Ep 276 – Judy Weber: Exceedingly Abundant

About Our Guest:
As a serial entrepreneur of more than 15 years, Judy Weber understands the challenges of today’s business owner, whether local professional or online services provider.  As a former lawyer + c-suite executive, she approaches business from a unique yet practical perspective. With a business philosophy firmly rooted in Scriptural Truth, Judy is on a mission to teach her clients how to do business in a way that honors the Lord: joyfully, courageously & faithfully.  Judy works exclusively with high-achieving Christian women, teaching them timeless business strategies – from a decidedly Biblical perspective – so they can step into their CEO role with confidence, calm & certainty.

Episode Summary:

This episode is powered by God Girls Making Millions

“Money is a tool over which I have dominion.”  Judy Weber

When I was stepping into the world of entrepreneurship, one thing quickly became evident: having your own business is not for the faint at heart. The truth is entrepreneurship will call your beliefs, blocks and brilliance into question, especially when it comes to money. And, if you are not careful, you will feel vulnerable, exposed and even ill-equipped to achieve the big goals you hold in your heart.

But let’s get one thing clear – if you are called to entrepreneurship, you are also given the provision for the vision you hold in your heart.  And, when you allow your faith to combine with your business, you set yourself up to defy the odds and achieve success that is often unparalleled. It’s a realm where faith enhances strategy, where resilience meets unwavering belief, and where dreams transcend limitations. I’ve witnessed it, lived it, and now, more than ever, I am inspired to share the essence of what takes you from striving to thriving at the million-dollar mark and beyond. This episode of the Move to Millions ® Podcast is power-packed with transformative insights from none other than Judy Weber, a visionary leader whose journey from being a lawyer to becoming an entrepreneurial beacon – inspired by Christ’s boundless power in Ephesians 3:20 – is something no aspiring million-dollar CEO can afford to miss. Brace yourselves for an episode that will call you to rise, challenge your limits, and redefine your relationship with faith and success.

If you’re ready to experience the promise of Ephesians 3:20, grab your pen and Move to Millions Podcast Notebook and listen in to discover:

  • The power of making decisions that fortify your destiny
  • 4 keys to achieving your biggest goals
  • How to overcome insecurity and trauma
  • And so much more

Powerful Quotes from The Episode:

  •  ”Playing small is a sin.”
  • “I had a transformative moment where I felt God urging me to rise above my circumstances. That was the shift that changed everything.”
  • “I believe in the power of up-leveled conversations and communities for growth.”
  • “We need to change our perception of money. It doesn’t deserve the power and emotional significance we often give it.”
  • “Success depends on who you know yourself to be, not just on what you believe.”
  • “Define a clear vision of your future success, regularly visualize, strategize, and persist through discomfort to achieve ambitious goals.”

Move to Millions Wisdom Questions:

Book: The Bible
Favorite Quote: “Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundant above what  we ask, think or imagine according to the power at work with in us.”  Ephesians 3:20   

Tool Judy Swears By: Faith-Fueled Thought Model

How to Connect with Judy Weber:

Incredible One Enterprises, LLC is not responsible for the content and information delivered during the podcast interview by any guest. As always, we suggest that you conduct your own due diligence regarding any proclamations by podcast guests.  Incredible One Enterprises, LLC is providing the podcast for informational purposes only.

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Judy Weber [00:00:00]:
Success comes as a result of who you believe yourself to be. And ask God again. The Jeremiah 33 three prayer. Lord, what is my impossible? You built me for great things. The fact that you are hearing my voice and you are breathing tells me that he’s not done with you either.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:20]:
You’re listening to the Move to Millions podcast with Dr. Darnyelle J. Harmon. If you’re ready for high level conversations that position and prepare you to move your company cash flow connection to and beyond the million dollar mark, let’s get this party started. Judy Weber, welcome to the Move to Millions podcast. How are you today?

Judy Weber [00:00:49]:
Darnyelle, Thank you so much. I just interviewed you on my show and I’m like, we’re pumped up. We’re ready. This is going to be an exciting episode. Thank you for having me.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:58]:
Yeah, I’m just excited because so many people are going to get to experience God in a different way just because you’re here. So just before we jump in and get into all the good stuff, I want to just give you a moment to tell everybody who you are in your own words.

Judy Weber [00:01:16]:
All right? I am a girl from a small town. One of six poor people like me don’t, don’t go to college. People like me don’t go to law school. They don’t become lawyers. They don’t become serial entrepreneurs like I have been since 2003. But I had two things in my home, Darniel. I had Jesus Christ, and I had a lot of love. Some dysfunction, no doubt, but I had a lot of love.

Judy Weber [00:01:41]:
So I was always very ambitious, and I’ll try to keep this short. I remember a little girl, mom told me about Jesus one Sunday night shortly, and I was like three, three or four. Shortly thereafter, I went to my mom. I said, mommy, guess what? God said, I’m going to do something important. And then like a little while later, I don’t know how long, I said, mom, he told me, I’m going to be a millionaire. Now. Understand? My daddy was a factory worker, worked two and three jobs, depending on the year, to put food in our mouths. And so when I said that, I can just imagine my mom pat me on the head, you know, like, okay, honey, that’s nice, you know, but I always had this ambition and I never worried about how would happen.

Judy Weber [00:02:17]:
Like, for example, I remember when I went to my mom, five years between college and law school. I go, Madden, I’m going to law school. I always wanted to do it, and I said I was afraid, but now I’m not afraid no more. I’m doing it. And she goes, Judy, I’m like, 26. You should be looking for a man. Don’t go into six figure debt. And I was just like, I’m doing it anyway.

Judy Weber [00:02:35]:
So beyond that, many, many moons later, besides being a trial lawyer, I was in the C suite as a director of HR and general counsel. And in 2017, the opportunity came together for me to officially become a business coach. I have been doing a little bit because I had, like I said, I’ve been a serial entrepreneur since 2003, but God said the time to step out, and now what I do, I like to say that I’m on mission to normalize miraculous results for christian women in business. And my life mantras, pursue the impossible. Because a couple years ago, God revealed to me, as I looked retrospectively, that’s exactly how in his power, that’s exactly what I did.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:03:14]:
I love all of that. I have so many little goosebumps all over my body right now. The one thing that you said at the beginning that I want to pull on for a minute, because I know that there’s somebody listening right now who is a people like me, people like me that are born poor, that don’t go on to do miraculous things, people that never even thought that they would pursue the impossible. But what was once impossible is now easy. It’s normalized in their life experience. What do you believe it was about you as a little girl first meeting Jesus at three or four, and very soon thereafter saying, God said, I’m going to do something important. And then coming back and saying, God said, I’m going to be a millionaire. Like, as best as you can recollect.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:01]:
What was it that just gave you this confidence and assurance to go to your mother, who, you know, in your own words, your house had love and Jesus and not much else. And to even have the boldness, some might say, the audacity, to say to her, I’m gonna make millions. Like, where do you believe that came from?

Judy Weber [00:04:23]:
I was blessed to be this tight to my ma. And quick story about her. She is what helped me to be the woman I am right now. She lived the under lived life, actually. She was raped when she was ten by her uncle, and she had really neglectful parents, to say the very least. And so when I think about how she was able to pour into me the way she did from a very empty cup, it’s only by the grace of the Lord. And so as soon as she introduced me to Jesus, I always felt like he was with me even before I understood, like, the whole concept of really? What he was. At first, mom said, he’s your brother, and I had three others.

Judy Weber [00:04:55]:
And I’m like, oh, really? Where is he? You know? How come I never met him? You know?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:58]:

Judy Weber [00:04:59]:
But I really think that because I always felt close to Christ as soon as I knew about him, that I realized he put this drive in me. Like, I was always the one. I was always the overachiever. And I wonder how much of it. Not only was I built that way, but my mom poured into me and said, jude, there’s two types of people in the world. There’s followers and leaders. I want you to be a leader. I want you to be a leader.

Judy Weber [00:05:20]:
She repeated that all the time. That’s why it’s interesting, though. When I was 26, I wanted to go back to law school. She’s the one saying, baby, you should be looking for a man not going into debt. One important fact that I want your listeners to hear is that my first wedding, as soon as I was out of college the next month, I got married to my high school sweetheart of seven years, and he beat my butt on my wedding night. So I’ve been through some stuff. I was head on crash in October of 87 when I was almost 22. This is around the same time.

Judy Weber [00:05:49]:
And by God’s grace, we survived. But, you know, it’s one of those things where everything that was hitting me, I always felt like, yeah, but God’s here. Let’s go.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:59]:
Yeah, I love that I’m just taking notes because there’s so many things that you’ve said that I think will resonate with our community, that. Yeah, but, like, I feel like I always have a. Yeah, but in my spirit, like, just always. Because similarly, you know, I’m one of seven. I’m the only. I’m one of seven of my moms, and my dad had four. They share three. And of my mom’s kids, I’m the only one who graduated from high school, went to college.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:06:29]:
I have an MBA and a PhD, honorary PhD. I. And there was no way. I mean, I should have been pregnant in my teens, because all the girls that I was in 7th grade with, by the time I was going to high school, they all had two to three babies. I should have been just like them. I should have been, you know, waiting to get my welfare check and my food stamps, which is today, the EBT card, so that I could go fill my project with food and wait till I could have some more babies. Like, that’s who I was supposed to be. But, God, the.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:07:04]:
Yeah, but in my spirit at every turn. Right. I ended up getting an amazing SAT score, perfect verbal SAT score, full scholarship to college, got my MBA on the company there. I worked for, like, just handed so many things that I shouldn’t have been able to experience because of the yeah, but in my spirit. So today, after being a trial attorney and c suite HR executive and now being a business coach to women, women who love God, like, what is the yeah, but that still sits in your spirit in this season because you pursue the impossible and did it. You’ve been there, done there, and gotten the t shirt. Of all the things, what keeps you going? What is the yeah, but that you pass on to those that you serve today.

Judy Weber [00:07:52]:
The yeah, but is all these women that I see that are just thinking so darn small, you know, like. Like, even for me. Even for me to have hit six figures would have been amazing. But when I hit, I hit 190 something in my first year of coaching. Come on. I mean, I don’t say that out of arrogance during I’m a lawyer, so I think strategically to win that is a lawyer. It’s just that I think you can’t take. You can take me out of the courtroom, but you can’t take the courtroom out of my brain, but it’s really feeling on mission for the Lord.

Judy Weber [00:08:24]:
Just like you, he handpicked you. He knitted you. He knitted in your mom’s womb, and he made you to be this force that you are. And so, I mean, and you stepped up to it. Like I wrote down, when you were talking, you were open to those opportunities and God handed them, and as you walked with them, he’s like, okay, I’m going to give her more. I’m going to give her more. And so likewise, you know, but it’s so funny on that. I should have been.

Judy Weber [00:08:45]:
I should have been. I should be dead right now for, like, a thousand different reasons. When I was getting beat up, I stayed in that marriage, the first marriage, for six months, I was drinking to blackout. I mean, I was going nowhere good. Yeah. And what did God do? The head on crash. And it was in that time, as my husband grabbed my cheeks and threw me back and said, shut up, bitch. As I was crying about this scar on my face, he said, shut up.

Judy Weber [00:09:12]:
And I’m laying there in the bottom of my shower, water’s coming down. And I heard in my spirit, God, say, this is not what I have for you. Get up. And I’m serious. I mean, so we can all look at our circumstances and say, what was me. Or we can say, okay, here I go. I’m made here for something more than this.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:09:32]:
Yeah. I love that. I love that so much. Hey, God girl. Have you attended event after event looking for an up leveled conversation and community only to realize you’ve outgrown the rooms you used to frequent? For inspiration and implementation, I want to invite you to spend three days immersing yourself in a safe, aligned and significant space where you can have the deep, vulnerable and transparent conversations about what life beyond the money really looks like. For the first time, maybe ever, you can have the conversations that really shift the way you show up in every area of your life and focus on getting access to more. More freedom, more expression, more self care, more meaning, more alignment and more connections. God, girls, making millions is the only room of its kind for you to finally unearth what is burgeoning for your next level.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:10:30]:
Learn more and submit your application [email protected]. i know what it feels like to get your business to a major milestone and still feel like something is missing. If you’ve gotten your business to $300,000 a year or more and it doesn’t make you feel all warm and fuzzy, I know exactly what you need. You need a business audit. And there is nothing that would bring me more joy than to look beneath the hood of your business to see what’s keeping you from the million dollar mark. There’s only one catch you’re going to have to apply to learn more about a session that will allow me to explain, expose your gaps and help you to understand what are the gateways to get you to the million dollar mark. Go now to movetomillionsmastermind.com. when we were recording for your show, you said, playing small is a sin.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:11:25]:
Break that down for us. I agree, by the way. Yeah, break that down for us.

Judy Weber [00:11:29]:
I love the parable of the talents. The word talent always bugged me. I don’t quite know what it is. I mean, I kind of know what it is. But in any event, whatever we consider it to be a actual talent or a piece of a coin that’s worth money, what happened is, what did the master say to the person who buried the one talent that he was given? He said, get away from me, you wicked, lazy servant. Yeah, I mean, he called the servant wicked.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:12:00]:

Judy Weber [00:12:01]:
And then he said, I can’t remember exactly. Something about a gnashing of teeth and gnashing of teeth is not for us in Christ. Yeah, the gnashing of teeth, like, hello. Like basically, get away from me, I don’t know you. And so to me, that’s why playing small isn’t just, well, I’m trying to be humble and you know, God, I’ll be content. I hear that a lot. Well, aren’t we supposed to be content? Hold on. If God has all this for you, and he built you for it, if you don’t step up, just like Moses, there would have been another Moses if he didn’t step up, right?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:12:31]:
Yeah, I love that. And I never, I mean, I love, you know, I love the Powerball talents. I just said that on your show. And of course, totally different perspective of it, but I love that. Love it so much. Like, I think that’s what I’m going to call this episode. Playing small is a sin. Like, that’s with Judy Weber.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:12:48]:
Like, I think that’s what it’s going to be. Because I really want those of you who are listening right now, whether this is your very first time listening to the Move to Millions podcast or you are an OG listener and you come back every, every single week, twice a week, playing small is a sin. I think about the Marian Williamson poem, right? When you’re playing small does not serve the world. It is your light, not your darkness, right? And when you give yourself permission to be the bigness of who God saw you to be before you were formed in your mother’s womb, this is the darn yell interpretation of the Marianne Williamson poem. It is then that you give others, unconsciously permission to see themselves the same exact way. So for those of you who are called to personal development, so whether that’s, you know, business, coaching, life coach, whatever kind of coaching, but if your job is to develop other people leadership, if you’re to develop other people and you are sitting on your gifting, you are sinning, you are playing small, and that will never serve the world, and it will not make you millions. I have a really good friend who says, you’re not being humble, you’re hiding.

Judy Weber [00:14:00]:
Ooh, I like it.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:14:02]:
You are hiding. Sherri Reilly. Shout out to Sherri. You are hiding. And when you hide, no one can see the goodness that got baked into you, and they can’t use your goodness to get themselves to where they need to be. So you are actually thinning when you play small. I love that. Okay, so for the people out there, yes, absolutely.

Judy Weber [00:14:23]:
Okay. Something just came up with what you just said. If everybody listening out there, if you are like, can’t even wrap your head around seven figures, then what I would encourage you to do is you need more exposure. Like. Like when I was in law school, and there was this guy, a guy was going to school with, and he would always come to law school at Nova in a suit. And I was always marveled because he was a young dude. He was, like, 22 or something. So I asked him, what are you doing? He’s like, well, I’m going to law school full time, but I also run a business.

Judy Weber [00:14:54]:
I mean, can I just tell you, Darniel, like, I just did not compute in my brain.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:14:58]:

Judy Weber [00:14:59]:
And now, all these years later, I can see how you can do that, but it’s just so funny. So. So I just. We need to invest to get in rooms.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:15:06]:

Judy Weber [00:15:07]:
That are around people where we want to go, not where we’ve been.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:15:11]:

Judy Weber [00:15:12]:
And if people that were around don’t understand. You know, my brother actually said to me, judy, do you miss the law? Like, do you miss the big money? I said, big money, baby, I’m making. I don’t even know how many times more than I am to now. Right? Like. Or he also said, judy, don’t you think law school was a waste of money? I said, oh, no. Oh, no. That introduced me to a whole new world looking at, like, partners, like, multimillionaires live. Come on, now.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:15:35]:
Yeah, absolutely. Two things came up for me as you were talking. Number one, exposure creates expansion. Right. Which you’ve been exposed to. Expands the capacity for that to come into your own life experience. That’s why we got to get in the rooms. Right.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:15:49]:
And the other thing that came up is the room that you go in needs to be a room that you don’t belong in yet. Right. So I talk a lot about vision point versus vantage point. If you do anything from your vantage point, it’s always skewed. You got to do everything from your vision point. So I’m not going to the room of people that are trying to get to eight figures as we are. This is our $10 million year. I’m in the rooms with people that are doing 100 million.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:16:17]:
Right. I should even in myself for a split second, say, I don’t deserve to be in this room. Like, this isn’t my room yet. This room is too advanced for me, because going in, in spite of the ajara, in spite of the fear, in spite of the sabotaging or limiting belief, is how I get expanded. Because I’m being exposed to problems that I don’t even know exist yet in business, because I’m not making $100 million a year.

Judy Weber [00:16:48]:
That’s right.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:16:49]:
And if I’m just the next step ahead. That’s a problem because they can’t prepare me for the problem down the line if they haven’t experienced it yet themselves. That is so important that we are putting ourselves in a position where we are uncomfortable and investing at a level that makes the knot in our stomach want to become a lump in our throat.

Judy Weber [00:17:14]:
Yes. I love that.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:17:15]:
You gotta do that. Right? Like, it’s so important. I remember I recently made an investment to be in a room. The ticket to get in the room was $10,000. To get in the room. I mean, the plane ticket, because it’s international, it’s probably another $5,000, and the hotel is probably going to be another $2,000. So all in, just to walk in the room, I will have invested. I want you to notice I said invested in, not spent.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:17:45]:
I will have invested $17,000 just to get in that room. And here’s what I know is waiting for me. A deal that’ll take me two steps closer to my $100 million portfolio.

Judy Weber [00:17:58]:
That’s right. You’ll pay that off like that. I, in the past three weeks, made a six figure investment in a brand new coach.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:18:04]:

Judy Weber [00:18:05]:
And does anybody think I have that much in the bank right now? I have a nice nest egg, but I don’t have that. And I’m telling you, it is stretching me.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:18:12]:

Judy Weber [00:18:13]:
It’s growing me. If we’re not stretching and feeling uncomfortable every day, you’re not growing.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:18:18]:
Yeah, I agree. I agree. And it’s so important that we recognize that this is how we shake the planet. As I like to say, this is how we inspire a generation to do greater than what we saw. Right. I think about that passage in John, greater works will you do?

Judy Weber [00:18:35]:
I love it.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:18:36]:
Right. And we all have a responsibility to do greater in the way that we’ve been tasked to impact the planet. And the only way we can do that is if we play big, if we don’t play small, because playing small is a sin.

Judy Weber [00:18:50]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:18:51]:
So, okay, so let’s. Let’s put a little action plan together. For all of our people who love strategy and think strategy is what they’re missing, let’s create a strategy to shift from playing small to playing biggest. What is the first thing I need to do if I want to shift from playing small to playing big? Okay, I’m going to take notes.

Judy Weber [00:19:10]:
Yes. First of all, to your point on vision, you need to understand where you’re going and get that clear in your mind. Habakkuk. Two. Two. Write the vision and make it plain. You need to. I always say you’re the CEO, but the Lord God Almighty is the chairman of the board.

Judy Weber [00:19:29]:
So you need to have.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:19:29]:
That’s good.

Judy Weber [00:19:30]:
Like, all day long, you know, like every day. You need to be someone. I heard. I think it might have been. I don’t know who exactly was, but it was like you. It’s interesting how we pray for the Lord’s presence. Isn’t he with you always? So maybe we just pray for a little extra download, like Jeremiah 33. Tell me something that is great and unsearchable, something that I know, you know, so I love that.

Judy Weber [00:19:51]:
So we need to have a vision of where we’re going, I think is like a big goal that feels unattainable. So, like, ten x, like, if you had a goal for, like, half a million dollars this year, what if you would ten x that and say 5 million in three or five years? You set the time because the goal is there and you’ll get it when you get it. But you set this goal and you say, okay, let’s just say it’s 5 million. And then you say, what does $5 million, Judy look like?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:20:15]:

Judy Weber [00:20:16]:
And it’s a journaling practice. And at first, I’ll tell you, the first time I did this, Danielle, I was like, this feels weird. I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know. Am I doing this right? And then I just laugh at myself now, because that’s just. This is a part of the process. So what will $5 million Judy wear?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:20:32]:
What will she eat?

Judy Weber [00:20:34]:
What’s in her pocketbook? What is. What purse is she carrying? What car does she drive? For me, I will tell you this. Hang up. I’m going to pause for just a second. Being raised poor sometimes and meeting a lot of rich people in these circles, most people are not nice people. Yeah, maybe I’m in the wrong rooms, but I got to say, when a Christian says I love money, I have a problem with that. Okay? That’s a problem. I love people.

Judy Weber [00:21:00]:
I don’t love money. Money is a tool over which I have dominion. So. So at first, this was hard to even imagine that I would have, like, these multi millions, you know? But you put ourselves. We’ve got to do this exercise daily, right? So then once we have this vision and once we start downloading, you know, like, like, like, not only some of the things I’ve already said, but also, where are you living and what’s around you and all these things and who are you hanging out with and how are you spending your days and what do you do in your free time? That kind of thing. Then it’s time to get to work and, but this mindset work, I have to say, is the most important because we can’t. And then we’re like, oh, what’s the right strategy? The strategy, you’re going to know it’s the right one when you do it. But like you say, all strategies work.

Judy Weber [00:21:44]:
They do. It’s a matter of it’s whether working on you or for you. Yeah, it doesn’t feel like it’s working for you right now, then it’s working on you. And so you got to lean in. Don’t change the strategy. Decide and commit to it. I always say a decision is a two parter. It’s a choice and a commitment.

Judy Weber [00:22:01]:
If you make a choice but you don’t commit to it, then you didn’t make a choice and you’re good. And we can do as christians.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:22:08]:
Are you ready for God? Girls making millions 2024 GGMM is an amazing, luxurious, high end experience for the woman entrepreneur small business owner who is about their birthright, their business and their bank accounts. If you’re looking for a safe, significant and aligned space to finally unearth what your next level looks like when you no longer have to focus on making money, this is for you. Learn more and submit your application [email protected]. want to know what it’s like to work with me and the incredible factor university coaching team? You can get started today with the Move to Millions 90 day business growth planner. 90 days at a time, you’ll be setting your business on a trajectory that will make the Move to Millions happen much faster for you. It’s got everything that you need to track every strategy, every sale, all of your KPI’s, as well as your self care and life transformational needs. We made sure we left nothing out of this amazing planner. And by accessing the planner, you’ll get a behind the scenes view of what it’s like to work with me and my team.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:23:21]:
Go grab yours [email protected]. dot I want to repeat that. If you made a decision or you made a choice but you didn’t commit to it, you didn’t make a decision.

Judy Weber [00:23:32]:
That’s right.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:23:33]:
I think that is so important. Okay, so let me just review the steps. First is about the visions and specifically setting a big goal that feels unattainable. Then in establishing that vision, we’re going to do a journaling exercise and ask, what does insert the goal version of myself look like? What will she wear? Eat? What kind of purse will she carry? What kind of car? What kind of house does she live in? What does she have in her bank account? What does she carry in her purse? All the questions, all the things, right? What does she no longer have time for? What does she not tolerate? Who does she hang around? Really map it out, right? Because the only way to embody your vision is to think through every element of what your vision needs to be. And then the third step is to make the decision, and then to commit to the decision, because the path emerges as you walk it, right? So if you know the first step to take and you know the destination, cause you already set the unattainable goal, you will get there. If you keep taking steps, if you keep deciding and committing to the next thing. That is so simple. I think it’s really easy for anybody who’s listening, who knows they’re playing small, and you know who you are to what you need to do.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:24:45]:
And the other thing that I’m going to add in, just based on what you just shared personally a moment ago, is if you need to make an investment that scares you, that stretches you to hold yourself accountable, your coach does not hold you accountable. Accountability is an inside job. And if you think you need a coach to be accountable, you got bigger problems. And you should not hire a coach. Cause that’s not our job. We’re not. Our job is not to hold you accountable. Our job is to show you who you were called to be and to tell you the things you don’t wanna hear so that you walk into that.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:25:22]:
We hold space for the big goal and visions that you have and support you as you are accountable to the steps that must be taken in order to achieve what it is that you want. We don’t do it for you. Just so we’re clear.

Judy Weber [00:25:37]:
I love that. Thank you for that. The most loving thing a coach will ever do for you is point out what you do not see. And sometimes it can feel tough. It’s like, tough to hear and resist it. That’s okay. Feel the feel. But then you have to know, okay, I invested with this person.

Judy Weber [00:25:54]:
I gots to go all in. If you don’t go all in, then what are you doing? If you’re. It makes me crazy. People say, oh, I have this and. But I have my foot in this one and that one. You got to follow one person’s approach. Yeah, you’re going to be wavering. Can I say one point about embodiment? Absolutely.

Judy Weber [00:26:10]:
A lot of times people say, like, who are you becoming? And I’m actually still trying to kind of flesh this out. But when you become. I don’t know, something about that rubs me the wrong way. Darnyelle, even though it’s a practical matter, it is. And I’m not being critical, maybe you can help me here. I’m thinking about, like, God made us who we are, and because of life’s hurts and ups and downs and all arounds, we have a lot of trauma, we have a lot of hurt and just. Just a lot of junk, you know? So tell me what you think about this. I think there’s an element of taking off the insecurities.

Judy Weber [00:26:44]:
Just take it off. It ain’t for you in Christ. Take off the hurt. Take off everything that’s holding you back. And when you finally peel back all those layers, the only thing left is you that powerful, you. That you can’t even imagine the power. But by the way, it ain’t our. It ain’t us.

Judy Weber [00:26:59]:
It’s the power of Christ in us. So there’s some sort of subtlety there that I. Yeah.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:27:04]:
So here’s. Here’s what I feel like I’m hearing and what I mean when I talk about becoming, because I do think that for the average person, it is a journal, a journey to become. We might know. We might cast a vision or get a glimpse of who we were called to be, right? When we think about God with Adam and Eve, be fruitful and multiply the being the embodiment of. I might know who I am to embody. But I might not be there yet because of the trauma, because of the hurt, because of the things that I’ve been through, because of the times that I failed. I said I was gonna do it. I tried it.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:27:42]:
It didn’t work. And now I’m a little gun shy to try again. And so getting the courage to become who you were called to be is a journey. And I think it’s a journey we all have to take. And I believe we’re always evolving. God, before we were formed in our mother’s womb, he knew. He knew at our pinnacle who we would be. But the perpetualness of getting there is a series of acts and commitments over and over and over to actually make it happen.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:28:13]:
You may not yet be the Judy God saw when, at three years old, he told you you were going to do something important. Sure, you’ve realized the millionaire part, but being a millionaire is only as you stated, and I agree, the tool that you are to use to shake the planet. So there’s more than just being a millionaire. And I’m like you in the sense that I say, I actually, I say all the time. I love talking about money. I do. That’s different. It is different.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:28:44]:
It is absolutely different. I love what money allows me to be able to do. But money is not a person for me to love. Right? It’s not. It is an energy, but it is not a person for me to emote on. But talking about it, spending it, spending time with it, oh, I love all those things.

Judy Weber [00:29:03]:
All of it. We have to normalize. That’s another reason to get in the room so that you open your mind to, like, we may think, like, having a million dollar, like, days is tough, really? Okay.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:14]:
I used to think that until I had them. Now I have them all the time. I did a million dollars in a day and a half in May. Yeah. So it’s, but it’s the, like you said, it’s the expansion. Because I was exposed to the fact that that could actually happen. I thought a million dollars is not a lot of money. And to prove it, I could make it in a day.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:37]:
I thought it. I thought it was possible for me. I leaned into it and I took the steps I knew to take in order to facilitate an environment for it to come true.

Judy Weber [00:29:46]:
Love it. Bravo.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:48]:
It was literally that simple. Easy, maybe not, but simple for sure.

Judy Weber [00:29:53]:
Yeah. Right.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:54]:
And I think that if we can, or not even, I think, I know that if we can shift the way we see and what, what level of. I’m going to use the word energy, even though it’s going to sound counterintuitive, but what level of energy we give to money because we give it too much power and too much credit. And if we would remove the power and credit that we give it and just see it for what it is, then that is what would also create the normalization. And I get it. It’s because we’re all focused on our backstory of being poor or being without. Listen, I filed bankruptcy. I had a quarter of a million dollars in credit card debt at 35 years old and filed bankruptcy. And it used to be my secret shame.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:30:35]:
I was never going to tell anyone. And I said this on a podcast interview, and the person couldn’t believe that the Holy Spirit told me to file bankruptcy, but he did. He told me personally, and he also used a pastor to prophesy to me that it was okay for me to file bankruptcy because when he said it to me, I was like, oh, that can’t be. God, that’s gotta be myself trying to make this okay. No, like, he literally told me to do it, and it was the best thing I ever did. And within a year, I was a millionaire. Like, literally no time went on because I removed. I shed the.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:11]:
Like you just said, take off the. The insecurities, all of the things that don’t matter because we’re giving it too much credit. Money is the one thing that you could lose it all today and you could have it all again tomorrow, right? Especially if you understand the power that you willed around money. Then you’ll never feel like, I can’t afford it. I can’t have it. I like to play these games. Like, I played this game. My audience has heard me say this before, but I played this game with my husband.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:35]:
When we were building our home. We went and we got all the options, Judy. I mean, we wanted all the things, right? Why not all the things? And the deposit on all our options was $50,000. And, you know, we had the money, but I was like, let’s play a game. My husband was new to understanding entrepreneurship. He had always had jobs, and I wanted to demonstrate to him that we never, ever again in life had to say, we can’t afford it. And so I said, let’s go create $50,000. We had two weeks to turn in the deposit, so let’s create the $50,000.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:32:08]:
He’s like, how are we going to do that? I was like, oh, this is what we’re going to do. And literally, in seven days, I sold $50,000 and, like, revenue, brought 50k in revenue in so that we could pay minus the credit card fees. I think I had to put up, like, $1,500 out of the savings account in order to be able to drop off that $50,000 deposit. And once you understand that, you can replicate it whenever you want. The reviews are in. Move two millions. The proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind is a best seller. With thousands of copies sold.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:32:45]:
We are raising a generation of million dollar CEO’s. You got next. Grab your copy. And our bonuses today at Move to Millions of. Now, here’s what I want to say for those of you who are listening, because it is simple, but you have to be in alignment. And what we have to remember is that all the trauma we’ve been through is lodged in our body, and it is taking up the capacity that we have for abundance to live inside of us. And so you’re going to have to learn how to remove the lack from your body so that you create space for the abundance. And so I’m going to do a whole episode on trauma responses that we have to money and how that impacts our millions and how do we actually go through the process of identifying the lack and starting the journey of removing it? It doesn’t happen overnight.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:33:38]:
No one goes to bed a blunder and wakes up a wonder if you’re like, I’m 48 years old. For some of the lack that has been lodged in my body. It may have taken me 37 years to get it out of. So it doesn’t happen overnight. But it is a journey and a process that you can begin and what you can do to create more capacity, create more space. Judy, when I think about your journey and many of the things that you’ve been through and how today you are so committed to doing this work to help women to stand up, to be more bold and more strong in who they were called to be, so that they can live into what it is that God desires for them. Is there anything, as we prepare to wrap up our time together, is there anything that’s coming up for you in your spirit that you’d like to be able to share with our audience? Just to kind of leave them with something that’ll cement for them that playing small is a sin and that their mission from here on out, as you said, they might be the CEO, but God is the chairman, is to play big into their role so that God can be big in his.

Judy Weber [00:34:37]:
That’s right. That’s right. Thank you for that. I would say something. It’s a mantra for me. In my business, success comes as a result of who you believe yourself to be. So that ties into everything we talked about today.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:34:50]:

Judy Weber [00:34:50]:
Right. So who do you believe yourself to be? You know, I am not a victim, and I never was. I mean, I could. Some people could say, well, I was at the time. I refused to say that I went through a thing, you know, and I came out better on the other side. So success comes as who you believe yourself to be and also pursue the impossible and ask God again. The Jeremiah 33 three prayer. Lord, what is my impossible? You built me for great things.

Judy Weber [00:35:19]:
The fact that you are hearing my voice and you are breathing tells me that he’s not done with you either.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:24]:

Judy Weber [00:35:25]:
So we need to go to the feet of Christ and say, what do you have for me, Lord? Because when I meet you, I really am waiting for you to say, well done, good and faithful servant.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:35]:
Yeah, that’s so good. Success comes as a result of who you believe yourself to be. I might change that word, believe, and only because believe has a lie in it. And most of the things we believe are a lie. Right. So I might change that to success comes as a result of who you know yourself to be. Who you know.

Judy Weber [00:35:55]:
Yeah, that’s good.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:56]:

Judy Weber [00:35:57]:
Belief is knowing. Who do you really think you are?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:36:01]:
It can be knowing. It’s what it can be knowing. But I think about the limiting beliefs that people hold. Think about the sabotaging beliefs that people hold. Some of us believe things that are actually not true about ourselves, and we’ve created evidence to substantiate a belief that doesn’t serve us.

Judy Weber [00:36:19]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:36:19]:
So getting beyond the belief and getting into the confidence. Right. The Bible says, be still and know that I am God. You don’t need to believe he’s God. You need to know he’s God. So success comes as a result of who you know yourself to be, is how. I would tweak that if you would allow.

Judy Weber [00:36:38]:
You got. I’m going to keep with my. But I see what you’re saying. I mean, I think it’s two ways of saying the same thing, but. Yeah, I gotcha.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:36:44]:
Yeah, absolutely. This has been phenomenal. So, before I let you go, I always like to ask our closing questions. So I’ll give them to you again, and then you can answer them in whichever way you want. So, what is the one book, what is the one quote, and what is the one tool that has made a difference on your own Move to Millions.

Judy Weber [00:37:02]:
I’m pretty consistent.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:37:03]:

Judy Weber [00:37:04]:
The book is the Bible. Okay. The quote is my life verse, Ephesians 320. Now to him, Jesus Christ, who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. And he does it through the power at work in us, which is really him, which is absolutely amazing. And the tool is my faith fueled thought model, which is a download that the Lord gave me, which is a process I teach my clients on how to truly hold your thoughts captive. We can remove those limiting beliefs and those lies that we have been told, and we have. We’ve been told them so many times, even ourselves to ourselves.

Judy Weber [00:37:41]:
So we have to get rid of those before we can insert new beliefs. We got to get rid of the old. So my thought model has changed lives, and it affects not just business, but life overall, of course.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:37:51]:
Awesome. I love that. And we’ll make sure that we put the links in the show notes so people can go and find you and learn more about the faith filled thought model. I love it. Judy, this has been amazing. Thank you so much for taking the time to come and just share your heart. Share what it is that you know to be true and to encourage those who listen inside of this community to pursue the impossible, to normalize miraculous results, and to play big because that’s what God desires for them. Thank you so much for being here.

Judy Weber [00:38:21]:
Thank you Darnyelle.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:38:22]:
We’ll see you guys next time. Take care. Thank you for joining me for the Move to Millions podcast. If this episode has impacted you in any way, would you please take a moment and rate and review? Doing so helps us to deepen our impact and expand our reach around the world. And if you are ready to start your very own Move to Millions, I highly recommend that you order your very own copy of my brand new best selling book, move two millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. You can get your copy and our bonuses [email protected]. until next time. Remember, millions are your birthright and to access them you need only move.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:39:09]:
I’ll see you next time.
