Check out our latest Podcast episode!

Low Ticket Wonder


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“Being a low ticket wonder without a CLEAR strategy is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in your business right now.”

One of the biggest questions circling in the minds of small business owners right now is whether or not they should lower their prices to stay relevant.  And while you might not like her answer, Darnyelle has dedicated an entire episode to help you navigate pricing during the pandemic. The fact is, not everyone is struggling right now and if you lower your prices, your brand could suffer.  Before deciding which road to take in your business, Darnyelle will share each of the three pricing strategies with you so that in deciding you are doing so through the lens of business owner and not fear and panic stricken person. Listen in to discover:

– Why lowering your prices right now may do more harm than good to your business’ long term growth goals

– Which pricing strategy is right for your business, right now

– #1 reason people lower their prices and why this should not be the reason that you do

This episode is powered by the Profitable Pivot Masterclasses.  If you know that you need some support pivoting the core components of your business (messaging, marketing and sales) join Darnyelle LIVE as she teaches five powerful classes the week of April 13th

Powerful quotes from the episode:

  • “Lowering your prices without a clear strategy will leave money on the table.” Darnyelle Jervey Harmon
  • “God didn’t create you to settle for what you can get; He created you to experience abundance.” Darnyelle Jervey Harmon
  • “Pricing your services just for the pandemic might be the biggest mistake you ever make when it comes to pricing in your business.” Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

Want more of Darnyelle?

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 Join is at Breakthrough in Business: Next Level Everything this Fall

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