Ep 278 – Kate Northrup: Feeling Rich

About Our Guest:
As an entrepreneur, bestselling author, and mother, Kate Northrup has built a multimedia digital platform called The Origin Company that reaches hundreds of thousands globally. She’s committed to supporting ambitious women to light up the world without burning themselves out. Kate teaches data and soul-driven time and energy management practices that result in saving time, making more money, and experiencing less stress. She’s the author of Money: A Love Story and Do Less and the creator of the Do Less Planner System. Kate’s work has been featured by Oprah Daily, The Today Show, Yahoo! Finance, Women’s HealthGlamourThe NY TimesHarvard Business Review, and more. She lives with her husband and their daughters in Miami.

Episode Summary:

This episode is powered by Plan for Millions 2.0

“Pleasure is a way to trick your body into feeling safe.” Kate Northrup

Let’s be clear, when people say, “it’s not about the money,” what they mean is that they haven’t yet found a way to feel safe with and around money.  Because the fact of the matter is just as Ecclesiastes 10:19 says money answers ALL things. All things.  Often, people sabotage their ability to generate large amounts of money because having access to more money than they “need” doesn’t feel normal or safe, based on the way they were raised and socialized to think and relate to money.

Here’s the thing: if you are an entrepreneur, you’re in business to make money and more importantly to make more money that is required to operate your business so that you experience profit.

Depending on how you were raised, this may be the reason you’ve yet to cross 7 figures, and to help you make a powerful shift, I sit down with Kate Northrup in this juicy episode, and we talk all things money, safety, your nervous system and feeling rich.

If you are ready to upgrade your money backstory and experience financial wellbeing, grab your pen and Move to Millions Podcast Notebook and listen in to discover:

  • 5 ways to heal your nervous system
  • How to shift beyond survival and give yourself permission to feel sale and expansive around money
  • Tips for centering the body
  • How to use your body to feel wealthy
  • And so much more

Powerful Quotes from The Episode:

  • We can’t feel good without first feeling safe.”
  • “Pleasure is a great way to trick your nervous system into seeing a new experience as safe.”
  • “If we could get people to realize that money is a game, it would expand their capacity to allow more into their life.”
  • “Mindset alone accounts for only 20% of your power; the rest comes from your body’s communication with your brain.”
  • “Creating new neural pathways is energy-intensive but essential for changing your financial reality and welcoming abundance.”
  • “Our financial reality is deeply connected to our physical sensations, emotions, and the state of our nervous system
  • “Societal systems, like the birth industrial complex, are ingrained with a sense of lack and mistrust in the body, which contrasts with a naturally abundant state.”
  • “I have a unique ability to identify financial opportunities and obstacles for my clients. This allows them to leverage their strengths and scale their businesses effectively.”
  • “Focus on breathing into your lower back ribs to enhance relaxation and increase your capacity to receive wealth.”
  • “Grounding in nature and engaging in sensory experiences can help you achieve a parasympathetic, regulated state.”
  • “We can’t feel good without first feeling safe. Moving your body daily signals safety and allows for experiences of pleasure and abundance.”
  • If we could get people to realize that money is a game, it would expand their capacity to allow more into their life.”
  • “Understanding the nervous system for personal and financial growth can make the journey much easier and more fulfilling.”
  • “‘What is easy is sustainable; birds coast when they can.’ Understanding and healing the nervous system allows for ease and coasting in life.”
  • “Creating new neural pathways is energy-intensive and can cause resistance, but metabolizing stress can increase your capacity for change.”

Move to Millions Wisdom Questions:

Book: Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds Adrienne Maree Brown
Favorite Quote: “What is easy is sustainable birds coast when they can

Tool Kate Swears By: Nervous System Healing

How to Connect with Kate Northrup:

  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katenorthrup/
  • Website: https://katenorthrup.com/

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Kate Northrop [00:00:00]:
What is easy is sustainable birds coast when they can because the tool is nervous system healing. The tool is signaling to our body that we are safe so that we can coast and allow things to be as easy as possible.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:00:19]:
You’re listening to the Move to Millions Podcast with Dr. Darnyelle J. Harmon. If you’re ready for high level conversations that position and prepare you to move your company cash flow and connection to, to and beyond the million dollar mark, let’s get this party started. Welcome back to the Move to Millions Podcast. If this is your very first time here, welcome. I am so positive that this will not be your last. I am your host, Dr. Darnyelle God girl, business growth strategist, eight figure entrepreneur, bestselling author of Move to Millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustling grind, the CEO of Incredible one Enterprises and the creator of the Move to Millions, sell millions and lead millions methods. I am a disruptor and status quo Crusher and I love ushering you into abundance financially and spiritually.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:01:16]:
My Move to Millions method has created 45 1st time seven figure CEO’s and 25 next time seven figure CEO’s since 2021. If you are here and you know that you should be running a seven figure business, then I want you to visit movetomillions.com so that you can learn how we can position you for millions. And while you’re there, if you don’t have a copy of my best selling book Move to Millions, you might as well pick one up. I am excited. Before we jump into today’s episode, I do need you to do me a favor. I need you to help me expand the reach of this Podcast. You come back every single week and listen to these amazing, powerful episodes. Would you please take a few seconds and rate and review the episode on Apple Podcasts or wherever you might be listening today? Doing so will help more people hear about this show, the amazing content that I share and the life changing defining moment gems that I drop that will help you to make more money without compromising what’s most important to you with grace and ease instead of hustling grind.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:02:29]:
Thank you so much in advance. I am so excited for you. I have an amazing guest to share with you today. When I first met this amazing woman that we’re going to spend some time with, she immediately made me feel at ease. Have you ever walked into a room and you’ve been in a space and you’ve been around a person whose energy is all inspiring and calming all at the same time? I hope you are excited because I’m going to introduce you to Kate Northrop. If you know Kate, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. She is a phenom and powerhouse on a mission to help you leverage how to shift your relationship with money and time so that you can step into greater abundance. Listen, she will help you heal your relationship with money because when you do, everything else in your life becomes infinitely easier and richer.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:03:32]:
This conversation is a godsend. Her ability and her knowledge of your nervous system. She calls herself a nervous system alchemist and a money empowerment Ogden is designed to really help you go to the next level without having to having to compromise what’s most important to you in the process. And by finally, once and for all, shifting your relationship with money. I know the things we talk about around here go against everything you were taught to believe about money. And it is time that you finally stepped into the abundance that is your birthright. Kate’s conversation, it was just amazing. It was so beautiful.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:11]:
I cannot wait for you to hear it. I don’t even want to spend any more time talking about how great it was. I’m going to come back on the other side. So here’s what I need you to do. I need you to stand up unless you’re driving as you listen. And I want you to just shake your body. Just move your body. Just get in the flow of regulating your nervous system.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:04:31]:
Then sit back down, grab your Move to Millions Podcast notebook, your favorite pen, and make sure you’ve got some water nearby so that you can keep the flow circulating and the abundance coming into your life experience. And let’s jump into my conversation with the Kate Northrop. Kate Northrop. Oh, I am so excited to have you here on the Move to Millions Podcast. How are you today?

Kate Northrop [00:04:58]:
I am so good. I’m so happy to be talking to you.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:02]:
Oh my gosh, I just love you so much. Can we just start there for a second?

Kate Northrop [00:05:06]:
I love you too.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:07]:
Your energy is. I don’t even know if I can find the word to describe how you make me feel. Like I literally came on the zoom and you were there and you are just a ray of sunshine. And my shoulders just kind of relaxed a little bit.

Kate Northrop [00:05:22]:
Love hearing.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:23]:
So thank you for holding that space for me.

Kate Northrop [00:05:25]:
It is an absolute pleasure and honor.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:28]:
Yes. So take just a quick moment and let everybody know who you are in your own words.

Kate Northrop [00:05:33]:
I am a writer. I’ve published a couple of books. Money, a love story and do less writing is my favorite thing, only paralleled with hanging out with amazing people like you. And I teach people how to heal their relationship with money through an embodied approach that prioritizes the nervous system. Yeah, I’m a mom, run my company with my husband. I live in Miami.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:05:58]:
Nice, nice, nice, nice night. So right off the bat, and as I was thinking about our time together today, and I just told you before we started recording that I don’t, you know, I don’t write questions down. I don’t think through. I’m just like, what is popping in at the moment that I am engaged and fully present with you? And, of course, I know you work with money, right? I know. I love that about you. And there’s a couple of things I want you to be able to share with the listeners. But when you just said an embodied approach, my spine, which was already tingling, started to have the hairs on my arms stand on end. And I’ve got this amazing iceberg that has just come across my life experience in this moment, which to me is an illustration that my spirit is safe and it is in alignment with God.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:06:52]:
You know, I’m a God girl, and I just love everything about the thought of an embodied approach. So let’s just start there. Let’s just double click on embodied approach. What does that mean? If I didn’t know what you meant when you said it, what would that mean to me? And what will that mean to our listeners who are hearing this, maybe for the first time?

Kate Northrop [00:07:11]:
So I was reading two books last night. I started one and realized it was too activating for before bedtime, and. But I loved it. And then I started a second one, both written by men, both written by white men. And they both talked about, and I didn’t expect this one book was about money. One book is just, like, about life. They both talked about the importance of transcending the body in order to sort of. One is about money, actually, like, transcending the body and controlling the body.

Kate Northrop [00:07:44]:
And the other one talked about, like, moving past the body in order to be our fullest selves. And I was just like, WTF? Why would we have a body in our lives if we’re not supposed to be in it and use it? Like, we won’t have a body when we die. Like, that’s when we can move beyond our body. But why would we not utilize the incredible pharmacology that’s available inside our physiology to feel the fullest versions of ourselves in this lifetime? And so an embodied approach to money means using the body to fuel our abundance, to fuel our wealth. Not only tangibly but actually even more importantly, or just alongside it to fuel the feeling of richness. Because ultimately, anything we want, we want because we think it’s going to make us feel a certain way. It is impossible to experience anything in our human incarnation without experiencing it through a body.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:08:57]:
Yeah. Do you know that you are meant to make millions of dollars a year in your business? But do you also feel like doing so is a million miles away? That’s because you don’t have your plan for millions. And I’m not just talking about grabbing your calculator and dividing a million by twelve months to learn that it’ll take $83,333.33 a month because we can all do that math. The fact of the matter is this. You need a plan. But not just any plan. A plan that is backed by a fresh approach based on this market. To make the Move to Millions.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:09:32]:
I want to invite you to spend three three days with me at my Plan For Millions 2.0 workshop where I’ll show you how to leverage and scale to add another zero to your business’s bottom line. If you could get excited about getting access to a proven pricing and profitability formula and the critical systems that your business needs to stop wasting time and to start maximizing both your productivity and your profitability, and you are ready to once and for all uncover the gaps that exist in your operational infrastructure so that you can create a plan to turn those gaps into gateways. Then stop what you’re doing right now and go to planformillions.com. that’s plan the number four millions.com and I’ll see you at my brand new three day workshop. Wanna know what it’s like to work with me and the incredible factor university coaching team? You can get started today with the Move to Millions 90 day business growth planner. 90 days at a time, you’ll be setting your business on a trajectory that will make the Move to Millions happen much faster for you. It’s got everything that you need to track. Every strategy, every sale, all of your KPI’s, as well as your self care and life transformational needs.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:10:44]:
We made sure we left nothing out of this amazing planner. And by accessing the planner, you’ll get a behind the scenes view of what it’s like to work with me and my team. Go grab yours [email protected]. dot.

Kate Northrop [00:10:58]:
It’s impossible.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:10:59]:

Kate Northrop [00:10:59]:
And so everything is colored by how does it feel to be in a body? Every emotion is actually a physical sensation. Every desire, that desire met is a physical sensation. Every longing is a longing for a physical sensation. So an embodied approach to money means actually centering the body, using the body as an important, I don’t even want to say, like, ingredient or element. It’s sort of like, as the central focus of experiencing richness and wealth and really realizing that every single behavior, right, like our financial well being, depends on our behavior. And every single behavior we do comes from our body because it comes from a belief, which comes from a thought. And all of our thoughts are mitigated by our emotions. And every single emotion we have comes from the nervous system, which is kind of like the command center of our body.

Kate Northrop [00:12:06]:
So your financial reality is mitigated by what’s going on in your body. And so that’s why I take an embodied approach.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:12:13]:
And let me just tell you, like, why I love all of that. And I have all these little nerves notes for all of the little tangents we’re going to go on in a few minutes. But when you ask the question based on these two books that the white men read that were both talking about going beyond your body, I got why they want you to go beyond your body. Because for most people, our body is the source of our lack. It’s lodged in us, and so we don’t even have capacity for the richness that we are trying to feel, to attempt to bring it into our life experience, right? So I get why they’re saying that, but I love, it’s almost disruptive, although it’s not. But I love the. No, the way that we get to richness is to deal with the body because that’s where the lack is, right? So the point at which whomever came here, right. We came here as abundance pushed out, pulled out abundance.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:13:09]:
We meet the world, and we are instantly bombarded with lack. Instantly. Like the moment our parents are, the doctor smacks us on a booty so we could start crying. Lack enters into our lungs.

Kate Northrop [00:13:25]:
Even just. I mean, don’t even get me started on the birth industrial complex, but, like, even just birth in our country is so rooted in lack and a fundamental mistrust in the body, which is our source of abundance. Yes, just, even that.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:13:44]:
Just that. Just that. Like, I literally, just before I got on to do this interview with you, I was having a conversation with a potential client, and we were talking about the goals that she has for her business. And I expressed this to you when I was on your Podcast. A big part of my gift is that I can see, like, I am a seer of the money. The path to the money and what’s keeping you from the money. Right? It’s a gift. It’s a gift.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:14:12]:
And as it’s a gift, it’s. Sometimes it’s like, oh, I don’t know if they’re ready for me to tell them what I see and what I feel. And as I was talking with this person, and I was like, the money is literally sitting right outside of yourself right now. It’s not coming in. Cause you don’t have capacity for it because there is lack that still lives in you. And literally, I watched their face just cover with tears because. And I asked, I said, where do you feel it right now? And they said, you know, upper shoulder. And I mid back, and I know what those things mean.

Kate Northrop [00:14:55]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:14:55]:
And so when you say helping a person use their body to feel wealth, can you give me a practical example? Like, again, not for me, but for them, for those who are listening, so that they can anchor into this and maybe even start to sense where in their body right now lack is lodged and how they might start to use their body to feel the richness of wealth.

Kate Northrop [00:15:25]:
Okay, great.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:15:26]:
So I just love. Okay. Because some people won’t see the video of this. They’ll just hear the audio. I just love that right now. Kate looks like a neon light. Like, she is so bright and excited, and she cannot wait to jump in to tell you guys this stuff. Okay, go ahead.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:15:41]:
Go ahead.

Kate Northrop [00:15:42]:
Okay, well, I’m gonna give you a real life example of something that’s going on in my life. And a way I’m practicing this right now. Okay? So I have driven a Toyota Prius for 13 years. Not the same one the whole time, but that’s, like, been my vehicle for a number of reasons. I freaking love my car.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:15:59]:
Okay, okay.

Kate Northrop [00:16:00]:
Like, three weeks ago, I was getting in my car, and I was like, whoa, it’s time for an upgrade. And I was like, how interesting is that? And I just kind of looked at that. You know, I moved from a small town in Maine where, like, cars are not a thing, and now I live in Miami. It’s like, everybody is, you know?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:16:17]:

Kate Northrop [00:16:17]:
They could be living in, like, a 200 square foot apartment, but, like, they’re driving a gwe. So it’s just interesting culturally, whatever. So I’m, like, excavating, and I’m like, huh. What’s under this desire? Like, what’s in there?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:16:30]:

Kate Northrop [00:16:30]:
Because it’s, like, never about the actual item, right? It’s about a feeling, and I know that. So I’m like, what is the feeling that I’m craving. So I was driving to the doctor the other day, and I was like, well, you know, I’m here in my car. My car is always super clean, thanks to my husband. And, like, you know, it’s like a. It’s a great experience. However, I was like, okay, well, if I’m thinking about possibly upgrading to a Porsche, I haven’t test driven it yet, so I don’t know if that’s the one. But I’m like, think about that.

Kate Northrop [00:16:54]:
Okay, so I’m just going to do my drive as though I am feeling the way that I think it’s going to feel to drive a Porsche. So I just, like, did my drive in my toyota as though I was driving a Porsche. And it was like a very. It was, like, sexy. Like, there was something. It was, like, actually a very, like, turned on drive to the doctor, which is so fun for me. And so then I was like, okay, that’s really interesting. Like, that’s the embodied experience that I’m desiring.

Kate Northrop [00:17:23]:
So why don’t I just give myself that now? That instantly breaks us out of lack, because instantly my body is like, oh, cool. I have a desire to feel a certain way. I can feel that certain way right now. I am already everything I want. There is no separation between me and my desires. I can just have that now, of course. I pull around the corner off the highway.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:17:54]:

Kate Northrop [00:17:54]:
Two cars are sitting right in front of me. Two porsches, the exact model that I think I might want, you know? And I was like, okay, hi, God. And so that’s, like, an example in practicality of instead of what I could have done, which is a whole cast of thoughts, limitations, which is, who do I think I am, right?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:18:17]:
Why do I need that car? There’s nothing wrong with this. It still runs, right?

Kate Northrop [00:18:21]:
Like, it still runs. It runs great. There’s not a problem here. Like, I also. I walk 95% of everywhere in my life. I barely ever even drive my car. It’s like, it’s blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. What I know, based on the research and the work that I do, is that our nervous systems are responsible for how we feel.

Kate Northrop [00:18:42]:
And our nervous system response is unconscious because it’s based on past patterning and until we decide to make it conscious, and so we decide to actively work with it. And so when we have a limiting thought of, like, who do I think I am? I can’t have that. What will people think of me if I drive a Porsche? What will people think of me if I drive a Toyota. All of it is meaningless. But that’s where we go. Like where? Right. And it’s like all of those thoughts are just my nervous system trying to not experience a new experience. Because according to the nervous system, that which is unfamiliar is unsafe.

Kate Northrop [00:19:28]:
I’ve never driven a Porsche before, so according to my nervous system, it’s going to try to send out all the emotional experiences and all the limiting thoughts that are going to prevent me from having an expansive experience that I’ve never had before, because it’s just trying to survive. Limbic lizard brain. It’s just trying to keep me alive. But I. You, anybody listening to this? We have moved beyond survival, right? We are now in the game of thriving. And so if we’re in the game of thriving, we have to find ways to give ourselves permission to feel safe, having new expansive experiences around money and everything else. So that’s a game that I play of how can I signal to my body that I am safe and then try on or experience something new? And pleasure is actually an incredible pathway to safety and nervous system healing. So that’s why I played my game of pretend of driving to the doctor in my imaginary Porsche to open up.

Kate Northrop [00:20:37]:
And now I’m in a different energetic frequency and I may call in some new vehicle or something else that is a match to that experience that now feels safe to my body or safer.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:20:54]:
I love all of that. I love all of it. And I especially love what you just said, the last thing that you said, that pleasure is a really great way to. You didn’t use this word. This is the word I’m going to trick, as I heard it. Or I’m going to use as I heard it. Pleasure is a great way to trick your nervous system into seeing a new experience as safe.

Kate Northrop [00:21:17]:
Yes, because we cannot feel good without first feeling safe. And so if pleasure is available to you, if you are already feeling well resourced enough to feel good automatically, your body’s going to know it’s safe. Because if you’re being chased by a lion, for example, the pleasure circuits are not available. Your nervous system is sending all energy to fight, flight, freeze. Right?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:21:47]:

Kate Northrop [00:21:47]:
So by the time, if you’re in the pleasure circuitry, you’re automatically in rest, digest, tend, befriend, stay and play like you’re automatically in that place where you are your most magnetic and your smartest, and your best critical thinking, and your best problem solving and your best creativity and your most like, connected, all of our best work that brings in the money or all of our best being that brings in the money is available in parasympathetic nervous system response.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:22:24]:
Are you ready for God? Girls making millions 2024 GGMM is an amazing, luxurious, high end experience for the woman entrepreneur small business owner who is about their birthday. Right. Their business and their bank accounts. If you’re looking for a safe, significant, and aligned space to finally unearth what your next level looks like when you no longer have to focus on making money, this is for you. Learn more and submit your application [email protected]. yeah. Oh, gosh, I love all of that. Okay.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:23:03]:
The last thing that you said, which is just going to encapsulate all of this, we can’t feel good without first feeling safe.

Kate Northrop [00:23:09]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:23:10]:
And giving yourself or allowing pleasure to give you permission to feel safe so that you can have a new experience around whatever it is you decide you desire in that moment. I know this to be true because I know you, and I’m making this parallel for our listeners, that it’s almost like making money, moving money. Having money is a game.

Kate Northrop [00:23:37]:
Yes, it is a game. It’s all pretend.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:23:39]:
It’s all pretend.

Kate Northrop [00:23:42]:
I mean, the economy is for sure pretend. We just got off at a 90 minutes, year end planning session with our financial team and the insanity of the tax codes and the shell game and how you move this over there and that over there to fall below this threshold so you can save 30 grand or whatever. I’m like this. They make this sound complicated to keep people out. Right. Of their power. Yeah, but it’s not. If you just know it’s a game, then you can just play the game.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:24:15]:
And here’s the thing that I love about that, is if we could get people, people, all of you who are listening right now, to realize that money is really just a game, you would feel pleasure when you thought about money, which would make you feel safe, which would expand your capacity to allow more of it to flow into your life experience.

Kate Northrop [00:24:38]:
Yes. We make it as fun as possible.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:24:43]:
As fun as possible. Instead of, oh, I gotta pay my bills. Ugh, such and such owes me money. Ugh, I don’t have enough money for this.

Kate Northrop [00:24:51]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:24:51]:
I can’t afford that. On all the things you say, that sends money in the opposite direction. I was having a conversation with one of my mentors the other day, and I just asked him a question. He was. I forget what he was saying, but he was just like, you and this. This money, you oversimplify it. And I was like, but it’s really simple.

Kate Northrop [00:25:11]:
And he’s like, maybe you make it too complicated.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:25:14]:
Yeah. And he was like, it doesn’t work that way. I was like, it absolutely works that way. And I said, like, let’s talk about money. Because, you know, my thing is always the way you see money is really about the way you see yourself. Money is literally a mirror for your life experience. And when it’s hard to come by, money is because you are hard on yourself. You don’t believe you’re worthy, you don’t believe you deserve it, and you’re living in a lack center that likely wasn’t even yours.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:25:35]:
It was something you inherited because of someone else, and you just took it on as a meaning to be true for you. Right? And I said, but I want you to just. Let me just make it really practical for you. Tell me the name of the person that you love the most. He’s not married, right? And so he gives me a name. And I said, and so if you were spending time with this person and they kept talking down to you or they kept calling you out of your name, would you keep spending time with them? And he said, absolutely not. I value myself way more than to be around people who would treat me that way. I said, so what about, what do you think about money? And he’s like, what? I said, well, since we’ve been in this conversation, I’ve heard you say three times, that’s just too expensive.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:26:25]:
I said, do you think money wants to be referred to as expensive? That’s like calling money a bitch. He’s, you know, he tensed up.

Kate Northrop [00:26:33]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:26:33]:
Older gentlemen. Well, Darnielle, it doesn’t work that way. I said, here’s what I want you to try. This was two weeks ago, three weeks ago. So I want you to try. Until we meet again. We meet every other mom. Until we meet again.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:26:49]:
I want you to talk nice to money. I don’t want you to say things like, I can’t afford that. That’s too expensive. Why would anybody spend their money on that? I want you to use words that would make money feel edified and supported in your presence. That’s what I want you to do. Will you promise me, and those of you who are listening, you can play this game, too, that for the next few weeks, every time you refer to money, you would do it in a way that will be considered receptive, respectful, loving, safe and supportive? Do you make me that promise? He said, yes. He calls me yesterday and he says, I don’t know what you did. And I’m like, what? I just got a check in the mail for $50,000 for an estate that I didn’t even know I was listed on.

Kate Northrop [00:27:44]:
There it is.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:27:45]:
I said, well, you can give it to me if you don’t know what to do with.

Kate Northrop [00:27:49]:
No, no, no.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:27:50]:
All I’ve been doing is being nice to money.

Kate Northrop [00:27:52]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:27:53]:
That’s all I’ve been doing, is being nice to money. Then he goes, maybe you are. Maybe you are on something.

Kate Northrop [00:28:04]:
It’s only the foundation of my entire.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:28:06]:
Right, of my whole business, what I do with people. I had a client who hadn’t been. I didn’t know this at first. Hadn’t closed a sale since February. She joined the mastermind at the event, came to the first retreat. You know, I’m starting to work with her. Things still aren’t moving. We’re on our call maybe two weeks ago, and in the call, I feel I can see the block.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:28:31]:
And so I was like, I just need you to stay after the call is done. It’s a group call. I just want to spend a few minutes with her. We tapped, and we did five rounds of tapping on what she felt, and then I released her. Started as a nine. She got it down to a two. And I said the same thing I just said to you, and I’m saying to everyone, for the next few weeks, I want you to edify love on and respect money. Every time you talk about money, I want you to be loving and appreciative of it.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:02]:
Do you know, Kate, that in the last two weeks, she has closed, I think, three pay in full $25,000 clients after having not closed the sale since February.

Kate Northrop [00:29:17]:
That’s incredible.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:18]:
But it is incredible.

Kate Northrop [00:29:20]:
Like, see, that’s.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:21]:
But it’s not.

Kate Northrop [00:29:22]:
It’s like. That’s actually just scientific, because what you did with her, you know this, but for anybody listening, what you did with her tapping the emotional freedom technique is a nervous system healing tool.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:35]:

Kate Northrop [00:29:35]:
It makes your body rewire neural pathways, which changes your emotions and then changes your thoughts, changes your beliefs, and then you do new behaviors, or you shift the way you’re showing up. So in a sales call, people are just like, you know what? I’m just gonna sign up with this.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:29:59]:
Because you make me feel safe. Exactly. Your energy makes me feel safe. And because if I feel safe, then I can do it. Like, listen, y’all so good. It is a game. It is such a game. And if you could understand the game, this is what my next book is all about, by the way.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:30:22]:
So my next book is called what would abundance do I have these bracelets?

Kate Northrop [00:30:27]:
I don’t know.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:30:28]:
I know you’re not a religious person, but there used to be a guy. I know you’re a guy person.

Kate Northrop [00:30:34]:
They used to have the.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:30:35]:
What would Jesus do? Bracelets. Right. So that’s where I got this from.

Kate Northrop [00:30:37]:

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:30:38]:
So for my live event, I was like, I want to get the. What would abundance do? Bracelets for everybody so they can wear it and ask themselves all day, what would abundance be doing right now? And it is literally the abundance game. Like, it is. It is such an equalizer for the flow of money. Or not even just money, the flow of abundance, which sometimes is money. Right, right. Because it can be other things, too, but literally teaching people to play this game with themselves and sticking with it because it’s going to feel uncomfortable at first, y’all. It’s gone.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:31:15]:
It’s gonna feel weird. It’s not gonna feel safe, because it goes against everything you were taught to believe to be true about money.

Kate Northrop [00:31:22]:
Yes, it does. And so your nervous system will. First of all, it’s like, we can do it in small, doable ways, though, so that it’s not. Cause what I don’t love historically in this industry is this whole, like, feel the fear and do it anyway. Push through all boundaries. Life is, you know, everything you want is outside your comfort zone. I mean, that’s true that everything you want is outside your comfort zone. But we don’t need to live in a constant state of fear in order to have what we want.

Kate Northrop [00:31:58]:
And if we do, we actually. It’s like an elastic band. Like, we may stretch way out of our comfort zone, but if we do it through fear and pushing, we will snap way back, and it will not be sustainable. And we’ve seen this with people who come into tons of money, and then within a few years, they are dead broke or worse off than before because they did not have the energetic and somatic infrastructure to hold that expansion. Just like you said with this potential client you were talking to, the money’s right outside you, but you don’t have the capacity inside to let it in. We work with our bodies, just like you did with this client, with the EFT. We work with our bodies to build the capacity. The mistake that most people are making is they’re working exclusively well.

Kate Northrop [00:32:54]:
The vast majority, the Muggles, are just like, it’s just not in the bank.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:33:00]:

Kate Northrop [00:33:00]:
But then there’s, like, another group that understands that there’s something more to it. Thoughts and beliefs. Wonderful. So then they work on the level of the mind. But what is totally misunderstood is that scientifically, 80% of the information between the brain and the body is traveling from the body to the brain. Only 20% is going brain to the body. So if you’re only working on mindset, you are missing 80% of your power. And I think, and that is why we have been talked out of our bodies.

Kate Northrop [00:33:37]:
That is why I read these books that say, transcend the body. That’s leftover cultural and religious conditioning that has told us that our bodies are wrong or dirty, especially women. But it is because we’ve been conditioned to believe that our greatest source of power is wrong or dirty. And that’s on purpose. People who have wanted to divorce us from our greatest power source.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:34:03]:

Kate Northrop [00:34:03]:
But if we plug back in, everything honestly just gets easier. It feels edgy, but it does get easier.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:34:12]:
It does get easier. Oh, my God. Like, I could. There’s so many things I want to say right now because I feel like everybody who landed on this episode just learned or just got the keys to the castle. And the question is, are you going to take the key and insert it into the lock and open the door to everything that you ever desired and questioned if you deserve to experience? Or are you going to just jingle the king in your hand in nervous energy because you’re afraid of what might be on the other side of the door? But literally, in this moment, this is what changed the game for me. And it’s so interesting, Kate, because you can’t tell this to everybody because most people don’t get it. Like, they don’t get it. And they just think you smoke crackhead.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:20]:
Like, she’s crazy. Like, I mean, I literally have heard this from people. They’re like, Darnielle, I don’t know why you’re telling people that that stuff doesn’t work. And I’m like, you’re making it so hard. And it was designed to be relatively easy. Relatively easy.

Kate Northrop [00:35:39]:
Relatively easy.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:35:40]:
I love that because it requires you to keep getting outside of your head.

Kate Northrop [00:35:47]:
It does. And our heads are very seductive. The mind is very seductive. The meaning making machine is seductive because it’s enticing and it’s a land of illusions. Land of illusions. But the body does not lie. And the body is always keeping all the memories and all the information it does and really can unlock. And you mentioned that some of our money patterns aren’t even our own.

Kate Northrop [00:36:23]:
And that ancestral piece, I think, is so powerful. When we look at the world of epigenetics, we really begin to understand that actually we carry in our DNA, the traumas of our grandparents and our great grandparents and our great great grandparents and their joys as well.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:36:38]:

Kate Northrop [00:36:39]:
And we get to be the one where it stops with us, where we are literally healing seven generations back and seven generations forward because of the way all bodies are connected in lineage.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:36:54]:

Kate Northrop [00:36:55]:
It’s so cool.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:36:56]:
It is really cool. It is really cool. And I’m just going to. I know that there are people that are listening right now, and I’m just going to invite you to resist the urge to denounce what we are sharing with you because it feels unfamiliar. What do Althea, Rachel and Dr. Erica have in common? They were all making around $200 to $300,000 a year in their business and got to the million dollar mark in less than a year with my help. If you want to know not only how they did it, but how you too can prepare, plan and position your business to do the same, I’m inviting you to create your bankable blueprint to your next milestone at my upcoming three day workshop planned for millions 2.0. Right now, you’re focused on doing when your focus should really be on leverage. Join me for three powerful days and I’ll show you exactly what you need to do to shift your vision, your strategy, and to create the plan that will facilitate your Move to Millions.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:37:50]:
Go now to planformillions.com to get all the details. That’s plan the number four, millions.com. i’m going to invite you. I’m going to say it one more time to resist the urge to denounce what we are saying because it sounds unfamiliar. Just because you don’t believe it and you don’t have a place to hold it in this moment, does it make it true? And I’m going to say this especially for those of you who listen to this show that are believers, because I know that there’s some christians right now, Kate, they are freaking out. They have called me all the things in this moment and I just want to invite you to consider that part of the reason why the Bible talks about money, wealth and possessions 2300 times is because you are supposed to master it. And I want to invite you to consider that understanding the significance of the role that your body plays and getting into alignment so that you can be complete flow for whatever it is that you desire to experience is part of the power that you have been given. I think that is the secret, right? Like we know the secret.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:39:15]:
The secret that you know. But I think that that is the secret. And I loved how you how you just broke it down, that 80% of the work that really shifts and changes our paradigms, it starts in the body and then it travels to the brain, and only 20% starts in the brain and travels to the body. And so while mindset is important, and I mean, I have for years have said mindset is 95% of your success. Right, right. Only 5% is skill. And I don’t think that that isn’t true, but I want to alter that statement to an extent, because I feel like mindset by itself is pretty ineffectual. It is only the mind body connection, which again, the Bible talks about mind, body and spirit.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:40:03]:
It is only the mind body connection together that really opens up. I’m going to keep saying opens up in capacity, because that is the issue you have. If you are listening to this Podcast right now, and you know that you were, you were made to make millions of dollars, to generate millions of dollars, to sell millions of dollars, to profit millions of dollars and eventually leave millions of dollars. And it is not yet flowing in your life experience, it is because you have not made the decision to allow your body and the embodiment thereof of what it is that you most desire to become true for you at the source of the way that you feel. The end. Your feelings and beliefs govern the words you speak, the actions you take, and the results that you get. So how, Kate, do we start to shift our feelings? Like, do we have some practical one, two, three? We could tell people? Absolutely.

Kate Northrop [00:41:13]:
So I’m just going to give you a list. The cool thing is that humans have been gravitating towards nervous system healing activities for thousands and thousands of years. They are the bedrock of original society. Chanting, dancing, circling, community, being in nature, every single one of those things is fundamentally regulating to the nervous system. Meaning it does two things. Number one, it metabolizes past stress. Number two, it signals to the body that the threat has passed and you are safe now. So when we go to one of your live events, it is a deeply regulating experience.

Kate Northrop [00:42:07]:
When we pray together in church, when we go to a yoga class and do the chants, when we go dancing, when we dance around a fire, you know, there’s like when we go outside, take off our shoes, put our bare feet on the earth, or every single.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:42:25]:
One of us, even when we are listening to the ocean.

Kate Northrop [00:42:29]:
Oh, for sure.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:42:31]:
Like any of that grounding in nature.

Kate Northrop [00:42:33]:
Any of that grounding in nature, a sensory experience. So anything that is a sensory experience where you are fully present to your senses. Now, I love like a simple practice that I’ll just give you right now, which is when we breathe specifically into our lower back ribs. So when you breathe and you consciously bring the breath into your lower back ribs, it will put you more in a parasympathetic, regulated state. I love that one. Because we have to breathe anyway.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:43:10]:
And lower back is the financial traumas.

Kate Northrop [00:43:13]:
Yes, it is.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:43:16]:
Right. It really opens you up, expands your capacity.

Kate Northrop [00:43:19]:
And breath is life force. Breath is spirit. Right. Whatever the Latin is inspiritous or whatever it is.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:43:26]:
Spirit us, I think.

Kate Northrop [00:43:27]:
Thank you. Yes. So it is bringing spirit to that area of the body. So all of these things, you just want to incorporate them into your daily life, and the intentionality around them really does make a difference. The data really shows us that our intention does amplify the result of anything we’re doing. So if you’re spending. If you’re just doing five to eight breaths into your lower back ribs and you’re intentionally saying, this breath is expanding my capacity to receive wealth, it will work better.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:44:04]:
Here’s the thing that I love, and I don’t know that you know this, so I have a new program that I started this year. It’s called ascend. Um, it was a download from God. It’s a yemenite. It’s the. The whole point of the program is we’re doing the soul work before we do the strategy work. Right. And so we kicked it off with a three day soul and strategy retreat.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:44:28]:
Two days of soul, one day of strategy. And I brought in one of my clients, who is a certified breath work practitioner, and we breathe for, like, 45 minutes straight. Kate, I don’t know your middle name, but if I knew your middle name, honey, I would be saying your full government name right now. We breathed in for 45 minutes, and when we were done, I felt like I was a superhero who had the power in the tip of my fingers. And if I would have just done like this, I would have knocked the building down. It was amazing. I’ve done breath work. I have never done it for 45 minutes.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:45:08]:
Typically, this is a story I think I tell myself is my brain doesn’t quiet that long. But for 45 minutes, all I focused on was breathing in with intention and speaking over myself. What I most desire to bring in my life experience. And when we were done, it was the most amazing we did. So we did that on day one and day two, I taught them tapping. Yeah. And it was amazing. And the results that they are experiencing just from those three days together, phenomenal.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:45:39]:

Kate Northrop [00:45:40]:
Cause you went into the body as.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:45:41]:
We went into the body, like. And I’ll be honest with you, Kate. Like, some of this stuff, I knew. I know, but I didn’t know it. Like, you’re breaking it down right now. And it just. This happens to me a lot where I will have done something without realizing the true power of it and be like, oh, my gosh. So, like, I’m having all kinds of moments right now because I’m like, I did some of this stuff without know, without knowing.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:46:08]:
These are the things that we should do. So, like, even with chanting, within a real practical example, I feel like, and correct me if I’m wrong, this is like reciting affirmations over yourself, right?

Kate Northrop [00:46:20]:
Absolutely. Because anything vocal is if you are doing some, not just, like, regular talking, but if you are on purpose reciting affirmations, if you are toning, if you are praying, if you are chanting, if you are singing, it activates and tones the vagus nerve, which is the crux of the nervous system. And it is an integral part of activating rest and digest, because think about it. If you have capacity to sing, you’re safe. Like, you’re not getting chased by a bear if you’re singing, right? And it tells the body we’re safe. And then when you combine that with spoken affirmation, because words do have an energetic imprint, when you combine that, then the energy of the words is going in to a nervous system that’s available to receive, it says, like, oh, this is safe, right? Like, I am wealthy, I am powerful. And if you can activate a rest and digest space in your body, your body will receive it and believe it. The problem with affirmations done when we don’t feel safe is that the body smells the lie, right?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:47:44]:
And it rejects it.

Kate Northrop [00:47:45]:
That’s not true. It rejects it. But if we can get into a place of flow and almost in a theta brainwave state, where we’re like, maybe I said that one wrong. Is it theta or beta? Anyway, yeah, I think it’s theta, where we’re already a little bit, like, in a trance, they’ll just go right in there into the unconscious, which is the nervous system.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:48:09]:
Yeah. Oh, my gosh. That’s so good. Okay, so you said praying, singing, chanting, dancing, circling, being in community and being in nature. Any of those things regulate our nervous.

Kate Northrop [00:48:20]:
System and any kind of movement, really, right?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:48:23]:
I mean, that’s what I say all the time, is move your body. Make sure you’re moving every day up and move. And when we do those things, we. It metabolizes past stress. And it signals the body that the threat has passed and we are safe so that we can feel pleasure around what we desire. Did I get that right?

Kate Northrop [00:48:44]:
Yeah, yeah. And even, just even if you can’t get to pleasure, like, if the word pleasure just, like, short circuits you, that’s totally fine. Skip it. Safety is a wonderful place to start. Like, can I feel safe in my body? That is your portal to abundance.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:49:01]:
Yeah. Oh, that’s.

Kate Northrop [00:49:02]:
And then you’ll start feeling pleasure by accident.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:49:05]:
That’s so good. I’m writing this down so the portal to abundance, just in case y’all missed it, let me dial it back. Is asking yourself the question, can I feel safe in my body?

Kate Northrop [00:49:16]:
How can I feel safe in my body right now?

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:49:18]:
How can I feel safe in my body right now? And how will I know I feel safe in my body? Is there anything that, in case a person can’t figure out what that feels like? Yeah.

Kate Northrop [00:49:27]:
So there’s like a physiological response. So what will happen is when I do a nervous system healing practice, I’ll just like. Your peripheral vision widens, so you suddenly actually have a wider, expansive view. Our tone of our voice will actually naturally lower. We will start to speak slower. Our breath suddenly becomes deeper and slower. There’s just more space for breath, and it almost feels like time slows down in a good way. So those are some of the physiological signs that you have moved into parasympathetic.

Kate Northrop [00:50:06]:
It’s, you know, if you’ve ever been to a fancy restaurant and you’re not supposed to do this, but I like to do it anyway. I like, take my. Get my finger wet, and I start running it around the side of a crystal glass. It’s like that feeling energetically in your body. It’s that amazing crystal ring.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:50:27]:
Nice. Or I was just thinking that it’s like how you feel when you have an orgasm.

Kate Northrop [00:50:32]:
Yes. Now, an orgasm is like this on steroids, and orgasms are actually very regulating to the nervous system. So if you can access a orgasm, that release of oxytocin, of nitric oxide, of all the physiology, it’s incredible for your nervous system.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:50:53]:
Yeah, that’s good. I love it. This has been. This has been amazing. Is there anything that we didn’t talk about that we should tell them before we call this an episode? Okay.

Kate Northrop [00:51:03]:
There’s one last thing. Okay. And this is just a piece that I think it’s really helpful to understand consciously everything we’re talking about. Changing your behavior so you can change your reality around money is based on learning either a new, like, thinking a new way, embedding a new belief, or learning a new skill set.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:51:25]:

Kate Northrop [00:51:26]:
All of that is based on our neural patterning. So all the nerves and the wiring that basically makes up our body. It’s like our body’s electrical is the nervous system. It’s important to understand that rewiring your neural pathways is actually expensive energetically, meaning it literally just takes calories. And so your body is like, your survival wiring is like, don’t do that. Don’t learn a new skill. Don’t think a new thought. Don’t do a new behavior.

Kate Northrop [00:51:51]:
Don’t learn something new. No more new neural pathways. It’s expensive. I need those calories for basic survival.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:51:58]:

Kate Northrop [00:51:58]:
So just getting that is important because that’s where our limiting beliefs and our limiting thoughts come from. That’s where our brain fog, our resistance, our overwhelm, our procrastination. All of that is just your sweet little nervous system being like, oh, too expensive to rewire. We’re not going to do that. So it sends out all these preventative strategies to keep you from changing. But when you actively engage in the things we talked about that metabolize stress, they dump your stress and threat bucket. They metabolize past stress, and they signal to your body, I’m safe. All is well.

Kate Northrop [00:52:36]:
That increases your capacity. And then when at one of Darnielle’s events or reading her book or out there learning a new strategy, then your nervous system is like, oh, actually, we do have capacity. Actually, we do have those extra reserves to spend the energy, to invest the energy, those calories, to rewire our neural pathways. And once you rewire those neural pathways, you don’t have to just, like, keep that. You don’t have to keep trying to be a new way.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:53:06]:
You just already are it. Yeah.

Kate Northrop [00:53:09]:
So I just think that that understanding piece about what’s actually happening in your body is helpful.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:53:15]:
So important. So important. This has been amazing. Amazing, amazing. Okay, before I can let you go, I got to ask you our three closing questions. You know, what is the book, what is the quote? What is the tool that has made a difference on your own journey to and beyond the million dollar mark?

Kate Northrop [00:53:33]:
One of the most powerful books I’ve ever read is by Adrienne Marie Brown. It’s called emergent strategy. And in that book, I read the quote, what is easy is sustainable birds coast when they can.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:53:48]:
Ooh. Oh, that is so good.

Kate Northrop [00:53:52]:
Which is really what we’re talking about, because the tool is nervous system healing. The tool is signaling to our body that we are safe so that we can coast and allow things to be as easy as possible.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:54:09]:
Oh, my gosh. This is amazing. I’m writing down, this is so good. We’re going to make sure we put all of your details in the show notes so people can find you, they can follow you, they can learn about your events, that you do, your program. All the things we want to make sure that they know, because the work that you do and the way that you support people, it’s just phenomenal. And more people need to know about it. Like, it’s just phenomenal.

Kate Northrop [00:54:37]:
Thank you, Darnia.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:54:38]:
Phenomenal. This has been great. Y’all hope y’all have had as much fun as we have. And to demonstrate that you’ve had fun, there are two things I want you to do. Number one, I want you to take a screenshot of however you’re listening to this episode and tag me and Kate in a story so that we can know that you got it and you are working on it. And the second thing we want you to do is we want you to move your body. Get up right now and move around. Just move your body.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:55:06]:
Just move your body. Just dance to music. Dance to the music in your head. Just give your body and your nervous system system permission to feel safe so that you can create space and capacity for the millions that are your birthright to flow into your life experience. And we’ll see you guys next time. Take care. How are you feeling? I hope you feel amazing. Was that not absolutely delicious? I love whenever I get to talk to Kate.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:55:39]:
We met in a mastermind program and literally fell in love with her instantly. Just love her spirit, love her energy. Love her command of our nervous systems and what we can do in order to regulate them. So many things she said that I just want to noodle on for a moment. She said we need to use our body to fuel our wealth. And it’s all about fueling the feeling of richness and centering your body as the central focus of experiencing richness. Because our financial well being is based on our behavior, it’s time for you to experience an upgrade. And I want you to ask yourself this question.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:56:20]:
Like, when you think about what it is that you would desire to bring into your life experience and you sit with it, I want you to ask yourself, why don’t I give my body this right now and recognize that you are already who you need to be to bring into your life experience? There is no separation. This conversation. And when she talked about 80% of our ability to shift things are about our body coming into our brain and only 20% is about our brain coming into our body. That was really a game changer for me. And you heard me share during the conversation how when we held our last soul and strategy retreat, I introduced some modalities to our clients that really helped them to experience a massive shift. Y’all, it’s time to move beyond survival, to move into thriving at your next level because you understand that being safe is a catalyst for opening up and allowing abundance into your life experience. I hope this conversation was as powerful for you as it was for me. I hope that you will.

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:57:29]:
The next time you stop and take some deep, intentional breaths, you will realize and remember that the breath is expanding your capacity for wealth and breath means bringing spirit into your life experience. And so do yourself the favor of breathing and moving your body so that you can get this abundance. I’ll see you guys next time. Take care. Thank you for joining me for the Move to Millions Podcast. If this episode has impacted you in any way, would you please take a moment and rate and review? Doing so helps us to deepen our impact and expand our reach around the world. And if you are ready to start your very own Move to Millions, I highly recommend that you order your very own copy of my brand new best selling book, move to the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. You can get your copy and our bonuses [email protected].

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon [00:58:30]:
until next time. Remember, millions are your birthright and to access them you need only move. I’ll see you next time.
