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Ep 256 – Sales Conversation Mistakes That Will Mess With Your Millions

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Episode Summary

“What happens during the sales conversation determines who leaves with the product.”  Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

Here’s a simple truth for you as said originally by Mary Kay Ash, “Nothing happens until somebody sells something.”  Sometimes with all the hoopla going on online, I think entrepreneurs forget they solve problems for profit by selling a solution to a problem their ideal client has been unsuccessful at solving on their own.

In this episode, I am answering a question I receive often in my DMs on Instagram:  what are the biggest mistakes you have seen people make during sales conversations that prevent them from getting to the million-dollar mark?

I love this question and, in the episode, I share seven mistakes that you might be making that will inevitably impact your sales conversation conversions.  Now, there are a few things I need you to keep in mind as you listen to this episode.  1) You can’t spend sales and 2) You should be selling everyday you want to make money.

Haven shared those two, this episode offers insight into sales conversation mistakes that if you are making them, could be the reason you lose control, reduce authority and leave still in possession of your product. Now, regardless of whether you work B2B or B2C, listen to learn how to stop making mistakes so that you can start making millions.

Sales is a lifeline in business growth, leverage and scale success so grab your Move to Millions Podcast notebook and listen in to discover:

  • How to avoid showing up with desperation energy
  • The reason why listening to respond will cost you the sale
  • The nuances of preparing for the sales conversation if you are selling B2B or B2C (yes, there are differences in the conversation.)
  • What to consider before you offer a payment plan 
  • And so much more

Powerful Quotes During the Episode:

  • “You can’t spend sales.”
  • “The sales conversation is your opportunity to discover your ideal client’s expensive and expansive problem and offer them a solution through you to solve it.”
  • “Sales is about service, when you can solve a problem and keep it to yourself, that’s just selfish.”
  • “The way you see yourself is going to determine how successful you’ll be at sales.”
  • “It’s as honorable to sell as it is to buy.”
  • “Projecting the pocketbook of your potential client is not your business.”
  • “Let your clients see themselves in your solution—it’s not just about selling a service; it’s about solving their problems.”
  • “Offering a payment plan right off the bat can inadvertently signal a lack of confidence in your value. Let your clients ask for one if they need it.”
  • “Incorporate a strong follow-up strategy, especially with corporate clients. It shows professionalism and commitment to their success.”
  • “Be confident but not desperate in sales calls. Show your value and let the clients come to you.”
  • “The moment you remember that sales is service is the moment you start to truly connect with your clients and see a transformative change in your business.”

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Darnyelle [00:00:00]:
Benefits sell, whereas features tell. They don’t need to be told they can read. They need to see themselves inside of your solution and how this can impact them. You’re listening to the Move to Millions Podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, the place to be for high level conversations about all things millions. Your mission, mindset, methodologies, mandate, movement, messaging, marketing metrics, and most definitely your money. I am your host, spiritual business growth coach, Dr. Darnyelle J. Harmon. Join me each week for inspiring stories, powerful interviews and business growth strategy to help you experience abundance in your life.

Darnyelle [00:00:46]:
Because of your business, if you’re ready to move to your next level, everything let’s get this party started. Welcome back to the Move to Millions Podcast. I am so excited that you are joining me. If this is your first time here, hello. Welcome. Welcome home. You are in a place where you will be served and supported. I’m going to talk to you as the millionaire and multimillion dollar CEO that is on the inside of you, burgeoning him or her to come out.

Darnyelle [00:01:22]:
I’m going to speak to your spirits in a way that is going to elevate the way you move and show up in the world. And so I am excited that you are here. While this is technically a business Podcast, I do believe that life and business are congruent. And I am known for saying that you cannot have a booming business when you have a busted life. So I will talk about topics that impact our ideal clients who are service based entrepreneurs. Typically, we work with coaches, consultants, accountants, attorneys, financial management professionals, and interior designers. But all service based businesses are welcome and our clients are generating income on the Move to Millions Continuum. So what that means whether they are making $100,000 a year, $100,000 a quarter, $100,000 a month, $100,000 a week, $100,000 a day, or $100,000 an hour.

Darnyelle [00:02:17]:
They are our clients and they want to build, leverage, scale and sustain businesses that serve them financially and spiritually to and beyond the million dollar mark. So that’s who we serve here. And I am the absolute best at combining spiritual principles with business growth strategy that focuses on real business. And I’ve got the receipts to back it up. You won’t hear me name drop, but trust and believe those that you love out in the marketplace that are making seven figures. Many of them have come through my camp. At my recent live event, I had the opportunity to have 20 clients join me on stage who did a combined $233.1 million in revenue. And since 2021, we have created 45 1st time million Dollar CEO’s and 25 next time million dollar CEO’s through our work with the Move to Millions method.

Darnyelle [00:03:16]:
If you want to go deeper into the Move to Millions method, I highly recommend that you grab a copy of my best selling book Move to Millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustling grind wherever you like to buy books [email protected] before we jump into today’s episode, please do me a favor and take a moment and rate and review this Podcast. When you do so, you are helping us to expand our reach without compromising what’s most important to us. We are currently in 133 countries, but we want to be in all the countries, all around the world spreading the message of making millions with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. And we need your rating and review to help us to do so. And if you haven’t, you’ve been here for a while and you’ve been listening every week and you have not rated and reviewed the episode. Do me a favor and stop what you’re doing and do that right now. I also want to invite you to make sure that you visit so that you can learn all of the ways we can serve and support you on your own. Move to millions in today’s episode, I’m answering a question that has slid into my DM’s on Instagram.

Darnyelle [00:04:31]:
Three out of the four last weeks this particular question has come up. And so once this many people are asking, I know more of you want to know about it, and so I want to take the time to answer that question today. And I welcome the opportunity for you to slide in my DM’s to ask me a question. I would love to answer your question on an upcoming Podcast episode to help you in any way that I can on this journey to making the Move to Millions. I believe that a seven figure business is the floor, and I believe that having access to more puts you in a position to impact millions. And so that’s why we do the work that we do. It’s why we show up fully every single week, twice a week, in order to create an environment for you to make move and leave millions by getting the mastery, operational obedience, vision and execution required to make move and lose millions. So I’m excited that you’re here.

Darnyelle [00:05:25]:
Okay, let’s get to the question. I love this question. I get it. Like I said, in the last four weeks, three weeks out of the last four weeks, many people have asked me a question about sales, and I got excited because I can’t tell you the last time I did an episode about sales. So today we’re jumping into the sales mistakes that people make that are messing with their millions. The sales mistakes that people make that are messing with their millions. Okay, so backdrop backstory. I have been a salesperson even before it was a thing for a job that I held or being an entrepreneur.

Darnyelle [00:06:06]:
I define sales as being able to have a conversation where you are able to articulate a solution through transferring your confidence to the other person so that they can make an investment decision in themselves through your product or service to solve a problem they’ve been unsuccessful at solving on their own. I believe that we do the world a disservice when we have a solution and we don’t tell them about it. I think it’s being selfish and I believe that sales is service. Now, I know you’ve probably heard people say that, like, when you let people know that you can help them, you’re actually doing them a service. And that is what I believe. That’s the way I look at sales. I think that it is rude and disrespectful to listen to someone articulate their challenge and you not tell them that you can help them. So although that’s not one of the seven mistakes I’m going to go over with you, that is a mistake, and I don’t want you to ever do that.

Darnyelle [00:07:00]:
I also want you to recognize that the way you see yourself and how confident you are is going to determine your ability to be successful at sales. And when you look at sales as service, it really does remove some of the stress, fear and agita that tends to pop up. Because I don’t know why people, when they think about sales, they think about the icky used car salesperson that follows you all around and is just slimy and makes you itch and you don’t want anything to do with that. That is not the only way that sales happen. Sales happen every single day. It is as honorable to sell as it is to buy. So I want you to keep that in mind. It does not make you icky.

Darnyelle [00:07:39]:
It does not make you undesirable to want to offer someone a solution to a problem they’ve been unsuccessful at solving on their own. Okay? Now, having gotten that out of the way, these are the top seven mistakes that I see entrepreneurs and small business owners make in sales conversations. And this is whether you are working B2B or B2C. These are mistakes that I see. So no matter who your client is, you can take something from these options and leverage it in your sales conversation. Now, one other point of distinction before I jump into the mistakes. When you are working business to consumer, I consider that a discovery session. You are discovering their problems and challenges and desires, and they are discovering your solution.

Darnyelle [00:08:27]:
And together you are discovering if you are the right fit to solve them together versus when you work business to business, you are having a needs discovery conversation. You are discovering the situation they find themselves in the problem as a result of the situation, the impact of the problem on their business, their department, the whole company, and the needs payoff. What needs to become true in order for this to no longer be a problem that is impacting them at the level that it is? So that is a distinction that I make. When you are working business to consumer, you’re having a discovery call. And when you are working business to business, you’re having a needs discovery meeting. Got that? Hey, hey, hey. Wanted to pop into this episode really, really quickly to make sure that you know about my brand new summer masterclass series, the seven figure summer. Listen, you’re not crazy.

Darnyelle [00:09:24]:
The marketplace has changed, and as a result of that, you need tried and true strategies that are going to help to make sure that you are on track for your first or next seven figures as early as this summer. Join me beginning Tuesday, July 16, for our powerful three part masterclass series, The Seven Figure Summer Success Series, by grabbing your free seat right [email protected]. okay, now, having gotten that, let’s jump into the biggest mistakes that I see. Number one, starting with small talk at the beginning. Now, I believe that establishing rapport is one thing, but asking them about the weather, where they are, and those types of things are actually an indication of your own fear and nervousness about whether or not this call will actually produce the revenue that you find yourself in need of. Which brings me to an extra mistake I see people making that’s not even on my list. Do not show up to a sales call in need of making money because that energy is desperation energy, and it will come through and it will impact the way the call goes. So that was a mistake within the mistake.

Darnyelle [00:10:33]:
So don’t start with small talk. Number two, talking about you and your business, okay? This call is not about you, and it is not for you. It is about them. It is about their problem, their desire, their challenge. So when you, me, me, me, me, you are singing in the choir and no one likes to show off. So instead, I’ll talk about. Actually, let me just give you all the mistakes first and then I’ll tell you what to do instead on the back end. Number three, biggest mistake I see is listening just to respond.

Darnyelle [00:11:01]:
Now, I am all for preparing for a sales conversation. I do believe that it is disrespectful to show up on a sales conversation knowing nothing about the individual or the organization that you are looking to do the work in. However, I think coming to the call with the intent to listen so you can overcome an objection or state your point or justify why they should hire you is putting you on the defensive and is preventing you from being fully present to hear the transformation that they are seeking. Number four, biggest mistake I see is assuming that when they ask questions, you know why they’re asking questions. This is a big mistake. And y’all know what assuming does. It makes an ass out of you and me. So don’t make any assumptions.

Darnyelle [00:11:48]:
Instead, seek the clarity that you need to validate that you guys are the right fit. I do not recommend that you try to sell something to people that you can’t really help. And I don’t recommend that you try to sell something to people because you need the money. That is the wrong impetus. It is the wrong come from and it is going to come back to bite you. Number five, biggest mistake I see is talking more than 20% of the time. As I stated earlier, the call is not about you, it’s about them. You want to ask them clear, probing questions so that they can offer insight into what you need to know to formulate which of the offers you have to make to them, you will make, or how you might position a proposal and or engagement letter for your business to business clients.

Darnyelle [00:12:33]:
So the one who talks the most is the one who leaves with the product. So your job is to talk at an absolute minimum, only to recap what you are hearing them say, to mirror back to them, or to ask them a clarifying question. That’s when you talk. Other than that, they should be talking. The number six mistake that I see people make is thinking that because you’re on the call, you are who they perceive to be their solution. Now, I am of the belief that the invitation is your validation. So if you invite them to have a call with you and they show up or they get themselves on your calendar, they believe that you could be the solution that they are seeking. But the biggest mistake that you can make, although I want you to be confident, is to be over eager and overconfident like you got it in the bag.

Darnyelle [00:13:26]:
Big mistake. I want you to be confident, and I know that there can be a fine line between confident and cocky in terms of your energy and the way that you show up. Cocky means that you won’t be listening intently for the transformation and how you can interject a client’s success story that will add value to what it is that they’re currently experiencing while also giving them a level of comfort that you’ve seen what they’re experiencing before and you know how to resolve it. Confidence, on the other hand, will allow them the space to articulate what you need to hear in order to interject at the point that makes the most sense to help them to understand while you are the obvious choice for them in this particular season and the problem that they have, and the number seven mistake I see people making when it comes to sales mistakes, and I could probably go on and on and on, but these are the top seven. The first seven that popped into my head upon being asked this question this week is offering a payment plan from the start. Offering a payment plan from the start, to me, is an indication that you don’t believe that your solution is worthy of being paid for in full. Offering a payment plan is typically a reflection of how you see yourself and how you see money, and the fact that even in this particular conversation, you are in need of money so you’re willing to take what you can get instead of standing in your power, that your solution is valuable for it to be paid for in full. Now I get it.

Darnyelle [00:14:59]:
I used to do this, too. I used to think that everybody needed a payment plan. I mean, after all, statistics say that the average adult does not have $1,000 in savings. But one of the biggest mistakes that you can make, this is another mistake within this mistake, before I even really fully break down this whole payment plan thing for you, is projecting the pocketbook of your potential client. It is not your business, and it’s just not your business. So don’t project and offering a payment plan from the beginning. It’s kind of like a dig that says you couldn’t afford to pay me in full. I have made this mistake, and that’s why game recognizes game.

Darnyelle [00:15:38]:
Now, let’s go deeper into why it is a mistake to offer a payment plan from the beginning. Offering a payment plan shifts the control of the call and it gives the prospect the indication that they get to dictate the terms. In working with you, it’s your company. It’s not theirs. So my recommendation instead is that you give them the investment and here’s how you might say it. To work with me for whatever the timeframe is to work with you to solve this problem and receive this result. It’s an investment of state, the full investment, and then you shut up. Sales 101 says the person who speaks after the pitch is the one who leaves with the product.

Darnyelle [00:16:17]:
Now, I believe the person who talks the most is the one that leaves with the product. But I can tell you absolutely unequivocally that if you keep talking when you give them the investment, you are likely taking it home with you or keeping it with you. So instead to work with me for the next twelve weeks so that we can solve this problem and create this solution. It’s an investment of insert the amount, be quiet. You’re actually waiting for them to answer, to ask you a question. And when they say, hello, are you there? You can say, yes, I’m here. I was just giving you space to determine how you’re going to make this investment in yourself through this program so that we can get you to the result of whatever the result is that they want. And you have this information because you’ve been listening more than you’ve been speaking and you’ve been taking great notes and you can recap the situation, right? And then typically what’s going to happen, especially if you did a good job of understanding their problem and you’ve articulated it well, they’re going to ask you, is this one payment or a payment over time? Now, Sidebar this is typically only going to happen when you’re working business to consumer.

Darnyelle [00:17:22]:
When you’re working to business to business, often you are not going to provide them with the full amount in the meeting. You’re going to give them a range of price because you’re going to need to go and do some research and support before you can present them with an engagement letter or a proposal. So this is specifically when you’re working business to consumer. So once they have heard you, you’ve waited, they’re now asking a question, is that in one payment or can I break it up? Now? Instead of offering them a payment plan, you want to respond by saying something like, yes, the majority of the people that we work with have the ability to pay upfront and in full. Is that something you can handle? Now here’s why I want you to ask the question this way and wait for them to respond. Some people are just seeking clarity, and they may actually have the ability to pay you the amount in full. And instead of you breaking up how long it takes you to get your money. You could get all of your money right now, right? Like Lorenz Tate and love Jones.

Darnyelle [00:18:19]:
You can get it right now. They don’t have to save yours for later. So we’re not going to make the assumption that they need a payment plan, right? Let them ask for it. So you wait for them to respond. If they can’t do one payment, then you can say something like, well, let me ask you a question. Are you trying to figure out if this is valuable or is this just about the price? If you have millions on your mind, then you need to get in the house. Haus of Millions is our up leveled suite of business advisory programs for entrepreneurs and small business owners ready for community and connections to accelerate their cash flow. Learn [email protected] dot want to know what it’s like to work with me and the incredible factor university coaching team? You can get started today with the Move to Millions 90 day business growth planner.

Darnyelle [00:19:10]:
90 days at a time, you’ll be setting your business on a trajectory that will make the Move to Millions happen much faster for you. It’s got everything that you need to track every strategy, every sale, all of your KPI’s, as well as your self care and life transformational needs. We made sure we left nothing out of this amazing planner. And by accessing the planner, you’ll get a behind the scenes view of what it’s like to work with me and my team. Go grab yours [email protected]. now, the answer you want when you ask them that is, no, no, I see the value is totally worth it. I just can’t make that happen right now. Then you can say something like, I get it.

Darnyelle [00:19:53]:
There have been times in my life when I have been there too. I don’t want for money to be the reason that we don’t get you started today so that you can see the success that’s possible for you when insert the solution you’re going to provide to the problem that they have. I really would like to create an opportunity to make this more digestible for you so that we can get you started today. So what would that look like for you to get started today? Then you wait again. And you’re waiting for them to suggest a specific payment plan to you so they might say, okay, it’s $15,000, it’s $20,000. Can I break that into two payments of 10,000? Can I do that in four payments of 5000? Right. You’re going to let them suggest the payment plan and now instead of it looking like they taking control and they get to dictate the terms, it looks like you’re doing them a favor, that you honestly want to work with them and you care about helping them to get the solution, which I hope is the case. And now it looks like you’re doing them a favor, you’re doing them a solid.

Darnyelle [00:20:52]:
You’re making it feasible for them to be able to start working with you today while paying you over a period of time. Okay. And then you’re going to say something like this when they suggest. So let’s say it’s 20,000 and they suggest four payments of 5000 and you’re going to say, okay, well, if you can make the initial deposit today of $5,000, which will be non refundable, I will honor that. That will ultimately allow you to get started today, and then you’re prepared to take their payment right on the phone. This is going to do away with the need for follow up. This is going to create what a lot of people will call the one call close. Now, when you’re talking about money and you’re talking to a corporation, the conversation, as I stated a little bit earlier, is going to go a little bit differently.

Darnyelle [00:21:41]:
You still, once you have recapped what you have heard them say and demonstrated the value that you will bring to the project, you want to give them a range. And my recommendation is that your range is pretty solid and pretty close to what you think it’s going to be. Now, while there might be some nuances and variables and what you need to configure for them, to give them their actual price, you want to be as close to that as possible. So you want to be thinking and knowing in advance because you have packages or bundles of services that you offer for your corporate clients, you want to have a pretty good idea of where you’re going to land so that when you send them that final engagement letter, which I’m going to recommend that you do, versus sending them a proposal, you’re going to have a pretty good chance that it’s going to take the next step. Okay. And then the 8th mistake I see this is a bonus is ending the call without having your next steps or follow up plan solid. If they don’t close during the call, that’s another mistake. I see.

Darnyelle [00:22:37]:
Do not hang up until you know what you’re doing next. The fortune is in the follow up. There are sales statistics out there that say the average person only follows up two times and then they stop. But the average sale actually, more than average 80% of sales are closed between the fifth and the 12th attempt. Now, hopefully it won’t take you five to twelve attempts to close the sale, especially if you didn’t make these mistakes that I talked about and you had a conversation that they’re really excited about and they understand the value associated with working with you. It won’t take that long. You’ll close them on the follow up. But even if you don’t close them on the follow up, you should have a plan in place, an automated system in place to follow up with them as many as twelve times before you stop to see if you can get them to the point of closing.

Darnyelle [00:23:25]:
And I’ll do a whole nother episode on follow up and the fortune being in the follow up. So now that we’ve went through the mistakes, the eight mistakes, the seven, plus the bonus, let’s talk about what you should do instead. So number one, you should start the call right away and get right to the point of why you’re there. Both of your time is valuable and neither of you can get that time back. If you have a process in place, which I highly recommend that you do, that when you book the call, there should be some series of nurturing that happens leading up to the call with you. They can learn about you. They can see some of your clients success stories. They can listen to an episode on your Podcast.

Darnyelle [00:24:01]:
You should have, before you get on that call, checked out their website or whatever information you can find about them, their social media presence, if they don’t have their own website so you know enough about them to jump right in to the reason that you’re in conversation today. Number two, ask them about their business, their needs, their challenge, their desire. Instead of talking about yourself, remember, no. Me, me, me, me. No singing in the choir. Instead, you’re making it all about them. Number three, listen to understand and ask clarifying questions to get the understanding you need about which solution is going to be best for them. Number four, mirror what they are saying and recap.

Darnyelle [00:24:39]:
So what I heard you say is that’s mirroring. Or I heard you say x because of y and it creates z. Did I get that right? That’s also going to substantiate that you were listening to understand. And here’s what I want you to know about adult adults. They want to be seen, they want to be heard, and they want to feel safe. And if you can recap and articulate what they shared with you because you have been fully present in the conversation, then that will increase the likelihood that they will feel comfortable enough to say yes to themselves through you. Sidebar we are in a different economy right now, and in this economy, buyers are more discerning, more skeptical, and sales cycles tend to be a little bit longer. Now.

Darnyelle [00:25:20]:
It does take, on average, seven to 14 hours consuming your content before they’re going to be comfortable taking the next step. So that’s why nurturing and being fully present and consistent through however you share content in the marketplace is going to be important for you because that is going to increase the likelihood that they close in this current call or in the next call. Number five, focus on your clients and your client success stories instead of you and your product or service. They can read. So if you have a page, whether it’s a Google document or a website page that talks about what’s in the program, you’ll need to walk through all of that. You want to give high level benefits, not features. Benefits sell. Whereas features tell they don’t need to be told, they can read.

Darnyelle [00:26:09]:
They need to see themselves inside of your solution and how this can impact them. Number six, you want to give them the full investment upfront and have them ask you for an option to pay over time, because you will not get paid everything you should at the time of the engagement, starting when you lead with the payment plan. And number seven, you should give them two options for moving forward with you. An example would you like to get started this week or next week? Would you like to follow up tomorrow or Thursday? Two at a time, the same way you should do it. When you’re booking the call, you only give them. Don’t say when do you want to come in? When do you want to meet? That’s going to be an indication that you’re not busy, which means you’re not in demand, which means you’re not desirable, which means why should they hire you? Two options. Even if your calendar is wide open, would you like to meet the beginning of the week or the end of the week? Awesome. The beginning of the week.

Darnyelle [00:27:00]:
Okay. Do you prefer Monday or Tuesday? Tuesday. Awesome. Do you want morning or afternoon? Awesome. Nine or eleven? Two options at a time. Giving them two options to move forward is going to be the move. The reviews are in. Move two millions.

Darnyelle [00:27:17]:
The proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind is a best seller. With thousands of copies sold. We are raising a generation of million dollar CEO’s. You got next. Grab your copy in our bonuses today at movetomillions i hope this was helpful. The original question that I was asked, they actually gave me a scenario that they’ve been encountering in their sales and what are some of the biggest mistakes that I see people make that are impacting their sales. And so I hope this was helpful and I want you to share with me what you got as your biggest takeaway by taking a picture or creating a story of however you listen to this Podcast and tagging me on Instagram or sliding in my DM’s and sharing your thoughts on this episode while also making sure that you rate and review this Podcast.

Darnyelle [00:28:10]:
Thank you so much for your time. Here’s to more sales than you know what to do with. Here’s to closing more clients to experience the transformation that you are uniquely qualified to provide for them. And I’ll see you guys next time. Take care. Thank you for joining me for the Move to Millions Podcast. If this episode has impacted you in any way, would you please take a moment and rate and review? Doing so helps us to deepen our impact and expand our reach around the world. And if you are ready to start your very own Move to Millions, I highly recommend that you order your very own copy of my brand new best selling book, move two millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind.

Darnyelle [00:28:55]:
You can get your copy and our bonuses [email protected]. until next time. Remember, millions are your birthright and to access them you need only move. I’ll see you next.
