Check out our latest Podcast episode!

Interview with Dr Karen Townsend


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In this week’s episode, I’m interviewing my 4-year client and friend, Dr Karen Townsend of K Townsend Consulting. When I think about Dr Karen, these are the words that come to mind – empower, encourage and equip.  Dr Karen has made it her business to create a safe space for women to live and lead confidently.  In her community, she is well-known, well respected and she is THE client who has referred the most clients to me!   

Listen in to hear:

  • Why you have to keep expanding your work. (it’s the key to living out your purpose)
  • The importance of authentic follow up (it will help you to build clients for life)
  • How to live bigger and better
  • How to reframe sales so that it makes being in business a joy

About Dr Karen:

Karen M.R. Townsend, Ph.D. is president of KTownsend Consulting and founder of About My Sisters—an organization “on a mission to empower one million women and girls!”  For twenty-five years, Dr. Karen has helped women to achieve “life balance” by assisting them in discovering their true passions so that they live and lead…confidently.   In 2018,  her annual conference, Sister To Sister celebrated its 25th Anniversary and was recognized as one of the longest running women’s events in the United States.

Dr. Karen is a highly sought-after speaker and author of the bestselling book It All Started When I Stopped Using Lotion:  One Woman’s Journey From Chaos to Calm.  Through the pages of her book, Dr. Karen encourages women to make themselves a priority and to “Take their TiME:  Time for ME!”  

With expertise in leadership development, 21st Century diversity and personal excellence, Dr. Townsend educates, motivates and inspires professionals across the country to be their best—both personally and professionally. 

 Connect with Dr Karen:

Her Website

Sister to Sister Conference

Want more of Darnyelle? Access my Unlock Six Figure Cash Flow Master Class

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