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Ep 260 – Your Financial Management Team’s Starting Line Up


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“Your financial management team is essential to you scaling and sustaining a 7-figure business.”  Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

Can I be honest?  If you have millions on your mind and you want them to enter and run through your bank accounts, you’re going to need to assemble your financial management team.  If you haven’t yet, trust me I get it.  When I first started my Mary Kay business, right out of corporate America, I kept a spreadsheet with everything I thought I needed to know.  That’s the thing though, I didn’t know what I didn’t know, and I am 100% positive that delayed my own move to and beyond the million-dollar mark.  You see, I made this decision based on the way I saw money – money is private and you keep it to yourself. 

Once I got audited the first time and ended up having to pay more than I desired in taxes because of the errors I made, I knew it was time to call in the professionals. I started with a bookkeeper and tax preparer and today I have a full-blown team supporting my business financially.  In this episode, I share exactly who is in my financial management team’s starting line up with you.

It’s true, money is personal for many; however, keeping your misaligned beliefs and blocks to yourself will mess with your money and delay your move to millions.  It’s time to dive deep into the essential components of a robust financial management team for entrepreneurs and small business owners ready to scale and sustain a 7 figure+ company. If you’re a millions-minded entrepreneur looking to scale your business, this episode is for you. I break down the key players you need on your financial management team, the roles they play, and the optimal times to bring them on board. Tune in to learn actionable insights that will help you manage your finances effectively, ensure sustainable growth, and position your business for long-term success.

As I say every time I am talking about money and financial management, I recommend that you listen  to this episode from your vision point and not your vantage point so that you can hear how to steward your business so that it becomes a wealth stream for your financial legacy.

Millions don’t just happen; they are planned for strategically and financial management is at the top of the list. Your business’ financial health is tied to your financial management so grab your Move to Millions Podcast notebook and listen in to discover:

  • The importance of a structured financial management team
  • The 7 essential financial management team members and when to add them to the roster
  • What your financial management cadence should be to build a strong financial foundation
  • And so much more

Powerful Quotes During the Episode:

“In an ideal scenario, you want a team where bookkeepers support accountants and accountants support your CFO. That’s going to change the game in your financial management team.”

“You will not make it to the million-dollar mark if you don’t have cash flow and resources to invest. It takes money to make more money because you’re going to have to invest in places that will elevate and accelerate how long it takes for you to get to the next money milestone.”

“Your bookkeeper is not a strategist; they are just going to report on what happened in your business. As you have that information, you can then share it with your certified public accountant or your accountant.”

“A wise man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children. Your estate attorney is going to help with that.”

“Financial management is a key system. It’s why it’s one of the seven systems to seven figures because it is a big part of you being able to get your business to the next level and having the cash you need in order to fund the life that you crave.”

“If you are an entrepreneur who is committed to building a seven-figure business, you’ve got to have the right team of professionals around you. And that team of professionals starts with your financial management team.” – Darnyelle Harmon

“At the bare minimum, every entrepreneur needs to have a bookkeeper. Bookkeeping is a $200 task. You should never be doing your own bookkeeping as the CEO of your company.” – Darnyelle Harmon

“Every entrepreneur needs to have a certified public accountant, a CPA. Your CPA is going to help you to do some deeper analysis in terms of your financials.” – Darnyelle Harmon

“A tax strategist is going to help you to look at how you can reduce your tax outlay legally, how you can make some adjustments to your entity so that you’re paying the least amount of money in taxes as possible.” – Darnyelle Harmon

“Once you cross the million dollar mark, you’re going to need to have a CFO in place. A CFO is going to help you to forecast, they’re going to help you to look at trends, they’re going to help you to make some decisions strategically.” – Darnyelle Harmon

“As you continue to grow, it is imperative that you are making decisions based on data. And that’s what your CFO is going to be able to help you to do.” – Darnyelle Harmon

“We believe that as an entrepreneur, when you marry spiritual principles with business growth strategy, you win.” – Darnyelle Harmon

Resources Mentioned:

  • Move to Millions by Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon – Get Your Copy
  • Companion Guide for Move to Millions – Download for a detailed overview of the seven systems to seven figures.
  • Join the Move to Millions Facebook Group for ongoing support and community engagement – Join Now
  • Move to Millions 90-Day Business Growth Planner – Get Your Planner

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Darnyelle [00:00:00]:
In an ideal scenario, you want a team where bookkeepers support accountants and accountants support your CFO. That’s going to change the game in your financial management team. You’re listening to the Move to Millions Podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, the place to be for high level conversations about all things millions. Your mission, mindset, methodologies, mandate, movement, messaging, marketing, metrics, and most definitely your money. I am your host, spiritual business growth coach, Dr. Darnyelle J. Harmon. Join me each week for inspiring stories, powerful interviews and business growth strategy to help you experience abundance in your life. Because of your business, if you’re ready to move to your next level, everything let’s get this party started.

Darnyelle [00:00:54]:
Welcome back to another episode on the Move to Millions Podcast. Listen if this is your very first time listening, first I just want to say welcome. I am so excited that you are here and I already know that this will not be the last. I use this powerful Podcast as my personal journal sometimes on what it takes to make, move and ultimately position yourself in your business to leave millions. So if this is your first time here, a couple of things I want you to know. This is technically a business Podcast, but I believe that life and business are congruent and I believe that you cannot have a booming business when you have a busted life. So I will talk about topics that impact our most ideal clients, service based entrepreneurs that are generating income on the Move to Millions Continuum that want to build a business that serves them financially and spiritually to and beyond the million dollar mark. Now I highly recommend that if you are new around here, you go back and you listen to the episode where I break down the Move to Millions Continuum them.

Darnyelle [00:02:02]:
I’ll tag it in the show notes for you. I am the absolute best at combining spiritual principles with business growth strategy that focuses on real business. None of this online business versus brick and mortar business business, period. We get into the things that don’t matter what kind of business you have. So whether you are selling products or you are a service based business like our clients, you will get value from this very, very powerful show. Because I focus on real business and it doesn’t matter what kind of business you have, I have the receipts to back up what we’re able to do. I once made over a business that sold feminine hygiene spray. I gave the business owner a million dollar play because I understand business.

Darnyelle [00:02:50]:
I just want you to understand that. And with the receipts that we have over the last 13 years we have worked with thousands of entrepreneurs at every level. My business has grown and as my business has grown, so has the caliber of our clients. And at our live event that I recently held in May, just 20 clients who came up on the stage had a combined gross revenue of 233.1 million that they’ve earned. Since they came into connection with me and my methodology, we have helped 45 entrepreneurs and small business owners cross the million dollar mark for the very first time and 25 next million Dollar CEO’s achieve their next million dollars through working in our move to millions method, which is our signature framework. I also recommend that you take a listen to that episode. There’s a 2.0 that I launched this season after coming out with my book late last year. Move to millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustling grind.

Darnyelle [00:03:57]:
And before we jump into today’s episode, which is going to be juicy, good for you, can you do me a favor and just take a moment to rate and review this Podcast? Doing so will help us to get further out into the world. We are currently in 133 countries around the world. I want to be in all the countries around the world. I know this movement and this way. My way of looking at business is refreshing and it invites you to be the version of yourself that gives you the most immense amount of joy and gratitude. More people need this message and they will if you rate and review. If you haven’t left a review in the while, do me a favor and share what you love about today’s episode. And lastly, if when the episode is over you wish we could hang out more, then I’ve got a powerful free online community where we can continue the conversation.

Darnyelle [00:04:47]:
If you go to move to, you can join us in our Move to Millions Facebook group. Now, in today’s episode, I’m answering a question that I happen to get a lot. My DM’s have been popping. So if as you listen, a question pops up that you’d love for me to explore on the Podcast, listen. I’m happy to. I love getting questions. Before I started the Move to Millions Podcast, I used to host incredible Factor TV. Some of my OG listeners will remember Incredible Factor TV.

Darnyelle [00:05:17]:
And during incredible Factor TV every week for seven years, I answered a question from someone in our community. That was the whole show. That was a Podcast. Before I knew that there was a thing called a Podcast. So if you have a question that you’d like me to answer, drop in my DM’s and ask me and I will put it into an episode of the Podcast. So today we’re going to talk about a topic that, again, if you’re not new around here, you know, I love to talk about money. I love money. And I think until we normalize talking about money, access to money will continue to be a problem.

Darnyelle [00:05:55]:
We are in a place of constriction right now in the marketplace. The economy is tightening not because there’s less money, but because your ideal client is being more discerning about where they spend and invest their resource. And as a result of that, everybody’s panicking. You are not crazy. The marketplace has recalibrated. We’ve actually returned to our pre Covid-19 marketplace. Now, you might not remember that because Covid was a money grab for entrepreneurs. You could literally go online and say hello and make money, but that’s not the marketplace we’re in anymore.

Darnyelle [00:06:35]:
And so it’s going to be very important that you, as an entrepreneur, small business owner who’s already making millions or you’ve got millions on your mind that you think about your financial management. Now, I talk about the seven systems to seven figures, and one of those systems is the financial management system. While I’m not going to go into the whole system today, I do give a really great overview of it in my book, move to millions and you can go and download the free companion guide, which is going to tell you what you need to have in your system. But today we’re going to talk specifically about your financial management team. And the reason this is important is because it’s the second half of 2024. Now, I don’t know how the first half was for you, but what I do know is that if you don’t get a reign on your financial management, it will impact your business. It will impact the way that you show up. It will impact your ability to make investments that will move your business forward.

Darnyelle [00:07:35]:
Here’s what I need you to know. You will not make it to the million dollar mark if you don’t have cash flow and resources to invest. You ever heard that saying, it takes money to make money? Yeah. Well, it’s true. It takes money to make more money because you’re going to have to invest in places that will elevate and accelerate how long it takes for you to get to the next money milestone. So we’re going to answer the question that I get all the time, who should be on my financial management team today. So if you have your own business, I want you to think about each of these team members that I’m going to share with you. I will get into when you need each of them, because you don’t need to start on day one or you don’t need to go out tomorrow and have all of these people in place.

Darnyelle [00:08:21]:
Necessarily. They’re going to be some conditions in when you want to have who, but you want to put together this team. This team is comprised of ten professionals that are all going to support you from a financial management perspective. I’m going to lay them all out for you quickly and then we’ll go in and we’ll break them down. So, on your financial management team, as an entrepreneur, small business owner who’s got millions on their mind. Number one, you need a bookkeeper. Number two, you need a certified public accountant. Number three, you need a tax strategist.

Darnyelle [00:08:54]:
Number four, you need, there’s a point in which you will need a chief financial officer, CFO. Number five, you need a business banker. Number six, you need a financial advisor or certified financial planner. Number seven, you need an estate attorney. Number eight, you need a small business attorney. Number nine, you need an intellectual property attorney. And number ten, you need a real estate agent. Okay? So that’s all you need on your financial management team.

Darnyelle [00:09:25]:
And this is what I know after surviving the first few years in business where money was funny and actually positioning myself, where our company grows every single year, and we are going to do eight figures in 2024. Inside of my business, having this financial management team at various stages across the 16 year journey has made a substantial difference in the way that we operate. The reviews are in move two millions. The proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind is a best seller with thousands of copies sold. We are raising a generation of million dollar CEO’s. You got next. Grab your copy in our bonuses all right, your day one is a bookkeeper.

Darnyelle [00:10:24]:
Now, the only reason why you wouldn’t have a bookkeeper when you start your business is if you are starting a financial management business, if you yourself are a bookkeeper or a CPA, then maybe you don’t have one right away. Maybe you’re doing your own books. But there comes a time when you want to think about dollar 200 tasks versus $20,000 tasks. And you doing your own bookkeeping is absolutely a $200 task. It is not going to move the needle in bringing your business forward. And so there’s going to come a time when you’re going to want to bring somebody else in. Now, your bookkeeper is going to report on your finances so they will produce your profit and loss statement every single month. Ideally, they will produce this for you.

Darnyelle [00:11:11]:
Bye. At the latest, the 10th business day of the month. Now, in order for that to happen, you’ve got to be on your game, keeping track of your expenses and your receipts. You’re going to need to have a system in place where you are prioritizing what comes into the business and coding it effectively to assist your bookkeeper and being able to turn your reports around relatively quickly. As a rule of thumb, my recommendation is that by the fifth business day of the month, I mean, I’d love it by the fifth day of the month, but it depends on how the month runs. But by the fifth business day of the month, at the latest, you have all of the receipts from your previous month coded and categorized so that they can be sent to your bookkeeper, so that your bookkeeper can put them into your financial management solution, that is, quickbooks, and produce your profit and loss statement. Your cash flow analysis, your assets and liabilities, your. Your key management reports.

Darnyelle [00:12:14]:
You want them to get those back to you by the 10th. Why the 10th, Darnyelle? Because if you have them by the 10th, you can actually use what they tell you to influence how you set up the rest of your month. Now, your bookkeeper is not a strategist, and they are not going to offer you any strategy. They’re just going to report on what it is that happened in your business. As you have that information, you can then share it with your certified public accountant or your accountant. Now, I recommend that you have a CPA, have a little bit more training, and that’s just going to make a difference for you. Now, your CPA is going to take those reports that were produced by your bookkeeper and begin the analysis of them to help you to identify where there are opportunities to potentially cut expenses that can improve your profit and loss. So they might say, okay, they’re looking at your profit and loss from the previous month.

Darnyelle [00:13:11]:
And they might say, oh, you’re spending a lot of money on client service delivery. We might want to evaluate this. We might want to look at this. Your marketing spend is a little high based on the sales that came in this particular month. We need to evaluate that. Let’s watch that really closely. So they’re going to take your profit and loss statement to the next level and actually begin to bring to your attention some of the areas that maybe your naked eye can’t evaluate, because you’re not a financial management professional when you are looking at that profit and loss statement. Oh, and by the way, as soon as your bookkeeper gives you your monthly management reports.

Darnyelle [00:13:49]:
Carve out some time to take a look at them. The sooner you look at them, the sooner you can leverage them in order to help you to go to the next level right now. Next, you want to have a tax strategist Sidebar there are going to be times when your tax strategist is your CPA, but not every accountant offers tax strategy. So you’re going to need to ask the question as you’re formulating this person on your financial management team. And you’re going to need to make sure that they can evaluate what’s happening and give you tax saving strategies so that you’re reducing the amount of tax outlay your company has. Now, it’s going to be challenging to completely avoid paying taxes depending upon what your income is. And I am not an accountant. I do not play one on TV.

Darnyelle [00:14:36]:
But I have been in and around small business. I understand financial management. I know how to read reports. I know how to find the bottom line of what’s happening in your company based on what I see financially, there comes a time and a place where you’re going to need to leverage specific strategies to reduce your tax liability attack strategist is going to be able to help you with that. They’ll be able to identify that you’re in the wrong legal entity or that you need to adjust your legal entity based based on early reportings of what’s happening in the current year and the projections of where you’re going to be. And they can handle that for you. And make sure that the paperwork gets submitted in the timeframe that’s going to allow it to make the difference in your current tax year’s financial fiscal year. So this is why having a tax strategist on your team is going to be really, really important.

Darnyelle [00:15:27]:
Now, personally and other business advisors may think differently, but I personally believe that you do not need a chief financial officer until your business has crossed the million dollar mark. Now, there are going to be some people who say once you do over half a million dollars, you should get a CFO. I think if you have a really great bookkeeper, a really great CPA and or tax strategist, you have enough to make it to the million dollar mark. But once you cross over your tax brackets change, your strategy really needs to elevate. So your CFO, as an example, is going to take a look at your profit and loss statement, and they’re going to be able to deepen that analysis that started with your CPA. They’re going to say, okay, you have a revenue goal of $5 million for this year and the marketing spend that you have is not converting into enough revenue to make it make sense that that’s how much money you’re spending in marketing. We need to figure out where this issue is and we need to construct a plan of how we’re going to solve the lead problem or conversion problem that is currently existing. Based on the amount of marketing spend that you’re putting out in the world, they’re going to be able to analyze the history of your company and what you have done to evaluate what needs to change.

Darnyelle [00:16:51]:
If you have millions on your mind, then you need to get in the house. House of Millions is our up leveled suite of business advisory programs for entrepreneurs and small business owners ready for community and connections to accelerate their cash flow. Learn want to know what it’s like to work with me and the Incredible Factor university coaching team? You can get started today with the move to millions 90 day business growth planner. 90 days at a time, you’ll be setting your business on a trajectory that will make the move to millions happen much faster for you. It’s got everything that you need to track every strategy, every sale, all of your KPI’s, as well as your self care and life transformational needs. We made sure we left nothing out of this amazing planner and by accessing the planner you’ll get a behind the scenes view of what it’s like to work with me and my team. Go grab yours dot they’re going to be able to identify what leaks exists, what money leads, what expense leads because you could literally be spending money that there isn’t a return on, that it doesn’t make sense to spend.

Darnyelle [00:18:04]:
I see this happen also in client service delivery over inundating your clients with new client gifts as an example. Now should you give your clients a new client gift? Absolutely. Do you need to spend 5% of what they pay you on new client gifts? Absolutely not. Especially because it doesn’t increase their results at all. It’s a nice warm and fuzzy that reinforces they made a good decision to invest in themselves through you and it should absolutely be done. But you need to manage it to the point where it is a very small percentage, say one, maybe 2% of the total amount that they are paying you to help them to solve a problem. Your CFO is going to be able to evaluate what you’re spending based on your goals and help you identify strategies and leaks that exist that you’re going to need to have to plug. They’re going to be able to help you to figure out how to look at your data and make database decisions when you have a chief financial officer.

Darnyelle [00:19:02]:
Now, each of these team members that I’ve talked about so far, your bookkeeper, your CPA and or your tax strategist and your CFO, these are core on your team every single day, even though they might be on a retainer. Members of your team, they need to be fully present in your financial management every single day from the day that you hire them. This next set of team members are going to pop in and out of your financial management based on various things that happen over the course of the year, over the course of a quarter, over the course of a month, they may not be day ones, and every days. Okay, your business banker. Now, you want to establish a relationship with a business banker at a bank, ideally not an online bank. Now, can you have bank accounts in online banks? Sure. Some of them produce, especially if you’re talking about high yield savings accounts, right, where they give you high interest rates and a return on that. Those are mostly going to be online banks.

Darnyelle [00:20:04]:
But you want a bank, a physical bank, a Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo, a PNC. And there are probably some others, some community based banks, like here in Delaware, we have Fulton bank, we have M and T Bank. Some other types of banks that have physical presences in your communities, because I want you to go in and build a relationship with your business banker. Not only wherever you keep the vast majority of your money. Now, you might be like me and have money. I have money. I have money everywhere. I have bank money with bank of America, money with Wells Fargo, money with a chase, money with PNC.

Darnyelle [00:20:44]:
Used to have money with M and T, but I didn’t really like them, so I moved my money from there. But my money is spread out. And it’s spread out because I think about making sure that a, I have relationships with multiple business bankers based on the needs that I may have in my company. Right. Like, through my relationship with Chase, I was recently able to get a line of credit. If I didn’t have money with Chase, it could have been more challenging. So I place my money in banks strategically, and I build relationships with the bankers inside of each of these organizations so that if we have a pressing need, then we can get access to capital to help us to manage that need. So you want to have a business banker.

Darnyelle [00:21:30]:
My recommendation is that at least once per quarter you set up a meeting and you go and you have a conversation. Have them review your accounts, review the product that you’re in. Make sure that you’re in the right products. If you’re paying more in monthly service fees but you have a certain amount of money in the bank, you might be able to negotiate having all of your fees removed. If you don’t build a relationship and meet with your business banker at least once a quarter, then you might be giving them extra money that you don’t have to. So everybody needs a business banker, right? Next up is your financial advisor or certified financial planner. This person is going to manage your insurance, your stock portfolio, your retirement account. They might also manage retirement accounts that you create for your employees, whether that’s 401k, simple iras or Sep iras.

Darnyelle [00:22:25]:
They’re going to manage all of those things and they’re looking at the long term play of the investments that you make as your business is growing, they, in tandem with your CPA and potentially CFO, are going to core your graph. A strategy that you can leverage in order to save more for retirement while reducing your tax outlay, either right now or in the future. So this is why you need to make sure that you have a certified financial planner. That’s my recommendation. Now, there are way less certified financial planners in the world than there are financial advisors. But you definitely want to make sure that you have at least one of those okay. With your financial advisor at least twice a year you should meet, but a really good one is going to meet with you once a quarter. You want to know what’s going on with your money.

Darnyelle [00:23:16]:
You want to normalize having access and being able to see all of your reports and knowing that your money is working for you and that you are creating for yourself a really great nest egg. So that the point at which you decide you want to sell your business or exit your business, you have resource to continue living the way that you live or desire to live right now. Next up, we have your attorney suite. Three different types of attorneys. You need. You need an estate attorney, you need a small business attorney, and you need an intellectual property attorney. Let’s talk about the differences. Your estate attorney is responsible for managing your state and evaluating what you’re going to do with your business and with your money.

Darnyelle [00:24:01]:
As your sun sets, there’s really no really fun, warm, fuzzy, nice way to say it. They’re going to manage through whichever strategies they think are going to serve you best because they will be in conversation with your certified financial planner and at least your tax strategist to help to reduce and mitigate your tax liability while also being able to save for your children’s children. Right? We think about that proverb scripture. A wise man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children. Your estate attorney is going to help with that. Your small business attorney is going to help you with the matters of the active business that you are running, from your client agreements and non disclosure agreements to potentially even your employee issues. You could have a separate employment attorney, but a small business attorney may also have that specialty or have that inside of their firm for when you have that. If you don’t have an HR person that can support you in that particular regard, they’re going to be making sure.

Darnyelle [00:25:00]:
They’re going to be looking at your contracts on an annual basis. They’re going to be evaluating the opportunities and threats of your business, at least annually. I meet with my small business attorney once a quarter. I meet with my estate attorney twice a year, unless something else comes up, like if I buy another property, then I might meet with my attorney more frequently. And then my intellectual property attorney is making sure that everything that I curate and create and develop for this business, every framework, every methodology, everything, is protected. They are making sure my brand is protected at all times, and they are monitoring the marketplace to make sure no one is using my registered trademarks in a way that would impact my ability to use those same things. So they’re always watching. So those are your three attorneys, your estate attorney, small business attorney, your intellectual property attorney, and last but certainly not least, and this, for some, might feel like a wild card, but I believe that if you are or you are going to become a million multimillion dollar CEO, you’re going to need real estate in your portfolio.

Darnyelle [00:26:08]:
Not only the house where you live, but you might decide to be like me and have a workhouse. I bought my workhouse in 2022. I had outgrown when we built our home in 2018, we built a suite adjacent to our home, which is where I worked, me and my executive assistant. But as the company has grown, we needed more space, and I did not want to go into traditional office space, so I bought a home specifically for us to work out of. It’s called the workhouse. I have several properties. I have several doors that I have in my real estate portfolio, which is worth millions of dollars all by itself. So absolutely, a part of my financial management team is my real estate agent, because I need to know, like, I’m actually in the market right now.

Darnyelle [00:26:57]:
I’m looking to buy at least one, if not two more properties to add to my portfolio. And some of those are in the area where I live and some of them are in states that I frequent so that when I go to those states, not only do I have a place to live, but I also have an income producing property that cash flows that particular part of my portfolio. So there you have it folks. That’s your financial management team. I created House of millions because I wanted to create a safe space and community to support entrepreneurs at every level. After writing my best selling book, move to millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustling grind, it became increasingly clear that this solution was needed in the marketplace. I knew we needed to help the thousands of entrepreneurs who slid in my DM’s navigate getting to and beyond the million dollar mark in a way that served them financially and spiritually and wouldn’t require that they compromise or sacrifice on the journey. House of Millions is the answer.

Darnyelle [00:28:03]:
Through our Move to Millions Continuum, we realize that there are seven levels on the move to millions. Mapping when you haven’t crossed the six figure mark yet. Momentum when you’re making $100,000 a year. Mastery when you’re making $100,000 a quarter millions when you’re making $100,000 a month. Majesty when you know you can make $100,000 in a week. Monumental when you know that you can make $100,000 in a day. And Maverick when you know how to make $100,000. Any hour that you decide.

Darnyelle [00:28:36]:
So we decided that we wanted to create a safe space to collapse the amount of time it takes you to make $100,000. And finally, we’ve got the programs and support that you need. No matter which level you are currently on, when you get in the house, you’ll finally get the support you need to uplevel every area of your life, whether you desire membership, mentorship, a mastermind, or a collective experience to support your journey to building massive wealth. It’s in the house. Get in the house i know you love the Move to Millions Podcast. I know you can’t wait every single week for me to drop a new episode. You know what that tells me? It tells me that you’re also going to love my brand new book, Move to Millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustling grind.

Darnyelle [00:29:31]:
Listen to me. Everything you need to know to make millions of dollars with out losing your shirt, your sanity, or anything that’s important to you in the process is in this powerful book. It takes what you are experiencing each week on the Podcast to the absolute next level. Go now to movetomillions to grab your copy. So when should I have what? So again, day one, you should have a bookkeeper and an accountant or CPA. You should not be doing your own taxes asterisks if you are an accountant or CPA, but it still might be a good idea to have someone else do them. You’re going to need a tax strategist once you really start making money in your business. So if you’re a listener of this Podcast, your business is making money.

Darnyelle [00:30:20]:
Cause I know just by listening your income goes up. So you want to make sure that you have a tax strategist if your CPA cannot offer you that level of support. CFO once you get the business to the million dollar mark, I think that’s when that becomes necessary. Business banker is a day one financial advisor is a day one financial advisor is really a day zero. Your attorneys small business attorney is a day one IP. Once you figure out your framework or methodology and it starts producing results, that’s when you then want to get an IP attorney and an estate attorney at some point in time. But it’s not a a constant in your financial management process. But at some point in time, you do want to start thinking about your estate, right? Beginning with the end in mind, and then your real estate agent.

Darnyelle [00:31:04]:
The point at which you want to start adding real estate to your financial management portfolio as a mechanism for building wealth. I don’t know anyone who is wealthy that real estate is not a part of their portfolio, and that’s why I include them on your financial management team. I am so excited for you. If you love this episode and the way that I broke down, the bookkeeper, the CPA, the tax strategist, the CFO, the business banker, the financial advisor, a certified financial planner, estate attorney, small business attorney, IP attorney, and real estate agent. Do me a favor. Take a picture of however you listen to this Podcast. Tag me in a story on Instagram to tell me how much you enjoyed. This episode is the second half, y’all.

Darnyelle [00:31:46]:
It’s half time. That means we have got to become really diligent about our financial management. It’s the perfect time to check in with your tax strategist or CPA to see where you are for the year and begin planning and evaluating which tax strategies you’re going to need to leverage this year to make the most money while reducing your tax liability. The absolute most financial management is a key system. It’s why it’s one of the seven systems, the seven figures, because it is a big part of you being able to get your business to the next level and having the cash you need in order to fund the life that it is that you crave. I’m excited for you getting this financial management system and your financial management team tight, and I’ll see you guys next time. Take care. Thank you for joining me for the move to millions Podcast.

Darnyelle [00:32:35]:
If this episode has impacted you in any way, would you please take a moment and rate and review? Doing so helps us to deepen our impact and expand our reach around the world. And if you are ready to start your very own move to millions, I highly recommend that you order your very own copy of my brand new best selling book, move two millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. You can get your copy and our bonuses until next time. Remember, millions are your birthright and to access them you need only move. I’ll see you next time.
