Ep 274 – Maya Elious: Value is Subjective

About Our Guest:
Maya Elious is an award-winning business coach, personal branding strategist, and the go-to expert when it comes to clarifying your message and attracting high-end clients.

She currently leads a team of brilliant women as the CEO of Built To Impact, a coaching and consulting company that teaches overlooked experts how to build a profitable online business in their zone of genius.

Through her programs and live events, she’s helped thousands of clients and customers get clear on their message, launch high-end services, and build six-figure businesses.

She’s been featured as a top branding expert in publications like Black Enterprise, Forbes, and Business Insider. Her main mission is to help women monetize their gifts so they can create impact, build wealth, and live well.

When she’s not helping her clients build their online empire, she can be found traveling, spending time with her family, or watching drama series on Hulu.

Episode Summary:

This episode is powered by God Girls Making Millions

“Your voice is your most powerful asset.”  Maya Elious

Unless you’ve been under a rock while trying to leverage and scale your business, you have felt the impact of the fact that in today’s marketplace, there are a lot of options for your ideal clients to get the solutions they require to solve problems they’ve been unsuccessful solving on their own.  If you want to compete and remain relevant, you’re going to have to have a very clear understanding of your unique value proposition and how you are different, compelling and a complete solution for your most ideal clients and the problems they have.   As a business consultant with 16 years in the game, I’ve discovered the immense power of strategic clarity, magnetic messaging, and authentic self-discovery on the journey to and beyond the million-dollar mark. The beautiful thing about entrepreneurship is that value is subjective, and you can learn how to position yourself as the only and obvious choice. To help, I’ve invited Maya Elious, brand strategist and business coach, to share her MVP formula with you. Understanding how to leverage your messaging to increase your visibility and profitability in the current market will either make you a standout preventing you and your work from blending in. In this powerful conversation, we also share some gems that will elevate your journey. Together, we unravel how understanding your core identity and serving in your true calling can be transformative to both you and your clients. If you’re ready to craft a message that allows you to monetize with integrity, grab your pen and Move to Millions Podcast Notebook and listen in to discover:

  • How to articulate your core identity
  • Why leveraging the data to make decisions in your business positions you for millions
  • 3 questions to answer to leverage your visibility for market impact
  • And so much more

Powerful Quotes from The Episode:

  •  “Maya, your dedication to Impact Weekend and your exploration of a soft life after such intense business dedication is truly inspiring.”
  • “Understanding one’s true self, who they are called to serve, and how they want to help free from societal expectations and criticism is key.”
  • “Write down your reflections, seek divine confirmation, and find resources to support your goals.”
  • “The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity.” (Leonard Ravenhill)
  • “My mind is my most valuable tool for creating systems and processes.”
  •  “I always ask my clients: Who am I? Who do I serve? What do I want to be known for?”
  • “Make decisions based on data to understand if and how a message should be elevated.”
  • “If you’re attracting the right clients and meeting revenue goals, keep your message consistent. If not, reassess your marketing strategies and conversion rates.”
  •  “It’s important to gather data to assess and validate the effectiveness of your current message.”
  • “You should position yourself as an expert based on consistent results, not sporadic high-level successes.”
  •  “Who am I? Who are you in the marketplace? Who do you serve? How do you serve them?”
  • “Reflect on: What are my true values if no one would judge me?”
  • “Self-judgment and social comparison can be detrimental. Measure your success against your own values, not external ones.”
  • “Value-based messaging is crucial to cutting through marketplace noise.”
  •  “The MVP framework helps clients build credible and profitable brands: Messaging, Visibility, Profitability.”
  • “Christian women often struggle with bragging due to humility. But it doesn’t mean shrinking oneself; it means acknowledging your accomplishments.”
  • “Remember, your voice is your most powerful asset, and shrinking serves no one.”
  • “Sometimes humility is misused as a way to hide one’s abilities.”
  • “Clarify your personal and professional identity and define yourself beyond titles.”
  • “Articulate your value in the marketplace; it’s vital for brand positioning and building trust.”
  • “Have 7 hours of content, place it in 11 different formats, and be active on 4 different platforms to increase visibility and profitability.”
  • “Consistent content creation and messaging build trust. Frequent rebranding can break that trust.”

Move to Millions Wisdom Questions:

Book: Traction Gino Wickman
Favorite Quote: “The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity.” Leonard Ravenfield   

Tool Maya Swears By: Mindset

How to Connect with Maya Elious:

Incredible One Enterprises, LLC is not responsible for the content and information delivered during the podcast interview by any guest. As always, we suggest that you conduct your own due diligence regarding any proclamations by podcast guests.  Incredible One Enterprises, LLC is providing the podcast for informational purposes only.

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Maya Elious [00:00:00]:
Do the homework of really figuring out who you are, who you truly feel called to serve, and how you want to help them. Write these things down. Take it to God, get your confirmation, ask him to even expand and elevate what you wrote down.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:14]:
Welcome back to another episode of the Move to Millions Podcast. It’s your host, Dr. Darnyelle. Oh my goodness. Do I have a treat for you today. I know I say that every single time I bring you a guest because let’s keep it real. When I bring a guest, you know the guest isthebomb.com dot and this guest is going to blow your mind. And we talked about so many important things specifically around how it relates to your messaging. You probably know this name, Maya Elious Maya is known as a brand strategist and business coach, but she really is focused on helping faith based experts and entrepreneurs build high end coaching and consulting businesses.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:01:00]:
Through her company built to impact, she helps her clients get support around clarifying their message, packaging and pricing, positioning their expertise, attracting high end clients, growing their business, and eventually scaling their business beyond six figures. Within the last 15 years in the branding space, she has supported thousands of clients through different business models from agencies to digital products, online courses, coaching programs and live events. Y’all, when I tell you that Maya was born to do the work that she does, she was absolutely born to be in her presence. It’s all inspiring. And I say that with the most immense amount of gratitude for having been able to watch her work. And that’s we r k. She is phenomenal, she is gifted, she is poised, she is passionate, she is articulate, and she is really focused in this iteration of her life, doing work that truly does impact the world. So I want you to grab your move to millions Podcast notebook, maybe a tissue.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:02:07]:
There’s possibility. Your favorite pen and beverage. And let’s jump into my conversation with Maya Elious. Maya Elious welcome to the move to millions Podcast. How are you today, my dear?

Maya Elious [00:02:20]:
I’m so grateful to be here. I love having conversations with you. I always leave feeling fulfilled, edified. So I’m excited.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:02:28]:
Awesome. Well, that’s what I like to hear before we jump in. I know they just heard your professional bio and all of that, but what would you want them to know? So who is Maya, in your own words?

Maya Elious [00:02:39]:
Oh, Maya in the professional sense. Branding strategist, a messaging queen. I love messaging. Working with women of faith and teaching them how to articulate their value in the marketplace so they can get more high end clients. That’s what I do professionally. Maya, the everyday girl, she’s a lover, she’s a nurturer. She loves, loves, love so much. So I’m just grateful to be here.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:03:07]:
I love that. Loves, love so much. Where did that come from?

Maya Elious [00:03:13]:
I don’t know. It’s just my personality. And it’s funny. Cause my friends, we reflect on my twenties and a little bit of my thirties in terms of dating, and they’re like, girl, you just love love. And no matter how a relationship ends, you go into the next one just as enthusiastic as if you’ve never been through heartbreak.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:03:31]:
I love that. You know what I love about that? Cause I feel like just often, especially as women, and maybe men do it, too, I’m sure men do it, too. We are holding the next person accountable for what the last person did. So knowing that you have, it’s an era of forgiveness. To be able to forgive yourself, to forgive them, and move on, giving a clean slate to the next person, that’s pretty powerful. Yeah.

Maya Elious [00:03:56]:
I mean, forgiveness is definitely something I’ve had to work on. Forgiveness, resentment, especially in business, which I never thought I would have to consider forgiveness in a professional aspect. But that’s. Yeah, it’s major.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:10]:
Let’s talk about that for a second, and then I do want to go back to the work that you do, helping women of faith articulate their value, because I feel like so many people struggle with that. And I think you and I can agree that messaging is everything. Like, if you don’t have a strong message, you won’t make no money. So. But before we do that, let’s talk about forgiveness for a second, because I think in business, especially, like you, I don’t think I ever thought I would have to bring that part of myself in. And people try us. I was trying to see if there was a more diplomatic way to say it. But let’s just, you know, let’s just keep it real.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:47]:
I did an episode on the Podcast not too long ago based on Galatians six and nine. Do not be deceived. God will not be mocked.

Maya Elious [00:04:55]:
You will.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:56]:
You will reap what you sow. And the whole thing was about all of the people who default. And, Maya, you might not know this, but last year we had a million dollars in defaults. Some of you all won’t be able to see Maya’s face right now, but she just sent up a prayer.

Maya Elious [00:05:12]:
Right, right.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:15]:
A million dollars in defaults.

Maya Elious [00:05:17]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:18]:
Like, that would take somebody out. I’m so grateful that it did not cripple our business, that we still had a multimillion dollar year. But literally, it made me question everything. Like, I was like, am I really as good as I think I am? Have I really figured this out? And I had a lot of resentment and fear in my heart about taking on more clients. And I know, I remember a few years ago when you talked about not nearly that many declines, but something similar. And I imagine that this forgiveness work has played a part in that to give you the courage to take on clients again.

Maya Elious [00:05:56]:
Yeah, we lost $400,000 from people not honoring their commitment. And unfortunately, again, we still profited a million dollars, thank God. But it was just, you really do. Well, I know for me, I started to shrink, and I’m like, am I targeting the right people? Am I working with the right people? Am I supposed to be doing this? It felt out of alignment because, you know, I just questioned myself. There’s no way I can be saying I’m working with the right people. But then I have all these people operating out of integrity. So it’s just a very strange time, but certainly a learning lesson.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:06:31]:
Yeah, yeah. And I agree. And, I mean, I went through the same thing, the whole spectrum. It’s gotta be me. It’s not them. Like, what am I doing wrong? What’s wrong with my message? Which is why I said I wanted to come back to helping these women of faith entrepreneurs articulate their, their value in their messaging, because I tend to believe, like, you came up with the hypothesis yourself. Like, there must be something off in my message if I’m attracting all these people who are out of integrity, that they are feeling like it’s okay for them to sign contractual agreements and then just ghost.

Maya Elious [00:07:07]:
Right, right. And it’s so interesting, too, because I’m so grateful that you and I both have the personality of taking accountability and personal responsibility. But I also have learned that that can lean over into crossing a boundary of we want to take responsibility for something that’s not even ours.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:07:25]:

Maya Elious [00:07:26]:
Somebody not being. Operating in integrity is not my fault.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:07:31]:

Maya Elious [00:07:31]:
So that was a learning lesson for me as well.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:07:34]:
Yeah. Because I think we just naturally, and I don’t know why as women, we do this. I think it has to do with, you know, how we’re born, how we’re raised, how we’re treated by the males in our family. Like, I remember, and you tell me if you ever experienced this. I remember my dad saying all the time when we were little, you know, I hear you. I hear you, but I should only see you like, children should be seen and not heard. Right. And I think as women, or at least for a lot of the women that end up coming into our programs, they come in very passive because they don’t, they’re so used to being told they should be seen but not heard that they don’t want to articulate their value in the marketplace.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:08:13]:
They don’t want to brag about what they’ve done well and the results that they get. Do you experience that as well when you’re working with your clients?

Maya Elious [00:08:22]:
I do see that it is hard for a lot of women, especially christian women, to brag about themselves because they want to operate in humility. And I’m like, humility is not about shrinking yourself. You need to talk about your accomplishments so you can build that trust. And that’s, you know, talking about what you’ve done well as a part of brand positioning. And I think just helping them to have that perspective is really important. But if you’ve ever worked with me or been to any of my conferences, I’m like, y’all know I don’t believe in humility. I’m going to talk about my wins. I’m going to brag on the things that I have done because I know the result of talking about my accomplishments shows other black women what’s possible for them.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:09:06]:
Yeah, I love that. Well, I mean, there’s three things I wrote down that you said. So first, humility is not about shrinking yourself. I love, like, my definition of humility has always been being confident enough to articulate what makes you great while not putting someone else down. That’s what I think humility is. Right. Sherri Reilly says you’re not being humble, you’re hiding. So I think a lot of people are false, calling it humility, but they’re actually just hiding instead of putting themselves out there.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:09:41]:
And when you just said this little nugget, you slipped it in so eloquently, and I don’t even know if you realize you said it, but you said what you’ve done well is actually brand positioning. And I love that because what I want to do is I want to put together a little cheat sheet for the women, women, period. Women of faith in particular, that are going to listen to this episode and want to get some success clues on things they can begin to do differently, to articulate their value in a way that leads them to more of the clients that they want to serve. I think you do that amazingly. Hey, God, girl, have you attended event after event looking for an up leveled conversation and community only to realize you’ve outgrown the rooms you used to frequent for inspiration and implementation, I want to invite you to spend three days immersing yourself in a safe, aligned and significant space where you can have the deep, vulnerable and transparent conversations about what life beyond the money really looks like. For the first time, maybe ever, you can have the conversations that really shift the way you show up in every area of your life and focus on getting access to more. More freedom, more expression, more self care, more meaning, more alignment and more connections. God, girls, making millions is the only room of its kind for you to finally unearth what is burgeoning for your next level.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:11:11]:
Learn more and submit your application [email protected]. dot I know what it feels like to get your business to a major milestone and still feel like something is missing. If you’ve gotten your business to $300,000 a year or more and it doesn’t make you feel all warm and fuzzy, I know exactly what you need. You need a business audit. And there is nothing that would bring me more joy than to look beneath the hood of your business to see what’s keeping you from the million dollar mark. There’s only one catch. You’re going to have to apply to learn more about a session that will allow me to expose your gaps and help you to understand what are the gateways to get you to the million dollar mark. Go now to move to millionsmastermind.com dot I’m trying to remember, I was at my client retreat last week for the, for the proximity mastermind, and I don’t remember which client it was, but one of the clients said, like, maya, maya’s amazing at messaging and I wish I could tell you which client it was.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:12:15]:
I cannot remember. If I remember, I’ll send you a text message. But what I love about that, and I agree, like, I love the way that you break down what you do is so simple that I know that there are some success clues that will help any woman who’s listening right now, who’s feeling like she’s shrinking, she’s maybe something questionable has happened. Maybe she brought on some clients who defaulted. I mean, this is business. It happens. And as a result, she wants to hide. Or she, or she was raised in a household where she should be seen and not heard and she doesn’t even know how to exploit her greatness in a way that’s going to help her to get clients first.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:12:56]:
What would you say to her? And if there were three things you would tell her to do, what would those three things be?

Maya Elious [00:13:02]:
Oh, I would remind her that her voice is her most powerful asset. So her shrinking serves nobody, and it certainly doesn’t serve God. So I would remind her of that when it comes to messaging and just trying to figure out where to start, because I think that’s a prominent question that we get as business coaches. Like, where do I start? I don’t even know the first thing to do when it comes to messaging. The three questions you want to answer are, who are you? Who do you serve, and how do you serve them? Once you can get really clear and confident in that, you start to show up more consistently, because now you’re not second guessing these things. But I do think it can be challenging sometimes to answer the question of who am I? And I do think that the number one thing that the enemy tries to confuse us on is our identity.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:13:48]:
Speak on it.

Maya Elious [00:13:49]:
Now, more than anything, we are facing a major identity crisis where people aren’t sure who they are. They want to be multiple people. They’re just very unclear. And so figuring out who you are, it is the pathway to walking in your purpose. How can you fulfill your calling when you don’t even know who you are? Because if God is calling you to walk in purpose, you have to know who you are. So, answering the question, who am I? I think from, again, the personal sense, like, even when you ask me who was Maya, I know how to answer that question in the professional sense, and I think that’s important. And then also answering in the sense of without a title, do you know who you are to the core? And so, really leading with, what are my values? What are my true values? If there was nobody to judge the things that I loved, if there was nobody to judge the things that I hated, if there was nobody to judge the things that make me me, how would I define my values? And I think when we’re thinking about our passions and our values and who we are, we do instantly go to like, well, what are the things that I love? And what are the things that make me happy? But it’s also really important to answer the question, like, what are the things that get on my last nerve? What are the things that piss me off and get me outside of character? And I gotta reinvite the Holy Spirit back into me because it bothers me that much.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:15:10]:
Girl, listen, I’m on a cross with velcro. Like, I just got my velcro on. Just cause I know sometimes people gonna make me come down, so I get it. Exactly.

Maya Elious [00:15:19]:
Exactly. So you have to be able to ask that question. I know. For me, randomly, ever since a child, one of my biggest pet peeves has been being interrupted while I’m speaking. Oh, sorry, not in terms of. Not in terms of conversational, where somebody adds to what you’re saying, being interrupted in terms of you could tell the person is only focused on what they have to say and they are trying to silence you or diminish your voice or diminish the value of what you’re communicating. And I find it so interesting that that has been such a big pet peeve since I was a child. And now I run a business where I’m empowering women to use their voice, articulate the value in their own beliefs and philosophies.

Maya Elious [00:16:00]:
So I think answering the question who am I? In terms of what I love and what I hate is going to reveal a lot about you. And then answering the question of who are you in the marketplace? Are you in the marketplace? What is your title? Are you a coach? Are you a strategist? What is your expertise? What are the skills that you have? What are your gifts? And then answering, who do you serve? Because your value is going to be subjective. Your value is based on who needs what you have to offer in terms of your skills. Somebody who is completely uninterested in building an online brand, completely uninterested in being an entrepreneur, will not find value in who I am in the professional sense. To really, for lack of better words, validate your value. You need to make sure you have an audience that is in need and actively searching for the solutions you provide with your skill set. So answering who am I? Who do I serve? And then how do I serve them? How do you want to serve these people with your free content? And how do you want to serve these people with your paid content? I think if you just take a day or a weekend to brainstorm that you’re going to find a lot of clarity.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:17:11]:
Yeah, I love. I love all of the questions, and I’m going to run them back for everyone just to make sure that you caught them. Who are you? Who do you serve? How do you serve them? Who are you in the marketplace? What are your gifts, your skills and talents? What are the problems that you serve? All of this backs into your identity, right? And who you actually want to be known as. As it coordinates with who you were created to be. That’s why I think that’s that gifts question is really important. And if you understand your gifts in relation to your ability to solve a problem, then it will be easier. These are Darnyelle’s words, not Maya’s but what I heard you say between what you said, it will be easier for you to get paid. Paid for the value that you offer to the marketplace when your gift solves a problem.

Maya Elious [00:18:07]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:18:08]:
And then this question, I want everybody to really. This is going to be your homework assignment from this episode. What are my true values if no one would judge me for them? Oh, my gosh. Maya, let me tell you why I love this question. Because first of all, the United States, the world is a judgment zone. Like, everything is about judging you. It does not matter. Right.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:18:35]:
Everything is about judging you. But if you are able to extrapolate what’s most important to you, despite the fact that people might judge you, that is going to give you a very clear indication of who you are and what you can pull on as you put your message out into the marketplace.

Maya Elious [00:18:53]:
Yes, man, it’s so critical because, first of all, we judge ourselves the most. We are in our head all day criticizing ourselves. And we also, I believe people are judging themselves more because of the amount of noise that is out there. And one of my favorite things about the fact that I started my business before Instagram was a thing, is that I had no comparison, really. And so I just. I was who I was, and I really enjoyed being able to look left, being able to look right and not feel like I needed to compare myself. And there’s so much comparison. And the reason that I posed that question in that way, you know, what are your values if nobody was judging you? Is because we think that people are following us just to judge us, or we’re following other people to measure ourself against them.

Maya Elious [00:19:39]:
Measure yourself against. Against your own values. When you think about the standard of life that you want to have, and when you measure the success of your life, the success of your life has to be measured against. Am I who I say I am? Am I who I say I desire to be based on the values that I have set and established for my life?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:19:59]:
Yeah, I think that that is tremendous advice, and it’s an amazing backdrop upon which to create a message or to begin even articulating what a message might be. Because when you know what you value, you’re going to be able to use words to find other people who value those same things, and you’ll be able to cut through all of the noise that exists in the marketplace because it’s like you’re speaking on a different frequency because it’s value based instead of externally based. And I think a lot of times, especially today. Right. I agree with you. We’re in this identity crisis, we’re so external focused instead of being internal focused. And I like that the first step is about going into yourself and not into the marketplace in order to validate who it is that you want to be and what you want to be seen. Now, I know that you have the MVP framework.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:20:54]:
Can you tell us what that is and how that relates to helping your clients articulate their value?

Maya Elious [00:20:59]:
Yeah. So the MVP framework is essentially those three questions. So the MVP framework is what I use when I’m helping my clients build their brand, that they want to be credible and profitable. And MVP stands for messaging, visibility and profitability. And so when my clients come to me and they’re saying, listen, I have this skill set and I want to be seen as an expert and I want to make more money, what are those steps? The first step is getting very clear on your messaging, answering those three questions and then taking your message and making sure it’s visible by the right people, making sure getting your message out into the marketplace, and then once you become more visible, being very strategic about now, how do I monetize this with integrity? How do I make sure I’m profitable? And how do I create predictability with my revenue?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:21:51]:
I love that. Monetize with integrity. Oh, so good. Okay, I want to pull back to visibility for a second. One of the things that I talked about with our clients at our retreat last week was the recent study that Google did on the the 711 four. Like, looking at consumer behavior. Have you heard of this?

Maya Elious [00:22:10]:
Mm mm.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:22:10]:
Okay. So as the market was beginning to change. So we’ve spent the last four years in a growth market because of Covid-19. Speaking of identity crisis, right. The world going crazy and there being this substantial money grab. And it was so easy to make money during COVID Well, we’re not in Covid anymore, right? We’re not in Kansas anymore. And as a result, the money is not moving exactly the same. It’s not the same grab.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:22:38]:
So at the top of the year, Google did a consumer study based on what they know, what people are Googling and all of these things, and what they realize is that in a mature market, because there are four different markets, startup, growth, mature, decline. We spend the majority of our time in a growth or mature market fluctuating back and forth. We won’t be in a startup market again. I mean, the startup market was when the Internet was invented, and we’re in a declining market based on what’s happening in the stock market. So anyway, right now we’re in a mature market and in a mature market, longer sales cycles, you have to demonstrate your expertise. Right? So Google says that we need to find or the average buyer of your product or service is going to spend a minimum of 7 hours researching you and consuming your content across eleven different channels or locations and four different platforms.

Maya Elious [00:23:40]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:23:41]:
So that means you got your first question. I want all of you all to ask yourselves is, is there 7 hours of content about what I want to be known for out in the marketplace right now? So somebody could spend 7 hours binging on me. Maya, tell us what all of that was just about.

Maya Elious [00:24:01]:
I can validate that because when I ask my best clients, how did you hear about me? You know, what made you buy? Which again, and these are important questions to ask, I’m very big on market research. People will say, I’ve been following you since I’ve been in the space long enough, right. And this is not to discourage anybody that’s starting out new, but it’s an encouragement to remain consistent. I’ve been following you since. Many people have been following me before I made seven figures. Maybe they followed me in my first year of making six figures and I’m still figuring things out, but my voice was consistent and they’re like, I loved how consistent you’ve been over the past two to three years. And that builds so much trust. So just that people, not only have I been consistent with producing content, but I’ve been consistent with my message throughout because people like to rebrand and become a different expert every 18, and it’s like you’re gonna break trust every single time you make a pivot.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:24:58]:
That’s so good. Oh, my gosh, I have to write that down. That’s so good. So that’s the seven. So 7 hours of content. Do you have 7 hours of content now, the 1111 different moments. So what is a moment or a location? It’s a blog post. It’s a PDF download.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:25:16]:
It’s a Podcast. Your own Podcast, or an interview or someone else’s Podcast. It’s a caption or a carousel or a reel. It’s an email that you sent, it’s a banner ad that you have, like, is there enough different ways you are getting the same message out consistently so that the people who are looking for you can find you? Right. And then four different platforms. So are you on YouTube? Are you Google able? Are you on Instagram? Are you on TikTok? Are you on Facebook? Are you on LinkedIn? Do you have your own newsletter? Do you have your own Podcast can I find you on other people’s Podcasts? So 711 four is what that visibility piece needs to be for people to actually get to. The last thing you said, which is the profitability monetizing with integrity. Are you ready for God? Girls making millions 2024 GGMM is an amazing, luxurious, high end experience for the woman entrepreneur small business owner who is about their birthright, their business and their bank accounts.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:26:28]:
If you’re looking for a safe, significant and aligned space to finally unearth what your next level looks like when you no longer have to focus on making money, this is for you. Learn more and submit your application [email protected]. want to know what it’s like to work with me and the incredible factor university coaching team? You can get started today with the move to millions 90 day business growth planner. 90 days at a time, you’ll be setting your business on a trajectory that will make the move to millions happen much faster for you. It’s got everything that you need to track every strategy, every sale, all of your KPI’s, as well as your self care and life transformational needs. We made sure we left nothing out of this amazing planner. And by accessing the planner, you’ll get a behind the scenes view of what it’s like to work with me and my team. Go grab yours [email protected].

Maya Elious [00:27:28]:
Dot I’m still mind blown by this data because, wow, this is really how I have built trust over the years. It’s one of the biggest compliments when people say like, well, one, when they say, I feel like you’re speaking to me with your messaging, which I think you should get into, and then when they’re like, I’ve been watching you for years and I love how consistent you’ve been. And I remember somebody also even saying they had a question, they had a marketing question and they put the question in Google, but then they put my name after it because they knew they would find content of mine that answered their question.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:28:02]:

Maya Elious [00:28:02]:
And I’m like, that’s the level of trust that I want to maintain. Wherever people can trust that I answered it and they can trust my answer to it.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:28:10]:
Yes. Oh, that’s so good. Yeah, I love all of that. And I think for those people that are listening now, you know, listeners of our show in general, our demographic, they’re already making multiple six figures. They want to be at seven. They’re trying to figure out what needs to shift and change. They want to be inspired. They want to be edified, but they also want to be equipped with what they need in order to get to their next level.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:28:35]:
So the piece that you just said a minute ago about the consistency, that’s really, really important. And how do you, even when you are wanting to go through a rebrand. Well, let me ask this question first. So in your estimation, as an expert, when you’re rebranding, does your message change? Like, what changes when you rebrand? Let me ask it that way. What changes when you’re rebranding?

Maya Elious [00:29:00]:
That’s a really good question. And I think you have to first ask yourself, well, what is the purpose of the rebrand? Because it doesn’t always have to be your message changing. It could simply be, we just want to refine and we want to elevate how we’re seen in the marketplace. So there are some people that rebrand and they completely shift industries. And I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with it, but you have to know the reason why you’re doing it. If you are rebranding because you’re following the most popular trend of, like, now, I want to be a TikTok coach, because TikTok is popular, it’s going to be something that is likely short lived. So you just need to ask yourself the real reason why you’re. Why you are rebranding.

Maya Elious [00:29:39]:
But it doesn’t necessarily have to be a complete message shift. It could just be an elevation in your message and your online presence.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:47]:
Yeah. And that’s like, when we did. Well, I called it a brand refresh because we didn’t change our company name.

Maya Elious [00:29:53]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:54]:
You know, we really just wanted to heighten where we were going. So it was really about an elevation. It was my first time. And I know you started in branding, right back in the day, we had never done any of that. Like, I had a little caricature logo, I had a little. I had a little template website that probably 500,000 other people in the world had that same exact template, because I didn’t care about any of that. And I also wondered, and I want to know what you think of this, because I say this all the time. Like, I don’t think that you even need a website to make money.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:30:30]:
Like, I think you need a problem to solve, a phone and someone to call.

Maya Elious [00:30:35]:
That is fair. Yeah. I think you need a place to make money and a place to explain what you do. And really the fastest path to doing that is just having, whether it’s a landing page or social media, to validate what you do. But getting on the phone with people and being able to, again, persuade them with integrity and doing that by saying, hey, I understand your problem. I know what the solution is. Here are the steps to that. Sharing your framework.

Maya Elious [00:31:01]:
Would you like to have this problem solved through my package?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:04]:
Yeah, that’s good. Okay, so. Okay, y’all, I just want to make sure y’all just caught that little nugget Maya just gave at the end of how to ask for the sale. Cause there’s a lot of y’all having sales. We just did an episode on the Podcast about some of the sales mistakes that happened during the sales conversation. You don’t even ask for the sale or you don’t create an opportunity for follow up. Well, Maya just said, do you want to solve this problem problem through my package? Write that down. And remember that the next time you have a sales conversation because that was a bonus.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:34]:
We’re not even talking about that. But she just slid that in there, and I just wanted to make sure that you caught it.

Maya Elious [00:31:40]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:40]:
I want to talk about. I want to keep talking about the elevation of the message because ultimately, what I know is really a struggle. And it’s very important now with 711 four, with the shift in the market, to be consistent, but to also be really, really clear about the problem you solve for those who have been unsuccessful at solving this problem on their own. So we already, we did the first part. Like, those first questions I need to ask myself, who am I? Who do I serve? You know, what do I want to be known for those types of questions? How do I then elevate my message, though?

Maya Elious [00:32:18]:
How do you elevate your message? Well, I like to make decisions based on data. And oftentimes I think that entrepreneurs are very busy, but they are not productive, meaning that they are doing work and they are doing work that could be, that could produce an ROI or thats productive in a different season or if it was solving the right problem. And so what I mean by that is when were saying, how do I elevate your message? My thought process is going to be, okay, well, what’s wrong with your message? How do you know you need to elevate your message? Are you attracting the wrong people? Are you attracting the right people? So my thing is, if you’re already attracting the right people, I would focus on keeping your messaging the same. Like, what I’m going to look at is, do I like my existing clientele or do I like the people that are coming to me? Do I feel like I’m already attracting the right people, then I’m going to look at, am I generating sales, and am I hitting my revenue goals? Because if I’m not hitting my revenue goals, then I know that there’s likely going to be something that I need to shift with my marketing or with my conversion rate. So, I know that wasn’t necessarily your question, but I’m wondering, like, why the question of elevating the message? Why do we need to elevate our message?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:33:41]:
Yeah. No, your answer was perfect. And although we didn’t talk about this before, you went down the path that I wanted you to go down, and because I think that you’re right, it’s not just I need to change my message. You need to ask these questions. So, again, let me reflect back and share the questions that I wrote down that Maya said. So, first, I loved, and I think this is eloquent. And we have an episode on the Podcast about data driven millions. Like, how do you let the data determine how you generate money inside of your business? So, first we’re going to get some data, right? So, how do you know you need to elevate your message? And then these are the markers.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:34:17]:
Do I like my clientele? Am I generating sales and hitting my revenue goals? And if I’m not generating sales and hitting my revenue goals, what was my initiating marketing strategy in the first place? Like, what was I doing? Because maybe it’s not that there’s anything wrong with your message. The other thing that Maya said that I loved is it might not be the message. It might be where you are putting the message, right?

Maya Elious [00:34:43]:
It might be where you’re putting the message, or it might be that there’s just not enough eyes, which could be a result of not putting the message in enough places.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:34:52]:
Right? In the right places, right. So it all is working together. And, like, so I think about. For me, and I make it about us. So, you know, up until 20 through 2020, you know, we were. You know, we were. I can’t even remember what our key message was then. I think it was just, we grow businesses, period.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:09]:
Which is still true today. Right? But one of the things God pulled out for me in 2020 was as he gave me, moved to millions, and I, you know, had my little temporary Moses moment, as I call it, when I’m like, no, Jesus, send somebody else. Don’t send me. I’m stuttering over here. Don’t send me. And God was like, no, but this is what you have been doing. You’ve been helping people get to the million dollar mark. And so I went and looked at the data, and when I went and looked at the data, I was like, oh, my gosh, he’s right.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:36]:
I have. Because before we were moved to millions, we had already helped 25 people, crossed the million dollar mark.

Maya Elious [00:35:43]:
Wow, that’s amazing.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:44]:
I wasn’t even, that wasn’t my thing. I was just growing businesses, period.

Maya Elious [00:35:48]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:48]:
And so as soon as I had data to back it up, it heightened my own confidence about articulating this message in the marketplace. Immediately, I was like, oh, we’ve been there, done that, got the t shirt. So, yes, let’s go. Let’s do it. Right. And as a result of that, our message didn’t change very much. All we did was change where we were sharing our message, the look of it elevated. Because I had never branded before.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:36:16]:
I didn’t do photo shoots. I did not spend any money on branding in that sense. Then in 2021, in 2022, we did, we built the websites, we did the photo shoots, we did all the things. And it’s great because it has continued to bring in more of the clients that we want to serve. But we have pretty much the same exact message we had before. We just have more visibility now.

Maya Elious [00:36:44]:
But you still shifted your messaging in terms of highlighting a more specific result, right?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:36:50]:

Maya Elious [00:36:51]:
We grow businesses, like, which is generic. A million dollars is a little different than just helping somebody grow a business, okay? Because somebody could grow from $20,000 a year to $75,000. I want the million.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:37:05]:

Maya Elious [00:37:05]:
And I’m laughing because you went and looked at your data and I’m like, I wouldn’t have missed that. Okay? I wouldn’t have missed that. I helped 25 people get to millions. And I know, like, for you, it’s just kind of like, listen, we’re doing what we’re called to do, and people are getting results, and I love that. And a part of my messaging is speaking to the results that I get people, and then I. And finding my message to go even more niche based on the most result that we get our clients. So for years, we have our five figure launch accelerator. And before that, I think it was just like, oh, we’re going to teach you how to have more impact and income.

Maya Elious [00:37:46]:
And then once I realized people were having consistent five figure launches, I’m like, well, now let’s speak to the fact that we can help you have a five figure launch. So when you are thinking about refining and elevating your message, look at where you have gained mastery. And I used to tell people to position themselves based on their highest level of success. But I since have changed that because you have probably seen this, but people will experience their highest level of success, and they want to be known as the expert of that. Like, just because you’ve experienced that highest level of success one time, maybe two times, doesn’t make you an expert in it.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:38:30]:

Maya Elious [00:38:31]:
Even for me. Like, I have shared with my clients, like, you won’t see me in. In the near future, talking about helping my clients get two, seven figures or claiming that expertise because, one, I’ve made a million dollars five times. I’ve made $100,000 over 50 times highest. And my highest level of mastery is generating six figures over and over and helping multiple clients do that. So that is where my messaging is really going to hone in on. Now, when I help 25 clients make seven figures, and when I’ve made seven figures more than five times and I feel like I can do it in my sleep, then I might start to shift my message a little bit. So I say all that to say to look at where.

Maya Elious [00:39:15]:
What are your most consistent results for yourself and for your clients. And that’s really how you can get more niche and specific with your messaging.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:39:23]:
I love all of that. I love. I love your thought process of how you did it, like, and how you know what your highest level or mastery is, although you are a seven figure business. And what I love about that, and I hope what y’all just caught, it’s not, did you do it? It’s, have you helped other people do it consistently?

Maya Elious [00:39:43]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:39:44]:
Right? And I wish. I mean, this is gonna probably send us down a little baby rabbit hole. I want to go here anyway. Like, the question I see every once in a while on Facebook is, can you help somebody do something you haven’t done yet? Right. And we know the answer is technically yes, but should you? Because I know for me, Maya, like, I start similar to you, I started out getting people to six figures. That was my whole thing. Then it was getting people to six figure cash flow, because that’s a whole nother ballgame, right? And then it was like, okay, we have six figure cash flow. We’ve helped multiple people get six figure cash flow.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:40:21]:
We’ve helped this many people get to seven figures. Let’s shift, because that’s really where we are now. Does everybody get the seven figures? No, but everybody also doesn’t want to get the seven figures. Some people are in a different place on the journey, and which is also why for our branding specifically, I love that it’s move to millions because that means there’s a progression to get to the million dollar mark, because the other thing that I know, Maya knows is there are so many people, statistically, 78% of people do seven figures once, and they never do it again because it’s not enough to hit seven. You could hustle real hard and hit seven figures and then be burnt the hell out and not able to ever do it again. Or you can do it in a sustainable way so that it happens. Like, what I’m proud to say is that not only have we helped 45 clients at this point since 2021 have their first seven figure year, we’ve also helped 25 clients have their next seven figure year. And it’s important because we’ve got some progression in there.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:41:27]:
It’s not a. They’re not one hit wonders. Right. And that the. The people who we’ve helped get to 45, 80% of them are still doing seven figures, but 25 that we got to their next. That means they walked through the doors at seven figures, and we’ve helped them to make more millions. So that’s how we quantify that. And I think.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:41:49]:
But I think it’s important what you just said, and I want you, as you’re listening, what is the thing that you have done that you have done in succession consistently? That if you honed in and built a niche around that, you would elevate your message without having to shift your message and become a different expert in the marketplace? That was gold, and I hope everybody caught that. That was so good.

Maya Elious [00:42:11]:
Yeah. Oh, that is really, really good.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:42:15]:
The reviews are in. Move two millions. The proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind is a best seller with thousands of copies sold. We are raising a generation of million dollar CEO’s. You got next. Grab your copy. And our bonuses today at movetomillions book.com. yeah, I just really wasn’t paying attention.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:42:40]:
I was just out here, like. And then I was like, oh, yeah, you’re right. Oh, okay, then that makes sense. Because I didn’t want to be a charlatan and I didn’t want to just be saying, because there’s a lot of people who do that. Right. I got to this milestone. Like, I see it all the time. You know, I.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:42:55]:
I love live events. I do amazing live events. I hope other people do amazing live events. You know, we’ve had the opportunity to work together, and I’ve seen lots of clients who have, in working with me, produced an amazing live event that are now teaching it.

Maya Elious [00:43:11]:
I’m like, that’s what I was gonna say. Right. Like, that’s what happens when you experience your highest level of success. It’s like, yes, you also experience this using somebody else’s framework. How are you now claiming that you’re an expert at this? So y’all just operate with integrity? I can’t say it enough.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:43:30]:
I mean, yeah, and it’s so funny because it even came up at my mastermind retreat last week. So many clients were like, how do you feel about the fact that people come and work with you and they learn your stuff and now they’re out in the marketplace teaching it? I actually don’t. I mean, maybe this is wrong for me to feel this way, but I’m abundance. There is no lack in me. And I don’t hold a space that says that I’m the only one who can do anything.

Maya Elious [00:43:58]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:43:58]:
I also believe that it’s one thing to be gifted, and it’s one thing to have found a system that works and be working it yourself and think that you have what it takes to teach it to someone else. And then there’s a thing called anointing. And so even if you take my frameworks and methodologies and you attempt to use them in your own business, you all got my anointing, and it might not work, right?

Maya Elious [00:44:26]:
No, I feel you. I think at this point, that’s something that would have bothered me eight to ten years ago. Now, I think this level of maturity in business, it’s like, okay, whatever we see this one, every hundred clients is going to leave.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:44:39]:
Right? Exactly.

Maya Elious [00:44:40]:
An imitation of you. I just think it’s unfortunate, though, because it’s like you’re wasting your time. This is going to die out because you’re really passionate about it, you’re excited about it, and you’re motivated about it, but you’re not dedicated to it, so that the person is wasting their time.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:44:55]:
So it’s just. Which I agree. I think that that is really interesting. I do. Just before I’m going to give you the last word, but before I give you the last word and then I ask you the questions for, like, just a few minutes, I want to talk about our work together. We had the opportunity to work together two years in a row, and I would love for you to just share whatever you’d like to share. No pressure. Whatever you’d like to share about what it was like working directly with me.

Maya Elious [00:45:20]:
Oh, my gosh. Working with you is amazing. I definitely want to work together again. Like, you are a top of mind person. When I’m like, I need a level of somebody to expand my mind, somebody who has spiritual and biblical backing to what they are teaching me. You do it so well, so eloquently. Your brilliance is just chef kiss. I’ve had the fortune of working with you to support me with impact weekend two years in a row, and impact weekend is like, it’s my baby.

Maya Elious [00:45:50]:
And so having somebody that understands live events, having somebody that can create a space to share or to give you the space to say, hey, what is it that you want for your event? Who are we attracting? What are some of the goals? How would you like this to flow and then have their own set of frameworks to support you in that? I think what I loved is that I never felt like I wasn’t myself. And I think that it can be sometimes when you work with other coaches, they want you to just be like a copy and paste of them, and I never felt like that. I felt like I was able to be myself, but I was just an elevated version because I had your wisdom. So it was great. And then obviously, we made money.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:46:30]:
You know, we made money. That’s what it’s all about. And you know what I loved about watching you like, you are. You are so born. You are so born for what you do, Maya. Like to have been able to witness it. Like, just take me being in the background on the sidelines with the text messaging and helping to guide you from the back of the room. You were born for that.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:46:54]:
That’s why I was so excited when you decided that you were not going to stop impact weekend. And I’m even excited about some of the shifting that you’re doing in and looking at this soft life part of you and what that means after going hard in business for so long and really what that invites in. And so I am going to ask you my three closing questions, but I’m going to give you the last word before we do that. Anything else you want to share around, messaging around identity or anything that’s coming up for you that’s on your heart right now that you’d like to leave with this audience?

Maya Elious [00:47:37]:
Oh, man. I would say just do the homework of really figuring out who you are, who you truly feel called to serve, and how you want to help them. I just keep going back to those three questions because I think it is simple to generically do homework, but I want you to answer those questions in truth and not based on what you think you should do. We often operate in the what is acceptable? What am I allowed to do, what should I be doing? But I want you to answer those questions. If you were allowed to do whatever and nobody would criticize you in a negative manner, what would your answers be? And really believe that you can build a business outside of that. Write these things down, take it to God, get your confirmation, ask him to even expand and elevate what you wrote down, and then find the right resources and guidance to help you get there.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:48:31]:
I love it. This has been amazing, Maya. Okay, last three questions. What is. I’m gonna give you two all at once, and you can answer in whatever order you prefer. What’s the book, what’s the quote? And what’s the tool that has made a difference on your own? Move to and beyond millions.

Maya Elious [00:48:48]:
Ooh. Okay. The book. The book that I was reading, the year that I had my first seven figure year, was traction by Gina Wickman. And I really enjoyed that because it helped me to see myself as the CEO of a company instead of a solopreneur who coached people. And so I went from thinking, I’m a coach to I run a coaching company. So that was really big for me. My favorite quote is, the opportunity of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity.

Maya Elious [00:49:24]:
That quote is by Leonard Ravenhill. I really like that quote because it is a reminder to stop wasting our time, that if something is presented to you and you know it is a good fit, even if it requires sacrifice, which the best opportunities do, even if there’s a level of fear, which the best decisions are accompanied by, you need to make sure that you take action while that opportunity is still available to you before it passes you by.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:49:53]:
Oh, I love that.

Maya Elious [00:49:54]:
The book. That’s the quote. And then what’s the other one?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:49:57]:
What’s the tool? And tool is whatever, however you define it. So it could be software, it could be a daily practice. It’s whatever you use and which makes a difference to keep you grounded as you do this work.

Maya Elious [00:50:10]:
The book, the quote and the tool, was that the other one? I feel like I missed. I overlooked that both times you asked. Okay. The tool. The tool is my mind. I honestly think we overthink software. And when I think of systems, most people, when they hear systems, they think of software. When I think of systems, I think about how I want to write down my exact process, and then I find the software that can support the system.

Maya Elious [00:50:39]:
I’m going to say the best tool is my mind.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:50:41]:
Nice. I love it. Maya, this has been amazing. We’re going to make sure we put all of your details in the show notes so people can learn about what you have going on and follow you. Following you for twerking and working in the soft life and doing what you need to do to continue to be the best version of yourself. I’m so honored and grateful that you stopped by. It’s been a joy to work with you, and I can’t wait till we work together again. Me too.

Maya Elious [00:51:07]:
I’m excited. Thank you.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:51:08]:
Thanks for being here. We’ll see you guys next time. Take care. Wasn’t that good? Oh, my gosh, y’all, we talked about so much. Okay, okay. When she said, I help faith based women or women of faith articulate their value, my spidey senses went off. Because Maya is the bomb at messaging. Like, the way she puts words together, I’ve always just.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:51:37]:
I’ve been in awe of it as a person who also shares that gift. So it was just amazing to be inside of this conversation and talk about everything from love to forgiveness to humility and what humility actually is and understanding the significance of what you have done. Well, being how you position your brand. We got into the questions you need to ask yourself to clearly determine your identity. It’s from your identity that you have the ability to create everything that it is. We even talked about whether or not you should be looking to do a rebrand and what to do instead. Listen. Powerful conversation.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:52:13]:
So many nuggets. Here are a few things that I wrote down from the quotes that she said and question I want you to ask yourself. This is your homework assignment. What are my true values? If no one was judging me, I cannot wait to hear how you would respond to that question. That’s what I really want to know. Because she said, value is subjective. But when you understand your value and you articulate your values, you will come into alignment with other people who subscribe to your same values, and then your value will be prominent for them. So good.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:52:49]:
We got into her MVP formula, messaging, visibility and profitability, and we even talked about Google 711 four. If you hadn’t heard that before, I’m going to do an entire episode on 711 four just to break that down, to make sure that you understand that. But this was really, really powerful, and I hope you gleaned some nuggets for your own messaging. And we’ll put all of Maya’s information in the show notes so that you can reach out to her to learn more about how she might be able to help you with your message. Guys, ladies, gentlemen, millions minded entrepreneurs, and CEO’s. Every time I get to show up and show up for you. It brings me the most immense amount of joy. So I just want to say thank you.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:53:31]:
Thank you for coming back every single week to listen. If this was your first time listening, thank you for listening. We know you’ll be back because just by listening to this show, your income is going up. Everything about you is going up because God chose me in this season to be your moses to guide you into the wealth and abundance that is your birthright through your business. And there’s nothing that brings me more joy. If during this conversation you’ve heard something that makes you want to have a conversation with me about what it might look like for us to work together, I welcome that. Feel free to slide in my DM’s or visit movetomillions.com or houseofmillions.com. there’s nothing that would bring me more joy than to learn how I can support you on your move to and beyond the million dollar mark.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:54:16]:
I’ll see you guys next time. Take care.
