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Ep 187 – REWIND: Six Figure Holiday Sales Plan


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“The fourth quarter is the most profitable quarter in any year and you don’t have to discount your services to maximize it either.” – Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

Episode Summary

This episode is powered by the Move to Millions: The Proven Framework to Become a Million Dollar CEO with Grace & Ease Instead of Hustle & Grind

It’s beginning to look a lot like the holidays! I was in a few stores over the weekend and Christmas decorations are everywhere!  Here’s the thing, before we celebrate Christmas, we have an opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving and have a six-figure sales weekend.  You game?!  As we finalize the third quarter and move into the fourth, you have an unprecedented opportunity to capitalize on the most profitable quarter ALL YEAR! That’s right, the fourth quarter has the potential to be 90 days of profit if you take time NOW to prepare and plan. Every fourth quarter, we generate more sales and revenue often than we have all year. And here’s the thing: you don’t have to fall into the holiday sales trap and end up selling your value-based programs for pennies on the dollar to be able to say the same. In this online business landscape, you see a lot of people sell their valuable offers at a massive discount during Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday.  What if I told you that you could create a plan that would help you make more during the holiday corridor to make this your best year yet?!  It’s true; the holidays and fourth quarter are the perfect time to catch up and catapult your revenue. In this REWIND episode, I will share how you can increase your sales without having to discount your prices or create some special – what you sell all year is the perfect offer to make all fourth quarter long. This episode was such a hit last year, I decided to share it again this year with a few new insights. Grab your pen and Move to Millions Podcast note and listen in now to discover:

  • #1 thing you need to shift in order to maximize your holiday sales season
  • Why discounting your products and services is actually cannibalizing your offers
  • How to create your holiday sales plan
  • And so much more

Important Links:

Powerful Quotes from the Episode

  • It’s so easy to sell during the holidays without discounting your products
  • Your pinnacle client isn’t in it for the deal; they are in it for the transformation
  • The 4th quarter is the most profitable quarter in any business, any year!
  • You’re not in retail; you’re in services
  • You’ll resent your clients when you discount your products and services

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