This episode is powered by Scale with Grace: 5 Keys to Position Your Multi 6-Figure Business for Millions
In November 2024, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Jason Duncan on his The Root of All Success Podcast. The Root of All Success looks deeply into the unique stories of some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, athletes, actors, artists, and influencers to see how they unlocked success and how they define it. Success is within your grasp, too, if you simply use the same keys these amazingly successful entrepreneurs used to unlock their success.
While we are working diligently on season 6 for you, enjoy this powerful episode! Jason asked me some really powerful questions and I cannot wait to hear what you thought of my answers.
You’ve more than likely heard me say on more than one occasion that a low six figure business is small business poverty. Anyone who is making low six figures will likely secret admit this truth.
When you are barely making enough to pay yourself at a rate that allows you to live well while creating financial literacy, it can feel like poverty. Especially because poverty is often a state of mind.
As we get ready for 2025, this is the perfect segue way into your year of BIG.
Uncover the secrets to true wealth as Darnyelle Harmon shares her transformative journey from “six-figure poverty” to achieving God’s millions! Join us as she reveals how small business owners can break free from the income trap, scale sustainably, and create a lasting legacy.
In this powerful episode of The Root of All Success, host The Real Jason Duncan sits down with Darnyelle Harmon, CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, to explore her journey from corporate life and debt to multimillion-dollar success. Darnyelle unveils the concept of “small business poverty”—the financial trap that many entrepreneurs unknowingly fall into—and how she managed to break free and build a thriving business. They dive deep into her signature “Move to Millions” method, which has generated over half a billion dollars in sales for clients, and discuss the importance of mindset shifts, strategic live events, and spiritual alignment for building true wealth.
Don’t miss Darnyelle’s insights on transcending income limitations, shifting mindset for wealth, and unlocking the full potential of your business. Perfect for entrepreneurs aiming to elevate their income and purpose!
Resources Mentioned:
- Move to Millions by Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon – Get Your Copy
- Companion Guide for Move to Millions – Download for a detailed overview of the seven systems to seven figures.
- Join the Move to Millions Facebook Group for ongoing support and community engagement – Join Now
- Move to Millions 90-Day Business Growth Planner – Get Your Planner
- Learn more about God Girls Making Millions: God Girls Making Millions
Five Powerful Quotes:
- “Success is about aligning with the vision God had for you before you were born.”
- “95% of success is your mindset. Without internal belief, external strategies won’t work.”
- “Financial literacy and understanding the spiritual and neurological aspects of money were key to my turnaround.”
- “Having a lot of money does not take away from others; it allows you to make a greater impact.”
- “Gratitude for what you have is essential to invite more wealth into your life.”
Social Media Links:
Links Mentioned in the Episode:
- Move to Millions Continuum Episode
- God Girls Making Millions
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Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:04]:
You are listening to the Move to millions podcast with Dr. Darnyelle J. Harmon. If you’re ready for high level conversations that position and prepare you to move your company cash flow and connection to and beyond the million dollar mark. Let’s get this party started. Welcome back to the Move to Millions Podcast. I am your host, Dr. Darnyelle God, award winning CEO, best selling author, international keynote speaker and eight figure entrepreneur.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:37]:
If this is your very first time listening, I am so excited to welcome you. Now there’s a few important things that I want you to make note of. Number one, while this is technically a business podcast, I believe that life and business are congruent and you cannot have a booming business when you have a busted life. So I will talk about topics that impact our small business ideal clients, low multi six figure service based entrepreneurs that want to scale and sustain a business that serves them financially and spiritually to and beyond seven figures. Number two, I believe that businesses with a spiritual foundation go farther, faster which is why this podcast is in the spirituality category. Number three, I am the best at combining spiritual principles with business growth strategy that focuses on real business. And you know I’ve got the receipts to back it up. Just recently at my live event this past May of 2024, we had 20 clients on stage who had done a combined $233.1 million and we are responsible for 46 first time seven figure CEOs and 29 next time seven figure CEOs and we’ve helped them doing do that using our proven Move to Millions method.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:02:03]:
I am the trifecta. I’ve got a strong business acumen, I’ve got a prophetic anointing for money and I am committed to doing work that multiplies abundance on the earth. I’m a mentor, I am a coach, I am a consultant, and I am a spiritual covering and strategist. And if you want to go deep in the principles that I share here, I highly recommend that you grab my best selling book Move to the Proven Framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. And it is available wherever you like to buy your books. Or you can go to and last but certainly not least, the Move to Millions is a financial legacy play. I want you to notice that I said millions, not million. It’s never been about one, it’s always been about multiples of millions.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:02:53]:
In fact, we like to get our clients from around 300,000 to $3 million through our programming. I believe it’s hard to be the change when you don’t have any. So being here is going to raise your earning potential and shift every area of your life. So again, I say welcome. We are preparing for season six, and while we do that, I am rewinding some of the conversations I’ve had on other amazing podcasts. Now, I know that unless you listen to these podcasts, you may never get to hear this side of me. And so I’m bringing you these conversations just to kind of deepen our connection while we get ready and we gear up for season number six. Listen, I need you to get your helmets and your shoulder pads and I need you to be ready to brace yourself for what is coming in season six.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:03:41]:
I am so excited. This week I am rewinding my conversation on the Root of All Success with the Real Jason Duncan. We talked about a lot of stuff, y’all. It’s a powerful, powerful conversation. I want you to grab your Move to Millions podcast notebook and your favorite beverage and ink pen and join me as Jason and I have a powerful conversation about a part of my story. You likely know, unless this is your first time here, that I once upon a time had a quarter of a million dollars in credit card debt, filed bankruptcy, and today I am worth $12 million. Grab that pen, grab that notebook, get your beverage. You might even want a tissue or two.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:23]:
And let’s jump into my conversation with with the Real Jason Duncan that played on his podcast the Root of All Success. I’m making no modifications to it, just the way it played. There is the way you’ll hear it here. I’ll see you on the other side. Enjoy the conversation.
Jason Duncan [00:04:38]:
Now, you and I were talking pre show and you said that small businesses that are doing low six figures, they’re actually living in what you called small business poverty. That’s a bold statement because listen, most people don’t ever crack the six figure mark. So how can you say that?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:55]:
I mean, that’s even part of it. So here’s the thing. If we just look at the numbers for the sake of the numbers, and let’s say $120,000 is what your business does by the time you pay your taxes. Because likely you’re an llc. You’re probably not even filing taxes as an S corp yet. So while you have the pass through, you’re paying way more taxes. So let’s call it 25%, which is probably low, but let’s call it 25%. We take 25% off the top.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:20]:
We’re already down to like $80,000. You haven’t paid yourself yet. You haven’t done any marketing, you don’t have anybody supporting your team. So let’s say you spend 10,000 on marketing, we’re down to 70,000. Let’s say you hire someone to support, you, pay them 30,000, you’re down to 40,000, you still haven’t gotten paid yet. How in the world are you living your best life living at the level that God designed you to live and you are only bringing home 40,000. You probably did better at your job. So if you’re going to have a business, your business needs to, at a minimum, and even this is pushing, it needs to be doing at least a half a million.
Jason Duncan [00:05:56]:
Yeah. What? When we think about this amount of money being related to small business poverty, I think that’s a triggering statement because people like, wait, wait a minute, Poverty is like 18 grand a year or whatever that, whatever that. I don’t know what that number is.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:06:10]:
Jason Duncan [00:06:11]:
But as you break it down, the listeners have to agree that doing 110 grand a month in revenue as a small business owner, you will probably be better off working for somebody else.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:06:21]:
Jason Duncan [00:06:22]:
When did you discover this and did you go through that yourself to figure this out?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:06:27]:
Yes, that’s exactly how I discovered it, Jason. I’m like, wait a minute. All I wanted when I first left corporate and started my own business was to match my salary. I made $120,000 a year. I got to $143,000 a year. I looked around, I was like, where is the rest of the money? I am not living the dream. I am not able to go out here and floss and take vacations and do all the things I thought I’d be free to do when I was not working for someone else. I recognize something else I say all the time is you can’t be the change if you don’t have any.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:06:59]:
I didn’t have any change. So I couldn’t give to the causes that were important to me. I couldn’t stack for retirement. I literally had created for myself a job where I was actually doing worse than my full time job. Because I had benefits, I had the ability to step away without having to be still on. If I closed my business When I made $143,000 a year, there was no money coming in would put me in a worse situation. And then I also watched the clients that we are serving at that point in time. Also like me trying to get to six figures.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:07:30]:
If I could just get to six figures, like it’s the holy grail. And getting there and feeling like some of your listeners will get this. They could have had a V8. It was not enough. It was not enough. And so I started to think about what I really wanted to experience and that was more and that was going to require more.
Jason Duncan [00:07:50]:
So we’re talking with Dr. Darnyelle J. Harmon today. Let me tell you a little bit about who we’re talking to because I think you’re really going to enjoy listening to our conversation. She is the incomparable two time Inca 5000 CEO of a company called Incredible One Enterprises, which is a multi million dollar coaching and consulting brand. Not multi six figure because we, we just talked about that. She’s best known for changing and transforming the lives of her business, coaching clients and live event attendees. She’s over the last 10 years helped them secure over half a billion dollars in sales.
Jason Duncan [00:08:26]:
And she has a method called Move to Millions which is the title of her upcoming book, the book that she says that she was put on this earth to write. But she also has seven best selling books that she’s written. I think you’re really going to enjoy this conversation. So this idea of moving to millions, when did this happen? Because you had to move to millions before you could start teaching other people how to move to millions.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:08:50]:
Absolutely. So I moved to millions for the very first time in 2014. And Jason, I hated it. It was the thing I prayed for. I just wanted to do it. We made it happen and I literally very quickly was like, there’s gotta be more to life than this. I felt like I had created a really good paying job for myself. I experienced pandemonium.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:09:10]:
I didn’t have a really strong qualified team to support me. And it was, it was everything Biggie said it was going to be. It was more money and it was more problems. More money, more problems. That’s right. I had to find a way to kill the monster. But I was also very clear that I knew that I was called to millions, that that was the prophecy that was given to me very early in my career as an employee that I was supposed to operate at this level. And so because I knew that, I knew that there meant if there had to be a way to do it, that wouldn’t allow me to have to sacrifice everything that was important to me to be living without good self care and health and wellness and, and so I was willing to blow it all up in order to recreate it in a way that served me both financially and spiritually.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:10:00]:
And that’s what I’VE done. And that’s what I talk about in the book.
Jason Duncan [00:10:03]:
So what were you, what were you doing in the corporate world?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:10:06]:
So when I left the company that I worked for, I was a vice president at that particular point in time, responsible for a business unit called billing disputes. I worked for a financial services company. We sold credit cards and mortgages and all of those things. And throughout my career I spent time in several different departments in the organization.
Jason Duncan [00:10:25]:
So when you launched out and did your own thing, did you go straight into coaching or did you do something else?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:10:32]:
No, I. When I first started, the one thing I knew I wanted to do, I felt led to do, was to get out and speak. So my first iteration, I was a motivational speaker. I remember wanting to join the National Speakers association. And at that particular point in time, you had to have 20 or 25 paid speaking engagements. So that was my first goal and my first mission. I booked those paid speaking engagements and started speaking. Living out of a suitcase and literally only making the money to get on the stage because I didn’t have anything else.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:11:01]:
I didn’t have any consulting, I didn’t have any coaching, I didn’t even have books at that particular point in time. And I had to find a way to expand my payday so that I could really change the amount of money I made. And so that’s how we morphed into coaching and consulting.
Jason Duncan [00:11:16]:
So you leave the corporate world, you want to go out there and get on stage because you got something in you that you want to get out. You think it’d be a blessing to the world. You start getting that message out and you look around like there’s more to this. There, there’s got to be more to this. And in 2014, you moved out of those six figure poverty numbers into the millions of dollars in revenue. How did that transition happen? Was it because you had courses and coaching like, well, how did you do that to move from low six figures into millions?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:11:47]:
Yeah, so. So just to give a quick snapshot of the trajectory, so 2020-1114-3000-2012 3000-0020-1367-5000. 2014, 1.8 million. So what happened in 2014 is I held a live event. This is when I started to produce live event experiences to get in front of entrepreneurs and small business owners to offer them the opportunity to come and work with me in my mentoring programs. And at that particular live event, we had 265 people in attendance and 137 people enrolled in either a $10,000 or a $25,000 program, and that generated $1.3 million in cash in three days. So it felt like overnight I became a seven figure business, although I had been working up to that point for a few years prior to that.
Jason Duncan [00:12:43]:
All right, so how did you fill the room? How did you get 200 plus people in that room? That’s the trick that a lot of people can’t figure out how to do.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:12:51]:
And qualified people who were paying. I think the event at that time was maybe about 750 to $1,000 for a ticket. So it wasn’t like it was a $300 room. Right. And so there were a couple of different things that we did. I’m a speaker. I’ve been opening my mouth and changing people’s lives since I was 2 years old. And so if you give me a microphone, I’m going to transform.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:13:13]:
And so I was speaking, I was out getting booked to speak, connecting with people, building my email list and making sure that people knew about what we had going on. And then also that year we did our first tour where I went to five different cities across the country. And I did like a, like a preview, if you will, of what was going to happen at my three day experience and enroll people into the three day experience. And then probably the most important backside of the strategy is what we call the bring a friend strategy. So once you get a person to commit to come to an event, no one wants to transform by themselves and no one wants to transform in a room full of people that they don’t know. So it’s very easy to get a person to bring someone with them that can be their built in accountability and help them to experience transformation while being transformed themselves. And so we, through our tour, we sold about 180 tickets. And through our bring a friend strategy, we we filled the remaining tickets to the live event.
Jason Duncan [00:14:10]:
And then that live event turned into $1.3 million in revenue.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:14:14]:
Yep. In about a day and a half.
Jason Duncan [00:14:17]:
Wow. So have you been able to replicate that many times over since.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:14:20]:
Many times over. This past May, we, we did it again. We generated 1.4 million in the room over a day and A half and 1.8 million total by the time we finished our follow up strategy.
Jason Duncan [00:14:31]:
So is your expertise, Darnyelle, is your expertise in delivering the content on the back of that or is your expertise now and teaching coaches how to do what you’re doing, where you’re taking? Let’s do a live event and let’s get a back of a room million Dollar day.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:14:47]:
Yeah. So I love this question because it’s something that we’ve debated as a company over and over and over again. Where I’m really strong is in helping people build scalable and sustainable businesses, period. It doesn’t matter. Our clients are not just coaches and consultants. Of course we have coaches and consultants because that’s a very viable industry. But we also have accountants and attorneys and interior designers, service based professionals. And so primarily what we do is we teach them how to build a foundation for their business that will support scaling at the level that really meets the desires that they have for themselves and their financial legacy.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:15:22]:
And for many of them, they will either choose to leverage the power of speaking or live events because that really gives you the ultimate leverage. Anytime you can get in front of a room of people who have the problem, you solve and position a solution. It’s going to be an amazing payday.
Jason Duncan [00:15:38]:
So I was just talking with a good friend of mine this morning. I just read, I’m actually halfway through the second reading of 10x is easier than the 2x. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the book, but one of the things that I do, I put on four live events per year for my clients, three of which I open up one day of those events to the public. And I’m not, I’m not succeeding at these. Now they’re great for my clients, but that’s what I originally designed them for. The fact that I open up to the public is kind of like a bonus thing. I haven’t figured out how to do that yet. But one of the things that I, in reading this book through the second time is I was talking to my friend this morning.
Jason Duncan [00:16:18]:
It’s like I just want to hire, I want to hire an event person, somebody who knows how to do events and say, look, only do these three that are open to the public. I want you to run these for me and then we’ll just do a split of the take and like, whatever. Is that even, is that even something I should be thinking about or am I just missing something totally?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:16:40]:
No. So could you do it that way? Yes. I think the biggest thing that I would say if I was consulting you, because I have several clients who every single year hire me to help them produce million and multimillion dollar events. Like so. So it happens. It can happen. The model that we most like to help people to use when they’re doing events are two to three day events for the general populace. Now your clients should be there because they become built In Salesforce for you in the room demonstrating what it looks like to work directly with you.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:17:10]:
But I think more important for you to think about initially is identifying what the end goal is for the event. Because your events have been primarily about fulfilling and not about enrolling. That’s why you’re fulfilling and not enrolling. So if we change your come from, no matter how you do it, the impetus is going to change. And the way that you run a show would be set up. The way that you go about marketing, the messaging that you use and the price point that you associate with it with it will determine who comes in the room. And then if you do it the way that I teach it, you’re going to see anywhere from. We see on average 35 to 53% conversion in your room based on the way you organize the entire experience, including that run of show.
Jason Duncan [00:17:54]:
Yeah, well, that would be a dream come true because I have not been able to figure that and crack that. Why do you think you’ve been able to figure that out?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:18:03]:
I studied. Okay, so 2009, I did my very first event. The one thing I didn’t tell you as a part of my story is when I left corporate America, I literally just woke up one day in 2004 and was like 10. Today’s the day I’m quitting my job. It wasn’t that simple. You’re a God guy, so I can break it down to you this way. The Holy spirit made it very clear that it was my last day at work. And because I trust God with all that I am, I quit.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:18:26]:
And I said, okay, worst case scenario, God’s got my back. I can’t fail. I’m going to go out here and I’m going to do what I feel my spirit leading me to do. And so I quit my job. While I. Once I quit the job, while I was figuring out what I was supposed to do next, I sold Mary Kay cosmetics and I ended up getting a pink Cadillac become number one in the state of Delaware, doing all the grand and wonderful things. I got the diamonds, all the things. So I did my very first event in 2009 with 250 people in the room.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:18:54]:
Before you get excited, I charged them $25 to be there because I didn’t understand how to do an enrollment event. I only knew at that particular point in time how to put on a conference. And so once I learned, once I did that and it flopped, I made $400. I took the whole rest of the year and I attended as many events as I could afford. Some were one day, some were two days, some were three days, one was five day. And some of the names you probably know out in the world, I attended events. I was attending from the customer experience, but I was mostly trying to see what I could learn about what happened on the back end. And I was studying what happened in the room when they did what, what they said just before they did what, so that I could create what became a blueprint for me.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:19:40]:
Today is called the million dollar events method. But initially it was just the hypothesis that I could take what I learned by attending all of those events and create it, because no one was teaching anyone how to do live events to enroll. And so I came back after that year. I did an event in 2011. The very first one had 10 people in the room. Six of them enrolled in my $10,000 program. I made 60,000. And I kept replicating that over and over.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:20:07]:
I went from a one day to a two day, a two day to a three day. We settled on the three day model when we generated a half a million dollars in a day and a half. And we just kept refining and amplifying.
Jason Duncan [00:20:18]:
Let’s take a quick break to thank our amazing sponsors for making this podcast possible. As an entrepreneur running multiple businesses, effective communication is critical for me. I’ve tried all kinds of outreach tools over the years, but none have compared to Dub when it comes to driving real results. And that’s Dubb. I was one of Dubb’s first users. I think it was like seven years ago when they first launched. And I’ve been a loyal customer ever since. Dubb has completely transformed my prospecting, my client communication strategy, and here’s why.
Jason Duncan [00:20:51]:
Dubb makes it simple to record personal video messages and share them across email, email, sms, social media, and more. And this brings back the face to face connection that’s missing for most digital outreach. And what happens is my prospects instantly feel more engaged when they can put my face to my name. I end up building a stronger relationship faster by incorporating these videos, these video messaging into my workflow. Dubb also provides tracking and analytics so I can see exactly who engages with my videos and how they respond to them. Their automation and their CRM features help me nurture leads and close more deals. I mean, that’s what we’re trying to do, right as entrepreneurs. So after using Dove for years, I absolutely can’t recommend them enough.
Jason Duncan [00:21:37]:
I mean, Ruben, those guys over there are phenomenal. I love Darius. They’re all great guys. It’s become an invaluable tool that I depend upon to run my businesses efficiently. If you want to boost your outreach and see amazing results like I have, head over to Dub that’s the U B B and you can try it completely for free. No credit card required. You get the first 50. You get 50% off your first two months.
Jason Duncan [00:22:04]:
By the way, if you use my link you need to take your prospecting to the next level with video messaging from Dubb. They’re my go to sales communication platform for nearly seven years and counting. Go to therealjason try it for free, no credit card required and you’ll get 50% off your first two months as well. Owning a business means spending a lot of time thinking about money. Do you have enough cash to pay your vendors, cover payroll, keep anything for yourself? What’s the solution? Banking with Relay to gain total cash flow clarity. With up to 20 checking accounts you can separate cash for every expense, payroll taxes, owner’s computer and you can know exactly how much you have to spend. You can get banking built for small businesses. Sign up in 10 relay that’s relay relay is a financial technology company, not a bank.
Jason Duncan [00:23:07]:
Banking services provided by Thread bank member FDIC thanks for listening to our sponsors. Now back to the show. So what is your offer on the back end? What are you doing with your clients then when they pay 10 or $25,000?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:23:23]:
Yeah so we typically have two levels level and they’ve raised now. So now we’re doing an 18,000 and a 36,000. But the first level of the program is for a business owner who has crossed the six figure mark and has the makings of a million dollar company but really has some internal work that they need to do more than external work. And so we call that program is called Ascend and it’s more about their soul than their strategy because if you can get to 100k, 200k you have a strategy that works. The thing that’s in the way is you. And unless we can expand your capacity and shift the way you see yourself and the way you see money. If I can introduce you to the parable of the talents and have you internalize that then you’ll actually make more money. So that’s the first program and then the second program is would be considered a more traditional mastermind with hybrid approach.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:24:15]:
So some private consulting as well as some group interactions in order to help Them to build up their infrastructure, build out their team and get their business solidly to the million dollar market, being able to sustain it over time.
Jason Duncan [00:24:26]:
That’s great. That’s great. So what, what do you think has been your one? If you, if you look back to all the success you had and unlocking millions of dollars writing these bestselling books, serving clients in a high, high level way, what’s been the one thing that’s unlocked success for you more than anything else?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:24:44]:
Yeah, Shifting the way I see myself. I was born to drug addicted turned crack addicted parents and we didn’t have a, what’s the saying? A pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of, whatever that saying is. And what we did have, my dad was a very functional addict after my mom went to jail when I was 8. So what we did have, he used for his addiction. And so I literally came from nothing. And I believe that that’s what life was supposed to be. I heard my dad say all the time, you have work really hard, work twice as hard for half as much and you should be grateful. Well, that’s settling.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:25:18]:
And that is not what God told me I deserve to experience. So going through the paces of building my own personal relationship and connection with the father and shifting the way that I see myself so I could see myself the way that he sees me, it increased my confidence. It allowed me to become and recognize my significance and to leverage the gifts and talents that were placed on the inside of me before I was formed in my mother’s womb. And to actually walk those things out in my life and in the lives of others, that’s been the biggest difference, hands down. So how do you byproduct of seeing yourself differently?
Jason Duncan [00:25:50]:
Well, how do you, how do you define success? What does it mean to you?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:25:53]:
Yeah. Oh, that’s a great question. Success is being in an alignment and connection with the vision that God had before you, before you were formed in your mother’s womb.
Jason Duncan [00:26:04]:
Well, by that definition, do you consider yourself to be successful?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:26:07]:
Oh, absolutely.
Jason Duncan [00:26:10]:
I love it. I love it. So now as you’re looking at these entrepreneurs that you’re helping, and there’s a lot of entrepreneurs that are listening to this show, what is, what is a piece of advice that you would give to them to say, look, if you, if you just take this thing and just run with this piece of advice, it’s going to change your life. What, what piece of advice do you have for them?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:26:30]:
Yeah, do the internal work more than you, do the external work. Work on you because if you. If you stop and think about it, all the strategies, they all work. Whatever you’re hearing out there, whatever you’re seeing done, it works. All of them work. What makes it not work is your belief in yourself and your level of conviction to take the steps that you must take. There is work that has to be done. It’s not hustle and grind work, but there has to be consistent work.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:26:58]:
And often the reason we don’t do the work is because there is something invariably in us that believes we are unworthy and not deserving, or we are afraid of what might happen if we actually achieve the visions and the goals that we set. So if you do that internal work, the external work will always catch up, and it will blow your mind and exceed your expectations and position you to truly impact the world and shape the planet.
Jason Duncan [00:27:23]:
All right, I think I know what you mean when you say do the internal work, but explain that.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:27:27]:
Yeah. So work on your mindset. I believe that 95% of our success is tied to the 6 inches in between our ears. And I believe that until you work on the six inches in between your ears, you will not feel six or seven figures between your fingers. So that means you’ve got to spend more time. Like how? How else can I say it? This maybe will be a little bit funny, but as often as you wash your behind, you have got to wash your mind. Most of us, regardless of who we were, what family we were born into, how much money we have, we were taught that money is a sacred thing. You don’t talk about it, it’s taboo.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:28:03]:
You would never share it. And that’s the relationship that we have to money. However, 2, 300 times in the Bible, God talks about money, wealth, and possessions. He talked about money more than he talked about heaven or hell. Why? Because he wants us to understand and master it. It is because only when we recognize that we are the source of wealth can we create wealth and be the change we want to see in the world. And so taking the time to really radically dismantle the lim limiting blocks and beliefs that you hold and replace them with the truth about yourself and the truth about the gifts and talents that you’ve been given is really going to expand your capacity and open up the ability for you to do the amazing things that you dream about, pray about, write about in your journal and are afraid to tell anyone else because they might judge you.
Jason Duncan [00:28:49]:
So if somebody could read one book to help them do this inner work, what book would you recommend?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:28:54]:
Just one. Oh, this is hard. This is hard. Okay. I would probably say this book because this is the book that changed my life. A Happy pocket full of money changed my life.
Jason Duncan [00:29:07]:
You know what? I’ve read a lot of books on this topic. Never heard of that one.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:13]:
Oh my gosh. What I love about it, Jason, is that it, it, you, you get the practical application of money that, that we’re taught, if we’re taught right. But you also get to understand the spirituality and the neuroscience behind the energy of money. And when you understand that, I believe that you can recognize that money is a game. And when you learn how to play the game, if flow, like its purpose is and its design is to flow and to flow consistently, it should not stop flowing. Yet. I would argue, and I bet some of your listeners will argue, that there are times when money has stopped flowing. For them, it’s because you don’t understand it.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:52]:
And it’s beyond the plus and the minus, the asset and the liability, how to budget or how to reconcile a checking account. It’s so much more than that. And so for me, understanding the neuroscience and the spirituality of money was the game changer. And literally I filed bankruptcy when I was 35. And by the time I was 38, I was a net worth millionaire, largely because the bankruptcy trustee required that I take a financial literacy course. And one of the texts that we read in that course was A Happy Pocket Full of Money.
Jason Duncan [00:30:26]:
Okay, you just, you just dove into an area that didn’t know we were going to go into today. So 35, I’m not going to ask you how old you are, but you, you did give some ages. So a few years ago you went, you, you filed bankruptcy at 35. 35, where was that? In your, and I think this is important because listeners, they hear people like you talk about, well, you know, I’m a millionaire, I did this. But they don’t hear about the crap that you went through to get there. At 35, when you filed bankruptcy, what was going on financially? Were you still corporate life? Where, where were you when that happened?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:00]:
Yes. So I had left corporate America. I was in Mary Kay Cosmetics and I was a quarter of a million dollars in credit card debt.
Jason Duncan [00:31:09]:
Holy crap.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:10]:
I am not, I’m not happy and excited to share that with you. It used to be my secret shame. It used to be what? I was taken to the grave until I realized that your message is your message. And if I stand on the stage, on the pedestal, like, I woke up like this, like I’ve never experienced anything. I’m not transforming Anybody. So being willing to be vulnerable and transparent about my own misgivings and the things I’ve done wrong. I made a lot of poor decisions. Really, really poor decisions.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:39]:
I entrusted a lot of people with money. I got involved in investments that were not sound because I was not financially literate. And it cost me at that particular point in my life. I was on the verge of having my car repossessed for the third time and figuring out whether or not I was going to be able to keep my home, where the only thing left for me to do was to file bankruptcy to get the debt collectors off my back. I don’t think that it is the answer all of the time, but in my situation it was the only answer. It was also the thing that I, I held off for a really long time because I was, I was, I was ashamed, I was afraid and I, and I didn’t want to do it because I thought it meant that I was a failure. And it wasn’t until I got the release from God to do it that I actually moved forward. And it was the catalyst that literally broke open my life and allowed me three years later to be a net worth millionaire.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:32:36]:
Today I’m worth eight figures. I am 48 years old. I don’t have a problem telling you because I think that understanding that is important. I think we do people a disservice when we, we aren’t willing to tell the whole truth about what we’ve been through. I know you have more questions, so I’m going to be quiet so you can.
Jason Duncan [00:32:52]:
No, no, I, I, this is, this is really good because I don’t think there’s not a lot of people that come on the show that are very successful who share the crap that they went through that was part of their story. Now filing bankruptcy may or may not have a direct impact on your ability to build wealth, but it is part of your story. But my cure, my curious question next is, all right, 35, everything’s gone, bankruptcy happens. But three years later, I mean the bankruptcy, depending on which one you filed, is a 17 year. Well, it’s a 5 year payout. 7 to 10 year hit on the credit. You know, it stays with you for so long. It’s like somebody moves in, doesn’t move out.
Jason Duncan [00:33:29]:
But those three years were pivotal for you. What happened in third from 35 to 38 years old. So a little over a decade ago.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:33:36]:
Jason Duncan [00:33:37]:
What happened? That went from bankrupt to millionaire.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:33:40]:
Yeah. So there was probably three distinct defining moments during that particular point in time. Number one is When I left corporate America, I did have a 401k that I did not cash out. That money was still in my 401k and I had made a couple of really sound investments that paid amazing dividends, one of them being Microsoft. So that was a big part of it. I was able to keep my home. At that particular point in time. The only edict was that I had to continue to make my mortgage payments.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:34:12]:
While I was in the reestablishment. I did follow chapter seven bankruptcy. So everything was absolved. And it is a seven year hit to your credit. Because I had a small business at that particular point in time and I had been building relationships with my personal and business banker, they were able to help me, despite my bankruptcy, to begin the process of reestablishing credit. In reestablishing credit, I was able to start investing in real estate initially through wholesaling, which does not require you to have any money in order to get started. And then eventually I could take my proceeds from my wholesaling payouts and start to buy properties that became investment income for me. So between my stock portfolio at that particular point in time, in that three year span, I think I got to six doors that put me in position to have a couple of million dollars in net worth assets.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:10]:
And then we just kept building upon that. Simultaneously in my business, my, my confidence and my knowledge and expertise is growing and I’m raising my rates and increasing the profitability that are earning my company. And instead of spending or reinvesting everything back into the business, I started investing in other things. So a big part of, of my net worth today, it, you know, it includes real estate, it includes the stock market, it includes crypto, it includes insurance. I’ve got a lot of different things as I’ve become more financially literate and learned about money that I’ve become involved in. So for me, completely shifting everything. I was raised in a household where we didn’t talk about money. It was taboo.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:55]:
Why would you ever talk about that to now? I. My goal is to normalize how people think about money and think about themselves. Because I believe the way you see money is about the way you see yourself.
Jason Duncan [00:36:06]:
Huh. That’s very interesting how, how our beliefs about money are ingrained in us even without anybody telling us. Yeah, like we grow up in homes like you did, where you didn’t talk about it. Same thing for me, we didn’t talk about it. To this day I have no idea what my dad made. And annually my mom stayed home, so I have no idea what he Made from year to year. I know that they’re, you know, they’re retired now and they’re. They’re fine.
Jason Duncan [00:36:29]:
But. But I. More than fine. I mean, they’re doing really well. But I. But we never talked about it. I don’t know. And.
Jason Duncan [00:36:35]:
And I never talked about it with my kids because. But I just. I don’t understand. I don’t know. Is it the church doing this to us? Like, you, you, like, is this. Is this what’s happening? Is the church telling us the lies that we, you and I probably now both believe is a lie that.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:36:51]:
Jason Duncan [00:36:52]:
That money is the root of all evil and rich people are greedy?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:36:56]:
Like, let’s talk about it. Oh, Jason, I love you so much. Okay, let’s talk about it. So we are talking, for those of you who might not know the word, but you’ve certainly heard this said. We are talking about First Timothy, Chapter 6, Verse 10. I want to just give a little context of what’s happening in the scripture before I break it down for you. So Paul is grooming Timothy. He is a leader in the church in this particular area.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:37:20]:
He is surrounded by wealthy people. And so Paul needs him to understand about money because he has to guide these people. The scripture itself, it’s important for us to first know that the Bible was written in three languages and English was not one of them. So many things are lost in translation, especially the scripture. So the scripture, verse 10 says, oh, of course now, because I want to tell you what the scripture says, it’s not going to flow out of my mouth, right? But the gist of what the scripture says is, for the love of money is the root of all evil. For they that covet if after have erred from the faith, and that is what has caused them sorrow. That is what the scripture says. That phrase for the love of money, loosely translated, is translated incorrectly and causing the problems that we all experience.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:38:06]:
The word in the original text is avarice, which means extreme greed. So what the scripture really says is extreme greed is the root of all evil. I wonder, just real quick, right there, does that change anything for you? Because it changed a lot for me.
Jason Duncan [00:38:22]:
Oh, well, I’m very familiar with this.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:38:24]:
Jason Duncan [00:38:25]:
You don’t change anything for me because I’m with you.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:38:27]:
I mean, it changed everything when I first came upon this revelation. Now, if we go down to verse 17 and 18 still in First Timothy, chapter 6, Paul is telling Timothy what to tell the rich people. He’s like, they’re coming. They’re going to ask you questions. Here’s what I want you to tell them. Tell them number one, to not be arrogant and high minded. Tell them number two, to do good deeds. And tell them number three, to remember the source of their wealth.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:38:51]:
So here’s what I need you to know. What I now know, what Jason knows, is that you can be wealthy. And if you are wealthy, don’t be arrogant or high minded. Do good deeds with your money. It’s hard to be the change if you don’t have any. And remember that it is the Lord your God who is not only giving you the power to create wealth, but the wealth itself. If you follow that principle, then all the wealth that you want. And when you look throughout scripture at every time money came up, whether and as an indication of a person being outside of right standing with God, it was extreme greed.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:39:26]:
Not that they had money and not that they had a healthy, respectful relationship with money. I could keep going because this gets me excited. I love thinking about the parable of the talents. And I’ll go there and break that down if you want me to, Jason, because there’s just so many indications that contradict that one scripture that we hold on to. And it prevents us from experiencing the beauty of what it is like to have access to resource to be the change you want to see.
Jason Duncan [00:39:55]:
Yeah. Well, there’s so much falsehood and lies around how money is supposed to be interacted with as followers of Christ.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:40:05]:
Jason Duncan [00:40:05]:
And you know, I know a lot of people listen to the show are not followers of Christ. I am. And everybody knows that listen to the show that I am. So I don’t make any apologies for that. But I do understand that our, our church, the Western church, the institutional church, has, has done a grand disservice to all followers of Jesus around the world by not teaching us about how money works. Because really, the only time churches typically talk about money is when they’re wanting you to tie.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:40:30]:
Jason Duncan [00:40:30]:
Which is not a New Testament biblical principle either, which we could get into later at another show. But we only talk about it in terms of supporting the machine that is created. And there’s so much more to it.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:40:43]:
Jason Duncan [00:40:43]:
Like money is a tool that we can use to change the world.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:40:47]:
That’s right.
Jason Duncan [00:40:48]:
I had a guy on my show. This is, this is interesting. The show has not been released yet because we just recorded it last week, but the title of the show is is Was Jesus Rich? And. And it was a phenomenal conversation about this. And so by the time people are listening to this show, that show already has aired. So you just need to go back a few episodes and listen to that and then put that with what Darnyelle’s talking about. And I think you’re going to get two sides of the story. They’re gonna nicely intersect.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:41:16]:
Yeah. And I can’t wait to go listen to it myself, because that’s right up my alley.
Jason Duncan [00:41:21]:
Yes, it was very, very interesting. And I don’t want to rehash it, because we already talked about it, but, but I want to say this. A Happy Pocket Full of Money, the book that you recommended, I’ve written it down. I’m gonna go pick up that book. I’m gonna read that probably today. I, I, I’m a man of action. I’m gonna take action or go read that or listen to it, at the very least. What other piece of advice would you give to the people listening if they want to break through the chains of poverty, whether it’s small business poverty or whether it’s actual poverty in themselves, where they don’t have enough cash to do what they need to do?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:41:54]:
Jason Duncan [00:41:54]:
What advice would you give them?
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:41:56]:
Relate to the money in your life. And here’s what I mean. I want you to think about the person that you’re dating or you’re married to your significant other. And I want you to think about how if you constantly called them out of their name and said bad things about them, whether or not they would continue to spend time with you. My guess is that they probably wouldn’t. But yet we’re all walking around talking about, that’s expensive. I would never spend money on that. Money is evil.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:42:21]:
Rich people who have money are terrible. We’re all saying all these terrible things to money and wondering why it’s not spending time with us. Money is an energy and a current that was designed to flow, and it desires to flow to those who honestly understand what it is and treat it as if it is worthy to be in their presence. So start to relate to money. I check my bank accounts every single day. I mean, there is some backstory there as to why, but it’s also because I talk to my husband every single day. It’s because I talk to my clients and customers and team. I relate to them.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:43:00]:
I have a relationship with them. And because I understand the significance of the practice of gratitude, being grateful for what you have, no matter what it is that you have, that gratitude is what invites God to bring you more of it. But when you say things like, you know, I can’t afford it, or I hate it, or I’m broke and you just talk down the money. It’s not going to want to stay around you, and it’s not going to stay around you. We are in a day and age where there is a wealth transfer underway, and it is incumbent upon us to really look at the word, to look at what God is saying. And even if you’re not a believer, you can just look at the principles that are established to help you to understand what money is, what money is to be, how to relate to money in a way that’ll bring more of it into your life experience. The beautiful thing about money, the last thing I’ll say here, is you having a lot of it doesn’t take away from anyone else. Also having a lot.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:43:52]:
And the more that both you and I have, the greater impact we can have in the world. I’ll say it again. You cannot be the change when you don’t have any. And so if we can all recognize how to relate to money in a way that allows us to expand, Expand our capacity and to remove the limiting blocks and beliefs that we have around money, based on the things we were taught and the things that we caught from those who raised us or the churches that we attended, we will literally be in position to change the world.
Jason Duncan [00:44:22]:
You know what? You’re the second person today that I’ve heard say something about our relationship with money and checking in the bank account every single day. I. I don’t remember. I don’t remember the person’s name. Cody. Cody Sanchez. Maybe that’s right. Maybe that’s her name.
Jason Duncan [00:44:41]:
I was just before. Earlier this morning, I was looking at Instagram or YouTube and she was having a conversation with somebody and said almost verbatim what you said. And I have never heard anybody say that before till today. Thank you. God forgive me.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:44:56]:
That means it’s not for you to know.
Jason Duncan [00:44:57]:
I needed to hear this. And today, and all the listeners that are listening to this, the thousands of people are listening to the show right now. This is something for you to pay attention to. What is your relationship with money? I think Cody called it like a mistress. Like, it could be a terrible mistress if you do not spend time with and dote on and. And compliment and be grateful for, that mistress will leave you.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:45:18]:
Jason Duncan [00:45:19]:
Just like a regular girlfriend or boyfriend or husband would leave you if you don’t do those things. So thank you, Darnyelle, for reiterating that, because we need to have a better loving relationship with money. Because there’s not. It’s not evil. It is for our good. It is a tool to do some amazing, amazing things.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:45:38]:
Jason Duncan [00:45:39]:
So I’m going to give you the last word today before we sign off. Anything you want to say? It’s all yours. You get the last word.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:45:45]:
Yeah, I. I just. First want to just say thank you for being here. For everyone who’s listening right now, I honor you in this moment. I ask that you listen again and really anchor in and evaluate what’s coming up for you and be willing to be vulnerable and transparent and honest with yourself in a journal if that’s the only place you can find the space to do it. To evaluate what needs to change in the way you see yourself and the way that you see money so that you can invite more of it into your life experience, so that you can help other people as well as establishing a financial legacy. I want you to pass down your recipes, but I also want you to pass down something that they can fold so that you can really change things for the future generations. You literally have that power to break the chains from seven generations behind.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:46:34]:
If we study epigenetics and seven generations ahead, by you taking the time today to change your relationship with money and seeing money for what it really is, it is not an indication of your identity or your value and your worth. It is merely a tool of exchange that is always available and that is waiting to flow into your life experience.
Jason Duncan [00:46:58]:
Darn y’all wish you lived in Nashville. I. We would hang out. I dig you. I love successful, powerful, grounded, faithful women like you. So thank you for all that you’re doing. You know, I’m going to be driving through your neck of the woods at some point in the very near future. We probably need to meet up in person at some point.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:47:17]:
Jason Duncan [00:47:18]:
Everybody else, go check her out at Dr. Darnyelle. It’s Dr. That for Dr. And her name is Darnyelle. D A R N Y e l l e. Dr.
Jason Duncan [00:47:29]:
go check her out. She’s got her new book. Move to Millions is coming. Or, excuse me, the Move to Millions method. Right. That’s the name of the book.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:47:36]:
The book is Moved to Millions. The proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind.
Jason Duncan [00:47:42]:
You could check out that book right there, Dr. Darnyelle. Go follow her on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn. She’s in all those places. Just look up Darnyelle Harmon. Darnyelle Harmon. Just go check that out. Follow her.
Jason Duncan [00:47:55]:
Tell her what. Send her a dm. Say, hey, I. I heard you on the root of all success and I thought you had some great content. Let’s connect. So I’m so glad that she was here. And listener, thank you for being here. Thank you for tuning in today.
Jason Duncan [00:48:08]:
If I’m being totally honest, like, I didn’t want to do these shows. I recorded two shows today. I. I’m tired. I did not want to do these shows. But look at, look at where I look at my energy right now. So maybe that’s what you need. Maybe somewhere in your life you need to push through something you don’t want to do to get to where you want to be.
Jason Duncan [00:48:26]:
So whatever that is, keep pushing, keep going, don’t give up. And money is not evil. Money is not the root of all evil. Money is simply a tool that we have to exchange value with one another and we can make an impact and change the world. And I believe if you listen to what people like Darnyelle are saying, you’re going to be in a much, much better place. So thank you for tuning in. Please, please make sure you tune in again next time when talk with yet another very successful entrepreneur about his or her journey to success. As always, I am the real Jason Duncan, and Jesus is king.
Jason Duncan [00:49:02]:
Thank you for listening to another edition.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:49:04]:
Of the Root of All Success with.
Jason Duncan [00:49:06]:
The Real Jason Duncan. If you’ve enjoyed this week’s episode, visit the root of all to access the show notes and other helpful resources. Follow Jason on social media herealjason Duncan. See you again next time here on the Root of All Success. Success.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:49:30]:
Was it good for you? I hope you liked it. I enjoyed this conversation. Of course I listened back to it again in preparation to rewind it on the show just to remember how good it was. Listen, I love sitting in the other seat and being the interviewed instead of being the interviewer, right? And so it’s a powerful opportunity you to just gain some insight. Some of the things you probably have heard me say often if you listen on a regular basis. But some things that I don’t even know to say because it’s based on the questions that I’m being asked. And Jason asked some really powerful questions. Now, this conversation is powered by my upcoming masterclass Scale with Grace.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:50:10]:
Here’s what I want you to know. 2024 has been a year, and even though it’s been an amazing year for you in one way or another, you still are not where you know you are supposed to be in your business. I’d like to submit to you that it isn’t your strategy that’s the problem. Instead, it’s what I like to call the grace method and if you want to know what I mean when I say the Grace Method. How the Grace Method is helping clients like Dr. Kimmy and Dr. Rachel expand their capacity and generate multiple six figures in months, then you want to join me for six scale with grace. It’s happening on Monday, December 30th after you’ve had an opportunity to enjoy the Holloway the holiday but just before the New Year starts so that you can maximize every single day of 2025.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:50:59]:
Go to and secure your seat right now. Again, that’s forward slash grace. I hope you enjoyed this conversation between me and the real Jason Duncan and I will see you guys next time. Take care. Thank you for joining me for the Move to Millions podcast. If this episode has impacted you in any way, would you please take a moment and rate and review? Doing so helps us to deepen our impact and expand our reach around the world. And if you are ready to start your very own Move to Millions, I highly recommend that you order your very own copy of my brand new best selling book Move to Millions the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. You can get your copy and our bonuses today@movetomillions until next time.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:51:55]:
Remember, millions are your birthright and to access them you need only move. I’ll see you next time.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:15:18]:
Thank you for joining me for the Move to Millions podcast. If this episode has impacted you in any way, would you please take a moment and rate and review. Doing so helps us to deepen our impact and expand our reach around the world. And if you are ready to start your very own Move to Millions, I highly recommend that you order your very own copy of my brand new best selling book Move to Millions the Proven Framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. You can get your copy and our bonuses today at movetomillions until next time. Remember, millions are your birthright and to access them you need only move. I’ll see you next time.