About Our Guest:
Charreah Katie Jackson is the author of Boss Bride and the CEO of Shine Army. She’s an award-winning journalist, PR savant, coach and strategist and according to her clients, the Mary Poppins of Impact.
With a career that includes spending 10 years as an editor at Essence where she interviewed newsmakers like President Joe Biden, Deepak Chopra and Hilary Clinton to name a few, Charreah has also spent time with Oprah Winfrey and visited one of her estates as a guest. Through publishing her first book, Boss Bride, Charreah practiced what she preaches and has a slew of media credits for herself as well as her clients, including yours truly. She started her company, Shine Army in 2020 and she’s just getting started. To learn more about Charreah, visit www.shinearmy.com
Episode Summary:
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“Loving others as you love yourself is biblical. It all begins with self-love and understanding.” Charreah K Jackson
I remember a time when I didn’t think I was loveable. It was for the 5 years following my mother’s abrupt departure from my life because she was sent to prison. It’s part of the reason I spent my teens and early twenties looking for love in all the wrong places. If I am being honest (and you know that’s my thing,) it even overshadowed my early years in business. That’s why I am so excited about this week’s guest, Charreah K. Jackson. Amongst many things that came up during our heartfelt chat, we got into the fallacy of telling others you love them more and how that can impact your entrepreneurial journey.
Over the last 17 years in business, I have come to realize that only when I was fixed and focused on my own pursuit of the way I see and therefore love myself, would any of my efforts lead to some form of success. If you’re a six-figure entrepreneur who knows you need to go beyond tactics and engage in some honest, transformational connections to scale, this episode is your invitation to stop, listen, and reflect so that you can deepen your connection to yourself, your business and your next season of life and success. Together, Charreah and I explore powerful themes that are often overlooked in the pursuit of success, like loving yourself fiercely, embodying your value, and the concept of magnetizing opportunities instead of just manifesting them. As you listen, you’ll feel like you’re getting advice from two friends who know the struggles, the breakthroughs, and the courage it takes to move from simply building a business to building a legacy.
If you are ready to uncover what it truly takes to break through personal and professional barriers on the journey to millions, Charreah isn’t just talking about strategy—she’s sharing hard-won wisdom on self-love, authenticity, and spiritual alignment, all of which are essential to building a business that doesn’t just reach seven figures but also fuels a life of fulfillment and purpose.
Get your Move to Millions Podcast notebook ready—you’ll want to take notes on the lessons packed into this incredible conversation! Listen in to discover:
- How to leverage radical self-love as a business growth strategy
- How to become a masterful storyteller
- The reason you want to magnetize instead of manifest
- And so much more
Powerful Quotes from The Episode:
- “God is the chairman of my company, and I am the CEO. Our board meetings of inspiration are essential.”
- “Prayer should be a decree and a declaration, not questioning if God can do it, but declaring that he will.”
- “Creating capacity for abundance means seeing yourself as deserving and preparing space for the outcomes you desire.”
- “The House of Millions program is designed to help entrepreneurs enhance their cash flow and community connections.”
- “Our goal is to help you move to millions with ease, not hustle. It’s about integrating faith and business.”
- “Prayer is not just our words, it’s our posture. How can we take a posture that we’re preparing for what we just prayed for?”
- “Manifest means to put yourself in a position to receive your blessings. It’s the action behind your faith.”
- “I think being intentional and clear about the language we use is powerful. Instead of ‘manifest,’ I now prefer ‘magnetize,’ aligning my language with my faith.”
- “I realized the power of my voice early, from prayer to public speaking. It was transformative.”
- “Keep the main thing the main thing.” (Quote from her mother)
- “Loving others as you love yourself is biblical. It all begins with self-love and understanding.”
- “My journey from corporate life to where I am now showed me the importance of aligning my career with my personal values.”
Move to Millions Wisdom Questions:
Book: The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks And Trust by Iyanla Vanzant
Favorite Quote: “Keep the main thing the main thing.” Charreah’s mom
Tool Charreah Swears By: Journaling and Opus Pro
How to Connect with Charreah Jackson:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/charreah
- Website: https//www.shinearmy.com
Incredible One Enterprises, LLC is not responsible for the content and information delivered during the podcast interview by any guest. As always, we suggest that you conduct your own due diligence regarding any proclamations by podcast guests. Incredible One Enterprises, LLC is providing the podcast for informational purposes only.
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Charreah Jackson [00:00:00]:
When you read the word. Like when the disciples asked Jesus of all these commandments, what are the key? And he says the first three, love God with all your heart, then love your neighbor as you love yourself. Yeah, only love other people as good as I love me. That whole I love you more is bs. You can’t love me more than you love you.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:26]:
You’re listening to the Move to Millions podcast with Dr. Darnyelle J. Harmon. If you’re for high level conversations, that position and prepare you to move your company cash flow and connection to and beyond the million dollar mark, let’s get this party started. It’s time for another episode of the Move to Millions podcast. I am your host, Dr. Darnyelle God Girl, spiritual business growth strategist, eight figure entrepreneur, CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, and the author of the bestselling book Move to Millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. Y’all, this conversation, I know I say it every single time, but can we just be honest? I always bring you the absolute most amazing guests and this week it’s no different.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:01:17]:
I have an amazing guest. I mean, our conversation was so powerful, y’all. I mean, I knew it was going to be good. I knew it was going to be amazing. But even though I knew it was going to be amazing, I don’t know that I was completely ready for just how amazing it is. Okay, so Charreah Katie Jackson. Charreah K. Jackson, the CEO of Shine army, the writer, the author of Boss Bride, the previous Essence editor.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:01:46]:
Today she is a PR and marketing savant and coach, helping entrepreneurs, small business owners, women, people of color really learn how to amplify their story to create more impact, more influence, and absolutely more income. It’s amazing to watch Charreah. She and I have been friends for years and she has been a client. I have been her client. Like to just literally watch her journey has been all inspiring and so breathtaking. And so I’m really, really excited for you to hear this conversation. It’s literally going to be like you’re a fly on the wall as two good girlfriends sit and talk about all types of things. You’re going to want to get your Move to Millions podcast notebook.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:02:34]:
There might be an opportunity for you to do a point of self self reflection in your journal as you listen in to my conversation with Charreah Katie Jackson. Charreah Jackson. Oh, I am so excited to welcome you to the Move to Millions podcast. How are you today?
Charreah Jackson [00:02:54]:
Phenomenal. I’m on the Move to Millions podcast. I’M so excited to be here.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:02:59]:
You know, I just love you. Before we even have you, tell everybody who you are in your own words. I just love you because you are such a champion for me and the work that I get to do out in the world. And so it’s so good just to know that you see it, you get it, you understand it, and you’ve experienced it. So just thank you.
Charreah Jackson [00:03:17]:
Thank you. I mean, you have been a pivotal part in my move to millions. So I’m just really. And we’ve been friends for years before I was a client. So it’s just exciting. The full circleness. And shout out to all the fellow listeners. Usually I’m on the other side.
Charreah Jackson [00:03:30]:
So this is, I’m very giddy to.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:03:32]:
Be on this side and I’m, I’m so pumped for this conversation. So before we get ahead of ourselves, just take a quick moment and tell everybody who you are in your own words.
Charreah Jackson [00:03:41]:
All right, Allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Charreah Katie Jackson. I am a God girl. I am an at alien. I am an amplifier and a storyteller. Helping leaders, executives and teams increase their impact on lives and making more money by deepening authority and increasing your visibility. And so I am a 20 year media pro. 10 of those years I spent at the world’s largest magazine publisher where I was an executive and senior editor and now run my own company, Sean army, where we get to do exciting work, really helping leaders step up, stand out and be seen.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:18]:
I love it. You said so many things that I wrote down just that fast. Of course, you know I’m always enamored to talk to a fellow God girl. Okay, so we will absolutely circle back around the block and talk about God Girls because it’s coming up again. Right. We’re actually right now and our promotion cycle for the next Guy Girls making millions. We are going to be in West Palm beach this year, which I’m excited about. Brand new.
Charreah Jackson [00:04:41]:
I got to be at the first God Girls making millions and life changing and expansive and all the things. So really excited for this year.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:50]:
Yeah. So good. You said I’m an amplifier and a storyteller on a mission to help people deepen their authority. Oh, that’s so good. And I know you spent 10 years at Essence. You didn’t say Essence. Essence is not sponsoring this podcast, but we’re just going to go ahead and put it out there.
Charreah Jackson [00:05:08]:
Timing. So ESSENCE was owned by timing for the majority of the time I worked there. So yes, I was at Essence and I also worked on People, Fortune, Time, Money, some of the other brands. So, yep, a very proud, very proud ESSENCE alum.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:22]:
Yeah. And I. I know for the black women that listen to this show, ESSENCE is everything.
Charreah Jackson [00:05:27]:
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:27]:
I remember the first time. I think I’ve been featured in ESSENCE maybe four times. And I remember the very first time it actually wasn’t your feature. I think your feature was the largest feature of me. But I did a feature where someone called me, asked me a couple of questions, and so I have, like, a little paragraph in there about tithing time to yourself. It was like a December what busy women should do over the holiday so that they go into the new year, like, fresh and grounded or something like that. And I remember that quote, but I remember for so long just having this insatiable desire and also this beckoning to be, as you said, seen, known, featured, paid through media. Right.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:06:10]:
And so to think about you and what I love about you, I’ve also been your client, in addition to you being mine and the difference that it makes and really just understanding what you just said, amplifier and storyteller. So I really want to pull on that. We’ve had a lot of conversations with amazing people on the show, and I haven’t heard anybody use those two words together. And I think that there is significance in amplifying the story. So to kind of set us on a trajectory to do just that, I would love to hear some of your backstory. So of course I know you as my client, but most of these people, they might not know you. So let’s go all the way back. Yes.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:06:51]:
Even before you were at essence, like, what was the first defining moment that you could recall when you knew that you were not just meant to be any old, average, run of the mill, insert whatever title you would want to insert. Like, when did that come upon you?
Charreah Jackson [00:07:10]:
I mean, it’s a series.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:07:11]:
Charreah Jackson [00:07:11]:
I’ve been that girl my whole life now. Okay.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:07:14]:
I love that now.
Charreah Jackson [00:07:16]:
Did I always know it? No. However, I would say from an impact standpoint, I feel just as proud of standing up for Judith, who the kids in my first grade class called Booga Girl always stood up and understood the power of my voice. So I was the little girl at 4 years old praying at my Bible preschool, did speakers, contents as a child. And it was really, it was on a debate team team rhetorical contest. So I always was someone who was looked at as someone to listen to. And I think in high school, as I started to develop as a writer, I really understood, like, I Was able to, you know, I call myself and now I just say, I magnetize the blessings God has for me. I used to call it a manifester, but one of the first things I manifested was tickets to 50 cents concert when I was a senior in high school. But most importantly, really answer your question, I really understood, wow, you can influence impact.
Charreah Jackson [00:08:18]:
When I was on the student newspaper, shout out to the hilltop, 100 years old, Howard University’s school newspaper. And I did. I had a girl in my sociology class, I was a sophomore. She was paraplegic in a wheelchair and was in class every day. And one day she was late in the shuttle. And I just thought to myself, I see students complaining and here’s someone who is on a wheelchair and get into class sometime, there’s another young lady who was blind, had her walking through campus. And so I ended up doing an article just profiling them. And what I didn’t realize then, I understood now the liability to have students with disabilities complaining around some of their accommodations.
Charreah Jackson [00:09:01]:
And it instantly got response. It instantly led to changes. They fixed some of the. It made it easier for her to be able to come off and on the sidewalk. But I think that was the first time I was. I really saw, wow, the power of my word to really circulate and lead to change. And I just wanted to continue to have impact in other people’s lives and amplify things that were important to me. And because I say that, to say I have had a career invisibility, because I also know what it feels like to feel invisible.
Charreah Jackson [00:09:32]:
And so growing up in third grade at Columbia elementary, there was a production of Mary Poppins. And the star of Mary Poppins, well, you’re listening to her right now. Fast forward a few years later, seventh grade, Miller Grove Middle School, go out for a production of Grease. Long story short, they called the lead of the show. It wasn’t me. I got cast in nothing. And it was the first time I really felt invisible. And so I’ve had a career, as you’ve talked about, of hypervisibility, profiled over a thousand People, produced over 300 national news articles and segments, whether I was featured or featuring someone else during my tenure as a magazine editor or also amplifying leaders as a marketing and PR strategist in this, this chapter.
Charreah Jackson [00:10:16]:
And so I’m someone who understands how impactful it is to show up and share and how it changes people’s lives. I think one of my highlights from my ESSENCE decade was I did an article about what to say back when a man doesn’t want to use a condom and so we just flipped the script. We just all the things he’s gonna say can’t feel nothing. I’m too big. All the things he’s going to say and we gave a script and I just never forget this woman named Lauren who found my personal email address and emailed me and said I had date and he said one of those things and I was so prepared because I had read your article and it just was confirmation that we really can impact other people’s lives if we own our brilliance and share it.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:11:00]:
Hey God girl, have you attended event after event looking for an up level conversation and community only to realize you’ve outgrown the rooms you used to frequent? For inspiration and implementation, I want to invite you to spend three days immersing yourself in a safe, aligned and significant space where you can have the deep, vulnerable and transparent conversations about what life beyond the money really looks like. For the first time, maybe ever, you can have the conversations that really shift the way you show up in every area of your life and focus on getting access to more more freedom, more expression, more self care, more meaning, more alignment and more connections. God Girls Making millions is the only room of its kind for you to finally unearth what is burgeoning for your next level. Learn more and submit your application today@godgirlsmakingmillions.com Want to know what it’s like to work with me and the Incredible Factor University Coaching Team? You can get started today with the move to millions 90 day business growth planner. 90 days at a time, you’ll be setting your business on a trajectory that will make the Move to Millions happen much faster for you. It’s got everything that you need to track. Every strategy, every sale, all of your KPIs as well as your self care and life transformational needs. We made sure we left nothing out of this amazing planner and by accessing the planner you’ll get a behind the scenes view of what it’s like to work with me and my team.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:12:38]:
Go grab yours today at move2millionsplanner.com oh my gosh. So so many things. I was writing as profusely as I could because I was trying to capture all the little nuggets. I mean there are so many things I want to pull on. You’ve been that girl your whole life even when you didn’t know it, right? And I want to come back to how did you start to know it right? Because the woman who’s sitting before me today, the people who Will see the video version of this episode is different than the woman I met all those years ago. She’s different than the woman who came and worked with me a year ago in one of our programs. Right. She’s different today.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:13:18]:
So has it been a progression of knowing or was it a just one thing happened and instantly you’re like, I’ve always been this girl, and now I’m ready to walk in her, like, walk us through that journey. Because I feel like the ability to be able to amplify the story. And when you told the story about the two young ladies who had their specific disabilities at HU and how you, on the outside looking in, could write a story that would create impact for them and all of the others that weren’t featured in that story because you are able to see between what you couldn’t see to produce something that would create impact for other people. So when. When did it happen? Is it still happening? Are you still evolving? Like, I mean, come on, we need to know.
Charreah Jackson [00:14:03]:
First of all, Coach, you already know.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:14:05]:
It’s an evolution.
Charreah Jackson [00:14:06]:
It is ongoing. And we all have the moments and we never stop. Right? It’s definitely been a journey, right? And we all pick up the baton. So I’ve always been someone who’s curious, always been a learner and any. And I’m gonna say this of all of us, too, the. All the community listening to this podcast, you, as the host of this podcast, anyone engaging in these types of conversation are the type of people who are always seeking to grow and expand. We are the learners. We are not fixed.
Charreah Jackson [00:14:35]:
We have a growth mindset. And so while I always had it, you know, with someone who was studious and studied, I didn’t learn to how to become a student of myself till my late 20s, going into my 30s. And I’d be remiss, not to mention at. While at Howard, my sophomore year of college, going home for Christmas break, my family and I unwrapped Christmas presents. And the next day, I unwrap a cancer diagnosis at the age of 19. Went home, went through chemo, radiation. Thankfully, they caught it early. Thankfully, I’m now at 20 years since that diagnosis and still here healthy.
Charreah Jackson [00:15:12]:
Haven’t had recurrence or really any major illness since. However, that changed me. And so at a young age, it took away this notion that I have forever to live my. My life. And so I don’t wish a scary health diagnosis on anyone. However, for me, it woke me up at a young age to take life serious. And so that was one of those things. That woke me up early.
Charreah Jackson [00:15:34]:
And then fast forward to as I started to. Started to feel like I had kind of hit. Starting to hit walls when it came to achieving my goals. I realized it was time to do something different. And I connected with a coach of mine, shout out to Sylvia High, who really started me on the path of transformation and given me access to tools and language to understand how to take radical control of all of my power and to know how to create the life I desire.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:16:03]:
Good. So good. So important. And you’re right, I knew that it was an evolution. Right. I think we should all be evolving at all times. And what I’m really curious about, it’s for you even recognizing that it is an evolution when if you can pinpoint and maybe there isn’t a defining moment, which is okay, right? Because sometimes when it’s perpetual and it’s happening over time, we just look up one day and we have advanced and we don’t really, we don’t even remember the journey because it’s been so gradual. But if there’s anything else that stands out to you.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:16:38]:
You talked about Sylvia and really teaching you the power of transformation and how to hone in for yourself. Right. Those self soothing tools. I think coaching as a modality is great, but it is only great if you are taught to fish, right. Not if someone just keeps feeding you the fish, but you’re actually giving it. Is there a moment when you think about the journey and even the cancer diagnosis. Right. And recognizing the significance of whoa, I don’t have forever and I don’t have time to quote, unquote, waste.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:17:09]:
Right. I think a lot of people say time is money, but I’ve come to realize that time is not money. Time is life. Right. We can always get more money, but we cannot always get more life. And that’s why I made the decision at 48 last year to get healthy and to put my health and wellness at the forefront of everything that I have been doing and losing 35 pounds and changing all the numbers and all the things as a result of that. That being one of those defining moments. So if you could catalog three moments you’ve given us, the cancer you’ve given us.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:17:45]:
Sylvia, is there another moment that you would catalog as a defining moment? Maybe it’s one that’s more recent that really has made the difference in you stepping boldly into being the amplifier and storyteller that you are today.
Charreah Jackson [00:17:58]:
Absolutely. I mean, definitely I’ve had many and just to focus in. So, you know, in this season I run a business full time that has hired me as its CEO and a business I started. So my last day in corporate in February of 2019 was definitely one of those definitive moments and also was a confirmation of the power of life and death and the power of the tongue. And so at that point, Rewind 2018, my first book is published, I’m on a national book tour that I’m producing, doing media while also still running the lifestyle department at Essence. And so it’s busy, I’m burning out. And I knew it was time for my next I had gone as far I had done everything I went into the magazine world, world to do. And there was so much more that required more time and focus than having a full time job that at the time I was expected to be in office five days a week.
Charreah Jackson [00:18:49]:
And so in the fall of 2018, I was at work and in a meeting and started crying. And I just, it was a moment where they were just asking about, it was just about stories and oh, Charreah, you should do an article about celebrity homes. And at that point I’ve been 10 years, 12 years out of school, 10 years in Matt and I’m like, I’m tired of talking about other people and their lives and their hauss. I want my own mansion. And so I found myself and it was right after my pastor said the way we cheat death is to live that I knew I had expired and it was time for me to give up, get up and give that seat to somebody who would be excited to do those stories. And so I remember a few weeks later I went to lunch with one of my good girlfriends, Sandy Garcia. And by this point I had been talking about leaving my job and going on to necks for a couple of years. And so she was tired of me talking about it and shout out to the friends who will not let us stay small and stay stuck.
Charreah Jackson [00:19:47]:
So I was doing story and she said, sharia, about when are you leaving? And this was December 26th, day after Christmas. I said by my birthday, My birthday is February 8th. February 6th was my last day in corporate and I just was so it just was co confirmation that you have the power to speak over your life. And what I spoke came into existence and you know, this year’s I celebrated five years and your girl ain’t missed a meal or a bill, thank God and have been able to grow a business that has, you know, was at six, you know, started the business 2020, we were at six figures within 18 months and we’ve been able to steadily grow and expand. So I’M really proud and grateful for that. But I look back and know it was those moments where I had to get honest with myself, that it was time for something new.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:20:35]:
Yeah, I love that. And, you know, every time I hear the word honest, I think about our super friend Patrice. Patrice Washington. Shout Out Patrice. And how she talks about radical honesty. Right. And it’s. It’s hard to be radically honest, but it is also fulfilling because you recognize that there is more available.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:20:57]:
Yes, Right. Just that there’s more available. And I feel like Charreah, like even just the. Just anchoring into the fact that there’s more available is enough for it to create an opening for it to create capacity for more to begin to flow into your life experience. And we’ve certainly seen that just throughout your journey and what it is that you’ve been able to accomplish over time. There are a couple things you just said in this last little subset that I wanted to pull on because I want to make sure everyone heard it and more importantly, that they stand in the power to be able to speak the same thing over themselves. She said, I have the pleasure and the privilege to run a business full time that has hired me to be the CEO. I love that.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:21:42]:
It’s like, oh, that’s good. I need to write that down because it is a privilege. And there are so many people who their business is not handling their needs. And so either they are still working in a full time job or they’re driving Uber or lit. I’m sorry. No, I’m not laughing at y’all. If you out there driving Uber and Lyft, do what you got to do. I get it.
Charreah Jackson [00:22:02]:
People think, oh, I run my own business. I get to do what I want to do.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:22:06]:
You gotta.
Charreah Jackson [00:22:07]:
Are you being responsible to what you. And I say this as someone who had to only in the last two years and shout out to move to millions and Darnyelle’s trainings, they’ve helped me really step up and show up as a CEO. So I had a business, but it’s only in the last two years that I had to step up to say, actually, this is. It’s up to me for this to stabilize and scale.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:22:29]:
Yeah. Yeah. I think that’s so important and that’s why I wanted to pull on that, because I think I. I feel like I say this all the time, but there’s so many charlatans in the marketplace. Right. And there’s so many people that are leading the charge and letting it be okay to believe that without filling out, figuring out how to create an operational infrastructure so that you can actually be the CEO.
Charreah Jackson [00:22:53]:
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:22:54]:
I remember back in 2007 when I started this company, I got business cards printed that said, darnell, a jervy CEO, and I was anything but a CEO. I was literally one second from bankruptcy, which did end up overtaking me in 2010. And even once I came back into the business full time, I still wasn’t the CEO. It took a while. Today, I’m the CEO. At the time of recording this interview, I’m in the Bahamas, y’all. Like, that’s why the background looked different. For those of you who will see this on video, like, I’m in the Bahamas.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:23:29]:
But guess what? I just looked at the reports yesterday, how much money the company brought in, and I was not part of it. I had. I said one thing to my operations manager in preparation to leave based on the goal that we set for the month of September. At the time of this recording, I was like, we in or we have to hit our goal? Like, it is not okay. Some months, I don’t know if you do this, Charreah, but some moms, I dial it in. I’m like, well, you know what? We’ve done so well. Like, it’s been a great month. Like, just.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:23:56]:
We don’t need to push any further. And I was like, no. I had my meeting with my CFO last week, and the CFO was like, no, this is the amount that needs to come in. And I. So I said to my operations manager, this what needs to come in. And so that means we need another. We need $25,000 to come in this last week of September. Create a plan for me.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:24:14]:
And when you have the team meeting today, because I wasn’t at the team meeting, Charreah, because I’m in the Bahamas, when you are meeting, I need you to send me the plan after what everybody is doing to make sure an additional $25,000 comes into this business. We’re recording this interview on a Tuesday. That conversation took place on a Monday. Can I tell you that since that conversation happened, $8,500 has come into the business, and I wasn’t privy to it. I wasn’t part of how that happened. So saying all of that, to say, acknowledging the fact that you run a business that has hired you to be the CEO and you get to operate as a CEO is a big deal. And you just heard Charreah say that she didn’t wake up like this. That although she started her business and it was an idea, in 2018, it was official in 2020.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:25:07]:
It’s really just been in the last two years that that has made a difference for her. What else? When you think about. I’m going to go back and look at my notes because there was something else that you said that I wanted to talk about. Oh, yeah, you talked about growth, mindset and being a student of yourself. Can you pull on that a little bit for us?
Charreah Jackson [00:25:23]:
That has changed my life and it is, you know, I. So my company is shinearm. We have a framework called Shine. All of our service wrapped around S is around story. The stories we tell ourselves and being empowered to create what happens next H who we help. I invoice, packaging and selling our services. And then in network, which most people know me around, how do we leverage who we know in opp Other people’s people with media and speaking and content. All of that gets us to the E, which is exposure.
Charreah Jackson [00:25:53]:
And so the foundation back to the S is the story. And most people want to jump over that. But one of the quickest ways to accelerate your impact, your success, your visibility and your profitability is to better own who you are and leverage your strengths. And so when I say a student of myself, it’s so profound. Now I know my weaknesses just as much as I own and honor my strengths so I can plan for who I am. So that’s through journaling. That’s really taking time to review myself and my habits. And as we know, entrepreneurs is the biggest mirror.
Charreah Jackson [00:26:29]:
It shows you who you are like nothing else. And so being able to really be intentional, to study the only person I will spend every day of my life with, which is me. And live in a culture that teaches you how to have strong relationship with self and how foundational that is. Even when you read the word, like when the disciples asked Jesus of all these commandments, what are the key? And he says the first three, love God with all your heart, then love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:27:03]:
Charreah Jackson [00:27:04]:
Only love other people as good as I love me. That whole I love you more is bs. You can’t love me more than you love you.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:27:12]:
And so Charreah. Oh, my God. Okay. That’s so good. That is so good. I love it. That is so good. And you’re right.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:27:20]:
And I know I have been victim of saying I love you more to people. Like now lately I’ve been like, doubt it. But you’re right, I should never say I love you more because I need to love me more. Oh, I love that. That’s a breakthrough for me. If you have millions on your mind, Then you need to get in the haus. House of Millions is our up leveled suite of business advisory programs for entrepreneurs and small business owners ready, ready for community and connections to accelerate their cash flow. Learn more@hausofmillions.com what does it look like to study yourself? Could you break that down for us?
Charreah Jackson [00:28:00]:
I got whole Excel sheets of me.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:28:02]:
Okay. Oh, I love it.
Charreah Jackson [00:28:04]:
I think it’s the, the reality is, and particularly this community, we students, we on here taking notes, listening to this podcast. So if all the notebooks we have of the Excel sheets and all the templates, where are we tracking us? And you’re good about that. One of the things I added to my personal tracker of I have a list of goals, I have a list of dreams. I have a blessing bank where I honor what did God already give me. I have a download bank of what God told me. And I love One of the things you talk about is that whole life happens in stages of seven. So I have one through seven cycles. I studied my cycle, what happened in each year? What are the themes that I see in each year? What’s my life path number? So there are lots of tools and modalities of ways to interpret yourself.
Charreah Jackson [00:28:51]:
Right. We live, you know, our culture loves horoscopes. That’s one way of looking at life in the world. But there’s many other ways you can study.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:28:57]:
So it really likes lots of assessments you could take. Like have you taken all of the assessments? I think I’ve taken all of them. I’ve taken Colby and Anagram and Predictive index and Wealth Dynamics. Like all of them, I’ve taken all of the assessments.
Charreah Jackson [00:29:12]:
That is all studying self but also the greatest indicator who knows you best is you. Also that the journaling piece of studying yourself in your life. So I really am. I, I think and I don’t talk. It’s funny, it’s probably one of the first times I’ve talked publicly about some of the things I’ve done because it’s just been a personal mission to better understand because if I’m not clear about where I am, I can never get to where I’m going because I won’t be. So we’ve got to know and be honest to face up to where am I right now so that I know. Is my goal a mal for me or is it on and I can get to both, but I just need to know so that I plan and prep and get support accordingly.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:54]:
That’s good. So you mentioned journaling being something that’s really, really powerful for you. And are you. Are you an active journaler? Meaning you ask a question of God and you wait to see what the answer is? Do you just record what happened during your day? Like, talk to us about some of your journal practices?
Charreah Jackson [00:30:10]:
Oh, so I’m a. I’m both. So it’s funny. I do the traditional. I do. I have a. And this is my journal right here. Now this my.
Charreah Jackson [00:30:18]:
Where I do a daily five where I write five things. I do my calendar there. And what. I have a. I have a me and God notebook, which is different. And so a spiritual notebook. So on the regular side of my spiritual notebook, I just write my notes. I’ll study.
Charreah Jackson [00:30:33]:
If we doing a prayer call, I’ll write. Now, when God talks to me or I have questions of God, I flip it to the other side and on the back, this is where I give God space. So if I have a question, there’s things I’ve asked of God. I remember in transparency in the pandemic in 2020, you. I. That’s when it was the case of every guy I went on one date with. All my exes were reaching out and that. And I just asked God about my husband because I was like, oh, some of these guys trying to creep back.
Charreah Jackson [00:31:03]:
And God told me very clearly I had a download. You haven’t met him yet. So it gave me such peace. I knew none of these knuckleheads and ex were my husband, but I remember saying it on a. On a. My girlfriend’s call, like, oh, I haven’t met him yet. How do you know that? And I had to be like, well, God told me. But that’s one of the ways God talks to me.
Charreah Jackson [00:31:23]:
I hear other ways as well, but that’s one way I. I am intentional to hear from the Holy Spirit.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:30]:
Yeah, I think that’s so important. I know personally. I also have a download bank, as you called it. Like, literally, it’s just me having conversations with God and then God having conversations. And what I typically do is I put a line down the center of the page, and I’m on the left and God is on the right. And so I’ll write and then I’ll move on. So, for instance, in the mornings, typically is when I get up and I journal what’s. What’s on my heart, what’s in my spirit, whatever is coming up, I just write it.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:56]:
And then I, you know, go off to do whatever. And one of those things is I get on the treadmill every morning for 30 minutes, and when I’m on the treadmill or at least five mornings a week, I’m speaking in my prayer language. I don’t speak any English, and I’m just listening. And then when I get off the treadmill, I go back to whatever I put in that came up for me as soon as I woke up. And then I put in what came up for God. And then I literally compare the notes, and that is where every. Every good idea, every God idea that I have ever gotten in this company that I’ve used moved to millions came from next level. Everything came from God.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:32:32]:
Move to Millions came from God. God. Girls making millions came from God. All the things come from God. Because I literally process. I write what I heard, and then I wait for him to tell me, Yup, that’s good. That’s what I want you to do. And I.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:32:45]:
And I think that this is the same is for true for you as well. For me, I decided a few years ago that God really is the chairman of the company. I used to say God is the CEO, but then he got elevated to chairman because I need to be the CEO. I needed to understand the skill sets that are associated with actually fulfilling that role. And it’s hard to do it if you relinquish that to him. And when I did that, we started to have even more intense and powerful board meetings, the two of us together, that would culminate into an entry inside of my journal. So. So I love that.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:33:16]:
I love the. The Daily Five. I love taking the time and just hearing what God is saying and. And using that in whichever way it needs to be used at that particular point in time. Because I’m sure it comes into your coaching, it comes into the consulting that you do as a PR strategist for the. The select, exclusive clientele that gets to work with you in that way. She ain’t for everybody, y’all. I’m just gonna go on and put that out there because I know y’all listen to this conversation and you’re gonna go check her out in the show notes.
Charreah Jackson [00:33:44]:
Every budget, we got something for everybody.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:33:47]:
That’s good. Well, that’s good. That’s good to know. When I think about this again, I want to go back to. I’m flipping my notes back. A couple of things that you said. You said I magnetize the blessings that God has for me. And you said, you used to say you manifest, but you’ve changed the word to magnetize.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:34:07]:
Can you talk to us about the distinction in those two words? So you thought I didn’t catch it, but no, girl, Listen, I’m taking notes. I got plenty of notes. Look at all these notes. I got notes. All the things that are popping out to me that I need to come back to. So magnetize the blessings versus manifest. So talk to us about that.
Charreah Jackson [00:34:24]:
I think it is important we talk about that, particularly for the women listening, because, you know, I used to say I’m a matter master manifesto and the new and even that my definition of manifesting was putting yourself in position to receive a blessing. So it’s a form of belief and getting in position for what you say. You believe because your actions would say which you’re truly praying for. Because what you truly are praying for and believing for, you’re prepping for. And so just the distinction between.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:34:53]:
Hold on, hold on. You gotta say that again because I. I was right in the last thing and so I didn’t get to write that. So say it one more time.
Charreah Jackson [00:35:00]:
It’s connected. Because I want to make sure, particularly in this divine conversation. Right? Because manifesting, there’s people who don’t believe in Jesus or God who say they’re a manifester. And I believe in both. And so it was important that my language align with my faith. And so what I was saying was when I said manifesting was putting yourself in position to receive a blessing means it’s an expression of faith. Faith. And that goes into our prayer lives.
Charreah Jackson [00:35:27]:
Because even everybody who’s like, oh my gosh, I want Sierra’s prayer. Prayer is not words by themselves. Prayer is posture.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:35]:
Oh, that’s good.
Charreah Jackson [00:35:36]:
When you truly are believing and praying, and if you truly believe for what you’re praying for, then you prepare for it, right? For rain. You will see the behavior of someone who is anticipating a downflow, which is.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:48]:
Why you got an umbrella. At least you got an umbrella.
Charreah Jackson [00:35:51]:
You know, you love to give an umbrella. At the Move to Millions conference, I have my Move to Millions umbrella. Okay, so back to that piece. So the little. So I still do believe. Manifesting with the Holy Spirit, however, and especially you’re one of the coaches who helped me with this is understanding that we the embodiment of what we say, we believe. So manifesting, sometimes I feel like what I want is outside of me. We’re magnetizing, meaning I am.
Charreah Jackson [00:36:19]:
What I want also wants me back. So I draw things towards me versus the energy of pursuit.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:36:25]:
And you’re already it, right? Like magnetize, it’s coming to you. Manifest. As you’re going, you’re chasing it. Right? So, yeah, So I like that. I like that. That’s so good. So good. So good.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:36:36]:
Now. Okay, you just. This prayer is posture. I just. I just wanted to just give a moment of silence for that. Because what I loved about what you said specifically around that piece of prayer being posture, or let me say it this way. What I feel like you’re saying between the words that you said is that if the conversation that you have with the Father is truly an alignment and an embodiment of what he has already promised you and created a provision for, then the way you approach it, him and everything that’s happening surround that thing that you are asking and desiring is. Is different.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:37:17]:
Right? Like, you cannot. You cannot come. Happenstancely, I know that’s not a word, y’all, but just go with me. Like, you. Like, it’s so intentional. Like. And what I feel like I’m hearing you saying, please tell me if I’m right or if I’m off or we need to tweak it, is that even the prayers that we utter, our spirit utters those prayers in the intentionality of the promise and the provision that God has already made. Because in Genesis 1 and 26, he said, let us make man in our image and likeness.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:37:49]:
So we are literally Gods, understanding who God is and what he gave us. And we’re able to regurgitate that back to him through the things that we pray, the conversations that we have with him from the posture of understanding and believing that it has already happened, even if we don’t yet see it showing up in our life experience. Am I right? Am I off?
Charreah Jackson [00:38:10]:
Right, that’s it. And some you added. Some you. Yes, yes.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:38:17]:
And it.
Charreah Jackson [00:38:18]:
I’m just. It’s fun to have this conversation with you because you. This is one of the messages you stand on.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:38:23]:
Yeah. Yeah, I do. And it’s like. When I think about. I think about. It was around 2013 when I really started to get the unction that faith and business should be in alignment. And I don’t think I was the first. I feel like there may have been a few voices, but the voices weren’t loud enough because not enough people got the memo that they didn’t have to put their faith to the side, that they didn’t have to choose that they really could love God and make millions.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:38:48]:
And at that point, of course, we weren’t talking about millions back in 2013. That was a later revelatory word. But we were always clear that we didn’t have to choose, that we could have more than we even thought we had capacity for, and we had to learn how to expand our capacity for it to come in, right? And when I think about even in the word, and I think about the parable of the talents, which is probably my. My favorite money passage in the Bible is the parable of the talents. Because the way you see money is about the way you see yourself, right? And we see that through the three servants. Two of them were bold and courageous and confident, and so they went out and multiplied the money. One of them in fear, in questioning their value. Like, there are people right now listening to the show that because the market has changed and it’s taking a little bit longer to get the yes, they are ready to give up.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:39:39]:
They’re secretly in the classifieds looking for a job because they don’t. They don’t think that they have what it takes. And so in fear, they’re burying their talents. Oh, what happened to the one who buried right? He got ostracized. He got banished. He got kicked the hell out. Never to experience the mastery that God promised to the two who doubled. He said, well done, thy good and faithful servant.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:40:07]:
Thou has become a master over this one thing. I’m gonna make you a master over more. And that’s what happens with money, right? If you can see yourself differently in that prayer is a posture. The only way to really to pray and to know that God hears you is to go to him fully seeing yourself as he sees you. So what you’re saying to him is not a question. Like, you’re not asking God if he can. You’re decreeing into Claire and declaring to God that he will because he already said that, first of all, my words will not return until you void. And if you ask me, if you believe me and you do not doubt me, then you will have it.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:40:47]:
So that whole prayer is a posture thing?
Charreah Jackson [00:40:49]:
Yeah, girl, you got me about to run.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:40:53]:
Oh, my gosh.
Charreah Jackson [00:40:54]:
So good connects because I love you were the first I heard the word embodiment, but it speaks faith. How do we embody our faith? Because if I tell you, if I’m standing on the word, not only am I not coming with a question mark can God, but I’m coming with excitement because I already know God will. And I say this today as we record is September 24, 2024. My one of my sorority sisters text me yesterday. She said, hey, what are you and hubby doing on February 15th? Her links Chapter is doing an event, and right now I’m single. And what I said to her is, give me two tickets because I believe in God for a husband. And the fact that it fell on her heart to say that to me, I said, yes, God, yes, we gonna be there.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:41:42]:
Yeah. And I mean, and that’s how it start. Like I remember. And some of the listeners have heard me share pieces of this story before. Before I met my husband, I created capacity for him, right? You got to prepare a place. I remember a woman, I can’t even remember who the woman was in my life at the time, but I remember distinctly being asked a question. I was dating this guy who was not my husband. And she said, if your husband were to show up right now, would you miss him because you’re in a place you’re not supposed to be? And I was like, oh, okay, you got to go.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:42:12]:
Because I need to create space. I need to prepare a space for my husband. And I literally prepared a space at that particular point in time. I was living in a 2500 square foot home, two car garage, double sinks in the bathroom. Like, I literally took half of everything out so that there would be space for the man. I didn’t know if we would actually live in my home, but I wanted to prepare space because what you. Here’s what I want y’all to catch that are that are listening right now. What you desire cannot flow in unless you have space for it.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:42:45]:
See, some of you are praying and believing for a million dollar business, but you have not actually created capacity for a million dollar business, and that is why you don’t have one. Like, people look at me like I have 12 heads when I tell them it’s not another strategy that you need, but it is in fact the exercise of embodiment. It is literally creating capacity. And most people are living in the lack that is their life experience and it is taking up all the space. So abundance, an abundance of resource, an abundance of clients, an abundance of speaking opportunities, an abundance of media, an abundance of whatever you desire, an abundance of. Cannot flow into your life experience because it’s. You’re full at the end. There’s no place you need to.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:43:36]:
You can’t even find a manger. Like, there’s no place. I know I’m mixing metaphors and, and throwing crazy stories and all in there, but like, you’re missing it because you haven’t created capacity. So Charreah has given us a really amazing blueprint because I believe that creating capacity is about studying yourself. The Bible talks about studying to show thyself. Approved. I’m gonna. Maybe some of you might think I’m.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:44:01]:
I’m leaning a little bit too to the Left. But I’m going to take that a step further and say part of that studying, it’s not just the word, right? It goes on to say a workman need is not being ashamed. Right? It’s not just studying the word, but it is also studying yourself and seeing yourself the way that God has always seen you. The reviews are in. Move to Millions. The proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind is a best seller with thousands of copies sold. We are raising a generation of million dollar CEOs. You got next.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:44:38]:
Grab your copy in our bonuses today at@movetomillions book.com God’s vision has never been blurry when it comes to you. He told us in JET and Jeremiah, before you were formed in your mother’s womb, he knew and approved you. So you literally came here fully approved for everything that you endeavor, everything that sits in your spirit, that you want to bring into your life experience. If it is not here yet, it’s not because God is a lie. It’s because you have not fully embodied and created the capacity for that. And I feel like I have to say this to y’all right here, right now. And then I’m gonna hand it back over to Charreah. The only way to create the capacity is to become a student of yourself.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:45:23]:
That’s what I’m gonna call this episode. Charreah, Student of yourself or some. Some variation thereof.
Charreah Jackson [00:45:29]:
I love it.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:45:30]:
It’s so good.
Charreah Jackson [00:45:31]:
So, I mean, every double tap coach, this was it is the life changing? Because I think, and particularly why we have to have this conversation, because particularly as women, particularly as people of color, black women, we are taught we need to do more. And it is the in being and the embodiment. But I can’t be what I don’t become one with.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:45:56]:
And so what?
Charreah Jackson [00:45:57]:
So I love it.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:45:58]:
I’m excited. Yeah. So good. Anything else you want to share before we switch gears?
Charreah Jackson [00:46:03]:
I got a lot I want to share. Okay.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:46:06]:
Well, the floor is yours, ma’am.
Charreah Jackson [00:46:08]:
It feels so good to be here. And particularly I. I feel compelled. I just spoke at a women’s conference. Actually, my mentor, Sylvia, her I Am Woman conference over the weekend. And it, it confirmed my assignment to encourage more leaders. Particularly, 70% of the leaders we serve at my company are historically underrepresented and marginalized women and people of color. And so I know I, God just put it so heavy on me to encourage more people to speak up and share their stories.
Charreah Jackson [00:46:39]:
And so I would be remiss not to Talk a little bit around why that is so important and how it not only changes your life, but it changes the lives of those around you. And my top two tips when it comes to and I shared them over the weekend and I just, I knew I was meant to. I’m like I’m not leaving any mic without making sure I say these two things to people. And the first is to increase your shine, to increase your impact. The first thing is to press send. And so you know someone who has spoken on stages, spoke at. You know I tell the story of a former co worker of mine who was working at Black Enterprise and I was interested in learning more about speaking opportunities. Black Enterprise does a lot of live events.
Charreah Jackson [00:47:21]:
I sent her an email at the beginning of November, heard nothing back two weeks later. Send a follow up email, heard nothing back the next week for within four weeks I sent her three emails her nothing back and then followed up again. And this time she booked me to speak at Black Enterprises Soar Experience. They partner with TD Jakes, a thousand entrepreneurs on flyers. And I always tell that story because we have to be willing to show up and press in. So I just, just recorded my first TEDx talk two weeks ago. Actually that was my fifth time applying for a TED experience. It was phenomenal.
Charreah Jackson [00:47:58]:
I don’t wish I had done it sooner, but what if I had stopped after the third time? And so in this environment it just fell on my heart to encourage more leaders and particularly women to press sin to believe what you have to say matters. And there are people waiting on us to speak up and show up. And the last one quickly is we’re not waiting. One of the reasons I love Darielle, one of the reasons we’re listening to this podcast right now is she decided she wasn’t waiting for someone else to give her a show. She had what it takes to change lives. And so book yourself. My number one tip to shine is to book yourself because it also people see me like, oh I want to be. I see you have clients here and I do.
Charreah Jackson [00:48:42]:
And one of our clients, Lisa Nichols was on the Tamron hall show, an 11 minute segment. In 11 minutes they showed 30 pieces of B roll, right? It was the second day before she got married for the first time in her 50s. On the day she got engaged at 52, she took her phone and she recorded herself and just caught the emotion in the moment. And fast forward a few years later she’s on Tamara hall show. They show that video. And so I just want to encourage us to know part of Studying ourselves also means honoring that. My story is worth capturing. My insight is worth capturing.
Charreah Jackson [00:49:19]:
So I stop there to say, make sure you not afraid to put yourself out there. And we’re not waiting on anybody else to book us. We will book ourselves.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:49:28]:
That’s so good. And I’m gonna make. I do. On Wednesdays, we do the Move to Millions minute, which is an affirmation based on the full length episode. So our affirmation the Wednesday after when this episode airs will be something around my story is worth capturing. So I’m gonna write us an affirmation for that. So that is. Aw my gosh.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:49:46]:
Charreah, this has been amazing. I just before we got two more things I want to do. And first, we. We alluded to it a little bit at the start of our time together that I’ve had the honor and privilege to serve as one of your coaches and mentors when we did some work together. And so I just want to ask you a couple of questions about your experience. First being, why did you choose to invest? Like you said earlier, we have been friends for a while. Why did you choose to invest in yourself through coming to work with me in one of our programs?
Charreah Jackson [00:50:16]:
Yeah. Well, first of all, you made it very irresistible. So you showed up first. I love the messaging and name of mood to Millions. I love when you make that switch. It was one of my prayers to want to grow my business and revenue. And so the fact that you were so unapologetic and you were so vocal to talk about Sinking Being. You don’t have to choose between loving God and making millions was so, so resonated with me as a God girl, as a minister.
Charreah Jackson [00:50:44]:
I said, I need this in my life and someone who’s assigned to the marketplace. I was looking for mentorship. And then I came to the Move to Millions. I’ve come to the last three, at least two conferences. Yeah. Okay. It’s been three. Has it been three? Let me rewind that.
Charreah Jackson [00:51:02]:
All three Move to Millions conferences.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:51:05]:
All three. And tell some other people about it, because how about I’m in the vineyard.
Charreah Jackson [00:51:09]:
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:51:10]:
And somehow we got to talking about my book and I’m like, yeah, it’s called Move to Millions. And your girlfriend was like, move to, like, literally shout out to my line.
Charreah Jackson [00:51:22]:
Sister Tashawn, every powerful women in business I know know about Move to Millions. They know the book, they know the podcast, they know the event because it’s such fertile good ground. And, you know, as you said, I worked 10 years at Essence. I’ve gone to a lot over 100 women’s empowerment events. And yours is something sacred and different where it really has both the spiritual strength plus the real tactical step by step guide. And I’m a girl who likes a system. And so I came to move to millions last year. I said I need to get in a program.
Charreah Jackson [00:51:55]:
I did the one year program that was business changing. That’s when I really understood the systems I needed to put in my business to grow our capacity as we talked about and our sales. And I’m having our best year yet in business. And so much of the systems and our ability to have, you know, I hit five years the earlier this year, five years since my last day in corporate in February and what it used to take me a year to make. Within six weeks, our company had closed that. And it’s because of the year with Darnyelle and being in communities and working with coaches who gave me systems. And so specifically for you, I learned so much around selling. I learned how to better organize my offers and I really had.
Charreah Jackson [00:52:35]:
And also how to grow my team because you can’t really hit those higher levels of impact if you don’t grow as a leader to both hire and train efficiently.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:52:45]:
Nice. I love that. I remembered you saying when we did the count up on stage at this past move to millions. That was my abundance o’clock alarm. The listeners know about that because I did a whole episode on what would abundance do on the stage when we did the count up. And you, I think it surprised you when you did the math to realize that in a year’s time, $400,000 is what you had created through working with us at a team. Talk us, talk to us a little bit about the difference that has made.
Charreah Jackson [00:53:15]:
I mean, the confidence I have as a leader impacts everything in your business. And so it gave me both the clarity of like, I could do it, the confidence and to unapologetically sell. So you talk about that increase. We’re right now in closing for a 270k contract with a federal agency. And part of that was getting my systems better so that I’m literally just at my cousin’s wedding on the dance floor doing an electric slide, and one of his friends is like, oh, tell me about your business. And I’m able to confidently share what I do because I’ve. I’ve gotten my stories tighter, I’ve gotten my systems tighter, and I’ve organized myself in a way that I can confidently communicate because there’s so much money out here, there’s so much opportunity out here. And so I was really able to better organize and tighten my systems.
Charreah Jackson [00:54:06]:
I love your B2B sales. Your B2B sales training that is in the portal. And so it was so many things that I was able to take templates and train and grow and back to the capacity point. I think for I’ll speak for myself as someone who gone through burnout, I knew part of me hadn’t gone harder to sell more sooner because I I was nervous around having to fulfill more. And so one of the things you were really great and what I loved about your coaching and training was it taught me how to build a business truly and how to train team and have systems that I could grow my sales without feeling like more work, more money didn’t have to mean more problems and more work if I did it right.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:54:48]:
Oh, so good. So, so good. And then my last question for you, Charreah, maybe I have two more questions. My next question is, what surprised you the most about working with me and my team?
Charreah Jackson [00:54:59]:
There was. First of all, you were the first program I had that allowed people to upload things for review. And so as I was building out trainings, as I was building out different parts of the business, I was able to submit them to review, which was really powerful. And it just in a time where I was really building so many things from scratch or organizing things, I felt so supported and safe. It was great community. So I met Shout out to Christie, who was one of my kind of biz besties I met in the program. What also was really how organized. There was a formula for everything.
Charreah Jackson [00:55:34]:
And I’m a, you know, I’m a nerd alert. My first fraternity, I’m a Delta, but my first Greek letter organization was Mu Alpha Theta, which is the math fraternity. And so the fact that you have so many good formulas. But I’ll say this, I would be remiss. The biggest breakthrough that I had inside of our year of coaching was the importance of understanding a sales pipeline. And that that you tell us now.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:56:00]:
You know and you don’t hold back.
Charreah Jackson [00:56:02]:
You give gyms that are great on the podcast and they definitely you go deeper and have whole trainings inside of the coaching programs. But the idea of I needed a four times my goal, it really reset me and made me feel like even as an entrepreneur, you can have predictable revenue. And I think one of the reasons I’ll speak for me and a lot of the clients I coach now who are looking to make that transition from employee to entrepreneur is you feel like, oh, I can’t have predictable revenue if I’M an entrepreneur, and that’s not true. And Darnyelle was one of the first coaches I work with who really broke down how to build a pipeline so that you could have predictable revenue, even as an entrepreneur.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:56:41]:
Nice, nice, nice, nice. And then the last thing would be, if someone were to walk up to you tomorrow and say, hey, I’m looking at Dr. Darnyelle and her programs, what do you think? What would you say?
Charreah Jackson [00:56:52]:
So I, first of all, they do, even if they don’t ask, and they say, I’m looking to work with a coach. And I’m like, what do you need? You’re one of the top coaches. I’m like, you should. You should check her out and get the resources. So what I would say about working with Dr. Darnyelle, working with Move to Millions, is it is a unique, gifted space where you have both the spiritual principles, strength, where you feel fully safe and supported as a believer in God. And you get someone who is engaging, smart, and has proven and has proven formulas that you can plug in. So for anyone who doesn’t have time or money to waste, who believes in God and knows God wants you to be wealthy, then this is a space you definitely should be considering.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:57:37]:
Awesome. Thank you so much for that. All right, and so just before we close out our interview, I have to ask you our three wisdom questions just to give them to you again. What is the book, what is the quote, and what is the tool that has been instrumental on your own move to millions? And I’m going to write those down because we put them in the show notes so that people can continue to build out their professional library as a result of the show.
Charreah Jackson [00:58:00]:
So books, Can I do one and a half? So two quick books. The Big Leap. Gary Hendricks. Life changing. I try to read it every year. Also, trust Iyanla Van Zant, because to really make millions and next level impact, you’ve got to have access to your power, which means you can’t hold on to any grudges, which is a third. And I know you said one, but radical forgiveness is also right up there.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:58:21]:
That is a good one.
Charreah Jackson [00:58:21]:
Yeah, it really helped me. So that is my books for tool. Clearly. I’m a journaling girl, so journaling is a big one for me. Meditating is a big one for me. Yeah, I would say those as tools of regular practice that help me get back to myself and access my power. I would definitely say those now from a pure content perspective. I would say also my.
Charreah Jackson [00:58:46]:
One of my favorite AI tools is Opus Pro, which if you’ve got video you’re speaking, you can throw it in there and get you some good video clips and captions.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:58:55]:
Nice. And then the quote. What is one quote that whenever you’re having one of those moments, this quote just kind of picks you back up out of the ethers or out of the ashes and puts you back into the ethers.
Charreah Jackson [00:59:06]:
Ah. One of. I’mma quote my mom, who I know others have said it, but I heard. But I know she said it to me. Keep the main thing. The main thing. I’ve just stay in focus. One of my favorite.
Charreah Jackson [00:59:17]:
You know, I have a couple of favorite scriptures I definitely lean on. Romans 8, 28. All things work for the good of them. So even on the tough days or the things I didn’t ask for, I still believe all things work together for the good of those who love God. And I love God.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:59:32]:
Yeah. And are called according to his purpose. So. Yes. Yes, yes. Well, Charreah, this has been amazing, just like I knew it would be. I love you so much. I’m so grateful to know you.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:59:44]:
I’m excited for all the nuggets and gems that you’ve shared and how listeners are going to come back to this episode over and over and over just to continue the journey of posturing for what it is that they most desire and holding space to be able to magnetize what they know God already desires for them into their life experience. So thank you so much for being here, and we’ll see you guys next time. Take care. It was good, wasn’t it? Wasn’t it? I told you it was going to be good, but Charreah just blew my mind. I have, like three pages of notes here, y’all. So many good things, and many of those things I pulled out during the conversation. There were a couple of things that she shared. And just as you begin to recap on our conversation, I want you to be thinking about probably three things that stand out to me.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:00:29]:
Number one, being a student of yourself and really anchoring into a growth mindset. Number two, having a business that has hired you to be the CEO. Oh, that is so good. And then number three would be that prayer is posture. And that whole little diatribe we went on, she said, what you’re believing for and praying for, you got to prepare for so good. It’s. It’s a posture. And you don’t pray asking God to do something for you.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:00:57]:
You pray knowing God is going to do it because you have power and dominion, y’all. I hope that changed the game for you. Even the distinction between Manifesting versus magnetizing. Right? Manifesting is you chasing, whereas magnetizing is you being or embodying. So many powerful nuggets. And then of course, having her share about our work together as a client. Amazing. So grateful to have spent a year working with her and setting her on a trajectory to take her business continually to the next level.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:01:30]:
$400,000 we produced in a year in our work together. So I want you to ask yourself, what would happen if I enrolled in a program to work with Darnyelle and her team? Where might I be a year from now? And if as you answer that question, it is overwhelmingly clear to you that we need to take the next step together? I want you to go to partnerwithdarnielle.com to get more information and to learn how to apply for one of our House of Millions programs, y’all. So many powerful nuggets came out of this conversation. We’re going to put all of Charreah’s details in the show notes for you so that you can just, just go and find her and follow her because she drops the gems and more importantly, so that you can come back and listen to this conversation over and over and over again to get, as she said, your language to align with your faith so that you actually put yourself in a position for your faith to bring what you desire into your life experience. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen. If you loved this episode, please do me a quick favor and rate and review wherever you are listening. No review goes unthanked. We are so grateful.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:02:38]:
We are in 130 plus countries around the world because of your generosity and taking just a few minutes to let other people know that this is the show to listen to. And again, I’ll see you guys next time. Take care. Thank you for joining me for the Move to Millions podcast. If this episode has impacted you in any way, would you please take a moment and rate and review. Doing so helps us to deepen our impact and expand our reach around the world. And if you are ready to start your very own Move to Millions, I highly recommend that you order your very own copy of my brand new best selling book, Move to Millions. The proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:03:22]:
You can get your copy and our bonuses today at movetomillionsbook.
Charreah Jackson [01:03:28]:
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [01:03:29]:
Until next time. Remember, millions are your birthright and to access them you need only move. I’ll see you next time.