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Ep 193 – Behind the Scenes – The Making of My New Book: Move to Millions


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Episode Summary

This episode is powered by The Move to Millions Book Virtual Launch Event  

When my dad got sick last year, I made it my business to spend as much time with him as I could.  During those late evenings after all of my family had long gone, and while he was still communicative, dad and I talked about this idea I had to write the book I was born to write. “You have to write it,”   he urged.  I had told him that now wasn’t the time – there was too much going on and well, I also needed to be free to come spend time with him. Once he’d passed, I took the first month or so and of course as you’d expect, I did absolutely nothing.  But then, I felt him beckoning me forward to complete the book.  And now, it’s here – I feel like I have been waiting for this week forever!  Finally, Move to Millions: The Proven Framework to Become a Million Dollar CEO with Grace & Ease Instead of Hustle & Grind is launching!  Depending on when you listen to this week’s episode, the book will be readily available! No more needing to pre-order.  If I had to sum up how I feel in one word right now, it would be Grateful. Grateful that I had that time with my dad. Grateful of how the words flowed from my heart onto the pages of my Word document on my iMac.  Grateful that I made it to this moment with my sanity intact (launching a book is no joke!) In this short by mighty episode, I take you behind the scenes of writing the book I was born to write.  My motivation, how I got it done in 3 months, and all of the people who helped to make this book possible.  And I invite you to get your copy so that you can join me for my Virtual Launch Event on Tuesday, November 14 so that together we can celebrate.    Grab your pen and Move to Millions Podcast note and listen in now to discover:

  • The significance of knowing your big reason why
  • The #1 thing I would do differently if I were starting my book all over
  • And so much more

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Powerful Quotes from the Episode

  • “Move to Millions is a perfect reflection of my journey over the last 46 years. Who I am and who I have become is reflected in the pages.”
  • “I wanted to write a book that you would want to have in your professional library. A book that gives you answers and doesn’t play bait and switch.”
  • “If you were disciplined enough to take consistent action towards crossing the million dollar mark, you would have what you need for that to become a possibility.”
  • “I know what is waiting for you in the pages of this book. It’s time to shake the planet and create massive success.”
  • “By getting a copy of ‘Move to Millions,’ you not only invest in your own success, but also in the success of entrepreneurs and small business owners you care about.”

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