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Ep 235 – Move to Millions Minute: I Embody Excellence & Authenticity

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Each week, I will release an affirmation of the week to help you to continue to MOVE your business toward the million-dollar mark.  Affirmations are typically supplied by our Move to Millions Million Dollar CEO Affirmation Cards available at but this week, I am free styling.

This week’s Million Dollar CEO Affirmation:

“As I lead my business, I embody the essence of excellence and authenticity. My vision is clear, my passion unwavering, and my actions aligned with my highest self. Each decision I make is infused with purpose and integrity, reflecting the values that define the soul of my enterprise. I strive tirelessly to be the best version of myself, knowing that my growth as a leader directly impacts the success of my business. With every challenge I face, I rise stronger and more resilient, guided by my commitment to continuous improvement and unwavering dedication. I am the driving force behind my business’s success, and I radiate positivity, inspiration, and possibility in all that I do.

I personally define being a leader as being someone worth following. When you operation in excellence, authenticity and integrity, others will rally behind you and follow your lead.  A good friend and client, Attiyah Blair says “people follow those who feed them,” When you show up to offer something of significance to others, they will walk along side of you to help you to accomplish your biggest goals and dreams. As we enter and take up space in the 5th month of the year 2024, I challenge you to show up in excellence, authenticity and integrity.  It will intensify your journey and enrich every area of your life. Affirm with me this week:

“As I lead my business, I embody the essence of excellence and authenticity. My vision is clear, my passion unwavering, and my actions aligned with my highest self. Each decision I make is infused with purpose and integrity, reflecting the values that define the soul of my enterprise. I strive tirelessly to be the best version of myself, knowing that my growth as a leader directly impacts the success of my business. With every challenge I face, I rise stronger and more resilient, guided by my commitment to continuous improvement and unwavering dedication. I am the driving force behind my business’s success, and I radiate positivity, inspiration, and possibility in all that I do.

Your journal prompts this week are:

  1. When I am embodying the essence of authenticity, I…
  2. My vision is clear and taking me to…
  3. With every challenge I face, I rise stronger and…

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Darnyelle [00:00:03]:
You’re listening to the Move to Millions Minute on the Move to Millions Podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. Welcome back to another episode of the move to millions Minutes on the Move to Millions Podcast. I am your host, Dr. l Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. Y’all know me, but just in case this happens to be your very first time listening, my work is at the convergence of spiritual principles, business growth strategy and financial literacy. I am called to entrepreneurs. I believe that entrepreneurship is the vehicle that God created for us to experience the abundance for which he sent his son. And in this work, I believe that you do not have to choose, that you can love God and make millions of dollars, that they are not mutually exclusive. In fact, God wants you to have wealth and abundance.

Darnyelle [00:01:07]:
It’s why 2300 times in the Bible he talked about wealth, money and possessions, and only 15 times did he get into poverty. Now here we’re on a mission to help our clients make the move to millions. And millions was never about just one. It is the starting point. It is the floor of your business to get to seven figures. But your ultimate goal is to make multiple seven or eight figures. Joining the ranks of the top 4.2% of all businesses, 1.9% of women owned business, and .5% of black women owned businesses. We are here to help you and that is why we invite you to go to right now so that you can learn all the ways that we can equip you to make move and leave millions.

Darnyelle [00:01:57]:
Every Wednesday we pop in with this quick dose of inspiration. All surrendered. Let’s do that again. All surrounded by one of our affirmations for million dollar CEO’s. Now, here’s what I know. You have to see it before you see it, so that you get to experience it. So I am talking to the million dollar CEO in you. I am talking to the multimillion dollar CEO in you.

Darnyelle [00:02:23]:
Every time I give you something to affirm over yourself, as we bring this to you every single week, we’ll share the affirmation. I’ll pontificate for a few Minutes, and then I will give you three journal prompts so that you can finish this week one move closer to your million or multimillion dollar business. Let’s jump into this week’s million dollar CEO affirmation. As I lead my business, I embody the essence of excellence and authenticity. My vision is clear, my passion unwavering, and my actions aligned with my highest self. Each decision I make is infused with purpose and integrity. Reflecting the values that define the soul of my enterprise. I strive tirelessly to be the best version of myself, knowing that my growth as a leader directly impacts the success of my business.

Darnyelle [00:03:22]:
With every challenge I face, I rise stronger and more resilient, guided by my commitment to continuous improvement and unwavering dedication. I am the driving force behind my business’s success, and I radiate positivity, inspiration, and possibility in all that I do. Is your body tingling like my body is? Or maybe it’s just my body. We know that we are energetic beings having a human experience, and the words that we speak over our life determine the rate at which we vibrate. And the higher our vibration, the sooner abundance spring forth in our life experience. And so I want you to think about the words that are proceeding out of my mouth and coming into your life experience as you think about your business, your vision for your business, and what it is that you most desire to experience as a result of having made the decision to build a business that serves you both financially and spiritually. I remember when incredible one enterprises was really just a thought construct. I was finishing my second pink cadillac.

Darnyelle [00:04:34]:
Many of you, if you’ve been an OG listener, you’ve heard this story before. It was September 30, 2007, and we worked really, really hard, y’all. We grinded it out to produce the extra $60,000 that we needed in production in order to finish that pink Cadillac. I’ve always believed that when God gives you something, it won’t need batteries. And when I had to work really hard, like pushing a boulder uphill hard, in order to experience that milestone, I knew that that was the beginning of the end of my time in Mary Kay cosmetics. And so that night, as tired as I was, as I was preparing the doze off to sleep, I literally prayed quickly to God and said, God, show me what it is that you have next for me. I did not expect God to speak so quickly, but I am so grateful that he did. Because as I awoke the next morning, I had a full remembrance of watching myself, just as fine as I want to be, walk into a building that had a marquee that read incredible one enterprises.

Darnyelle [00:05:42]:
I remember grabbing my journal first thing in the morning and writing down, as I often do when I am actively journaling what is incredible one enterprises and sitting and waiting until my spirit gave me the answer, which was the very first iteration of what is today our award winning, multimillion dollar company. Yo, it all starts by embodying the essence of excellence and authenticity. It’s about having a clear vision and being so passionate about what it is that you’re doing that no one can talk you out of knowing that that is part of your next level. That is the conviction with which you are going to build, scale and sustain this business to and beyond the million dollar mark. I can feel it in my bones. I can feel it in my spirit. I get so excited thinking about you defying the odds and the statistics and building a business that serves you that has profit enough for you to build a financial legacy to shift the trajectory of your family. I’m talking about getting to the point where your family experiences the level of wealth that is commensurate with that of the Rockefellers or the Vanderbilts or any of those old school names of wealth that we know and probably have secretly prayed or aspired to get anywhere close to possible through your business.

Darnyelle [00:07:16]:
At the point at which it makes sense for us to have a conversation of what it would be like to support you as you endeavor to experience the growth. Please visit so that you can learn about all the ways that we are helping companies just like yours make, move, and leave millions. But now I want you to affirm with me one more time this week’s million dollar CEO affirmation. As I lead my business, I embody the essence of excellence and authenticity. My vision is clear, my passion unwavering, and my actions aligned with my highest self. Each decision I make is infused with purpose and integrity, reflecting the values that define the soul of my enterprise. I strive tirelessly to be the best version of myself, knowing that my growth as a leader directly impacts the success of my business. With every challenge I face, I rise stronger and more resilient, guided by my commitment to continuous improvement and unwavering dedication.

Darnyelle [00:08:25]:
I am the driving force behind my business’s success, and I radiate positivity, inspiration, and possibility in all that I do. And these are your journal prompts. Number one, when I am embodying the essence of excellence and authenticity, I. Number two, my vision is clear and taking me to. And number three, with every challenge I face, I rise stronger. And I know that these three prompts are going to lead you to an amazing discovery this week of what is waiting for you as you continue to show up fully, fully embody the essence of who you were called to be and consistently move in the direction of your million dollar company. I’ll see you guys next time. Take care.

Darnyelle [00:09:19]:
While we are on this quick commercial break, let me take this opportunity to remind you that when it comes to making the move to millions. We’ve got you covered. I created my proven framework, the move to millions method, to help you simplify, scale and sustain a company that serves you financially and spiritually. From the book to the planner to our live event and tons of free cheat sheets to help you plan, prepare and position your company to make millions. We are your full service resource. Learn more now by visiting Thank you for listening to the move to millions Minute on the move to millions Podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. If you enjoyed this quick episode, do yourself a favor.

Darnyelle [00:10:09]:
Subscribe, rate and review so that you never miss a Minute of anything that we have for you on your own. Move to millions and until we meet again, remember, millions are your birthright and to access them, you need only move.
