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Ep 286 – Managing the Gap

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“Without proper systems, businesses become bottlenecked, hindering growth and productivity.” Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

Have you ever felt like you’re constantly hitting a growth plateau, despite knowing that your business has million-dollar potential? Or maybe you’re wearing too many hats, caught up in day-to-day operations, and unable to focus on what truly matters for growth?

If you are saying yes in your spirit, then it’s likely that you are in the millions messy middle. Well, I have some good news and bad news for you. The bad news first: without scalable processes, you’ll hit bottlenecks that prevent you from moving forward.  But the good news: this episode breaks down how the right operational infrastructure, combined with a trustworthy team, can allow you to step back from daily tasks and focus on strategic vision.

Just so we are on the same page, getting stuck at the $300K to $400K mark isn’t just frustrating—it’s an indicator that something deeper needs to shift. And no, it’s not just about working harder (because if that worked, you’d already be there). It’s about aligning your business, your systems, and most importantly, your mindset, with the CEO role you’re stepping into

If any of this resonates, then it’s time for some tough love and strategic insights. To start, I will share some of the common pitfalls and missteps that keep millions-minded entrepreneurs and small business owners stuck. You’ll also learn why it’s crucial to trust your team and how doing so can make the difference between burnout and breakthrough.  And you know I would never leave you hanging – I will share how you can turn each gap into a gateway that positions you for your million-dollar breakthrough.

If you’re ready to turn that plateau into a powerful pathway that leads straight to your 7 figure business, grab your Move to Millions Podcast notebook and listen in to discover:

  • 10 reasons why entrepreneurs plateau at $300-$400K a year
  • 3 practical shifts for immediate impact
  • How to shift from doer to strategic CEO
  • And so much more

This is where your next-level everything begins.

Powerful Quotes During the Episode:

  • “Key performance indicators, self-care, and life transformation needs are integral to your business strategy. Our comprehensive planner available at can guide you through this journey.”
  • “Entrepreneurs are often wearing too many hats, fearful of hiring due to stories about payroll troubles. This limits your growth potential.”
  • “I had my own journey of micromanagement and a lack of trust in my team, which led to my business’s decline. Trust and delegation are essential for your business to operate smoothly, even in your absence.”
  • “Success requires a mindset shift. You need to challenge your limiting beliefs, push beyond comfort zones, and reach your highest potential.”
  • “Your hiring should focus on roles that drive significant business growth. A strategic and scalable marketing plan is necessary to move past the $300k-$400k annual revenue plateau.”
  • “Conduct a time study to identify tasks you can delegate. Transition from a doer to a CEO mindset and focus on high-level strategy and $20,000 tasks instead of low-value activities.”
  • “Regularly assess and align offerings to market demand. Financial management is crucial—focus more on hiring a CPA or tax strategist rather than a CFO. Leadership and personal development should also be a priority.”
  • “Success requires a mindset shift, challenging limiting beliefs, and pushing beyond comfort zones to achieve potential.”
  • “Without proper systems, businesses become bottlenecked, hindering growth and productivity.”
  • “Transition from a doer to a CEO mindset by focusing on high-level strategy and $20,000 tasks instead of low-value activities.”
  • “Fear of hiring and delegation can lead to burnout; trusting and building a capable team is essential for long-term success.”

Resources Mentioned:

  • Move to Millions by Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon – Get Your Copy
  • Companion Guide for Move to Millions – Download for a detailed overview of the seven systems to seven figures.
  • Join the Move to Millions Facebook Group for ongoing support and community engagement – Join Now
  • Move to Millions 90-Day Business Growth Planner – Get Your Planner
  • Learn more about God Girls Making Millions: God Girls Making Millions

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Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:00]:
You’re going to have to systematize and automate your operational infrastructure. Lack of the right systems will cause bottlenecks that will prevent you from being able to go to the next level and scale. But implementing the right process that will free up time and resources that will allow you to focus on growth to move your business forward. You’re listening to the Move to Millions podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. The place to be for high level conversations about millions, your mission, mindset, methodologies, mandate movement, messaging, marketing metrics, and most definitely your money. I am your host, Spiritual business growth coach, Dr. Darnyelle J.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:46]:
Harmon. Join me each week for inspiring stories, powerful interviews and business growth strategy to help you experience abundance in your life because of your business. If you’re ready to move to your next level everything, let’s get this party welcome back to the Move to Millions podcast. I am so happy that you are here. This episode is Powered by God Girls Making Millions. If you are a woman in business who is ready to have those anointing and abundance conversations because you are about your birthright, your business and your bank accounts and you want to create an environment where you can show up confidently and courageously as you anchor into your next level, having the conversations and creating a synergy for collaborations that will bring your next level into view with a vengeance, then I am so excited to share God Girls Making Millions with you. You can go and learn more and apply today at God girls making if this is your very first time here, welcome. I am so clear that this will not be your last.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:01:59]:
I am Dr. Darnyelle Disruptor Status quo Crusher Spiritual Business Growth trifecta and my Move to Millions method has created 45 first time 7 figure CEOs and 25 next time 7 figure CEOs since 2021. If you know that you should be running a business that makes millions and I want you to go and visit to learn more how we can equip you to step boldly into your abundant birthright through your business. And if you don’t yet have a copy of my bestselling book, Move to Millions the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. You might as well pick one up while you’re there. Before we jump into today’s episode, I really need y’all to do me a favor. I feel like Eddie Murphy in Boomerang. You know what scene I’m talking about.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:02:53]:
He’s standing at the elevator, he’s looking at Robin Givens and he says, this is my Mack Daddy vibe. I’m giving you every week you tune into this powerful show and I give you the best that I got. That’s right. I’m Anita Baker up in this piece. So I need you to do me a favor. I need your help to help us to expand our reach. If you could take the two seconds that is required to rate and review this podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or wherever you podcast, I would be so immensely grateful. Doing so will help others hear about our mission, our mantle and our mad date and this powerful podcast that I know you have come to love.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:03:41]:
And I just want to say thank you in advance for taking the time to rate and review the show. Oh, y’all, I am excited about what we are going to get into today. I have been in the DMs. You guys are showing me so much love. Thank you, thank you, thank you. If you are not following me on Instagram at Darnyelle Jervy Harmon on Facebook, same thing at Darnyelle Jervy Harmon. Shoot me a message if you have a question because I would love to answer your questions in an episode on the show this week. I got, I didn’t get the exact question that I’m going to answer, but I got the gist of what we’re going to talk about in this episode.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:24]:
I’m calling this episode Managing the Gap. You might know what gap I’m talking about. If you are in business and you feel stuck, if stuck is a word that you would use, some people would, some people wouldn’t. If you feel like you are repeating the same milestone over and over and over, if you feel like you’re caught in a plateau when you know that you were really created to soar at seven figures and beyond, honey child, please, I am talking to you today. I’m really excited to jump into managing the gap. What it looks like, what it means and what you will need to do if you feel yourself at this 300 to 400,000. Because here’s what I believe. I believe that if you have a 300 to 400k business, you have $1 million business.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:13]:
There are just some things that are distinctly off that feel large but are actually just tweaks that if you would get the support you need to hone in on them. That’s right. The right mentorship. You heard me say that we’ve created 77 figure CEOs. 45 first time, 25 next time since 2021. So just in about three years we’ve done this. If you can get the right support and mentorship, you could close the gap. You could turn the gap into a gateway.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:45]:
So I’m excited that you’re here. If this is where you are, if you are not yet here in your business, I want you to listen in for some of the mistakes you can avoid on your own. Move to Millions so that as you make this milestone happen, you do it without some of the agita that some of our entrepreneurial sisters and brothers out there are experiencing right now. This episode, I believe, is going to be really, really powerful for you. If 2024 has been a year that has just brought into your realization over and over and over again that you should be operating at and beyond the million dollar mark. So I’m talking to you if that’s who you are. Many of our clients come to us in this place. They’ve gotten their business through that 250, $300,000 range.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:06:32]:
They know they’re supposed to be making millions, but they’re not sure what they’re missing. So my intention is to get you really, really clear about why you might be stuck here. The way I see it, there are 10 reasons that you might be stuck in this 300 to 400k plateau and it’s common. I don’t know if that serves and supports you and makes you feel warm and fuzzy, but you are not alone, my friend. Many entrepreneurs come to us in this place and we’re able to just tweak a few things and in so doing create an environment for them to really unclog the drain and move with expediency to and beyond the seven figure mark. So let’s jump into the reason why many entrepreneurs get stuck here. Like I said that there are 10. I’m going to go in no particular order, but there are 10 that I want to share with you because I think that knowing this, you’ll be able to pinpoint and see where you are.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:07:28]:
So let’s use this as a self assessment and I just want you to check in as I read off the reasons why many entrepreneurs get stuck in this very common 300 to 400k plateau. This is what we call the millions messy middle. I’m working on a private podcast where I’m really going to go deep and break down the messy middle and what it takes. It’s a chapter in my book, Move to Millions the Proven Framework. If you haven’t gotten a copy of the book, really, stop playing yourself and go get a copy. It is something that you want in your professional library. It’s a tool you want to be able to go back to over and over again. Because I am Abundance, I didn’t skimp on what you need to know to truly understand how to navigate.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:08:09]:
Many of my friends and colleagues told me that I was crazy for giving as much as I gave in a book that you can get for $20. But here’s what I know. First of all, I’m Abundance. My my well will never run dry and giving you a real clear glimpse at what it’s going to take solidifies me as the expert that you need at the time that is right in your journey to actually make the move to millions so your girl knew exactly what she was doing. Hey God girl. Have you attended event after event looking for an up level conversation and community only to realize you’ve outgrown the rooms you used to frequent? For inspiration and implementation, I want to invite you to spend three days immersing yourself in a safe, aligned and significant space where you can have the deep, vulnerable and transparent conversations about what life beyond the money really looks like. For the first time, maybe ever, you can have the conversations that really shift the way you show up in every area of your life and focus on getting access to more more freedom, more expression, more self care, more meaning, more alignment and more connections. God Girls Making Millions is the only room of his kind for you to finally unearth what is burgeoning for your next level.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:09:31]:
Learn more and submit your application today@godgirls making want to know what it’s.

Speaker B [00:09:38]:
Like to work with me and the Incredible Factor University Coaching team? You can get started today with the move to millions 90 day business growth planner. 90 days at a time, you’ll be setting your business on a trajectory that will make the move to millions happen much faster for you. It’s got everything that you need to.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:09:57]:
Track every strategy, every sale, all of.

Speaker B [00:10:00]:
Your KPIs as well as your self care and life transformational needs. We made sure we left nothing out of this amazing planner and by accessing the planner you’ll get a behind the scenes view of what it’s like to work with me and my team. Go grab yours today at let’s.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:10:19]:
Jump into the reasons why many entrepreneurs get stuck in this 300 to 400k plateau. Number one wearing too many hats. Listen, I get it. You’re nervous and afraid about hiring. You’ve heard the horror stories about payroll and not being able to make payroll. Or you have Just built up in your mind this belief that you will have so much responsibility. The fear of responsibility is bogging you down. And so you are doing all the things instead of hiring the people to support you at this particular stage of revenue.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:10:55]:
Many entrepreneurs are still way too heavily involved in every aspect of their business. They’re working in the business, not on the business. From operations to marketing to client service delivery. This do it all by yourself approach, it really limits your capacity and it doesn’t allow you to strategically preside over the important activities that will produce growth and profit inside of your business because you’re too busy doing a day to day task. Now listen, been there, done that, got the T shirt. There have been times in my journey where I’ve had to step back into doing some of those things because team members quit, team members got fired. Like things have happened and it’s a thing, but it doesn’t need to be a thing that you do for far too long, right? If you have not yet transitioned from being the primary doer to positioning yourself to be the CEO to oversee the company that really drives the vision and hold that space for your team, that could be why you are stuck trying to manage the gap. Number two, if you have a lack of scalable systems in process, in order to get past three to $400,000 a year, your business, every business, is going to need efficient systems and processes systems, not just the software that you use to automate.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:12:18]:
But remember, scaling is about replicating, multiplying and duplicating. And in order for you to have your revenue increase without your output increasing, you’re going to need efficient systems that will multiply, replicate and duplicate your core processes and what you need to do to serve your clients. So instead of putting the systems in place that are efficient and that increase productivity, they reach this point by not putting it all together. Listen, it’s going to take advisement. You need a business advisor who can help you to determine which systems you should be using that are going to be key systems you can grow into, that grow with you so that you can stop being the bottleneck in your business and actually fill your bank account instead. Without having the right scalable systems and an operational infrastructure that you can truly scale, you’ll continue to face problems that will include challenging the demand, maintaining consistency, and not being as productive. Because when you are in and out of the business, because you have to start and stop that lack of consistency, especially in the marketplace we’re in right now, in this mature market, it’s going to be Challenging to be starting and stopping the core activities in your business and expecting to see consistent results. I’m just saying.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:13:41]:
So that’s number two. Number three, why you are in the gap, navigating the gap, trying to manage the gap really stuck and plateaued at 300 to 400k. You could do that with both hands tied behind your back. You could cross 300 or 400k in your business. Right? It’s an illustration that you know what you’re doing and you do have a level of insight. But you’re going to need help, you’re going to need support in order to get to the next number. So the number three reason why people get caught managing this gap is inconsistent marketing and sales strategy. Many entrepreneurs at this level are still relying heavily on word of mouth and referrals and sporadic marketing.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:14:25]:
You listen, if I had a dollar for every time I talked to a potential client on a sales conversation who told me that they’ve gotten their business to 180, 200, $300,000 just through referrals and leveraging their network, I would have $1 billion. Would it be only because of that? Because I hear it all the time. This inconsistency is going to lead to inconsistent leave flow and revenue that is not predictable. Let me just lean in a little bit on this one. You cannot scale to the next level with unpredictable revenue. It’s not going to happen if you are still experiencing feast or famine because your marketing and sales strategies are not supporting you at the level that you want to grow to. You’re going to need some support, right? You’re going to need a more strategic and scalable marketing and sales plan that will generate quality leads that you can nurture and convert into paying clients. You’re going to also need to really refine your sales process and look for opportunities to leverage your sales activity.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:15:30]:
Now, leveraging your sales is really going to depend whether or not you work business to business or business to consumer. But even when you work business to business, there is an opportunity for leveraged sales. Just know that the number four reason while many entrepreneurs get caught up in the 300 to 400k plateau, that millions messy middle is for fear of delegating and trusting their team. Listen, I graduated magna cum laude from if you want something done right, do it yourself University. Were you my classmate? Was that you sitting back in the back? Way in the back that never raised their hand and said anything? Listen, I get it. As entrepreneurs we often struggle with delegation. It’s our baby, right? We have such an affinity to what we are building, that we protect it. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:16:18]:
But let me just be clear at this stage, fearing that no one else can do the job that you do as well as you can will keep you doing the job. Quick story. Several years ago. So if you’ve been listening for a while and following me, then you likely know my story. If you read my book, I talk about it in the book. 2014 was our first seven figure year. 2015 our first multi seven figure year. But by 2016 my business was back down to about 600,000.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:16:47]:
I hired a team, but I didn’t really. I micromanaged. It was not warm and fuzzy. It was everything Biggie said it was going to be. It was more money and it was more problem and I hated my business. In fact, the chapter called Navigating the Millions Messy Middle in Move to Millions, the book starts out telling you about that story about how I hated my business. I hated everything about it. And I’m here to tell you that operating in a vibration of hate is counterproductive to your desire to get to and beyond the million dollar mark.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:17:20]:
Just so we’re clear, right? I, I didn’t enjoy my business. I didn’t enjoy my team. I didn’t trust them. They didn’t understand. And I held the belief in my arrogant, egotistical nature at that particular point in time in my life. I held the arrogant belief that the only way my clients would get transformation is if I was present. So I was unwilling to really trust my clients with people who could equally support them. And it killed my business.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:17:51]:
And if you feel the same way, your reluctance to delegate is going to prevent you from bringing in qualified people who can leave your business without you. I’m like really, really proud to say that I can be absent from my business. I can be on vacation and not have to check in. And money is still coming in. Clients are still being transformed because I’ve learned how to grow out of this. Because this is a real gap that has to be managed right? As a result of not trusting your team, you will be the bottleneck in your business and you will not be able to scale at the level that prevents burnout. You will burn out before you cash out. If this is the reason why you can honestly be honest with yourself, I can’t see you tell me that that’s why you’re stuck between 300 and 400,000.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:18:41]:
The number five reason why people are trying to manage this gap and stuck is mindset. Listen, getting the seven figures really requires a significant mindset uplevel and shift. You’re going to likely have limiting beliefs around money, around success, around responsibility, around your own capabilities. You might be dealing with what they call imposter syndrome. You might feel comfortable where you are, like you’ve reached the pinnacle of your success. You’ve already defied your own odds, right? You’ve already broken through your barrier. Why would you keep going? Why would you rock the boat? You might be one of those if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it kind of people. Those mindsets and that comfort zone is going to keep you from what is possible for you.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:19:32]:
You’re going to have to work through your fear of failure, your fear of success, your fear of the unknown, your fear of responsibility. Because this internal resistance is going to keep you stuck and stagnant at a plateau between 300 and 400k. And you’ll be stuck there even when you’re literally looking opportunities to go to your next level right in the eyeballs. I’m just saying number six is a misalignment of your offer to market. Offer to market misalignment is a real problem. At 300 to 400k. Your initial product or service offering may no longer be perfectly aligned to the market demand or who you want to serve in this next season. It may lack the differentiation that you really need to stand out in the very crowded, overwhelming, loud and noisy marketplace.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:20:26]:
Entrepreneurs that really want to have seven figure businesses need to evaluate their offers consistently. Consistently and determine whether or not they provide enough value and appeal to scale and that they’re set up for scale. More than likely, you might still have too many mechanisms and components in your offer that are private access. When you’re a service based entrepreneur, write this down. If you’re taking notes, you should be taking notes. Your podcast notebook should be full right now. You cannot scale private access so you’re going to need to pivot, you’re going to need to reposition, you’re going to need to reevaluate and enhance your products and services to attract the client that is ready to invest at the level that will get you to the next level. It’s going to be important that you really take time and hone in on your offer suite and look for an opportunity to make adjustments accordingly.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:21:20]:
I was number seven, I believe. Or maybe that was number six. That was number six. Number seven is lack of cash flow and or financial discipline. Listen, I get it. When you first start making more money than you ever thought was possible, more money than you made at your job or more money that you made at one time. I remember back in 2012 and I took in at that particular event a hundred thousand dollars in cash. I took all the money out of the bank.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:21:48]:
You probably have heard me share this story before if you’re an OG listener. And I took all my clothes off and rolled around in it. Yeah, because I was new money and the thought of having that much money made me want to go out and buy everything. I was not fiscally responsible. I was not a good steward at that particular point in time. And this could be you. Many entrepreneurs at this stage don’t yet have robust financial management practices in place. You might have a bookkeeper, but you don’t have a CPA and tax strategist.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:22:16]:
Are you ready for God? Girls making millions 2024 GGM is an amazing, luxurious, high end experience for the woman entrepreneur small business owner who is about their birthright, their business and their bank accounts. If you’re looking for a safe, significant and aligned space to finally unearth what your next level looks like when you no longer have to focus on making money, this is for you. Learn more and submit your application today@godgirls making the reviews are in Move to Millions the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind is a best seller with thousands of copies sold. We are raising a generation of million dollar CEOs. You got next? Grab your copy in our bonuses today@movetomillions I don’t think at 300 to 400k this is my belief other business advisors may think differently. I don’t believe you need a CFO at this point. I think that the resource that you would appropriate to a CFO should go towards talent team to free you from client service delivery and a good CPA and tax strategist will be able to support you at the level you are to get you to seven figures along with a really great business coach. Poor cash flow management, underestimating expenses or over investing and things that don’t promote growth that don’t give you a return on investment can really prevent you from being able to have the resources that you need in order to grow your business.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:23:56]:
Like hiring team, hiring people that can serve your clients so that you’re free to strategically preside over the business. You’ll need to develop a deeper understanding of your financials, you’ll need to learn how to prioritize profitability and you’ll need to create cash reserves to invest in Scaling your business I did an episode on the podcast where I talk about how I manage money. I actually did several episodes all around money management in terms of who your financial management team needs to be and so many other things. I’ll link those episodes in the show notes so that you can listen to them if you haven’t already because they will really make a difference. And how are your how you’re setting yourself up. That was number seven. Number eight is insufficient focus on leadership and leadership development. As your business grows, so does the demand for you to become a better leader.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:24:48]:
However, most business owners do not focus on leading because they’re so focused on the day to day and they they neglect their personal development as a leader. They think that they can get by on stale business coaching and consulting from years ago instead of recognizing the significance that they need to to be sitting under mentorship that is at their next level. There’s a lot of people in this coaching and consulting space that say you just need a person who’s a couple of steps ahead of you. And I do believe that there’s a time when that is true. When you are at 300 to 400k, you need a person who’s doing multiple seven figures in order to really to be able to see and help you to navigate the blind spots that are definitely going to pop up. Because I promise you, without strong leadership skills, it will be challenging to keep the team that you want to have. It’ll be challenging to make strategic decisions that move your company forward and it will be challenging to navigate the complexities that go along with scaling your business to the next level. Another reason, number nine, why this gap creates such a problem for people by 300 to 400k is I’m going to go deeper.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:26:05]:
Not just mindset, but I want to talk more about money mindset and your beliefs around money. Whether or not you hold in your cellular memory, lack or abundance will impact your ability to have more money coming to your life experience. I was having a conversation today with a potential client who just kept saying I can’t afford it, I can’t afford it, I can’t afford it. And you know you’ll have what you say, right? I believe we can afford whatever we desire and I don’t believe that that’s a ploy to just get people to invest in themselves through whatever it is that you offer. But I really do believe we can afford whatever we do we decide that we want to afford. Because many people who say that they don’t have and maybe don’t Even have cash flow, are carrying Louis Vuitton and Prada bags, wearing Gucci belts, getting out of Mercedes and BMWs. They’re living beyond their means because that is the MO of the middle class, right? Middle class people believe that they just need good credit and they need to pay their bills on time so that they can live beyond their means. Whereas it’s the wealthy class that understands you want to put more in you than you put on you.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:27:15]:
And you want to create an environment for your money to make you money and owning those things. Get them. Listen, if you need to get it out your system, get them. I got a Gucci belt, I got the things. But I decided instead of continuing to invest in Louis Vuitton bags, I would buy stock in Louis Vuitton. So what I do now is instead of buying another bag, I take what I was going to spend on a bag and I get some stock in that so that my money can make me money. And I’m glad I got Louis when I did because the stock was doing pretty well. I haven’t checked it in a few days, but it was doing really well.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:27:50]:
So that’s the number nine reason is the, the money mindset and the lack that’s trapped in your cellular memory. And then the number 10 reason, which is also going to go back to mindset is you feel like you’ve reached your pinnacle. Even though you have visions of millions, you don’t really believe that you deserve them. And because you don’t really believe that you deserve them, that’s why they’re not flowing easily and effortlessly to you. Money is always available. It never stops flowing, except for when we do certain things that stop the flow. Right? So you are creating the gap that you need to create. You need to actually manage.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:28:29]:
Right? But I’m a hook you up because I have five things that you can do to turn your gaps into a gateway. Number one, you can shift from being a doer and really step into being the CEO of your company. Most entrepreneurs at this level experience the plateau because they get stuck in doer mindset doing all the things, handling the day to day tasks themselves rather than leading strategically. But by shifting first into a CEO mindset and then into CEO action, it’s going to involve that you step back, it’s going to involve that you delegate, that you focus on high level strategy and growth, right? So once you do that, you can really make a shift. So how might you do this? Let’s put it into action. I want you to take some time and do a Time study. I want you to assess where you’re spending most of your time right now. I want you to identify the twenty dollars, the two hundred dollars and the two thousand dollar tasks that you are doing that you could delegate so that you are free to do the $20,000 tasks.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:33]:
You need to identify the tasks that can be delegated so that you can focus more on strategy vision and scaling the company Number two To turn your gaps into gateways, you’re going to have to evaluate and optimize your offer suite. At this stage you’re going to have to refine your core offer or create a new higher end offer that will accelerate your revenue growth. The reviews are in Move to Millions the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease and instead of hustle and Grind is a best seller with thousands of copies sold. We are raising a generation of million dollar CEOs. You got next. Grab your copy and our bonuses today at movetomillions Book. Com.

Speaker B [00:30:24]:
Want to know what it’s like to work with me and the incredible Factor University coaching team? You can get started today with the move to millions 90 day business growth planner. 90 days at a time you’ll be setting your business on a trajectory that will make the Move to Millions happen much faster for you. It’s got everything that you need to track.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:30:44]:
Every strategy, every sale, all of your.

Speaker B [00:30:46]:
KPIs as well as your self care and life transformational needs. We made sure we left nothing out of this amazing planner and by accessing the planner you’ll get a behind the scenes view of what it’s like to work with me and my team. Go grab yours today at we.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:05]:
Have been having conversations with many of our clients because of the market that we’re in. Clients that work business to consumer or business to entrepreneur about expanding their offer suite and creating an offer that is at a lower price point that allows them to start the relationship with a potential client to move them into a higher end offer. I call this the reservoir strategy. Right? So what does this look like in action? First, you might need to conduct some primary market research and gather some feedback so that you have a firm understanding on how to really enhance and reposition your offers to maximize growth and value so that people can see themselves investing at that level without question. Because people are still spending money in this marketplace, they just might not be spending it with you. It’s something you’re saying or not saying in the sales conversation that really creates that environment. So part of this evaluation and optimization of your offer and offer suite is going to be understanding the sales conversation, what it needs to look like, and how you might need to practice and get some support around being able to sell and sell strategically within your business. Number three, to turn your gaps into gateways is you’re going to have to systematize and automate your operational infrastructure.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:32:19]:
Lack of the right systems will cause bottlenecks that will prevent you from being able to go to the next level and scale. But implementing the right process is the right process flows, the right procedures, the right technology, the right automation tools, the right standard automation procedures that will free up time and resources that will allow you to focus on growth to move your business forward. So what does this look like in practice? You’re going to need to identify tasks that you or others on your team are finding themselves doing over and over and over and one more time after that, and evaluate what tools or software you can put in place to help to automate those tasks. You’re going to have to start creating standard operating procedures so that you have consistency of process and flow, no matter who is performing the tasks within the organization. Number four, you’re going to have to leverage strategic marketing and sales. Getting beyond 300 to $400,000 a year is often going to require that you shift out of word of mouth referral based marketing into more strategic and scalable marketing approaches. You’re going to have to focus on developing a clear and consistent marketing strategy that builds your brand equity and authority and drives a steady stream of leads, qualified leads, into your ecosystem. What does this look like in practice? You’re going to need a very clear content marketing distribution plan.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:33:42]:
You’re going to need to optimize your sales process and your business success formula or funnel. And you’re going to have to invest in scalable marketing opportunities, tactics and strategies like paid ads and partnerships, and potentially influencer marketing and sponsorships in order to get in the places where you can find those who are willing to invest in themselves at the level that is required for you to go to the next level. And number five, you’re going to have to build and equip and empower your team to operate with or without your presence. A great team is absolutely essential for scaling. I say all the time. You cannot scale without systems and support. So by focusing on hiring and developing the right talent who really does align with your vision, operates in honesty and integrity and can drive growth is critical to your business’s success. I can remember many times, personally I can think of team Member or not team members, clients that we’ve worked with, that the difference that was made for them was bringing on the right team.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:34:47]:
So what does this look like in practice? I want you to perform a team audit. Who’s on your team right now? What are they doing? What are the gaps that exist amongst your team that is requiring you to fill in those gaps? And then I want you to consider hiring and getting support. You need to hire, working with an HR consultant, perhaps maybe even hiring a recruiter to hire on your behalf because you’re already doing all the other things. So someone else is going to need to do the things that are going to make the difference. Consider hiring strategically for the roles that will directly impact growth. Hire for those roles first. And not just tactician roles. Every single role in your company needs to be able to produce a 3-10x to your business’s bottom line based on the salary that you’ve appropriated to pay them for you to be able to validate and to ensure that their presence is going to make a difference.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:40]:
As you continue to scale by investing in team development and fostering a culture of accountability and excellence, you can begin to see a shift and turn those gaps into gateways. I said a lot. Listen, I know this was a lot. Right now, as we are Preparing to finalize 2024, I’ve opened up some space on my calendar to do a few VIP days and some 90 minute sessions to help you to get the clarity that you need to go to the next level. If this is something that is of interest to you, shoot me a DM. Go to and let’s have a conversation about how we can support you to turn your gaps into gateways to manage the gap that you’re experiencing right now so that you can blow the roof off your plateau and position your business for millions. I know what’s possible for you. I know that it can happen quickly, like it has for many, many of our clients that have come to us around that 300 to $400,000 a year mark.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:36:42]:
And within a year, two years tops, they are making millions in their business and they are sustaining it over time because we help them put the right systems and infrastructure in place to support their growth as a leader, as a CEO and the teams that they’re building in the process. I know what’s possible. I know what it looks like to manage the gap. I’m not new to this. I’m true to this. This is what I do all day long and twice on Sunday. So I encourage you to reach out to get the support that you need. It would be my pleasure to have the conversation and see if we’re the right fit to do the work together, because that’s what’s important to me.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:37:18]:
I only invite clients to hire me that I’m 100% confident that I can help them to experience the result that they want to make possible for them. And nothing will bring me more joy than to hold that space for you. So reach out if now is the time for us to do some amazing work to get you out of that plateau and to manage the gap and get you to your next level. And I’ll see you guys next time. Take care. Thank you for joining me for the.

Speaker B [00:37:43]:
Move to Millions podcast.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:37:44]:
If this episode has impacted you in.

Speaker B [00:37:47]:
Any way, would you please take a moment and rate and review? Doing so helps us to deepen our.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:37:53]:
Impact and expand our reach around the world. And if you are ready to start your very own Move to Millions, I highly recommend that you order your very.

Speaker B [00:38:02]:
Own copy of my brand new best selling book, Move to Millions, the proven.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:38:07]:
Framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind.

Speaker B [00:38:13]:
You can get your copy and our bonuses today@movetomillions until next time.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:38:20]:
Remember, millions are your birthright and to.

Speaker B [00:38:23]:
Access them you need only Move.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:38:26]:
I’ll see you next time.
