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Ep 257 – Move to Millions Minute: I Am A Skilled Sales Leader

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The Move to Millions Minute is powered by Haus of Millions  

Each week, I will release an affirmation of the week to help you to continue to MOVE your business toward the million-dollar mark.  Affirmations are supplied by our Move to Millions Million Dollar CEO Affirmation Cards available at 

“I am a confident and skilled sales leader, effortlessly guiding ideal clients through sales conversations with clarity and authenticity. My deep understanding of their needs and aspirations allows me to connect on a meaningful level, fostering trust and rapport. I present our programs with enthusiasm and conviction, highlighting the transformative value they offer. Each conversation is an opportunity to showcase our solutions and their alignment with our clients’ goals. My success in conversions is a reflection of my dedication to excellence and my genuine commitment to helping others achieve their dreams. With every interaction, I lead with integrity, inspire confidence, and achieve remarkable sales success, driving our business to new heights.”

In this week’s full episode, I dive into some of the sales conversation mistakes I’ve seen over the last 16 years in business. My goal is to turn your mistakes into more opportunities to make money. This week, I want you to focus on daily sales.  What could you start selling every day in your business?

Affirm with me:

“I am a confident and skilled sales leader, effortlessly guiding ideal clients through sales conversations with clarity and authenticity. My deep understanding of their needs and aspirations allows me to connect on a meaningful level, fostering trust and rapport. I present our programs with enthusiasm and conviction, highlighting the transformative value they offer. Each conversation is an opportunity to showcase our solutions and their alignment with our clients’ goals. My success in conversions is a reflection of my dedication to excellence and my genuine commitment to helping others achieve their dreams. With every interaction, I lead with integrity, inspire confidence, and achieve remarkable sales success, driving our business to new heights.”

Journal prompts:

  1. Before I hold a sales conversation, I
  2. By being fully present during the conversation, I help my prospect to
  3. I will focus on improving my sales conversions by…

I know these three journal prompts will enhance how you finish this week.

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Episode 256 – Sales Conversation Mistakes That Mess With Your Millions

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Darnyelle [00:00:03]:
You’re listening to the Move to Millions minute on the Move to Millions Podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon.

Darnyelle [00:00:24]:
Hey y’all. Welcome back to another Move to Millions Minute on the Move to Millions Podcast. It’s your girl, Dr. Darnyelle. So excited as always to be with you. I am the absolute best at combining spiritual principles with business growth strategy to help our clients scale and sustain businesses that serve them financially and spiritually. And if this is your very first time here, welcome. I’m so excited for you because you are finally in a place where you.

Darnyelle [00:00:52]:
Can get what it is that you.

Darnyelle [00:00:54]:
Need to get your business to and beyond the million dollar mark. Listen, the statistics around small business are abysmal. According to the IR’s and the SBA, 4.2% of all businesses. There’s over 33 million businesses in the United States alone generate seven figures a year. It gets smaller if we start looking at service based businesses like me and you. If you’re listening to this show, 2.35% of them are generating seven figures a year. And it keeps getting smaller if we segment out women, 1.9%. If we segment out black people.

Darnyelle [00:01:33]:
.9% and if we segment out black women, 0.5%. I am here to shift the statistics to eradicate small business poverty and to help more of you create financial legacies because of your business. I believe abundance is your birthright. I believe access to wealth at the next level is your birthright. I believe that you were born to make, move and leave millions. And I believe that if you did not come for millions, millions should come from you. So by joining me here, thank you for allowing me the opportunity just to pour into you, to give you some insight into what it’s going to take to make the move to millions in your own business in a way that honors and supports who you are and does not compromise what’s most important to you on the journey. I like to use this quick episode each week to provide you with a CEO affirmation and really anchor into your spirit.

Darnyelle [00:02:33]:
Based on our full episode that ran on Monday this week. So this week on the Podcast, we’re talking about sales conversation mistakes. We’ve all made them. I know I certainly have made them. And I’m hoping that as you listen to the full length episode, you took some notes on some of the things that maybe you’ve done in the past that you will no longer do, which will ultimately improve your success in sales. I love when I get these conversation questions in my DM’s, because it really allows me to go deep and this time I talked about mistakes. But I’m going to do some future episodes where I’ll jump into how the conversation should go and the nuanced differences between when you’re having a business to consumer conversation versus when you’re having a business to business conversation. So I’m excited about all of that.

Darnyelle [00:03:21]:
But let’s get to the real reason we are here, which is this week’s Move to Millions Minute, million dollar CEO affirmation. I am a confident and skilled sales leader, effortlessly guiding ideal clients through sales conversations with clarity and authenticity. My deep understanding of their needs and aspirations allows me to connect on a meaningful level, fostering trust and rapport. I present our programs with confidence and conviction, highlighting the transformative value they offer. Each conversation is an opportunity to showcase our solutions and their alignment with our clients goals. My success in conversions is a reflection of my dedication to excellence and my genuine commitment to helping others achieve their dreams. With every interaction, I lead with integrity, inspired confidence and achieve remarkable sales success, driving our business to new heights. I love sales.

Darnyelle [00:04:23]:
In fact, you should love sales too, because nothing happens until somebody sells something. Mary Kay Ash said that and I’ve always believed that. Just like I believe it is as honorable to sell as it is to buy now. We also need to keep in mind that you cannot spend sales. And what I mean by that is unless when you sell, you sell and you require the payment in full from your ideal client, you are only getting a portion in the form of revenue that you sold. Let me give you an example. Let’s say you have a $20,000 program and when a person works with you, you offer a payment option. And that payment option means that they are making four payments of $5,000.

Darnyelle [00:05:06]:
Your sale is $20,000 but your revenue is $5,000. The rest of the sale is projected as revenue over the coming months. You can’t spend that. So I just want you to keep that in mind. Which is why one of the mistakes I want you to stop making in the sales conversation, as highlighted in this week’s episode, is giving them a payment plan up front. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, make sure you go back and listen to the full length episode. I also want you to keep in mind that it becomes increasingly important as you desire to grow your business for you to become accustomed with getting sales every single day. And if you focus on selling every single day, that will prevent the need for you to get a cash injection going in your business.

Darnyelle [00:05:52]:
Some of you are relying on cash injections because you’re only selling and you’re lucky if you’re selling by the end of the month. We promote and teach our clients to sell every day, so I want you to think about what you could sell every day as you affirm with me this week’s affirmation. I am a confident and skilled sales leader, effortlessly guiding ideal clients through sales conversations with clarity and authenticity. My deep understanding of their needs and aspirations allows me to connect on a meaningful level, fostering trust and rapport. I present our programs with confidence and conviction, highlighting the transformative value they offer. Each conversation is an opportunity to showcase our solutions and their alignment with our clients goals. My success in conversions is a reflection of my dedication to excellence and my genuine commitment to helping others achieve their dreams. With every interaction I lead with integrity, inspire confidence, and achieve remarkable sales success, driving our business to new heights and your journal prompts for the week.

Darnyelle [00:07:00]:
Number one, before I hold a sales conversation, I number two, by being fully present during the conversation, I help my prospect to and number three, I will focus on improving my sales conversions by so I want you to take some time this week to look at your sales and sales process. It is only once you adopt a leverage format for sales, meaning you can sell one to many instead of selling one to one, that you will truly be on the move to millions. I’ll see you guys next time. Take care.

Darnyelle [00:07:36]:
I created House of millions because I wanted to create a safe space and community to support entrepreneurs at every level. After writing my best selling book moved to millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustling grind. It became increasingly clear that this solution was needed in the marketplace. I knew we needed to help the thousands of entrepreneurs who slid in my DM’s navigate getting to and beyond the million dollar mark in a way that served them financially and spiritually and wouldn’t require that they compromise or sacrifice on the journey, House of millions is the answer. Through our move to millions continuum, we realize that there are seven levels on the move to millions mapping when you haven’t crossed the six figure mark yet. Momentum when you’re making $100,000 a year, mastery when you’re making $100,000 a quarter. Millions when you’re making $100,000 a month. Majesty when you know you can make $100,000 in a week.

Darnyelle [00:08:40]:
Monumental when you know that you can make $100,000 in a day and maverick when you know how to make $100,000 any hour that you decide. So we decided that we wanted to create a safe space to collapse the amount of time it takes you to make $100,000. And finally, finally we’ve got the programs and support that you need. No matter which level you are currently on, when you get in the house, you’ll finally get the support you need to up level every area of your life. Whether you desire membership, mentorship, a mastermind or a collective experience to support your journey to building massive wealth. It’s in the house. Get in the house [email protected].

Darnyelle [00:09:27]:
Thank you for listening to the Move to Millions Minute on the Move to Millions Podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. If you enjoyed this quick episode, do yourself a favor, subscribe rate and review so that you never miss a minute of anything that we have for you on your own. Move to millions and until we meet again, remember, millions are your birthright and to access them you need only move.
