s already here. It just keeps getting bigger. And when it shows up, it’s just going to be more and more and more. And so even for everybody, you know, listening to this, like, I’m gonna do this right now because I. I will be like, whatever you do listening to this, you better surround yourself with this powerhouse of a woman, and I mean everywhere, and myself included, because I had the gift of meeting her today, and this will be the beginning of. Of many, many things. But your podcast is the Move to Millions podcast, right?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:58:48]:

George Bryant [00:58:50]:
Because I was gonna be like, oh, let’s Send people to Instagram. No, no, no, no. This needs to be heard. This needs to be felt. This needs to be embodied. And the way that you deliver it, it’s like I watch God standing behind your back and just pushing the words out that literally tickle straight to the core. And they are the most precise surgical instruments that hit and tickle at every point. And you also give people the tools and distinctions to borrow belief in themselves until they have it on their own.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:59:22]:

George Bryant [00:59:22]:
To be able to get to work and the, the breakdowns and the, the exercise on paper and understanding these is really how you love yourself. It’s really loving yourself enough to look and be like, wow, I can adjust this. I can be better. I can live in a different way. I can have a bigger belief of myself. I can accept and surrender that I’m perfect, whole and complete as I am. And I might accept that I want to be a Tom Brady of a football player, but that doesn’t mean I know how to throw the ball yet. But I’m still capable as long as I see myself as whole and complete.

George Bryant [00:59:58]:
And, like, I’m beyond moved, like, and beyond grateful, like, just for you, even sharing this space, like, this feels like sacred air to me and for everybody about the church thing, I, I literally, I feel like I am you in a short white body, right? Like, just a few years younger, 5, 7, on a good day, with a Mohawk. But, like, I am, I am in that. And, like, for me, church is anywhere where there’s space for me to be connected to God.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:00:24]:
Oh, yeah.

George Bryant [01:00:24]:
And for me, that’s why I live in Montana. I go take ice baths and glacier water. And I’ll tell you, God speaks really quick. In 33 degree moving, he would have.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:00:33]:
Water because I don’t think I would be able to stay out there for very long. So you would have to speak fast.

George Bryant [01:00:39]:
And she’s like, all right, boy, you stay in Montana with your June snowstorms. And, like, keep it, keep it automated.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:00:44]:
You can have all of that. This. Thank you. I just want to say thank you. I receive it, I appreciate it. It. These are words that I need to hear for myself. I think often people believe that when you are a me, that you know the power that you hold for other people.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:01:00]:
It never gets old to hear someone else edify me and mirror back to me what I’ve given to them. So thank you. I receive it. I appreciate it. Thank you.

George Bryant [01:01:09]:
I, I, I’ll tell you right now, God put it on my heart because you have a volume knob And I have every intention on turning it up. Up. Like, every intention on turning it up. And for everybody, like, command the space and take it. Because the thing is, is that when your intention is pure, you’re supposed to take up as much space as possible. And the reason we lose is because people with unpure intentions take up the space. And one of the things I said to people at my event, and I’m going to say this to everybody on the podcast, and this was a private conversation, but you need to wake up because only people with light doubt themselves. And every time you do, darkness gains an inch because the darkness never doubts itself.

George Bryant [01:01:48]:
Yeah, only the light does. And that’s this game. That’s this game of standing for people. The world is screaming for heart centered light leaders to wake up. And leadership is not passive, it’s active. And I’m saying this publicly. This is what it looks like. And not from me.

George Bryant [01:02:07]:
I. I’ve been taken to church today on places where I’ve allowed my volume knob to be turned down, where I’ve had fear of things. And even at the event, right? Like, at the event, I’m the first one awake and the last one asleep because I’m there to serve people.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:02:20]:
But yeah, same thing.

George Bryant [01:02:21]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:02:22]:
Same thing. Events. Yeah.

George Bryant [01:02:23]:
Two 2:00am Firesides. And then I go to sleep and I’m like, can’t sleeping. Because I’m like, did I say it okay? And I like, had to check in with God and I was like, no, no, my heart is pure. And then a couple days later, like, I’m so glad that you said what you said. But God, I people to know if you’re listening to this, send her words of praise and affirmation. Because for me, the doubt gets darker and deeper the louder and louder we get. And the more we hear it, the more we know and we live in our truth. But somebody has to say it.

George Bryant [01:02:54]:
And it’s our job to take that stand. Like, that’s what leadership looks like. And so I am just. I’m humbled by you. Like, in. In so many ways, I am humbled by you. And I thank you so much.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:03:04]:
Thank you. All right. I appreciate that. Again, I can’t. I can’t speak it enough. And it’s interesting that you just talked about, you know, when you’re hosting your events. I have, we do an event every May called Move to Millions. And similarly, like I am right now, I’m in the throes of beginning the process of really unearthing everything that I’m going to teach this year, all new content, totally new focus, and how we are presenting to the people that are coming from all over the world to come and hang out with us for three and a half days.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:03:36]:
So I get it, I feel it. I definitely appreciate everything that you’re saying.

George Bryant [01:03:42]:
Yeah. And trust me, we’ll. We’ll have a side talk after because I’m like, anything I can do to support you. You have a warrior in your corner and access to anything that I have, anyone I know, anything I do, because I. I will help you turn this up. And so. Okay, so first, Move to Millions podcast. Where’s the best place for people to find that?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:04:01]:
Yeah, if you just go to move to it’s a page that has all things Move to Millions on it. So my book, my planner, my podcast, the event, our mastermind, everything is right there. Plus you can also find me on Instagram and all the plates.

George Bryant [01:04:14]:
Yeah, yeah, and we’ll make sure. And I’m going to have all of those things linked. And I’m saying this aggressively, like, if anything tickled today, you have my permission to stop listening to my podcast if she serves you better if that tickles you. Because this is a game of abundance and rising tides rise all ships and wherever you pick up the message and wherever it tickles your soul. But girl, I will say I call it church because you know how to speak to my soul.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:04:38]:
So, like, listen, I. And I don’t have a problem with you calling it church. Right. I. I get it.

George Bryant [01:04:43]:
Oh, I know, I know. I appreciate the distinction.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:04:45]:
I just, I like to say that because I know, you know, taking on the, the call and the mantle to be very forth with about God. Right. It’s. It’s who I am. I’m very unapologetic about it. I know that that naturally makes people uncomfortable because they have their own trauma from Christianity. They, I mean, they. You know, I was in Church at 23 when my first ex fiance got an older trustee in my church pregnant and my pastor didn’t say anything about it.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:05:12]:
You know, I know a lot of people who have experienced hurt in and around church and they are. Some of them have become agnostic to God. Some of them are atheists. Some of them are not. Like they’re in a permanently backslidden state. Right. They’re just not interested because they let man flower their relationship with God. And that’s why I keep saying relationship and not religion, because man will mess up.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:05:38]:
That’s what religion is. It’s man made. There was no religion in Genesis, Right. That all that stuff came later. That’s. That’s man creating division and all of that. That’s not. It was never God’s intent for you.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:05:54]:
And so understanding that, that difference is why I say it. And I. I use spirituality on purpose. Like, you know, I’ve had so many people say, well, why don’t you say Christian? And, you know, aren’t you called to Christians? I am not called to Christians. I’m called to people who desire to experience abundance financially and spiritually in their life because of their business. I teach spiritual principles, principles that are found in the Bible and other religious and spiritual text because it’s all principles, but I’m not called to one or the other. I love people of faith, and I also love people who aren’t of faith because if they are open, I can show them a reality that shifts the trajectory of the rest of their lineage. Just because they were willing to consider the feasibility that there might be another way.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:06:50]:
And doing it in concert with a spiritual focus might be the game change that they really needed in order to live their best life.

George Bryant [01:06:59]:
And if it wasn’t for people like you, I wouldn’t have a relationship with God because of the darkness that I lived through and saw as a marine and in life. And so it’s because nobody made me wrong and they loved me through the process. And they didn’t use their words. They use their state of being to show me what unconditional love was like.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:07:20]:
Yeah, absolutely.

George Bryant [01:07:21]:
And after enough safety nets were thrown underneath me with the most loving presence and peace as ever, and the one thing they all had in common was their relationship with God, I decided to finally love and accept my father and realize I’ve been running from him my whole life. And so your perspective is also extremely validating and empowering in so many ways. And. And the way that I’ll say it is. And I’ll tell everybody this openly, you know, everything that you shared, every story, the bankruptcies, the monies, the. All of it, the cycles. Like, it’s literally like I was listening to my own life.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:07:58]:
Yeah, I get that a lot.

George Bryant [01:08:00]:
Yeah. And how it was tickled back into me is my father. He was five. Yeah, well, my son was five. He just walked home one day, and we saw a dead animal. And he asked me to pray. And I was like, okay. And then an hour later, my song started.

George Bryant [01:08:17]:
My son started singing a song that was played in the youth group’s basement where I would hide when I was homeless. But they never judged me. They never made Me bad and wrong. And they were like, do you want to have a sleepover? And it just magically showed up. And then I went to my masseuse and of all people, and I don’t know where this came from. I was walking into my massage and it felt called to my heart. And I said, are you a man of faith? And he said, yes. Can you pray with me? And he put his hands on my shoulders and he just prayed for 30 minutes and knew nothing about me.

George Bryant [01:08:49]:
And I literally destroyed his carpet with tears.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:08:53]:
I love it.

George Bryant [01:08:53]:
And he looked me dead in the eye. And the only thing he ever said to me, he said, just remember, the only testimony you ever want to mimic was Jesus Christ state of being. And that relationship is between you and him. And it. And it changed my entire life. Like, my entire life. And so thank you for giving me a permission slip on my own podcast to articulate in a way that I haven’t been able to with surgical precision of words that I’ve struggled to find about my relationship and. And how I feel in a way that I don’t think I could have articulated it so well.

George Bryant [01:09:28]:
And so this was a gift for me.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:09:30]:
You are so welcome. This has been amazing, and I’m so grateful that we had this opportunity to connect and to really connect. So.

George Bryant [01:09:39]:
To really connect. So I do have one final question, and I love. I love asking this question, and I’m ready for this one, so. And by the way, I also appreciate that you and I see the world identically the same without having to say anything about it either. And there’s just this knowing. But in the Men in Black movie, they always flash people’s memory and make them forget everything that was there. And so I say, imagine that everybody listening forgot absolutely everything that was said. But in this moment, you have the ability to tattoo any wisdom on their soul that they will take with them forever.

George Bryant [01:10:10]:
What would your tattoo wisdom be?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:10:12]:
Yeah, you are worthy and you do deserve it. Now go get it.

George Bryant [01:10:20]:
Straight where it belongs. You are worthy, you deserve it. And go get it. And as you go get it, and it doesn’t matter which one of us, know that you have two teammates in your corner as long as you pick up the phone. So whether it’s me, whether it’s her, or whether it’s somebody else, surround yourself with like minded people who can see you and support you getting there because you got a mission. You have a big impact to be had. And the more of us that support each other, the more everybody in the world wins. And so I Am just so grateful we will be doing this again at some point.

George Bryant [01:10:53]:
I’m just throwing that out into the ether right now. Yeah, I welcome it, too. And so for everybody listening, this has been another episode of the Mind of George show, where I still believe parts of it belong in a straight jacket, but we share the safest parts with you. And our incredible guest took us to church and helped articulate so many more things today. But I will leave you with this reminder. And she said it at the very beginning. Allow anything that landed here today to be the. The invitation to pick up the phone and give it a chance, because what’s the worst that could happen? Oh, that’s right.

George Bryant [01:11:25]:
Only good things when you try it. And so anything that tickled, whether it’s the exercise on the paper, whether it’s being unapologetic about your beliefs, whether it’s releasing old ones, whether it’s stepping into your power and using your voice like you, pick one. But pick one and use it today, because that will plant the seed for everything to follow. And this is a state of being and actions that we get to take, because it’s when we walk, it’s when we implement these things that we make, and we are the difference. And the more you live this way, the more you embody this, the faster you will see everything conspiring in your favor and benefit to bring you more. And so here. This is a. This is a re.

George Bryant [01:12:05]:
Listen. This is a Take notes. This is going down as one of those in the archives getting moved up to the top 10 podcasts that I will be recommending to everybody. And I recommend you listen to it the same. And so go in the show notes, make sure you connect with her. Make sure you go check out the pod. You pick whatever modality tickles, whether it’s her book or her journal or anything, but take it, put it into practice, and we will see you guys in the next episode. Or you’ll either hear me in your ear balls, but either way, we’re out.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:12:33]:
Was it good for you? Oh, my goodness. I listened back to this powerful conversation in preparation to do this rewind episode, and I was literally sitting here shaking my head. The reason why I want you guys to hear these conversations that I get to have on other people’s podcast is because it hits different when you are the interviewee versus the interviewer, when I am responding. Those of you who are familiar with human design, I am a manifester. I think. I think I’m a. I’m a generator. I’m a generator.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:13:05]:
I’M a generator and my cue. I’m probably getting the language all wrong, so correct me if you know human design is to respond. So I am really good at responding. Like I’m creative and I’m visionary and I do come up with ideas on my own. But I am brilliant when I am responding to a question. And if you’ve ever had the opportunity to participate in an ask me anything call or just be sitting in the space when someone is asking me a powerful question, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. And so being able to listen back to this conversation with George on his podcast and listening to all the amazing questions he asked and the answers that I gave, I know I just gave you your whole life. And remember, God will let you live on whatever level you settle for.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:13:53]:
So I encourage you again as we go into this new year, 2025, I’m calling it the Year of Big. We look at spiritual cues. The Catholics consider 2025 to be the year of the breath of God. The Hebrew calendar considers 2025 to be the year of Jubilee. I believe that it is the year of Big. Big things are happening. God is about to do something big. Something big is about to happen and the bigness of who you are is required to show up front and center in the marketplace.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:14:29]:
That is why I want you to join me for Scale With Grace. We’ve primed and positioned this episode so that you get to listen to it before we host Scale with grace on December 30, 2024 so that you walk into 2025 in the big energy that is waiting for you. BIG being the acronym that stands for being Integrity because we are in a trust economy. And Grace because there’s so much power in operating in the gratitude, resilience, abundance and alignment, confidence and capacity and embodiment of the bigness of who God called you to be. I can’t wait to see you for scale with grace. grace I’ll see you guys next time. Take care. Thank you for joining me for the Move to Millions podcast.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:15:21]:
If this episode has impacted you in any way, would you please take a moment and rate and review? Doing so helps us to deepen our impact and expand our reach around the world. And if you are ready to start your very own Move to Millions, I highly recommend that you order your very own copy of my brand new best selling book, Move to Millions the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. You can get your copy and our bonuses today at movetomillions. until next time. Remember, millions are your birthright, and to access them, you need only move. I’ll see you next time.
