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Ep 215 – Move to Millions Minute: My Spirit Guides Me


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Each week, I will release an affirmation of the week to help you to continue to MOVE your business toward the million-dollar mark.  Affirmations are supplied by our Move to Millions Million Dollar CEO Affirmation Cards available at 

This week’s Million Dollar CEO Affirmation:


This week, focus on allowing your spirit to guide you.  Even when you work with coaches and consultants, rely on what your spirit is telling you. Everything you need, you already have so your spirit can help you to stay true to your biggest goals and core values.

Affirm with me:


Journal prompts:

  1. Right now, my spirit is telling me…
  2. Because I can clearly hear what my spirit is telling me, I will move this way…
  3. When I let me spirit guide me, it makes me feel …

Spend some time journaling about your best clients this week – doing so will bring you closer to more of the same.

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You’re listening to the Move to Millions Minute on the Move to Millions podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon.

I am so excited to be back with you for another Move to Millions Minute. This Move to Millions Minute is powered by Move to Millions live. You already know if you are a million dollar CEO or a million dollar CEO in the making, this is the only event you need to prepare, plan, position and profit in your business all the way to the tune of millions. Go learn now how you can grab your seat at

I am so excited for this week’s Move to Millions Minute. The Move to Millions Minutes come from our Move to Millions affirmation deck, which is available for you to get your very own deck at

This new segment is designed to give you a quick dose of inspiration and empowerment to continue moving your life and your business forward.

So as a reminder, here is how it will work. Every week I will pull a card from our affirmation deck. I will recite the affirmation and share some quick insights to help you to finish this week clearer, more confident and more committed to your goal of moving your business to millions.

Let’s jump into this week’s Move to Millions Minute affirmation of the week.

My spirit guides me to make the right decisions for growth in my business.

Let me repeat that

My spirit guides me to make the right decisions for growth in my business.

Here’s the thing. You already know I’m a God girl.

You already know that I am unapologetic about the fact that businesses with a spiritual foundation go farther, faster. So if you truly desire to anchor and ascend, you’re going to have to connect to your creator. I remember in the movie not easily broken, which starred Taraji P. Henson and Morris Chestnut. At the end of the movie, Mars is saying, as the credits roll, if you want to learn the purpose of the thing, consult the creator of a thing, baby. My mission for you this week, as you affirm that your spirit guides you to make the right decisions to move your business forward, I want you to make sure that you are tapping in and spending time with the father. He knows before you knew exactly what your business is going to do in the earth realm, he saw it. He preordained it.

He approved you for it. Based on Jeremiah one and five, which says, before you were formed in your mother’s womb, God knew you. He approved you. He called you prophet, and he gave you a message to share with the nations. Allow your connection to God to be high so that it can guide you in your business. I know that you operate as the CEO and steward of your company, but when you relinquish control to the father, the acceleration that your business will see, it will blow your mind. So this week, focus on allowing your spirit to guide you. Sure, I believe in a multitude of advisors, just like the Bible.

So yes, you may have a coach or consultant that you are working with, but always allow your spirit to dictate to you the next best step you should take. Because here’s what I know. Everything you need, you already have. The answers are already inside of you. Your coaches and consultants, your community are designed to stir that thing up so that you can bring it out into the earth realm. I’m so excited. As you affirm with me this week, my spirit guides me to make the right decisions to grow my business. Let me give you a few quick journal prompts so that you can leverage them to continue your conversation with the father.

Number one, right now my spirit is telling me.

Number two, because I can clearly hear what my spirit is saying, I will move this way.

And number three, when I allow my spirit to guide me, it makes me feel. I’m so excited for you this week.

Affirm with me: My spirit guides me to make the right decisions to grow my business.

I’ll see you next time. Take care.

The reviews are in. Move to Millions: The Proven Framework to Become a Million Dollar CEO with Grace and Ease Instead Of Hustle and Grind is a bestseller. With thousands of copies sold, we are raising a generation of million dollar ceos. You got next.

Grab your copy in our bonuses today at

Thank you for listening to the Move to Millions Minute on the Move to Millions podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. If you enjoyed this quick episode, do yourself a favor. Subscribe, rate and review so that you never miss a minute of anything that we have for you on your own Move to Millions. And until we meet again, remember, millions are your birthright and to access them, you need only move.
