Check out our latest Podcast episode!

The Worthiness Debate


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Welcome to season 2 of the Leverage Your Incredible Factor Podcast!  Not only is 2020 the Year of Next level Everything, but this ENTIRE season of the podcast, our theme and focus is about taking everything for you to the next level.

If you are struggling to take your business to the next level, I bet that part of the challenge is that you are unsure if you are worthy of next level success.  If you think that, you wouldn’t be alone.  I use to feel the same way and everyday I talk with entrepreneurs who can’t bring themselves to raise their rates, go after their dream clients or take a leap of faith in their businesses all because of this six letter word that has kept more people stalled in their business: worthy.  Listen to me:  your next level everything starts in your mind and if you don’t believe that you are worthy then you will continue to muddle in mediocrity. But take a listen to this episode and see if you still feel unworthy when it’s over.

In this episode, I keep it real with you – you are worthy and I will prove it.  And I will also share my top three tips for raising your deserve level so that you can finally take your life and business to the next level.

This episode is powered by Breakthrough in Business 2020: Next Level Everything happening this May 20-22, 2020 in Wilmington, DE.  To learn more, visit

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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those.

Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
