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Lucinda Cross: Adjusting the Vision


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 “My vision made me a threat.”  Lucinda Cross

About our Guest:

Lucinda Cross, known as the Chief Activator is THE VOICE of this generation. CEO of Activate Worldwide  and founder of Activate Your Life 501c3. Lucinda is a TEDx speaker, an accomplished best-selling author with 5 self-published books under her name. Recipient of the Life Time Achievement Award from former President Barack Obama. She is a highly sought after International Speaker and Lifestyle Business Coach, crisscrossing the country weekly delivering her high impact, anticipated words of wisdom, self-discovery, and strategy.

Lucinda’s story is compelling. It’s one of triumph and overcoming odds to regain her rightful place in life. It’s a story of using all of your life experiences to inspire thousands. Lucinda Cross helps women turn their stories into brand-able, marketable and scalable business models.

Episode Summary

Is what is happening in the world today clouding your vision?  Perhaps it’s making you question if you’re where you should be and if you can really pull off what you think. In today’s episode, I sit down with Motivational Superstar Lucinda Cross and man, are you in for a treat.  We already know that right now, people are scurrying to and fro, with waning visions.  Lucinda, who has kept her  vision during times when most of us wouldn’t have been able to see our way through, sheds some light on the best way to adjust your vision for a time such as this. If you’re questioning who you need to become, what you need to do and how you should be showing up RIGHT NOW to actualize your vision during this season, this episode is for you.  Listen in to discover:

– The 3 step process that took Lucinda from prison to her own powerful platform 

– What to do when you don’t understand your value

– Why everyone must become their own best client if they truly want to actualize their vision

– How to let go of the guilt associated with playing smaller than you know you were born to play

Powerful Quotes From Lucinda During the Episode:

  • “Although I was first, I was last.”  Lucinda Cross
  • “My vision made me a threat.”  Lucinda Cross
  • “I am more than my number.”  Lucinda Cross
  • “Unless you learn the language of wealth, you won’t experience wealth.” Lucinda Cross
  • “Everyone has a fab five – faith, family, friends, finance and fitness.” Lucinda Cross

Lucinda’s Incredible Factor Wisdom Questions:

Last book Lucinda read:  The Big Ask by Lucinda Cross

Favorite Quote:   “If at first you don’t success, try and try again.”  Unknown

Tool Lucinda can’t live without to grow her business:    A Financial Advisor and Accountant

How to Connect with Lucinda Cross:




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