The Move to Millions Minute is powered by Power Broker Academy
Each week, I will release an affirmation of the week to help you to continue to MOVE your business toward the million-dollar mark. Affirmations are typically supplied by our Move to Millions Million Dollar CEO Affirmation Cards available at but this week, I am free styling.
This week’s Million Dollar CEO Affirmation:
I refuse to shrink or dim my light, for I was divinely created to transform the world with my gifts and talents. I embrace my uniqueness and embrace the magnitude of my purpose with humility and courage. I am here to make a profound impact, to inspire change, and to leave an indelible mark through sharing my work and wisdom. With unwavering faith in my abilities and a heart filled with gratitude, I step boldly into my power, knowing that playing small serves neither me nor the world. I unleash the full force of my potential, embracing the journey of growth, transformation, and boundless possibility. I am destined to shake the planet with my brilliance, and with my heart and arms open, I commit to taking up space.”
In her poem, our deepest fear, Marianne Williamson’s words always remind me that playing small doesn’t serve the world. In fact, letting my light shine is what gives others permission to do the same. Affirm with me this week:
I refuse to shrink or dim my light, for I was divinely created to transform the world with my gifts and talents. I embrace my uniqueness and embrace the magnitude of my purpose with humility and courage. I am here to make a profound impact, to inspire change, and to leave an indelible mark through sharing my work and wisdom. With unwavering faith in my abilities and a heart filled with gratitude, I step boldly into my power, knowing that playing small serves neither me nor the world. I unleash the full force of my potential, embracing the journey of growth, transformation, and boundless possibility. I am destined to shake the planet with my brilliance, and with my heart and arms open wide, I commit fully to taking up space.”
Your journal prompts this week are:
- When I stand in my power I…
- Taking up space makes me feel…
- Recognizing my power…
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Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:03]:
You’re listening to the Move to Millions Minute on the Move to Millions Podcast with Dr Darnyelle Jervey Harmon.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:23]:
Welcome to another episode of the Move to Millions Minute here on the Move to Millions Podcast. I am your host, Dr Darnyelle and I am always excited to be with you every single Wednesday. My mission is to give you a dose of inspiration that will allow you to keep moving towards your million or multimillion dollar milestone. I like to use Wednesday to recite affirmations, many of whom come out of our Move to Millions million dollar CEO affirmations card deck. But for the last few weeks, I’ve just been tapping into my spirit. I think it’s because I’m getting ready for Move to Millions live. And God is speaking through me. He is speaking so clearly and he is giving me words that I know are going to give you exactly what you need.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:01:14]:
My mission is to give you something you can feel so that you can leverage that all the way to and beyond the million dollar mark. This Move to Millions Minutes is powered by power broker Academy. My good super friend Sheri Riley has an amazing program. It’s an opportunity for you to go on a powerful nine week transformational journey around personal development. And you know, your personal development will fuel your professional growth. So it’s so important that you’re making time and taking time for yourself. In fact, that’s the reason why we do these affirmations every single week. To learn more about Power Broker Academy, go to
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:02:03]:
And when I think about this week’s affirmation, it brings me a tremendous amount of joy. Let’s jump into this week’s million dollar CEO affirmation. I refuse to shrink or dim my light, for I was divinely created to transform the world with my gifts and talents. I embrace my uniqueness and embrace the magnitude of my purpose with humility and courage. I am here to make a profound impact, to inspire change and to leave an indelible mark. Through sharing my work and wisdom. With unwavering faith in my abilities and a heart filled with gratitude, I step boldly into my power. Knowing that playing small serves neither me nor the world, I unleash the full force of my potential.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:02:51]:
Embracing the journey of growth, transformation and boundless possibility, I am destined to shake the planet with my brilliance. And with my heart and arms open wide, I commit fully to taking up space. Y’all. That felt so good coming out of my mouth. I cannot even express to you how good it felt to say those words when I think about my full episode this week with my super friend Sheri Riley and her quote, you aren’t being humble, you’re hiding. Oh, my gosh. It just, it makes me think of so many things. I remember when I was in high school, I’ve always been a relatively confident person.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:03:35]:
Always. I think it’s because I understand the circumstances of my birth and I know what it took to be here and to sustain being here, growing up in the environment that I grew up in. And because of that, you couldn’t tell me nothing ever at any point in time. And I remember girls always saying, oh, she thinks she’s cute. She thinks she’s all that. Well, first of all, I never had to think I was all that because they were too busy thinking it for me so I could spend my energy thinking about other things. And even though I was extremely confident, I actually believe and define, and you probably remember me saying this in my conversation with Sherry earlier this week. I define humility as being confident but not feeling like you need to pull anybody else down as you exert the power of your presence.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:23]:
That’s humility to me. And so when I think about this week’s affirmation and a refusal to shrink or dim your light, especially because, let’s be clear, the journey to and beyond the million dollar mark is going to be filled with so many things and your confidence will close so many more deals than your skills. And so the necessity of not shrinking and taking up fully the space you were meant to occupy is so important. And so when I think about our deepest fear by Marianne Williamson, and in that poem, she reminds us that playing small does not serve the world. In fact, she goes on to say, by letting your light shine, you unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As you are liberated from your fear, your presence will automatically liberate others. So this week, as you continue to move closer to your goal, I want to remind you that your decision, your declaring that you will not dim your light, that you will shine big, you will shine bright, you will take up space is designed to allow the others who are watching your journey, many of whom you won’t know they’re watching, until they’re ready to reach out to you to get support. But it will let them know that you are clear, you are confident and you are fully committed to showing up, and you refuse to do anything that takes away the power that was given to you by the almighty God.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:52]:
Affirm with me this week, I refuse to shrink or dim my light, for I was divinely created to transform the world. With my gifts and talents, I embrace my uniqueness and embrace the magnitude of my purpose with humility and courage. I am here to make a profound impact, to inspire change and to leave an indelible mark through sharing my work and wisdom. With unwavering faith in my abilities and a heart filled with gratitude, I step boldly into my power. Knowing that playing small serves neither me nor the world, I unleash the full force of my potential. Embracing the journey of growth, transformation and boundless possibility, I am destined to shake the planet with my brilliance and with my heart and arms open wide, I commit fully to taking up space. I pray that this affirmation this week, every time you say it, from here through the end of this powerful week, it gives you the strength, the courage, the confidence and even the humility to stand up one more time, to take one more action, to ask one more person to invest in themselves through you, so that you get one move closer to the million dollar mark. I’ll see you guys next time.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:07:09]:
Take care. Hold up, wait a Minute y’all. I almost forgot to give you your journal prompts for the week. Number one, when I stand in my power, I number two, taking up space makes me feel. And number three, recognizing my power, make sure you take some time this week to journal. You know, the power of journaling is just giving you additional insight into all that it is that’s on the inside of you, waiting to get out to transform the world. Now, I’ll see you guys next time. Take care.
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:07:48]:
While we are on this quick commercial break, let me take this opportunity to remind you that when it comes to making the Move to Millions, we’ve got you covered. I created my proven framework, the Move to Millions method, to help you simplify, scale and sustain a company that serves you financially and spiritually. From the book to the planner to our live event and tons of free cheat sheets to help you plan, prepare and position your company to make millions, we are your full service resource. Learn more now by visiting
Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:08:25]:
Thank you for listening to the Move to Millions Minutes it on the Move to Millions Podcast with Dr Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. If you enjoyed this quick episode, do yourself a favor. Subscribe rate and review so that you never miss a Minute of anything that we have for you on your own. Move to millions and until we meet again, remember, millions are your birthright and to access them you need only.