Ep 268 – CEO Confession: How I Manage My Money

“Shifting the way I see myself and developing a real relationship with money accelerated my path to multi-millionaire.” Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

I don’t know how you were raised to relate to money, but my upbringing gave me severely mixed messages and contributed to my own personal debt and irresponsibility with money. In this transparent episode of the Move to Millions Podcast, I’m getting vulnerable, and honest about a topic that so many of us, especially as CEOs and entrepreneurs, often shy away from: money management. I’m pulling back the curtain on my own financial journey, from hitting rock bottom before my bankruptcy in 2010 to building a life of financial abundance and fiscal responsibility. I share the good, the bad, and the downright ugly of my relationship with money, along with the hard-won lessons and powerful shifts that helped me turn it all around. This isn’t just another episode about managing finances; it’s a heart-to-heart about reclaiming control over your money, shifting your mindset, and laying the foundation for generational wealth.

I’ll take you through the pivotal moments that redefined my relationship with money, the habits I had to build, and the discipline it took to create financial success from chaos. I’m sharing the strategies I used to rise from bankruptcy and the mindset shifts necessary to move beyond shame, fear, and doubt into multi-millionaire status and an 8-figure net worth. This episode is both an honest confession and an empowering guide for any CEO or entrepreneur who wants to break free from financial struggles and confidently step into the next level of their business and life. 

If you’re serious about scaling your business to millions with a wealth portfolio at the same level or more, you need to tune in to this episode. By sharing my story, I’m offering you a unique chance to see what’s possible when you stop hiding from your financial truths and start making empowered, intentional money moves. I’ve been where you might be right now – living in lack despite how much money you have in your bank account, feeling scared, or unsure about how to shift your money – and I’m here to show you that you can transform your money story no matter where you’re starting from.

This episode isn’t just about inspiration; it’s about practical, actionable steps you can take to shift your financial future starting today. I’m inviting you to join me in facing your money fears head-on, embracing the discomfort, and making the kind of fiscal decisions that lead to freedom and growth. Whether you’re recovering from your own financial mistakes or ready to take your money management to the next level, this conversation will give you the clarity, confidence, and courage to make it happen.  If this excites you,  grab your Move to Millions Podcast notebook and listen in to discover:

  • The #1 money mistake I made
  • 5 keys to shifting the way you see yourself and money
  • 5 things you should know if you desire to profit millions in your business
  • How to develop your own money management style and strategies
  • And so much more

Powerful Quotes During the Episode:

  1. “Understanding and operating in the abundance of money as an energy and current can change everything for service-based entrepreneurs.”
  2. “When I took a financial literacy course as part of my bankruptcy process, I became a millionaire within a year and a million-dollar CEO within three years.”
  3. “I emphasize combining spiritual principles with business growth strategy because it’s a game-changer for achieving financial success.”
  4. “Going to college on a full academic scholarship and not having student loan debt was pivotal in shaping my financial future.”
  5. “I’ve found that using the Profit First principles in both my business and personal finances has brought about significant financial freedom and stability.”
  6. “I wouldn’t buy anything on a credit card if I couldn’t pay it off in full when the bill comes, both personally and professionally.”
  7. “Through downsizing and rebuilding my business after initially reaching seven figures, I focused on serving in a way that honors me, which allowed me to reach the million-dollar mark again by 2019.”
  8. “Teaching from real experiences and personal knowledge, rather than theory, is crucial for helping others achieve financial success.”
  9. “My monthly recurring revenue goal is $100,000, which puts me on track for $1.2 million annually.”
  10. “Money is an energy that flows, and how we manage it reflects our stewardship and financial responsibility.”
  11. “Belief in abundance and worthiness is essential for attracting more money into your life.”
  12. “If you solve problems for people, you create money. That’s the core of entrepreneurial success.”

Resources Mentioned:

  • Move to Millions by Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon – Get Your Copy
  • Companion Guide for Move to Millions – Download for a detailed overview of the seven systems to seven figures.
  • Join the Move to Millions Facebook Group for ongoing support and community engagement – Join Now
  • Move to Millions 90-Day Business Growth Planner – Get Your Planner
  • Apply for God Girls Making Millions

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Darnyelle [00:00:00]:
Only when you understand how to operate in the abundance of money. Money is an energy, it is a current. It is always flowing. Does your money flow as your money flows, the way you manage it demonstrates your stewardess and your fiscal responsibility and financial savvy to be able to create more of it. You’re listening to the Move to Millions Podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, the place to be for high level conversations about all things millions, mission, mindset, methodologies, mandate, movement, messaging, marketing metrics, and most definitely, your money. I am your host, spiritual business growth coach, Dr. Darnyelle J. Harmon. Join me each week for inspiring stories, powerful interviews and business growth strategy to help you experience abundance in your life.

Darnyelle [00:00:53]:
Because of your business, if you’re ready to move to your next level, everything let’s get this party started. Welcome back to another episode on the Move to Millions Podcast. I am your host, Dr. Darnyelle and I am so excited that you are here. If this happens to be the very first time that you are listening, welcome. I’m so excited for you. Welcome home. It is my hope and desire that as I share and reflect on business acumen and money mindset and spirituality and all of these principles, how they come together to serve you fully, you get what you need to fill your cup and to live the life that I believe was preordained for you since before you were formed in your mother’s womb. While this is technically a business Podcast, I do believe that life and business are congruent and that you cannot have a booming business when you have a busted life.

Darnyelle [00:01:46]:
So it is possible that as a result of our time together, we’re going to get into a little bit of everything. We’re going to talk business, but we’re also going to talk life. That means we might talk about spirituality, we might talk about your relationships, we might talk about anything. So anything goes in an effort to support you in order to go to your next level. Everything that I share is really designed to honor our ideal clients and we work with service based entrepreneurs, primarily coaches, consultants, accountants, attorneys and interior designers who have businesses that are generating around that low multiple six figure mark but want to be over the million dollar mark. And they want to build a business that serves them financially and spiritually. Through our house of Millions programs, we actually support entrepreneurs on the full move to millions continuum. If you are not familiar with what I mean when I say move to millions continuum, then make sure that you go back and listen to an episode.

Darnyelle [00:02:45]:
The episode where I break down the continuum for you. I am the absolute best at combining spiritual principles with business growth strategy that really allows you to focus on real business. There are a lot of entrepreneurs out there. According to the IR’s and the SBA, there are approximately 33 million small businesses in the United States. Yet only approximately 4.2% of them actually ever make seven figures. And that number gets incredibly smaller as we break it down. For service based businesses like we serve, only 2.35% make seven figures for women owned businesses, only 1.9%, for black owned businesses, only, .9% and for black women owned businesses, only 0.5%. The average black woman owned business is actually, according to Wells Fargo, only generating $47,000 a year in their business.

Darnyelle [00:03:41]:
And I don’t know about you, but that is not enough. You cannot live the abundant life that God promised you when you are not generating seven figures a year. Okay, maybe you can do it at higher six figures. My point is being this. It’s hard to be the change when you don’t have any. And this Podcast serves to help you to learn what you don’t yet know so that you can build a business that serves you financially and spiritually. Because I am the best at combining business growth strategy and spiritual principles, my clients get amazing results. In fact, at our annual live event, move to millions, which we just held in May of 2024, we had 20 clients take the stage and share how they’ve generated a combined $233.1 million since they came into contact to working directly with me to help them to grow.

Darnyelle [00:04:33]:
And since 2021, we have helped 45 entrepreneurs become first time million dollar CEO’s and 25 next time million Dollar CEO’s generate businesses that serve them beyond the million dollar mark based on our proven move to millions method. If you want to learn about the principles that I share in the move to millions method, I highly recommend that you grab a copy of my best selling book, move to millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustling grind. And it’s available wherever you buy your books. Or you can go to movetomillions book.com. and lastly, if you enjoy this episode, it gives you something that you can feel. Then I’m going to encourage you to rate and review this Podcast. When you do so, you help us to expand our reach out in the world we want everyone to know about move to millions and how they can build a business that serves them financially and spiritually without having to hustle and grind for it. Now, today, let’s jump into what we are actually here to talk to you about.

Darnyelle [00:05:36]:
Okay, so I’ve been answering questions that have come from people who have slid in my DM’s or submitted a question via our Facebook group, the Move to Millions group with Darnyelle . And so this week, I’m going to be honest, I’m going to be transparent, and I am going to answer a question specifically about my own money management practices as a multimillionaire. If you have been following me for a while and you’ve listened to this Podcast previously, then you may know my money story. But I’m going to give you the quick and dirty really fast before I jump into how today I manage the money that comes into my life as a result of the work that I do and the investments that I make. So I was born to drug addicted turn crack addicted parents in the projects of Wilmington, Delaware. When I was eight, my mom’s home was raided and she went to jail and I went to live with my father. My father was a very functional addict. He could get up and go to work every single day, but every weekend he would binge and get high and come back home after work.

Darnyelle [00:06:37]:
I started working at the age of 13 because although we were technically middle class, my dad smoked all of his money, almost all of it. Like, we were left with no frills food and the bare minimum in covering our basic needs and necessities. So I started working at McDonald’s when I turned 13. Back then you had to get working papers. I don’t know if they still need to get working papers today. By the time I was 16, I had $7,500 saved because my father made me save 50% of every paycheck in the bank. And I did just that. I put it.

Darnyelle [00:07:10]:
We put it into a savings account. I have no idea how much interest they were getting back then, but by the time I turned 16, there was $7,500 in the account. One day, I did not have cheerleading practice and I got home and I got the mail. And when I opened my bank statement, I almost swallowed my tongue because instead of seeing $75,000 look back at me in my bank account, I saw about $34.19. When I confronted my father about it, he told me that he didn’t understand why I thought that I got to live in his house for free. Can you imagine? So anyway, these are some of the things that flowered my early involvement in what I knew to be money. I remember being 13 and asking my dad for dollar 20 so that me and my little girlfriends could get matching outfits when we were going to great adventures or theme park in New Jersey as a part of our 7th grade field trip. And my dad told me that there was no tree out back that he could pull $20 from.

Darnyelle [00:08:04]:
And if I wanted $20, I had to work for it. And that was what led to me getting my own job. I ended up being able to go to college on a full academic scholarship because I was pretty smart, and that was great because my dad also told me that he didn’t have any money for me to go to college. And if I wanted to go to college, it was completely on my own. And I’m going to be honest with you, I never in a million years thought about getting student loans. And I’m so glad that I didn’t. I’m so glad. That never entered into my mind.

Darnyelle [00:08:32]:
It was either scholarships or I wasn’t going to college, I was going to work. And so I was blessed enough to get that full scholarship and graduated from college without student loan debt. I had credit card debt. Again, you’ve probably heard some of this story if you listen. By the time I graduated from college, I had about $40,000 in credit card debt, which is what my education would have cost me. I went to the University of Delaware in state. Tuition, I think, was probably around $8,000 or $9,000 a year. I was on a full scholarship, so I didn’t have to spend that.

Darnyelle [00:09:03]:
But I have $40,000 on credit cards. By the time I was 30, I had more than six figures on credit cards. By the time I was 35, I had a quarter of a million dollars in credit card debt. And it was not me flossing, buying Louie and Prada. It was me buying love. It was me trying to feel wanted and needed and paying my friends light bills and things like that, taking my friends on vacation. And it caught up to me. People who said, oh, I’m going to pay you back.

Darnyelle [00:09:30]:
That never paid me back. And I was left holding the bill, and I was left needing to file bankruptcy. So at 35 years old, quarter of a million dollars in credit card debt, I filed bankruptcy. It was the only way to keep the bill collectors from garnishing my wages and taking the little bit of cash that I actually did have. It was also the best thing that happened to me, although I didn’t want to do it because I didn’t want anyone to know that I was a failure and I had filed bankruptcy. I no longer believe that filing bankruptcy makes you a failure, but that’s what I believed at that particular point. In time. Hey God girl.

Darnyelle [00:10:02]:
Have you attended event after event looking for an up leveled conversation and community only to realize you’ve outgrown the rooms you used to frequent? For inspiration and implementation, I want to invite you to spend three days immersing yourself in a safe, aligned and significant space where you can have the deep, vulnerable and transparent conversations about what life beyond the money really looks like. For the first time, maybe ever, you can have the conversations that really shift the way you show up in every area of your life and focus on getting access to more. More freedom, more expression, more self care, more meaning, more alignment and more connections. God girls, making millions is the only room of its kind for you to finally unearth what is burgeoning for your next level. Learn more and submit your application [email protected]. i know what it feels like to get your business to a major milestone and still feel like something is missing. If you’ve gotten your business to $300,000 a year or more and it doesn’t make you feel all warm and fuzzy, I know exactly what you need. You need a business audit.

Darnyelle [00:11:19]:
And there is nothing that would bring me more joy than to look beneath the hood of your business to see what’s keeping you from the million dollar mark. There’s only one catch. You’re going to have to apply to learn more about a session that will allow me to expose your gaps and help you to understand what are the gateways to get you to the million dollar mark. Go now to movetomillionsmastermind.com and so as a part of my bankruptcy dischargement, I don’t know, that’s probably not a word, because I filed a chapter seven bankruptcy, which means everything goes away. I had to take a financial literacy course, and that changed my life. The bankruptcy trustee put me in a class where there was a traditional text around, you know, budgeting and those types of things. And there was a spiritual money text, a happy pocket full of money. And so I began to learn about the spiritual side of money, and it sent me down this path that I get to be on today.

Darnyelle [00:12:18]:
It literally changed my life. A year later, I was a millionaire. Three years later, I was a million dollar CEO. Yes. Three years later, I had to make sure I’m doing the math right. I ran a seven figure company from 2014 to 2016, and then I gave it all up. I was willing to sack to not be a seven figure business because I hated my business. It was a big, hairy, arduous monster and I wanted it to die.

Darnyelle [00:12:46]:
And so I stopped chasing the number. Now to get to seven figures, for me, it was all about validity and validation. That’s the whole reason why I wanted to make seven figures. I thought if I made more money than people and my identity would change and I would be seen differently. But when I made more money, it was just like Biggie said it was going to be. There was more money and there was rich people problems. So I was willing to give it all up. And I went back to a business that made about a half a million dollars a year, 600,000 for a few years while I figured out how to rebuild my company to the million dollar mark in a way that served me, that honored me, that didn’t require me to hustle, grind.

Darnyelle [00:13:24]:
And that is where the move to millions method that you can read about today in my book comes from. We spent a few years not making millions, and by 2019 we were back to the million dollar mark. And since then, we’ve been at the million dollar mark ever single since. And my personal net worth has already also grown. Excuse me, I’m now have an eight figure net worth and I will get into where that comes from as a result of answering the question in this episode. So that’s the quick back story on who I am from a money perspective. And now I’m going to just share with you how I manage my money. As you heard me say, I didn’t come from money and I didn’t have money.

Darnyelle [00:14:03]:
I was definitely a Rob Peter to pay Paul live paycheck to paycheck kind of person, even when I was in corporate America and I got my salary up to $120,000 a year before I quit, I did have a started investing in my 401k in my early twenties. At 22, I took the maximum 6% match that they would allow me to take. I hired a financial advisor and he put me in some really great stocks. That’s how I became a millionaire through my investments. A millionaire by definition, just to make sure we’re on the same page, is assets that add up to a million dollars, right? So your personal home, where you live, all the other things that you have that add up to a million dollars is what makes you a millionaire. And you can absolutely become a millionaire without having a million dollar company. Me. It’s up to you whether or not you want to do both.

Darnyelle [00:14:57]:
I wanted to do both. It is my mandate to teach other people how to do the same. And I am of the belief that you need to journey before those that you are serving so that you can see the blind spots that may come up as you serve them. So I don’t teach from theory. I don’t coach in theory. Everything that I present is based on the knowledge that I possess, the business acumen that I’ve acquired, the money mindset, the financial literacy that I’ve acquired to serve our clients. And it’s important that I state that this is about me, not necessarily about you, but for me, I don’t do theory, and I don’t want to teach and coach and consult with people in theory. Okay.

Darnyelle [00:15:38]:
Having said that, the original question, again, because I feel like I’ve gotten off on a little tangent, was, how do I manage my money? So here are some of the things that I do from a personal best demonstrated process and practice standpoint that hopefully can help you. But let me just sidebar and say before I even share any of this with you, I am not a financial management person. I’m not a certified financial planner. I’m not an accountant. I’m not a tax strategist, and I don’t play any of them on tv. Everything that I’m sharing with you is based on my own knowledge and experience and the professionals that I work with, the books that I’ve readdeveloped, the knowledge that I’ve gained, the courses I’ve taken, et cetera, to produce this. But I am not suggesting that anything that I do is something that you should do. I just want to give that disclosure upfront because I don’t need you all out in these streets talking about Darn yell said, no, Darn yell did not say, darn yell is being vulnerable and transparent to share with you what she does with her own money.

Darnyelle [00:16:33]:
As a person who is nouveau riche, I was not born into money, but I have a lot of it now. All right, so here we go. Number one, I believe that personal money and business money should be separate. So I am on payroll at my company. I am a w two employee. I get paid every two weeks on the, well, actually, not every two weeks, on the 15th and the 30th with the rest of the employees that I have right now, we have six full time employees, and we have two relatively full time contractors that work with us. And we have a host of other part time, project based contractors and retainers that we have. But I am a w two, and the reason this is important is because I wanted to make sure that whatever I might need personally if I wanted to buy a new home, because I am a real estate investor, I wanted to be able to show income that would allow me the ability to be able to get a mortgage without having to jump through extra hoops than you already have to jump through when you are trying to qualify for a mortgage.

Darnyelle [00:17:39]:
So that is why I’m a w two in my company. Are you ready for God? Girls making millions 2024 GGMM is an amazing, luxurious, high end experience for the woman entrepreneur small business owner who is about their birthright, their business and their bank accounts. If you’re looking for a safe, significant and aligned space to finally unearth what your next level looks like when you no longer have to focus on making money, this is for you. Learn more and submit your application [email protected]. want to know what it’s like to work with me and the incredible factor university coaching team? You can get started today with the move to millions 90 day business growth planner. 90 days at a time, you’ll be setting your business on a trajectory that will make the move to millions happen much faster for you. It’s got everything that you need to track every strategy, every sale, all of your KPI’s, as well as your self care and life transformational needs. We made sure we left nothing out of this amazing planner and by accessing the planner, you’ll get a behind the scenes view of what it’s like to work with me and my team.

Darnyelle [00:18:56]:
Go grab yours [email protected]. dot I also believe in treating myself with the respect that I deserve because I work in my company every single day. If I pay my employees, I should pay myself. I don’t eat last. I make sure that I run a company that operates at a level where we all get to eat on the 15th and the 30th based on what is coming into the company. I’m also I have also become a really good steward over our money. I use a process that I first learned about back in 2014 2015. Profit first.

Darnyelle [00:19:33]:
You may have read the book. If you have a copy of the second edition of the book and you open it up, guess who you’re going to see? You’re going to see me right there, not smiling because there’s no picture of me. But you’re going to see my case study and testimonial of how profit first changed the game for me. Prior to using profit first, I was already saving and putting some money aside. I was not spending every dime that came in. I got that from my father. He made me put up half of every paycheck when I was a child. I continued that as an adult and so even in my business, I was putting a portion aside to create cash reserves.

Darnyelle [00:20:05]:
I had this first goal that I wanted to get to the point where I had six figures in cash flow. If you’ve been following me for a long time, you might even remember when I spent a lot of time talking about six figure cash flow. That was my first goal. So when I found profit first and I started practicing it in full, it made a substantial difference for me. I initially started practicing profit first in the business, and then I took the same principles and I practiced profit first personally. So as we talk about my personal finances, profit first is used inside of that. I have separate accounts. So I have a checking account or a checking income account where my paychecks are deposited.

Darnyelle [00:20:45]:
I have a checking spending account where the money is separated that I can spend. I have a savings growth account, a high yield savings account where a portion of money comes in. And then I also have a few outside of that bank accounts where I theme my money as I save it. So, checking savings and high yield savings based on the intent of the money. So I have a real estate high yield savings account. I have a tithe account. I have a vacation account. I have a fun money account.

Darnyelle [00:21:15]:
Plus, of course, I have my regular checking for my expenses that happen now because I understand that my business’s income is not my personal income and I do not embezzle from my business. If I take any money outside of my paycheck from my business, I do. And a profit share based on profit first, four times a year. So I pay myself enough to live well, and then four times a year, I take a profit share on my company. What I love about profit first, and again, I highly recommend you read the book. We actually go over this with our clients, and I love the premise instead of taking the leftovers, profit first means you honor your profit first. You take profit at the transaction level for everything that comes into your business. And so that is the way I run my business and that ultimately is the way I run my personal finances.

Darnyelle [00:22:07]:
I keep my business finances separate from my personal finances. I have separate bank accounts for each. I also separate what I take home in my paycheck from what I profit and profit share in the business. In addition to that, I track my net worth. Now, the definition of net worth is taking your assets and subtracting your liabilities from them. So all of this is governed through my personal finances. I also have insurance. I have health insurance, I have life insurance, I have disability insurance, I have car insurance, I have home insurance.

Darnyelle [00:22:51]:
And I have renters insurance on all of my rental properties. At the time of this recording, we’ve actually, I’ve actually sold some of my properties. At one point in time, I had 24 doors. Right now I have 16 doors. 16 rental properties that are either single families or multifamily units are the most units we have in one property is eight. And so we are actually able to earn money from each of those, the money that I profit. So the same thing I do in my incredible one enterprises business, for profit first. I do in my real estate business, I do profit first as well.

Darnyelle [00:23:28]:
So I’m nothing spending all of that money. And I use all of this with the help of my certified financial planner as a part of my financial management team. Did a whole episode on financial management team that breaks down everyone we have on our team. I determine how we are appropriating that money. And I also have an estate planning team. So that everything that I am earning, everything that I have as a part of my wealth portfolio, there is an intention for that. So that is how I manage my personal finances, very high level. And my business finances, same thing.

Darnyelle [00:24:06]:
I do profit first to lead. I have a internal profit account which turns into my cash reserve account. My first goal was to get to three months in cash reserves of my fixed expenses. You know, you have some expenses that change month to month, but you have the expenses that you have every single month. And just for business expenses, not my personal expenses, I don’t pay anything personal out of my business. And then my goal became to get to six figure cash flow. And then my goal became to profit a million dollars and have a million dollars in cash flow. No, I do not have a million dollars sitting in bank accounts.

Darnyelle [00:24:42]:
That money is in investments that are liquid enough that if I ever needed that money, I could get to that money frequently. I’m hoping that this makes sense. I also, as a part of my business finances, I budget 10% personal development for me and my team. I have sent my members of my team, through coaching, certifications and other certifications to serve and support us to do what we need to do in order to move our business forward. I also believe I meet with my certified financial officer, my CFO, as a part of my financial management team every single month. Our goal is to meet by the 10th business day of the month as we are going through all of our reporting from the previous month and to use what we are learning from our finances to make data driven decisions to continue to move the company forward. We also, my CFO and I we create cash flow projections based on what we have sold, what we plan to sell, and what revenue has not yet been collected in the company. So we have an idea of what is actually already going to come in, and then we create a sales strategy to determine additional cash.

Darnyelle [00:25:52]:
We want to come in so that we can make sure that we hit our minimum monthly recurring revenue mark to run the business. Now, this is a little game I play with myself. My goal, although I have clients who pay me in full, and that moneY, if you’re FamILIaR with profit, first goes into a DRIP account. My goal is to not pull from the drip account money to run my business. My goal, in addition to those people who pay us in full, is to generate enough other money each month that comes in, that handles the monthly obligations for the business. It’s a little game I play. This is why I have so access to so much in the business. So I’ll give you an example.

Darnyelle [00:26:28]:
So let’s say our goal for monthly recurring revenue is $100,000. For those of you who have a desire to get to the million dollar mark, $100,000 a month is going to get YoU 1.2 in top line revenue at the end of the year, right? So if I have a $100,000 monthly recurring revenue goal, then my goal is to generate $100,000 in recurring revenue every single month without touching the paid in full revenue that comes into the BusineSS. And like I said, it’s a LIttle game. I love to play the money moves game. So that’s what I do. I also, for the BusineSS, have a few High YIEld savings accounts and cds. So I will take a bunch of money and I will put it into a three month, six month, or nine month cd to get a good interest rate on that money. And then if there is still no need, I will either roll it into another one or look at another investment where I can put that money.

Darnyelle [00:27:23]:
One of the things that I’ve started the process on now is buying complimentary businesses. So in addition to having my real estate company and my business advisory company, we are now buying other companies that we can use to serve and support our clients, and some of the verticals that they need based on the way that we coach and advise and consult with them to experience growth. So these are things that I’m doing with the money that’s coming in. I also, because I am a w two in my company, and I get paid twice a month, every single month, I take a portion of that paycheck money and put that money into separate high yield savings accounts. This is how I build my real estate account, how I build my vacation account and various things. The reviews are in move two millions. The proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind is a best seller. With thousands of copies sold.

Darnyelle [00:28:25]:
We are raising a generation of million dollar CEO’s. You got next. Grab your copy and our bonuses [email protected]. i also do not use my cash to pay for anything that won’t allow me. So for instance, I pay my mortgage with cash because you can’t pay your mortgage with credit card. I really if there’s somebody out there listening right now, would you please let me know? Cause I use a credit card for everything because I want the points. So I have American Express Platinum, American Express Gold, American Express blue, American Express plum. I have the Hilton honors American Express card and the Amazon American Express card.

Darnyelle [00:29:10]:
All in the business’s name that I put everything we do for the business we put on credit cards so that I can use points. And I use each of these credit cards differently to maximize the number of points. So with the platinum card I do my travel because you get five times the number of points with the gold card. When we are running ads, we don’t spend a tremendous amount of money on ads, but I use the gold card because you get four times ad. I use my blue card for most purchases because you get two times the points. And I use all of these points in order to fly first class. I do not fly coach. No disrespect to anyone who does.

Darnyelle [00:29:45]:
My sound real bougie right now and that’s okay. But I made a decision several years ago. I used to say I would only five fly first class if the flight was over 3 hours after I had to take a southwest flight from Phoenix, Arizona, and I was in a middle seat between two very large individuals. I was like, I’m never flying in coach again if the flight is over 3 hours. And that lasted for a few years. However, today, every time I get on a plane, I’m in first class. I do not pay for first class tickets most of the time. Even though yes, I do technically have the money to pay for first class tickets, I am typically using points, meaning I use points to buy the flight outright or based on the budget that we have for our company.

Darnyelle [00:30:27]:
If I’m flying on the business, I will spend as much as the budget we’ve appropriated. And the difference, I use points so that I can fly first class. I put everything on both areas of my life, my personal life and my business goes on a credit card. Up front, I have the chase freedom card, which gives me cash back. I also have the chase Inc. Business card when they don’t take American Express. But I have a personal platinum American Express and business platinum and all the other cards. I do not have all the other cards in personal.

Darnyelle [00:30:57]:
I only have a personal platinum American Express. And if I’m not using that, I’m using my chase freedom card. Or I have a PNC travel rewards card that is also a visa. So everything goes on a credit card at first. But here’s my rule. I do not buy it on a credit card if I cannot pay it in full when the bill comes. Y’all heard me say I file bankruptcy, right? With a quarter of a million dollars in credit card debt. So because of that, I will never retain a balance.

Darnyelle [00:31:24]:
Anything I put on a card is being paid when the bill comes. Now, American Express is a charge card, not a credit card. It doesn’t have a limit. You charge on it and you pay the bill when the bill comes. And that’s why I have American Express, because it does not even allow me to think about retaining a balance. And then my visa and my Mastercards, those, of course, are credit cards, but I still only put on there what I can afford to pay when the bill comes, personally or professionally. So it allows me to really think about whether or not I want whatever it is that I am charging. For the longest time, I did not have name brand anything.

Darnyelle [00:32:02]:
I did not have a Louis Vuitton bag. I did not have a Prada. I did not have any of that stuff. I did not have Chanel sunglasses, because I could not in myself at that point in time in my life, I could not justify spending that money. Now, part of that was some money mindset work that I needed to do, because I believe today, I know today that money flows away from those who feel that there is a shortage of it. So because I now know money is available and always available to me, I move differently with money. But at that particular point in time, I did not even have name brand things. But even still, if I go buy something name brand, best believe when that bill comes, I’m paying for it.

Darnyelle [00:32:39]:
The end, I’m not carrying any balances. Call it financial trauma if you want, but I’m not ever getting myself in a situation again where I would have to even consider bankruptcy. Those are the vast majority of the things I do from a personal management standpoint. I hope that this is helpful for you. If you have questions about this, please slide in my DM’s and ask me a question. I’m clearly being an open book. While I haven’t shared any dollar amounts about my own specifics, I am at least sharing with you how I manage my money and I hope that this helps you. Whether this is aspirational for you, some of these things you can start to do now, or there are things that maybe you are already doing and you’re just checking off what happens in your process.

Darnyelle [00:33:23]:
Oh, one thing I did forget to say. I do use the rocket money app. It has been very helpful. And looking at my budget, I did not like budgets. I really had an aversion to a budget. I do now budget because I think that is fiscally responsible and I want to continue to get more. So I’m a good steward over what I have been given. So now I budget and rocket money helps me to stay on track.

Darnyelle [00:33:50]:
There are a million apps out there that you could potentially use. I do happen to like rocket money. I think it’s in the family with Quickbooks and all of that, which I think helps because they’re all connected. But that has really helped me to really manage my finances, to see where I am, to track my net worth and to keep all of that in front of me. Because my mission today in life, and part of the reason why you all hear me talk about money often on this show, is because we have to normalize money. Most of us, regardless of whether we came from money or nothing, grew up believing that money was dirty or it was bad or it was a secret and you shouldn’t talk about it. And that is how we show up as entrepreneurs and adults around money. And that energy is lack energy and it will reduce the amount of it that flows into your life experience.

Darnyelle [00:34:37]:
So only when you understand how to operate in the abundance of the energy of money. Money is an energy, it is a current. It is always flowing. Does your money flow as your money flows, the way you manage it demonstrates your stewardess and your fiscal responsibility and financial savvy to be able to create more of it. So I hope that this is helpful. If it was helpful, please do me a quick favor and rate and review this episode. I’m going to be doing some more episodes around money and sales and profit and those types of things because I haven’t really done a lot of that in a while. And so I want to just be going deep on some of the money topics and I hope that this was helpful for you.

Darnyelle [00:35:15]:
Thank you so much for joining me. As always, know that money is always available. There is no shortage of money and it’s the sooner you can remove things like I can’t afford that that’s expensive from your vocabulary. The sooner more money will flow into your life experience when you take the edge off of money by normalizing it and believing that you are worthy to have it whenever you decide and recognize that as an entrepreneur you solve problems for money and you literally have a printing press out back and there should be no day in your life when you cannot create money, then money and money management for you will change. I love you. I appreciate you. Thank you so much for allowing me to be vulnerable, transparent and share this with you and I’ll see you next time. Thank you for joining me for the Move to Millions Podcast.

Darnyelle [00:36:05]:
If this episode has impacted you in any way, would you please take a moment and rate and review? Doing so helps us to deepen our impact and expand our reach around the world. And if you are ready to start your very own move to millions, I highly recommend that you order your very own copy of my brand new best selling book, move two millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. You can get your copy and our bonuses [email protected]. until next time. Remember, millions are your birthright and to access them you need only move. I’ll see you next time.
