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Ep 279 – Move to Millions Minute: I Feel Safe With Money

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The Move to Millions Minute is powered by Plan for Millions 2.0  

Each week, I will release an affirmation of the week to help you to continue to MOVE your business toward the million-dollar mark.  Affirmations are supplied by our Move to Millions Million Dollar CEO Affirmation Cards available at 

“I feel safe and secure around money, knowing it is a tool for creating abundance and leaving a lasting financial legacy. My nervous system is calm and resilient, allowing me to navigate financial decisions with confidence and ease. I release any fears or limiting beliefs about wealth, embracing a mindset of abundance and possibility. I trust in my ability to manage my finances wisely, knowing that each choice I make contributes to my legacy of prosperity. As a million-dollar CEO, I cultivate a healthy relationship with money, allowing it to flow freely and support my mission. I am anchored in my purpose, and I confidently build a future that reflects my values and aspirations.”

In this week’s full episode, I sit down with Kate Northrup and we talk about feeling safe with money. Click the link to listen to the full episode.

Affirm with me:

“I feel safe and secure around money, knowing it is a tool for creating abundance and leaving a lasting financial legacy. My nervous system is calm and resilient, allowing me to navigate financial decisions with confidence and ease. I release any fears or limiting beliefs about wealth, embracing a mindset of abundance and possibility. I trust in my ability to manage my finances wisely, knowing that each choice I make contributes to my legacy of prosperity. As a million-dollar CEO, I cultivate a healthy relationship with money, allowing it to flow freely and support my mission. I am anchored in my purpose, and I confidently build a future that reflects my values and aspirations.”

Journal Prompts:

  1. I feel safe with money because…
  2. When I think about having more money than I need, I feel…
  3. I embody access to wealth at all times by…

I know these three journal prompts will enhance how you finish this week.

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Episode 278 Kate Northrup: Feeling Rich  

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Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:02]:
You’re listening to the Move to Millions Minute on the Move to Millions podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. It’s time for another Move to Millions Minute on the Move to Millions podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Darnyelle God girl, business growth strategist, eight figure entrepreneur, the best selling author of Move to Millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustling grind. The CEO of Incredible one enterprises and the creator of the move to millions, sell millions and lead millions methods. I am the absolute best at combining spiritual principles with business growth strategy so that our clients are equipped to scale and sustain businesses that serve them financially and spiritually. And you know I’ve got the receipts to prove it. Our move to millions method has created 45 1st time and 25 next time. Seven Figure CEO’s since 2021.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:01:05]:
If you run a business that is not making seven figures and you know that you were born to, I invite you right now to stop what you’re doing and to go to to learn more about our business advisory programs. I am excited to be back with you for another Wednesday and another powerful affirmation to set you on a trajectory to shift your life because of your business and to move you towards that coveted seven figure, million dollar mark. Here’s the thing we know, and we’ve seen the statistics around small business that tell us that 4.2% of all the businesses, there are 33 million small businesses in the United States, generate seven figures a year, 1.9% for women .9% for black entrepreneurs and .5% for black women entrepreneurs. I exist to change the statistics. We recently got a raise as black women. According to Wells Fargo and their report that came out earlier this year, black women now are earning $47,000 a year on average in their businesses to white women who are earning $192,600. This has got to shift little by little, client by client. I am on a mission to do my part, which is why we are 70 entrepreneurs deep crossing and sustaining million dollar businesses to this point.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:02:35]:
So I’m excited that you are here. I like to use this midweek episode as an opportunity to ground in an affirmation based on our full length episode. So if you have not yet listened to this week’s episode with Kate Northrup, y’all, we got all the way into feeling rich. Oh, it was so good. Don’t worry, I’ve got a link to the episode in the show notes for you. I love Kate, the way that she makes me feel she just immediately is like a nervous system regulator. She is so clear and focused and intentional about holding space for entrepreneurs and women especially, to feel good, to feel safe, to feel worthy of having plenty of money. I had the opportunity to be on her podcast plenty earlier this year.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:03:30]:
It was a magical conversation, so much so that I could not wait to host her on this very podcast. I promise you, take the time to listen to the conversation. There were so many powerful, juicy life, business, money changing nuggets that came out of the conversation. We talked a lot about the nervous system and the importance of making sure that you put yourself in a position to feel safe, she said. We cannot feel good without first feeling safe. And I promise you that your money will continue to be funny until you start feeling safe around money. One of the things that I’ve realized is I’ve been spending a lot of time in and around money and helping our clients to get ready for, to get prepared for millions because there’s a whole thing that needs to happen for you to prepare for millions long before you actually are moving to millions, right? Like I think about first really helping clients plan, right? Like plan for millions. But then you’ve got to prepare.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:33]:
You’ve got to do the mental work, you’ve got to do the internal work to actually move yourself into the position to bring millions into your business, and then you can actually profit millions. It’s a whole thing. Speaking of which, I’m going to be hosting plan for millions 2.03 days of powerful content beginning October 22. If you have not yet registered, go to plan for plan the number four in this conversation with Kate, we talked about the feeling of richness, and that’s why I named the episode this. So I want you to listen, because if you can embody the feeling of safety and wholeness as it pertains to money, I promise you your money will move much faster. I created a powerful affirmation for this week just to anchor in this episode with Kate, and I know you’re going to love it.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:26]:
So take a quick minute, clear your palette, and get ready to affirm with me. This week’s powerful affirmation all in and around. Feeling safe around money. Here we go. I feel safe and secure around money, knowing it is a tool for creating abundance and leaving a lasting financial legacy. My nervous system is calm and resilient, allowing me to navigate financial decisions with confidence and ease. I release any fears or limiting beliefs about wealth, embracing a mindset of abundance and possibility. I trust in my ability to manage my finances wisely, knowing that each choice I make contributes to my legacy of prosperity.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:06:09]:
As a million dollar CEO, I cultivate a healthy relationship with money, allowing it to flow freely and support my mission. I am anchored in my purpose and I confidently build a future that reflects my values and my aspirations because I feel safe around money. Listen, your ability to feel safe is what heightens your ability to expand your capacity. The reason you are not achieving more money is because right now, the thought of having more than you actually need still is anchored into feeling greedy and being evil, and that does not make you feel safe. And if you don’t first feel safe, you will not feel in position to bring more than you need, more than you can invest, spend or save or give to others into your life and business. So I want you to affirm with me, I feel safe and secure around money, knowing that it is a tool for creating abundance and leaving a lasting financial legacy. My nervous system is calm and resilient, allowing me to navigate financial decisions with confidence and ease. I release any fears or limiting beliefs about wealth, embracing a mindset of abundance and possibility.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:07:28]:
I trust in my ability to manage my finances wisely, knowing that each choice I make contributes to the legacy of prosperity. As a million dollar CEO, I cultivate a healthy relationship with money, allowing it to flow freely and support my mission. I am anchored in my purpose and I confidently build a future that reflects my values and aspirations because I feel safe around money and your journal prompts number one, I feel safe with money because number two, when I think about having more money than I need, I feel. And number three, I embody access to wealth at all times. By I know these three journal prompts are going to help you to anchor in a feeling of safety when it comes to money. Remember ecclesiastes ten and 19 says money answereth all things. All things. And your ability to leverage access to money is tied to your ability to feel safe around money.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:08:30]:
Here’s two feeling safe and knowing that having access to money is the answer to all things. I’ll see you guys next time. Take care. Hey God girl, have you attended event after event looking for an up leveled conversation and community only to realize you’ve outgrown the rooms you used to frequently? For inspiration and implementation, I want to invite you to spend three days immersing yourself in a safe, aligned and significant space where you can have the deep, vulnerable and transparent conversations about what life beyond the money really looks like. For the first time, maybe ever, you can have the conversations that really shift the way you show up in every area of your life and focus on getting access to more. More freedom, more expression, more self care, more meaning, more alignment, and more connections. God, girls, making millions is the only room of its kind for you to finally unearth what is burgeoning for your next level. Learn more and submit your application [email protected].

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:09:40]:
dot do you know that you are meant to make millions of dollars a year in your business, but do you also feel like doing so is a million miles away? That’s because you don’t have your plan for millions. And I’m not just talking about grabbing your calculator and dividing a million by twelve months to learn that it’ll take $83,333.33 a month because we can all do that math. The fact of the matter is this, you need a plan. But not just any plan. A plan that is backed by a fresh approach based on this market to make the move to millions. I want to invite you to spend three days with me at my plan for millions 2.0 workshop where I’ll show you how to leverage and scale to add another zero to your business’s bottom line. If you could get excited about getting access to a proven pricing and profitability formula and the critical systems that your business needs to stop wasting time and to start maximizing both your productivity and your profitability, and you are ready to once and for all uncovered the gaps that exist in your operational infrastructure so that you can create a plan to turn those gaps into gateways. Then stop what you’re doing right now and go to dot.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:10:52]:
That’s plan the number four and I’ll see you at my brand new three day workshop. Thank you for listening to the move to millions minute on the Move to Millions podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. If you enjoyed this quick episode, do yourself a favor, subscribe, rate and review so that you never miss a minute of anything that we have for you on your own. Move to millions and until we meet again, remember, millions are your birthright and to access them you need only move. Don’t.
