This MTM Minute is powered by Move to Millions Live 2025
The MTM Minute is a quick dose of inspiration with a powerful affirmation based on our weekly full-length episode. And beginning this season, the MTM Minute will include a prayer of the week for 7 figure CEOs and 7 figure CEOs in the making. That’s right, you don’t have to choose – you can love God AND make millions.
This week, in our full-length episode, Step Into Your 7-Figure Identity, I shared why your identity is messing with your money. Click the link above to listen.
This week’s 7 Figure CEO Affirmation is
“I am stepping into my seven-figure identity with confidence and clarity. My worth is rooted in abundance, and I release any limiting beliefs that no longer serve me. As I align my spirit with my purpose, my business grows and thrives with ease. I am the leader my business needs to expand, and I am fully capable of manifesting the wealth and success that are my divine birthright. My actions are aligned with the seven-figure CEO I am becoming, and as I elevate my identity, my business flourishes.”
Here are three actionable tips to anchor in this week’s affirmation
- Shift Your Identity: Reflect on the ways you may be tying your self-worth to money. Start embodying the seven-figure CEO you aspire to be by affirming that your value is not defined by your bank balance. Spend time daily in practices that reinforce your belief in abundance, like prayer, affirmations, and visualizations.
- Upgrade Your Daily Habits: Begin to adopt a CEO-level routine. Prioritize growth-producing activities like strategic decision-making, setting boundaries, and focusing on your highest-value tasks. Start each day grounded in spiritual alignment to maintain clarity, purpose, and momentum.
- Expand Your Environment: Evaluate the circles you’re in and ensure you’re surrounding yourself with people who think expansively and live in abundance. This may involve investing in mentors, attending events, or engaging with individuals who challenge and support your growth to the next level.
Affirm with me:
“I am stepping into my seven-figure identity with confidence and clarity. My worth is rooted in abundance, and I release any limiting beliefs that no longer serve me. As I align my spirit with my purpose, my business grows and thrives with ease. I am the leader my business needs to expand, and I am fully capable of manifesting the wealth and success that are my divine birthright. My actions are aligned with the seven-figure CEO I am becoming, and as I elevate my identity, my business flourishes.”
And this week’s journal prompts are:
- “I am stepping into my seven-figure identity by embracing…
- “The limiting belief I am replacing in order to fully embody my seven-figure self is
- “To align with the seven-figure CEO I am becoming, today I will take bold action by…”
And your prayer of the week:
Prayer for Boldness and Abundance:
Heavenly Father,
I come before You with gratitude for the vision You’ve placed in my heart. I know that I am capable of reaching the seven-figure success that is my divine birthright. Lord, help me to shift my identity and align it with the abundance You have already prepared for me. Guide me as I step boldly into the CEO I am meant to be, releasing any beliefs or habits that no longer serve me. May my actions reflect my true worth, and may my business flourish as I grow into the leader You have called me to be.
I trust that as I elevate my identity and embody my higher purpose, You will continue to open doors of opportunity, guide my steps, and provide the abundance I need to impact the lives of those I serve. Thank You for the strength to make this shift and the grace to carry it out.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Ready to shift the statistics in your favor by joining the top 4.2% of all business generating 7 figures or more a year? If you are a small business owner or entrepreneur who has crossed six figures and you’re ready to play bigger, we are on a mission to help you make the move to millions. Visit to learn all the ways we can equip you to make, move and leave millions.
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Links Mentioned in the Episode:
- Move to Millions Continuum Episode
- Move to Millions Live 2025
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Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:02]:
You’re listening to the Move to Millions minute on the Move to Millions podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. It’s time for another Move to Millions minutes on the Move to Millions podcast. I am your host, Dr. Darnyelle God Girl, eight figure entrepreneur and the award winning CEO of Incredible One Enterprises and the bestselling author of Move to Millions. The proven framework to become a Million Dollar CEO with grace and Ease instead of hustle and grind. Every Wednesday we come together to anchor in an affirmation based on our full length episode. And this Wednesday is no different.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:53]:
In our full length episode this week, step into your seven figure identity. I get into what is going to need to shift in you in order to for you to become the seven figure CEO long before the millions end up in your bank account. To learn more and to listen to the full length episode. No worries, there’s a link for you right here in the show. Notes I am so excited about season six and the content that I have created to share with you to help you to continue to position yourself to become an advance who you must be in order to see seven figures coming through your business and eventually to position your business to get you to at least $3 million in revenue so that you can bring home a million dollars and really start to work on establishing your financial legacy. Here’s what I know Having a business that generates at this level is not an anomaly. While yes, the statistics tell us that only 4.2% of all entrepreneurs and small business owners ever cross seven figures, that is still 4.2%. And if you stick with me in this powerful community, I promise you that you can position your business to get to seven figures.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:02:08]:
This past week I spent time in Fort Lauderdale, Florida at our Soul and Strategy retreat and it was amazing. Here’s what I want you to keep in mind and what we get into in this week’s full length episode is the shift that you need to make is a soul shift, not a strategy shift. Once you shift your soul, the strategies you already have that do work will work and will take you all the way to the money milestone that is for your best and highest good. Now I want you to take a moment and affirm this week’s seven figure CEO affirmation with me. I am stepping into my seven figure identity with confidence and clarity. My worth is rooted in abundance and I release any limiting beliefs that no longer serve me. As I align my spirit with my purpose, my business grows and thrives with ease. I am the leader.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:03:01]:
My business needs to expand and I am fully capable of manifesting the wealth and success that are my divine birthright. My actions are aligned with the seven figure CEO I am becoming and as I elevate my identity, my business flourishes. This week I really want you to think about taking three distinct steps. Number one, I want you to focus on shifting your identity. The goal ultimately is that your identity be not rooted in money. So I want you to reflect on the ways that you may be tying your self worth to money. Start embodying the seven figure CEO you aspire to be by affirming that your value is not defined by your bank account balance. Spend time every single day in practices that reinforce your belief in abundance like prayer, affirmations, visualizations and if you’ve listened to the what Would Abundance Do Episode on the podcast, maybe you’ll be like me and you’ll set abundance alarms and you’ll wear the what Would Abundance Do Bracelet as a reminder to consistently be anchoring in abundance into your life experience.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:07]:
Number two, I want you to upgrade your daily habits. Begin by adopting a seed CEO level routine, prioritizing your growth producing activities and strategic decision making. Only after you start your day with your soul work, move your body and practice self care by learning how to set boundaries and focusing on high value tasks, you will be one move closer to seven figures in your business. Start each day really grounded in spiritual alignment to maintain your clarity, your purpose and the momentum that you are establishing. And number three, I want you to expand your environment. Now we’ve all heard the Zig Ziglar if you become like the five people you spend the majority of your time with, right? So if you look at your circle and then you will have a good indication of who you are. So I want you to expand your environment and get into proximity where you are not the smartest person in the room. You need to have some communities where it is a stretch and you might even feel a little uncomfortable.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:11]:
When you first come into that community. You want to be constantly stretching yourself and positioning yourself differently. So I invite you to evaluate the circles that you are in and ensuring that you are surrounding yourself with people who think expansively, not expensively, and people who live in abundance. This may involve investing in mentors, attending events, or engaging with individuals who challenge and support your growth to the next level. Again I say do not be the smartest person in the room. I want you to be in spaces where you feel comfortable and your comfort level will increase just from getting in the space, right? The adage is feel the fear but do it anyway, but make sure that there are rooms that you are in when you are not the smartest. I remember years ago when I was a member of Women Presidents Organization. If you know anything about wpl, you have to be at a million dollars to get in the room.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:06:01]:
As a service based business and my particular chapter is here in Delaware. I was the only the lone $1 million business in the room. The majority of my peers sitting around the table with me were doing 10 million or 125 million or $850 million a year in their businesses. The way they stretched me, the way they helped me to realize that I do belong and that I am worthy of being around people who just think expansively and not expensively. So I invite you to do the same. Affirm with me this week I am stepping into my seven figure identity with confidence and clarity. My worth is rooted in abundance and I release any limiting beliefs that no longer serve me. As I align my spirit with my purpose, my business grows and thrives with ease.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:06:48]:
I am the leader my business needs to expand and I am fully capable of manifesting the wealth and success that are my divine birthright. My actions are aligned with the seven figure CEO I am becoming and as I elevate my identity, my business flourishes and your journal prompts for the week. Number one, I am stepping into my seven figure identity by embracing Number two the limiting belief I am replacing in order to fully embody my seven figure self is and number three to align with the seven figure CEO I am becoming today. I will take bold action by I know these three journal prompts are gonna make a difference for you as you move one move closer to your first or next seven figures and our prayer for this week. Heavenly Father, I come before you with gratitude for the vision you have placed in our hearts. I know that we are capable of reaching seven figures success that is our divine birthright. Lord, help us to shift our identities and align with the abundance you have already prepared us to receive. Guide us as we step boldly into the CEO that we are meant to be, releasing any beliefs or habits that no longer serve us.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:08:05]:
May our actions reflect our true worth and may our businesses flourish as we grow into the leader that you have called us to be. Lord, I trust that as they as we elevate our identity and embody our higher purpose, you will continue to open doors of opportunity, guide our steps and provide the abundance we need to impact the lives of those we serve. Thank you so much for the strength to make this shift and the grace to carry it out. We pray. These and all things in the mighty matchless name of your son. Amen. I am so excited for you. I know that this prayer, these journal prompts this affirmation and these action steps are going to help you to anchor in and shift into your seven figure identity.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:08:53]:
I’ll see you guys next time. Take care. If you love the Move to Millions podcast and the Move to Millions book is blowing your mind, then you have got to join us for Move to Millions live. All the details are waiting for you to secure your seat at move to Want to know what it’s like to work with me and the Incredible Factor University coaching team? You can get started today with the move to millions 90 day business growth planner. 90 days at a time, you’ll be setting your business on a trajectory that will make the Move to Millions happen much faster for you. It’s got everything that you need to track, every strategy, every sale, all of your KPIs as well as your self care and life transformational needs. We made sure we left nothing out of this amazing planner and by accessing the planner you’ll get a behind the scenes view of what it’s like to work with me and my team. Go grab yours [email protected] thank you for listening to the Move to Millions minute on the Move to Millions podcast with Dr.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:10:00]:
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. If you enjoyed this quick episode, do yourself a favor, subscribe, rate and review so that you never miss a minute of anything that we have for you on your own. Move to Millions. And until we meet again, remember, Millions are your birthday, right? And to access them you need only Move.