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Ep 308 – BIGGER

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“As I looked out at the vastness of the ocean, I heard God whisper, ‘BIGGER.’ And from the depths of my soul, I felt myself step into a bigger vision for life and business.” Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

Welcome to Season 6!

For the first time ever in my life, I spent the first two weeks of the new year out of the country, immersed in the abundance that is my birthright. From 5 star resorts and private yacht rides to a high-end cruise, I had time to sit in the significance of my life at this point in time.  I am so grateful.  Grateful to BE abundance; grateful see abundance and grateful to share my abundance with others. For the first time ever, I gave a keynote from the middle of the ocean, leveraging the abundance to transform an audience in a way that only God could have prepared me for.

I turned 49 in November and 2025 is my year of Jubilee – and I have to admit, being the CEO of a company of brands that generate 8 figures a year is STILL the tip of the iceberg. 

During my two weeks away, there was one word that overwhelmingly overtook my vision – BIGGER. And in this first episode of the new season, I am going to share my top tips for the 7-figure CEO in you to show up and play BIGGER.

If you are ready to shift your vision so that you take up more space, grab your Move to Millions Podcast Notebook and pen and listen in to discover:

  • 3 keys for playing bigger in 2025
  • What is means to shift from being in the room to being the room
  • Top considerations for elevating your vision
  • And so much more

Feeling inspired? Then don’t stop here. Head over to listen to the full episode of the Move to Millions Podcast for an in-depth dive into these transformative principles. And if you’re ready to take bold steps in your business and life, consider joining us for Move to Millions Live 2025. Spots are filling up fast, and I promise, this experience will set you on the path to BIGGER in 2025 and beyond. Visit to secure your seat. Let’s make 2025 your best year yet!

Resources Mentioned:

  • Move to Millions by Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon – Get Your Copy
  • Companion Guide for Move to Millions – Download for a detailed overview of the seven systems to seven figures.
  • Join the Move to Millions Facebook Group for ongoing support and community engagement – Join Now
  • Move to Millions 90-Day Business Growth Planner – Get Your Planner
  • Learn more about Move to Millions Live: Move to Millions Live

Five Powerful Quotes:

  • “The fact of the matter is abundance, just like water, is always here, it doesn’t need to be chased.”
  • “If your goals don’t scare you, if there is not a knot in the pit of your stomach, you haven’t thought big enough.”
  • “If you could do it by yourself, it would already be done.
  • “Think bigger. Show up bigger. Play Bigger.”

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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those.


Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:00]:
So it’s going to be important for you to be willing to take risks and make moves that align with your bigger vision. The vision that scares you. The vision that makes the hairs on the back of your head stand up, or causes a crook in your neck, or gives you that knot in the pit of your stomach, which again is fear. Which is an indication that your next level is present. You are listening to the Move toMillions podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. The place to be for high level conversations, all things millions, your mission, mindset, methodologies, mandate movement, messaging, marketing metrics, and most definitely your money. I am your host, spiritual business growth coach, Dr. Darnyelle J. Harmon. Join me each week for inspiring stories, powerful interviews and business growth strategy to help you experience abundance in your life because of your business. If you’re ready to move to your next level, everything, let’s get this party.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:01:07]:
Welcome to season six of the Move to Millions podcast. I am your host, Dr. Darnyelle God Girl, eight figure entrepreneur, best selling author with eight books to my credit including my latest Move to Millions. The proven framework to become a million Dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. As the award winning CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, I am known for combining spiritual princ with business growth strategy to position our clients to build businesses that serve them financially and spiritually. We grow businesses, period. We operate in three verticals, small business, corporations and government with a true mission to transform the lives of the clients that we serve. This episode is powered by Move to millions live happening May 21st through the 23rd of 2025 in the Washington D.C.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:02:05]:
area. This is the premier experience for seven figure CEOs and seven figure CEOs in the making that are ready to step boldly into their big bold call that is on their lives in order to build businesses that serve them both financially and spiritually. I invite you to lock in your seat now at movetomillionsevent. Com. I am so excited that you are here. I have been waiting to drop season six. If this is your very first time listening, I just want to say welcome. I already know that it will not be your last.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:02:43]:
This show gives me so much life and for the millions that have listened around the world, I already know that this is the game changer that you need for 2025 to be your best year yet. Can I get a witness up in the building? Okay, so I’m excited. This first episode was not part of the plan so I am recording a new first episode of season two based on what has Transpired over the last few weeks in my life, in my business, through spending time out of the country to start the year. Now, every single January, I take clients in our proximity, move to millions, mastermind to a warm climate. I live in Delaware. And listen, ain’t nobody, myself included, trying to be in Delaware in January. Not at all. So I take our clients on an international retreat.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:03:41]:
For the last few years, we’ve been in Mexico, Cabo. This year, we were in Playa del Carmen. And it was ridiculous and amazing. But let me tell you where the magic really happened. Our trip with our clients was phenomenal. And I believe that starting the year on the water is the game changer. I went up to myself, y’all, because after I came back from Mexico, I literally came home for about 16 hours, switched out my suitcase. I went to be a keynote speaker on a cruise that my good friend and colleague Liz J.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:17]:
Simpson was doing for her stimulus mastermind. Y’all, can I just tell you, starting the year on the water is the game changer you didn’t even know that you need. There is something about the wave of abundance that I experienced that reminded me of the truth. And the truth is we are called to something bigger. We are called to be bigger. I think about the Beyonce song bigger, and that bigness is not just for ourselves, but it’s for the lives that we are meant to impact. Marianne Williamson says it in her poem, Our Deepest Fear. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:04]:
So my question for you as we start this episode is, are you playing small in a world that needs you to take up space? Today, I plan to share with you what it means to play a bigger game in 2025. How to stop hiding, and how to step into the calling that is on your life, in fullness, in totality, and without apology. If you are excited, I invite you to get your move. Timon’s podcast Notebook, and let’s rock. So again, I’m on this cruise and I wasn’t even prepared. I love water, y’all. I’m a Scorpio, and I’ve always felt so much energy on the water. But this year, it hit different.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:48]:
Many years ago, 2015, I think it was my dog, Latte at the time, may she rest in peace. She and I spent a month on the water in Myrtle beach, and it was then that I wrote one of my books. I’ve got eight books, as I shared in the intro. And that was when I really began to understand the significance of the water and the difference that it makes. And My energy and my ability to vision cast. Like, listen, when I talk about vision point versus vantage point. It’s a whole nother level when you on the water. So I’m.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:06:27]:
I’m literally on the ship. I’m looking out of my balcony and I’m looking at the plenty of nature of God in all of his abundance. I cannot see land, and what flows over me and runs through me is this current. It was much like God was saying to me, there is so much more for you. The vastness of the ocean helped me to experience the undeniable wave of abundance that is my life. For those of you who will see the video portion of this episode, I’ve got this what would Abundance do bracelets that I’ve been wearing. I’m putting it in the camera so the people who are watching can see it. I’ve been wearing this bracelet nonstop.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:07:22]:
Last year at Move to Millions Live, we gave the attendees the bracelet and I have been wearing it nonstop as a constant reminder to myself because I, just like you, was born in lack. My parents were drug addicted turned crack addicted. I was born in the projects of Wilmington, Delaware. I watched my mom literally be the definition of robbing Peter to pay Paul. I watched her hustle and grind to keep food on the table and clothes on her back. I watched her still. I watched her beg and borrow in order for her to take care of her children. I have so much respect for my mother because she did what she had to do.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:08:06]:
And how many of you have the same exact story? That was my story. That was my truth. That’s what I thought life had to be. That I had to struggle, that I had to hustle, that I had to grind because that’s what I was taught. And that is what I caught in between the lessons of watching my mom sweat on her brow, doing what she had to do. And as a black woman, if you are a black woman listening to me right now, you are probably nodding your head in agreement because you get it. Because it is your life experience. It’s what you saw and what you were taught and what you caught as well.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:08:39]:
And so as I’m standing out in the superfluousness of God, I don’t even know if that’s a word, y’all, but as I’m standing out and I’m looking at no land around me, I clearly hear the spirit say, even this is a drop in the bucket. Oh, I have chills right now. The water reminded me of the life force, money. I. I talk about money a lot. If you’re this is your first time listening. Get used to it. Just by listening, your income is going up because I’m going to normalize money, wealth and abundance for you.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:09:17]:
If you love the Move to Millions Podcast and the Move to Millions book Is blowing your mind, then you have got to join us for Move to Million to Millions live. All the details are waiting for you to secure your seat at move to

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:09:36]:
My bestselling book, Move to Millions The proven framework to become a million Dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind is now available on Audible. That’s right, you can listen to nugget after nugget, strategy after strategy, and chapter after chapter designed to help you to position your business for seven figures with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. Go to Audible today to get your Audible copy of Move to Millions.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:10:05]:
And as I’m standing out on my balcony and I’m looking as the boat is moving, moving towards our first port and I hear the Holy Spirit just tell me that this is the life force. That literally I was standing in the center of the life force. The current was moving, the flow was nonstop. And I was reminded that just like the water, so is abundance. And I want you to keep in mind that abundance is not something that you have to chase. It is something that you decide. You make the decision. Emerson says once you decide, all of the universe will rearrange itself to bring you what you decided.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:10:55]:
Once you decide, you step in. And that decision is what allows you to take up space. Because the fact of the matter is abundance, just like water, is always here, it doesn’t need to be chased. You just have to become one with it. So I want you to challenge yourself as you’re listening to me today and I want you to think about it’s a brand new year. Now, granted, we’re 20 days into a new year. And while I just got the symbolism of even the fact that today, as you listen to this episode, I’m not recording it on the day you will listen. But it is the inauguration day.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:11:34]:
I’m not going there. I’m not going down that path. But even as you think about 2025, as you consider the remnants of 2024, what are you shrinking from right now that you should really be stepping into? That’s what I want you to think about and reflect on in this moment. What are you shrinking from right now that you should be stepping into? I have always known that I am greatness personified. That has never been a question for me. And yet I have found myself. I hope you don’t mind my transparency. Hiding and playing small and placating.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:12:23]:
Now, listen, I have an eight figure portfolio of companies. I have an eight figure net worth. So by all accounts, and for many of you, you would be like, wait, what? You’re playing small. But I have a vision for a $100 million portfolio. And I can see it as I check in with my body right now as I say that I feel the freedom and the flow of the realization of a $100 million portfolio, nine figures. I feel feel it. I’m excited by it. I feel the current moving through me.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:13:02]:
And so when I think about what I’ve accomplished thus far, if I’m being honest with myself, just like I’m inviting you to be honest with yourself, I have been hiding. I don’t know about you, but there are often times in my own reflection that I get upset and I get upset with myself because I know that me hiding has put you in a position where you are making choices for service providers that are subservient. Listen, there is no one out there who is better, does better than the work that it is that I do. I’m a beast. I’m a goat up in this place. And yet I played small. That’s how I know you have the potential to play small. But here’s what I want you to know in 2025.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:13:55]:
This is the year of big. Playtime is over, y’all. Playtime is over. So I was keynoting on the cruise and I was on the final day, the final session. It was so apropos. It was exactly what the attendees needed to really solidify the work and the planning that they had been done. See, a lot of us stop at the strategy and we don’t do the soul work. I’m going to be leading a retreat in two weeks called the Soul and Strategy retreat.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:14:25]:
And I’m so excited for the women that are coming because we’re going to spend two days working on their soul so that the strategy that they enact for 2025 will actually multiply, duplicate and replicate their vision for their business. And so one of the exercises that I do, I actually did this exercise at another event, but, you know, I had to put my darn yell on it. And it was a powerful, powerful exercise. And the way that I’ve remixed it, it really encourages people to stop playing small. And it anchors in the fact that playtime is over. I want you to come to move to millions live 2025. Because I’m going to do this activity again there. I’m not going to tell you about the activity in this episode because I want you to come in and experience it the way that I do it.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:15:19]:
Because it really is a defining moment, is a trajectory shifter when people get to experience this. So let’s talk a little bit about first, what it means to play a bigger game. And then I want to go into some practical tips and strategies of what you can do to play a bigger game. So playing a bigger game is really about an understanding and a recognition that you are going to take risks, calculated risks, perhaps, and you’re not going to allow problems or limiting beliefs or negative thoughts and feelings stop you from achieving the big goals that you have in your. In your spirit. This is a spiritual thing, y’all. Business is spiritual. If you do not understand that business is spiritual, I Hope that in 2025 it meets you where you are and it carries you to an entirely different place.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:16:17]:
It’s the reason why we expanded the Move to Millions method. The Move to Millions method became seven pillars as a result of a recognition of the significance of spirituality in the role that it needs to play and what it is that we are doing every single day. So playing big is. It really involves you not letting the fear, the natural, your ego, keeping you safe, stop you from doing what you must do. I believe that fear fights every alternative to reality, and that fear is an indication that your next level is present. That’s what I believe. And learning how to live in that way has been what has allowed me, to the extent that it has to stop allowing any fear that pop up to be anything other than an indication that something big is about to happen. And that’s what I want it to be for you.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:17:14]:
So I’ve got four things I want to share with you about how to start playing a bigger game. Number one, I want to invite you to claim your space. There is something that you do that when you do it, other people praise you for it. You typically and most likely downplay and dismiss it because it is innating you. It is your gift. But it is a game changer for those that you are called to serve. We call this your incredible factor. And I’m digging deep into my coffers of content, y’all, because I haven’t really talked about the.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:17:47]:
The incredible factor since we shifted into Move to Millions. But in case this is your first time listening, there is an episode on the podcast, if you go way back to season one, that talks about what exactly is the Incredible factor. There are three components of the incredible factor. You have your hot undeniable gift, which I just described is that thing you do that when you do it, other people praise you, but you often downplay and dismiss it. It is your signature business move. It is the way that you solve problems for your clients in a way that is predictable and it ensures that they get the result that you know is possible for them. And it is lastly, your unique value proposition which makes you different and compelling in a very crowded marketplace. Your ideal client is a consumer and consumers are programmed to notice what is different.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:18:38]:
So I want you, I want to invite you to get really, really clear. I’m sure you already know because if you’re listening to this show, you are a seven figure CEO in the making or you are already making seven figures. So that means you already know what it is that you do and people are paying you, paying you for it actively. So I want you to stop apologizing for the bigness of you and I want you to start owning your incredible factor. I want you to start owning your place in the room. You are the room. You are the room. You know that song, I think it was the late 80s climax.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:19:14]:
The men all paused when I walked into the room. Some of y’all, I’m telling my age, but I think about that song when I think about my gifts. And when I think about your gifts, when you show up in fullness to your greatness, other people will see, stop. It’s like that Tony Terry song. When I’m with you, I know I can’t sing. You know I stop and stare. People just stop and stare and look at us. When you know who you are and you own and claim your space, you will cause a disruption in the atmosphere whenever you enter a space.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:19:53]:
That is why you are the room. And so I want you to take a moment and I want you to write down one area where you have been holding back and declare that you belong there. You should be taking up space there. So that’s the first thing. I want you to claim your space. Number two, I want you to elevate your vision. You know, seldom does an episode go by when I’m not talking about the difference between vision point and vantage point. I want to encourage you to not just dream bigger, but to set your sights higher.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:20:25]:
See, part of the reason it’s important for you as a CEO on the move to millions to understand the significance of 80% of your time being spent working on the business and not in the business is because there is A strategic oversight that it is impossible when you are at your vantage point, which is in your business. So it’s going to be important for you that you learn how to rise up and elevate your vision, elevate your looking. I want you to ask yourself, is what I’m doing right now, does the team I have right now get me closer to or detract from my ability to achieve the goal that I’ve set for 2025? And I want to encourage you to really look at your goals and if you can do them in and on your in and of your own strength, then I’m sorry, boo. But you have safe goals and they are not big enough. If they don’t scare you, if there is not a knot in the pit of your stomach that becomes a lump in your throat when you go to tell other people your goals, you have not thought big enough and you need to stretch into what makes you feel uncomfortable so that you can give God something to bless so that he can show up mighty for you. If you’ve got it all figured out, you don’t need God. God doesn’t get to be God. So you’re going to have to elevate your vision.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:21:53]:
Third, you’re going to have to get into action. God will give you more while you are moving than he ever will if you stand still. So it’s going to be important for you to be willing to take risks and make moves that align with your bigger vision. The vision that scares you, the vision that makes the hairs on the back of your head stand up or causes a crook in your neck or gives you that knot in the pit of your stomach, which again is fear, which is an indication that your next level is present. I want you to look at your goals for 2025 and I want you to commit to one bold action this week. Whether that means you’re going to pitch a high level client, you’re going to raise your prices, you’re going to launch a new offer, you’re going to follow up and do something that you haven’t done before that you know you need to do that is centrifugal to you getting to your next level. And then the last thing I’m going to invite you to do in this section of the episode in order to play a bigger game is to look at investing in yourself and in your business. Listen, if you could do it by yourself, it would already be done.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:22:59]:
And when I say invest in yourself and invest in your business, I’m not necessarily talking about hiring a coach or a consultant. But that might be what you need to do. It could be that you need to hire a team member. It could be that it’s time for you to take something off of your place so that you have more time to create the vision and to sit with the vision and to align to the vision and to embody the version of yourself that you need to be. See, it’s not about the money. It’s about the journey to becoming the person who has capacity for the money, who has the container that’s large enough to hold. When I think about the ocean and being on this cruise, y’all, I realized how big my container needs to be. For the abundance that I know is my birthright.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:23:49]:
For the abundance that I know is your birthright. If you love the Move to Millions.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:23:53]:
Podcast and the Move to Millions book.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:23:55]:
Is blowing your mind, then you have.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:23:57]:
Got to join us for Move to Millions live. All the details are are waiting for you to secure your seat at move to if you’ve got Move to.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:24:09]:
Millions the book you need, Move to Millions the planner. It’s the perfect companion as you plan, prepare and position to profit to and beyond the million dollar mark. Grab your planner today at movetomillionsplanner. Com. So I want to invite you to claim your space, elevate your vision, take some bold actions and invest in yourself and your vision. Now, it’s important that you do invest in your personal growth, that you do get a mentor, and that you do get the resources that you need in order to scale. Because the fact of the matter is this, the bigger your vision, the more support you need to bring it to life. And if you’re trying to do it by yourself, that is likely the reason why it’s not getting done.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:24:51]:
Now, I want you to think about the water again. So let’s play with this analogy. And I want you to imagine I didn’t do this because I didn’t have anything that I could have thrown in the ocean while I was just basking in the abundance of the Holy Spirit. Oh, my gosh, you guys, being on a cruise is so spiritual. And I invite you to find one to take. Like, I mean, so much so that I’m going to figure out how to offer a cruise. Because it was just, it was so spiritual, the whole experience just again, being on the life force, being one with the current of abundance, phenomenal. So I want you to just imagine for a moment that you are standing in the middle of the ocean and I want you to Imagine your big goal, your big dream is a boulder that you have on your shoulder that you hoist over the balcony and throw in the water.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:25:46]:
And I want you to imagine the ripple effect that comes with that launching out into the deep. And I want you to think about what happens when you go bigger, when you step into the abundance for yourself. It doesn’t just change your life. It’s going to impact your family, your clients, your community. It’s going to impact everyone. The move to millions, multiple millions, isn’t just about money. It’s making, it’s moving, it’s leaving, it’s leading, it’s impacting millions. I want you to think about the fact that you are a leader.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:26:27]:
And you are a leader that has the position to inspire others to play a bigger game. Again, I think about the Marianne Williamson poem. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, it’s that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens. I love that poem. My favorite part is where I’m going next. When you let your light shine, you unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As you are liberated from your fear, your presence automatically, somebody say, automatically liberates others.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:27:05]:
When you take up space, you create room for others to rise alongside of you. Listen, during the cruise, it was something I already knew. I made a decision at God Girls Making Millions last year as I realized that all of us, a room full of women that are just bad to the bone, were operating under the spirit of hiding. And I made a decision that I was going to get visible and I was going to speak up and I was going to take up more space. I’m doing big things already. I mean, listen, I’m at eight figures. I don’t even know the percentage of women owned or black women owned businesses that have a portfolio that generates eight figures a year. I have no idea.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:27:49]:
But I know if 4.2% of 33 million businesses do seven figures a year, that percentage has to be vastly less. And I know that if 0.5% of black women owned businesses do seven figures a year, then that means less than 0.5% do eight figures a year. So I’m in a vast majority. But I decided last year that 2025 was going to be a year of the big being in God, built in God becoming identity, gratitude, generosity. I mean, I have so many acronyms for big. I might even do a whole episode on all the acronyms that I have for big the connection to being in the life force, being in the center of the abundance was the realization that the vastness of the ocean, so it is with abundance and it’s available to all of us. And it was a real call to expand, to elevate. I think about that drive in 2019 when God said, I will let them live on whatever level they settle for and making a decision right then and there that I was gonna, I was gonna focus on next level everything.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:06]:
And I think about the fact that as I was on the beach at the Bimini Beach Club, I was on a Virgin Voyages cruise. My new normal is spending the beginning of the year in warm climates, on beautiful beaches, surrounded by the vastness of abundance of an ocean. That’s what some people dream about. And it’s my reality. And as I continue to take up space, as I continue to take my rightful place as a nine figure woman, $100 million portfolio, impacting and changing the lives of others, inviting people to step into the bigness of who God called them to be, and leveraging their businesses to do so, to recognize the significance that we’ve got to stop playing small and we’ve got to take up big space. One of the things that came up when we were on the cruise, as I was speaking, the women, and There were about 20 women in this mastermind retreat. The women were getting emotional and tears were boiling to the surface and they wanted to stifle their tears. And you probably do this too.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:30:21]:
You’ve probably actually been places when someone starts to get emotional and people shove tissues at them, that burns my biscuits. And here’s why we were taught, and this is another measure of lack, another way that lack has entered into our life experience by stifling our emotion. We were punished and berated when we cried as children. Do you remember if you were out and about with your mom or with your parents and you started to cry, they would likely say something like, be quiet, stop crying, or I’m going to give you something to cry about in an effort to stifle your emotional center. Well, when we squelch our emotions, we trap lack in our bodies. And part of the reason the abundance that is your birthright can’t get in is because you are filled to the brim with lack, because you won’t even cry. And so these women were feeling emotional and they were like, I’m sorry, don’t apologize for emoting. It’s your human nature.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:24]:
And it is as natural to cry and express your emotion. Now you’ve got to work on regulating your emotion. That’s a whole nother episode but it is as normal and natural for you to emote as it is for you to be abundance and experience abundance in every orifice of your life. I think about so many clients that I’ve worked with, but just one. Just while I was on the cruise, I got a text message from a client who, at our Mastermind retreat the first week of January, declared that $100,000 cash months are her new normal, that this is going to be her $1.2 million year in her business. And she sent me a text message, so excited because she’s already closed $100,000 worth of business this year, y’all, as I record this, as you listen to this, it’s January 20th. This text message came through one day last week, like maybe the 14th or the fifth. I think it was the 14th.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:32:26]:
So by the 14th day of the new year, she had already closed $100,000. Listen, the ripple effect of taking up more space is that more becomes available to you when you stop playing small, when you embrace your power, and when you see your business for what it was designed to be since before you were formed in your mother’s womb. Yo, it’s a game changer. Now, I believe that. And there’s a statistic that says 75% of entrepreneurs set goals that are too small, limiting their growth potential. 75% of entrepreneurs set goals that are too small and limit their growth potential. And again, I say you are playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:33:22]:
That’s another part of our deepest fear by Marianne Williamson. So my call to action for you for 2025 is bigger. Think bigger. Show up bigger. Play bigger. Emerge bigger. The world is ready for your bigness, and there is a container large enough to hold everything that God has placed on the inside of you for you to show up really, really powerfully in the world. So I want to challenge you this week to identify one area where you’ve been playing small.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:33:57]:
And then I want you to commit to going bigger. I want you to take the risk. I want you to have that conversation. I want you to make that move. I want you to do that thing. Because you are done hiding. You are going to show up bigger because you are bigger. And because you are done hiding.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:34:20]:
And because you are ready to be bigger than you have allowed yourself to be in the past, you are going to position yourself to consistently take up space without apology. There is nothing that would bring me more joy than to help you take up space. Which is why I want to once again invite you to join me for Move to millions live 2025, May 21st through the 23rd in the Washington D.C. area. when you register to join us for Move to Millions Live, you get our bonus monthly million dollar intensives. These are bonus 90 day workshop 90 minute workshops that will equip you to actually generate an extra $100,000 cash before we meet in May. If that excites you, go Visit move to it’s time y’all. Playtime is over.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:19]:
It’s time to play big. Because you are big. Being in God, built in God because of God. I want you to remember that abundance is your birthright. You deserve it. You are worthy of it. It is yours for the taking and to access it, you need only Move. I’ll see you guys next time.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:46]:
Take care.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:48]:
Thank you for joining me for the Move to Millions podcast. The way I see it, you deserve a business that generates millions. We’d love to have you join us in May at Move to Millions Live to help you prepare, plan and position your company for the million Dollar mark visit Move to Millions event. Now to grab your seat. If you enjoyed our time together, do yourself a favor, head on over to itunes, subscribe rate and leave us a review. Until next time. Remember, remember, millions are your birthright and to access them, you need only move. See you next time.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:36:21]:
Take care.
