God Girl | Award-Winning Business Growth Strategist | Multi-Millionaire Business Mentor | Money Mindset Mentor | Disruptor | Multi-Million Dollar CEO | International Speaker | Best Selling Author | Podcast Host | Inc. 5000 CEO
Award-Winning Business Growth Strategist
Millionaire Business Mentor | Disruptor
Million Dollar CEO | International Speaker
Best Selling Author | Podcast Host
God Girl
“Darnyelle” means the secret place where dreamers go to dream.
From day one, I have been a Belief Barrier Breaker – defying the odds and breaking the chains of my ancestors. I was born to drug addicted parents. I typically describe my life as chaotic at best.

When I was six years old, I learned the story surrounding my birth. And while I couldn’t quite comprehend it, one thing was clear: I was born with a purpose. You see, the doctors were sure that if I survived at all, I wouldn’t experience life like most. And yet, there has never been anything cognitively wrong with me.
When I was 8 years old, my mom’s home was raided and my mom was taken to jail. I was immediately mad at the world. How was I going to live without my mother? My dad did his best to make a home for me but I couldn’t shake my desire to be mad at the world. When I was in the 5th grade, I learned my purpose through the help of my teacher and savior Mrs. Dixon. Mrs. Dixon didn’t see an angry black girl, she saw a child with promise and purpose and she stewarded that purpose and taught me about the power of my words. Through an introduction to a journal, my life, which was chaotic at best, suddenly made sense and I realized that my purpose was clear:
to use words to change the lives of others.
And I set on a path to consume words with such a passion because I knew that one day, many lives would depend on the words I would speak.
The Irony? I used to get in trouble for talking too much in class and now I use my words to deliver and set free.
I never saw myself as an entrepreneur. I was going to be a business woman though, of that I was sure. I saw business women as game changers, commanding with confidence and solving problems. For me, that vision was personified during my corporate career. Within 3 years, I progressed from an entry level representative to a Vice President all because I used words to change lives at an Officer meeting. I was promoted to Personal Banking Officer in 1999, and was immediately asked to share my story at an upcoming officer meeting. As it turned out, the CEO of the company was in the building and after hearing me speak, he requested I meet him in his office on the following Monday. When I arrived, he told me I was promoted and that he needed me out front speaking on behalf of the company. He went on to say that if he could bottle my natural gift of speaking, he’d be wealthy in an entirely different industry! From that moment on I started to travel on behalf of the company speaking to groups about banking, fraud and credit cards. I once had an FBI agent tell me that I gave the most stirring talk ever on credit cards and I inspired him to look at his whole life differently!

of plans
I continued on in my career, getting promoted each year learning more and more about business and I honestly thought I would retire from the bank. I’d collect my gold watch or whatever they were offering at the time, but God had other plans.
I still remember December 17, 2004 like it was yesterday. That was the day that I realized that I wasn’t born to sit behind someone else’s desk. That night, God wouldn’t let me sleep. I woke very clear that it was my last day at my job. I like to call it my “Keith Sweat Moment” because something just wasn’t right. As I drove to work and entered the parking lot, the knot in my stomach became a lump in my throat. By the time I got to my desk, it was clear what I had to do – I typed a quick resignation letter and began to pack up my desk. I didn’t have a plan, I moved because God told me to. And I never looked back.

Once I quit my “good job,” I was focused on figuring out how I was going to live my purpose. And while I waited, I ran my Mary Kay business. I found Mary Kay after a devastating life experience which I will share more about later. A good friend invited me to a skin care class to cheer me up. I not only bought everything they put on my face, I decided to start a business too. Since I had quit my job, I now had time to devote to learning the game. And in the 5 months after leaving my job, I picked up my first of two pink Cadillacs. For the next two and a half years, I was a Mary Kay Cosmetics Independent Sales Director. During my tenure, I helped five women build their own units. And every week, I held my own unit meetings and spoke to the customers and beauty consultants, inspiring them and we grew our own unit to 500 people in less than a year. I went on to become the most improved unit in the state of Delaware and the #5 unit in my national area. The next year, I was number one and it was great, until it wasn’t.
I realized I had done it again (my “Britney Spears moment”, as I call it). I had traded one desk for another and it was then that I decided to send my car back to the company and start what is today Incredible One Enterprises.
I had a dream on the night of September 30, 2007 (as we finished our 2nd pink Cadillac) and in it I saw myself walking into a massive building that had a marquee that read Incredible One Enterprises. The moment I woke, I began sitting with that vision and deciding what exactly it would mean and what it was to be.
I’m not gonna lie, I had visions of grandeur. Of literally shaking the planet. But I initially fell short.

ramen noodles and
The early years of Incredible One were nothing to marvel at, they were filled with disappointments, debt, bankruptcy and mass confusion. I found myself eating ramen noodles and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for 18 months while I tried my best not to end up living in my Chevy Equinox. I held fast to that dream though as I struggled to figure out how to maintain in the face of much struggle and adversity. I started to feel like I misheard God and was not supposed to be building this business.
I felt like a failure.
Against my better judgment and desire, I even ended up going back to work. That job was ordained by God – I ran a women’s business center.
Again, the irony that I, who couldn’t excel in her own business, was helping others establish theirs? And I was good, too – growing the program and outcomes by 68% in the two years I was there. I got to test market my new marketing course too, which was a big hit. I also learned what I didn’t start my own business knowing and as a result, when I left at the end of 2010, I was better and stronger.
I was incredible.
(this time for keeps)
My first day full-time was January 1, 2011 in my own company. In every way I was focused on running a business that served me. I hired my first team member and we were off to the races. My client count grew – from ten to twenty to nearly one hundred and I started holding live events that allowed me to combine my two loves – speaking with building community. It only took 3 years full-time to cross the million dollar mark in my own business. And the best part is that I am much closer to that marquee!
And today, I make it my mission to help others do the same in less time than it took me whenever I can. Our clients grow their businesses by 200% or more in a year and move further up the Move to Millions Continuum and I, I couldn’t feel more grateful and excited to serve them.

my personal
I love to dance.
No matter where I am, if music comes on, I’m moving. There is something energizing about hearing a beat! My favorite music is old school R & B and Gospel. I don’t know how to twerk, unless you call what I do twerking (it’s more painful than exhilarating.)
ALTHOUGH I PROBABLY LOOK LIKE I LOVE BEING THE LIFE OF THE PARTY, I’d much rather be in a quiet nook reading a book.
My gift is a funny thing. It’s not for me, it’s for the world. So to give the gift that is my purpose, I show up big. When I don’t have to be “on” you can find me curled up with a good book learning something else that can help me to shake the planet.
I got a perfect verbal SAT score.
Most people think I am exaggerating when I say this, but nope. I love words and I wanted to know all of them. I also read a new book each week to continue to enhance my vocabulary.
I was a late bloomer, I got married 5 days before my 42nd birthday.
Now, don’t get it twisted, I had been engaged 3 times before my husband. But each time, it just didn’t “feel” right. The first ex-fiance being the most cataclysmic experience – 3 months before our wedding he confessed that he had gotten an older woman in our church pregnant. Yeah. The bottom fell out of my life in a good way and it was then that I decided to get to know the lover of my soul for real. Since then, my relationship with God has been amazing and when I was willing to wait for the one He sent for me, I met and married my husband.
all my own
One of the things you’ll hear my clients say over and over is “Darnyelle is in a lane all her own.”
I love hearing this. I didn’t know how I was going to show up fully as myself and inspire people to build their companies, but I knew who did – God. I was initially apprehensive to combine my faith in God with my work. I was afraid of offending people and it wasn’t what the marketplace did. I realized something powerful – I didn’t have to choose; I could love God and make millions.

I decided to take the road less traveled and that has made all the difference. Today, I am the CEO of a business transformation company that wins awards for combining spiritual principles with business growth strategy. If you ask me, God is my real Incredible Factor® – every moment I spend alone in His presence, my confidence increases and my decision to take a bold stand for Him warms my soul.

My secret sauce is helping business owners leverage + scale their businesses while deepening their faith and connection to God. The whole reason we did one million dollars in three days in 2014 was because I decided to take a bold stance for God. He promised to make it easy.
And, He did.
From our humble beginnings of a hand-full of clients to serving hundreds of clients every year, I am fully convinced that introducing our clients to the Model of Financial and Spiritual Abundance™ was the best decision I could ever make.
And we are just getting started. Now, we have millions on our mind – helping millions of people through serving each and every client to Next Level Everything in their life and business.