Check out our latest Podcast episode!

Lakisha Dean: Being the First


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Someone has to go first; I was grateful that I was able to show up that way for my family.”  Lakisha Dean

About Our Guest:

Lakisha Dean is a former prosecutor turned family law attorney in private practice for more than 10 years.  She has a personal story of triumph which fuels her passion to be a compassionate legal advocate. One who strives for a holistic solution to the situation, rather than just a legal one.  As the founder of a thriving law practice, a wife, and a mother of two wonderful children, she knows the importance her own well being plays in having a healthy family and successful business. She is certified in Reiki and practices (Hot) Yoga. 

Episode Summary:

Over the coming weeks, I will be interviewing each speaker who will be joining me for Breakthrough in Business Next Level Everything.  In this episode, I chat with Lakisha Dean, Esq about her powerful personal story and about being the first.   For many of the people who join us in May, they will be the first in their families to experience a total breakthrough in every area of their life.  Listen in to discover:

  • What it means to be the first
  • What it takes to lead powerfully and get results that shift families
  • How we all have a defining “first” experience and story, and how to leverage it to shake the planet

Lakisha’s Incredible Factor Wisdom Questions:

Last book Lakisha read:  “Becoming Supernatural ” by  Joe Dispenza

Favorite Quote:  My vision is greater than my reality.”  Lakisha Dean

Tool Lakisha can’t live without to grow her business:    her assistant and business coach

How to Connect with Lakisha Dean:



Incredible One Enterprises, LLC is not responsible for the content and information delivered during the podcast interview by any guest. As always, we suggest that you conduct your own due diligence regarding any proclamations by podcast guests.  Incredible One Enterprises, LLC is providing the podcast for informational purposes only.  


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