Ep 202 – Anchored Ascension

Welcome to Season 5!

“It’s time to anchor into becoming who God desires you to be in this season.” – Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

Episode Summary

This episode is powered by Move to Millions Live  

It’s a new season!  It’s a new year! In this first episode of season 5, I reflect on 2023 and share my excitement for 2024.  Each year, I set a theme for my year and in 2024, my theme is Anchored Ascension.   2024 is the year of the Open Door and I believe that every open door will lead to an ascension to our next level in life and business. I believe that 2024 is the year to ASCEND and in order to ascend you’re going to have to anchor in. The only way to get to your next level is to go deeper into who God created you to be.  In this episode, I layout a path that you can follow to deepen the foundation of your life to achieve unprecedented growth in your business. The episode is packed with insights, strategies, and deeply personal anecdotes, including my own plan for ascension. This season is designed to propel entrepreneurs forward with wisdom from the past and a clear vision for the future. Gear up for a transformative year ahead and dive deep into the discussion of growth, resilience, and the true essence of ascension. Grab your pen and Move to Millions Podcast note and listen in now to discover:

  • The 5 Steps to Anchoring In in 2024
  • #1 reason your next level isn’t up, it’s down
  • #1 way to increase your confidence
  • 5 anchors every entrepreneur should have this year
  • And so much more

Important Links:

Powerful Quotes from the Episode

  • “Detach from outcomes, and you’ll surpass goals you never thought possible.”
  • “Sometimes the doors that close are just guiding us towards the ones waiting wide open.”
  • “We ascend not alone but by lifting others alongside us on the journey to greatness.” –
  • “Root to rise – our anchored depths determine the heights of our ascension.”
  • “Making millions is not just a target, it’s a testament to the transformation we create in the world.”

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Full Transcript

So I’ve resolved that in 2024, I’m gonna detach from the outcome. I’m going to set the goal. I’m gonna decree and declare, and then I’m gonna release myself from the obligation of having to control how that thing comes into my life or in my business, or in my marriage, or in my health and wellness. Because when I lose control, when I surrender, that is the most important strategy for me to leverage, to exceed the goals that I set for myself. So I invite you, do the same. Anchoring in for me is about anchoring into the confidence of who I am.

You’re listening to the Move to Millions podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, the place to be for high level conversations about all things millions. Your mission mindset, methodologies, mandate movement, messaging, marketing metrics, and most definitely, your money. I am your host, spiritual business growth coach, Dr. Darnyelle J. Harmon. Join me each week for inspiring stories, powerful interviews, and business growth strategy to help you experience abundance in your life because of your business. If you’re ready to move to your next level, everything.

Hello, hello and welcome back to a brand new season of the Move to Millions podcast. This episode is powered by move to millions live. Listen to me. If you are a millions minded entrepreneur or CEO and you desire to live in the proximity of millions so that no matter what is going on in your life or your business, you’re opening yourself up to the opportunity to be exposed to a higher level of expectation, you need to go right now to movetomillionsevent.com. Let me tell you, what we have planned for 2024 is going to blow your mind. Listen. Your eyes haven’t seen, your ears haven’t heard. Your mind has not begun to think about what is waiting for you when you decree and declare.

By deciding that not only are millions your birthright, but you are going to do the work to bring them into your life experience. We cannot wait to see you. And the beautiful thing about deciding now to join us for move to millions live is that you get access to our brand new million dollar intensive. This is an exclusive bonus for those who register to join us in May. So go now to movetomillionsevent.com. Get all the deets, get your ticket so that I can help to support you now before I transform your entire life in May. Move to millionsevent.com it’s a new season. It’s a new day, a fresh anointing.

I am bringing you a fresh set of insights, gems, mic drop moments in season number five. And we’re also doing something brand new in this season, we are going to two episodes. So in addition to move to millions Monday, I will come back at you later in the week with the move to millions minute. My mission is to make sure that you are completely equipped with everything you need to know in order to make, move and leave millions. And the cool thing about that is it doesn’t matter where you’re starting, it’s about where you’re going. And our time together through this podcast in this powerful community is designed to set you on a trajectory for millions to show up in your life experience. You know, you become like those you spend your time around. So I’m inviting you to come and spend even more time with me by checking in twice a week on this powerful podcast.

I am so excited to be in a new season. I always want to just keep going, but I recognize that I need a break. And so we took a break and we had rewound some of our favorite episodes from season number four. But now it is time to have a new conversation. And in this very first episode of season five, first just want to share what 2023 was like for me. I don’t know what it was like for you. I have heard murmurings of what it’s been like for many that it was the best worst year ever. I remember back in the day, back in 2008, 2009, I started saying, this is when I first really came into incredible one enterprises and I started writing down my darniellisms, which you can now get in our perpetual calendar that shares all of them with you.

I’ll put the link in the show notes because you really do want to have that on your desk. I remember one of my early Darnielle isms was when your best times are colliding with your worst times, you are defining and unleashing the incredible in you, baby. In 2023, I had some best times. Listen. We launched a brand new book that became a bestseller. Shout out and thank you to everybody who’s already gotten a copy of move to millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. Now, for those of you who haven’t yet, my only question is, what are you waiting for? This book is so good, I put my foot in it. You all literally, I have heard from so many giants in the industry, in the world, how amazing this book is.

I was on 70 podcasts last year. You all in preparation in anticipation of this new book hitting the streets. And we are just a few months into its release. So I implore you, I recommend highly that you get yourself a copy of move to millions. It is the beginning of the life change that I know you want because you come back every single week to listen to this podcast. 2023 has some worst times. I still spent some time really reeling from and healing from and even grieving from the loss of my father in August of 2022. That year went so fast, and as that year came up, it hit me so hard and it was in the midst.

We were actually at the point where we were starting to ramp up the promotions for the book because we were getting in that corridor of getting the book out. And y’all, it was tough. It was tough, but I made it through. We had an interesting year as a business. Still a multiple million dollar year, but interesting. A lot of things shifted. And in future episodes in this season, we’ll get into some of those things for you. Because my goal is to always equip you and prepare you and to be an example.

Like, I don’t want to identify or learn something and not share it with you, right? So we’ll get into a lot of the things that came out of 2023 and what I noticed, it was an interesting year and I’m grateful for it. When it was all said and done, all that I could do was to express gratitude. I love that song. Grateful, right? Flowing from my heart are the issues of my heart. It’s gratefulness. I am so grateful. And if I’m being honest, y’all, I was a little tired because my best times were my best, but my worst times were my worst. But I’m excited about this new year.

Like, I don’t want to identify or learn something and not share it with you, right? So we’ll get into a lot of the things that came out of 2023 and what I noticed, it was an interesting year and I’m grateful for it. When it was all said and done, all that I could do was to express gratitude. I love that song. Grateful, right? Flowing from my heart are the issues of my heart. It’s gratefulness. I am so grateful. And if I’m being honest, y’all, I was a little tired because my best times were my best, but my worst times were my worst. But I’m excited about this new year.

I’m excited about how God has been speaking to me. I’m excited about what I have prepared to share for you in this season. Y’all, you ain’t ready. I’m telling you, get a helmet and some shoulder pads and just leave them in your car or leave them by your treadmill. Leave them wherever you listen to the podcast, because I am coming for the parts of you that are not living at the level that God desires for you. You heard me say before, God will let you live on whatever level you settle for. Well, listen, it’s a new year and we are coming for everything that it is that God has for us.

If you love the move to millions podcast and the move to millions book is blowing your mind, then you have got to join us for move to millions live. All the details are waiting for you to secure your [email protected]. Want to know what it’s like to work with me and the incredible factor university coaching team? You can get started today with the move to millions 90 day business growth planner. 90 days at a time, you’ll be setting your business on a trajectory that will make the move to millions happen much faster for you. It’s got everything that you need to track every strategy, every sale, all of your KPIs, as well as your self care and life transformational needs. We made sure we left nothing out of this amazing planner, and by accessing the planner, you’ll get a behind the scenes view of what it’s like to work with me and my team. Go grab yours [email protected].

So 2024 is the year of the open door. So if you’re familiar with the jewish calendar, you might have heard this or seen this, because lots of people are talking about what’s happening in 2023. I believe many people saw lots of doors shut. And here’s what I want you to know. Every door that shut wasn’t supposed to stay open. Some of you all catch that in a minute. And in 2024, the doors that are supposed to open, the things that happen in 2023, the hard things, the things that you pressed your way through in 2023, will set you up for an amazing 2024 as we come into this year. And I don’t know if you are the type of person who does a vision board and establishes a word for the year.

I don’t believe in resolutions. Once I decide I want to make a change in my life, I make it right then and right there. And I don’t set resolutions, but I do anchor into a theme based on what God is speaking to me in December, in the week between Christmas and New Year’s, I fast, I pray, and I listen to what God is saying to me. I listen to what is coming up in my spirit, what is coming up in my prayer and devotion time. And based on that, it helps me to add to or take away from my vision board. And it helps me to really anchor into what I’m going to focus on in the next year in every area of my life. And so in 2024, my theme, and you’ll hear this theme throughout the season on the podcast, is anchored Ascension. I’m going to break down to you exactly what that means.

That’s what this first episode is about. That’s why it’s what I called this first episode. I believe 2024, the year of the open door, is the year to ascend. That’s what I believe. And I believe that in order to ascend, you’re going to have to anchor in. That’s what I believe. And so we’re going to go deeper in order to go higher, because sometimes your next level isn’t up, it’s down. And the only way to get to your next level is to go down and go deep.

And let’s make it practical. We’re entrepreneurs and small business owners here, right? So let’s make it practical. So sometimes in order to go to the next level, you got to go deeper into your pinnacle client profile. You’ve got to revisit the symptoms and the scenarios and the situations they find themselves in until they access the solution that you are known for and can help them to change their situation. Right. Sometimes you got to go deeper into clarifying the message that you want to share in the marketplace so that when you share that message, not only does it resonate deeply, but it causes an action to take place of those who are intended to respond to your message. See, sometimes in order to go to your next level, you’re going to have to go deeper into what you offer and stop placating your clients. Listen, I am all for a great online course, and I absolutely believe that everybody should have at least one.

But you and I both know that an online course is not transforming the same as an opportunity to get into proximity and exchange power with your clients in a way that helps them to truly elevate and solve the problem that it is. Sometimes to go to the next level, you’re going to have to go down first. You’re going to have to go deep. And part of that going deep for me especially, is about recognizing my desire to be grounded and to be connected to what matters most in every area of my life. I believe in the will of life. And so every area of my life, my finances, my faith, my family, my friendships, my recreation, my career, my spirituality. In every area of my life, I want to be grounded and connected to what matters most. And in order to do that, what I’ve had to do, and what I encourage you to do, as we are continuing through this first month of the new year, is to set aside some time.

My grandmother, Nanny, I talk about her in the book, move to millions. When I used to get in trouble, which happens often as a child, she would tell me to get somewhere and sit down and think about it. And so that’s what I’m going to suggest to you, that you get somewhere and you sit down and you think about how you can be grounded and connected to what matters most. And for some of you, that means you’re going to have to determine what matters most. Because what got you to where you were in 2023 is not going to get you to where you desire to be at the end of 2024. You’re going to have to anchor in in order to offend. This is so exciting for me. Anchoring in is about recognizing trust.

Trusting God, trusting myself, trusting my purpose, trusting my business acumen, trusting the gifts and talents that I have to solve problems to create million dollar ceos, trusting all of that unwaveringly, just like I trust when I go out to my car that it’s going to start. Or I trust when I go to sit down in a chair, it’s going to hold me. I’ve got to trust everything in my being in order to be anchored in so that I can position myself for ascension. Anchoring in for me is about surrender. Confession time. Your girl is a control freak, not a fee control freak. I like to be in control. Call me Janet.

I like to be in control. And there are times and places where being in control absolutely serves me. But let’s be clear. There are also times and places where being in control is a distraction and it creates dysfunction and it derails me from my destiny because my ways are not his ways. And me thinking, I know from my limited viewers perspective, especially if it’s an area where I am not the expert, could get me into trouble. So I’ve resolved that in 2024, I’m going to detach from the outcome. I’m going to set the goal. I’m going to decree and declare, and then I’m going to release myself from the obligation of having to control how that thing comes into my life, or in my business, or in my marriage, or in my health and wellness.

Because when I lose control, when I surrender, that is the most important strategy for me to leverage, to exceed the goals that I set for myself. So I invite you to do the same. Anchoring in for me is about anchoring into the confidence of who I am. Now, some of you are naturally confident, like me. Some of you need to heighten your competence so that you can become more confident. There is nothing wrong with what you need to do to anchor into your confidence. Here’s what I believe confidence is. I believe that confidence is acknowledging God for creating you.

How dare we not be confident when we sit and we marvel at creation? If you’ve been following me for any point in time, then you know that for several years my husband and I were trying to get pregnant. There were a lot of things I didn’t know about getting pregnant before. I couldn’t. I didn’t know there were only five or six days a month that you could actually conceive. I didn’t know that honestly thought that you just handled your business and did a babe. I mean, all the babies that just be popping up, that’s honestly what I thought. That’s honestly what I thought. And because I now know the miracle that it is to experience a live birth, having been pregnant several times that ended in an atopic pregnancy or a miscarriage, having ivf cycles not complete because we never saw the embryo attached to the lining of my uterus.

Listen, are you ready for move to millions live 2024? Well, registration is now open. It is going down May 22 through the 24th, just outside of Washington, DC. You have to be there if you have millions on your mind, if you think the book was something, wait until you get into proximity to your next level. The conversations, the clarity, the collaborations, and the community that is going to get you to and beyond the million dollar mark is waiting for you now. Go grab your [email protected]. I know you love the Move to Millions podcast. I know you can’t wait every single week for me to drop a new episode. You know what that tells me? It tells me that you’re also going to love my brand new book, move to millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind.

Listen to me. Everything you need to know to make millions of dollars without losing your shirt, your sanity, or anything that’s important to you in the process is in this powerful book. It takes what you are experiencing each week on the podcast to the absolute next level. Go now to movetomillionsbook.com to grab your copy.

Now that I understand the significance of what it means to be, there is no way I can’t be confident. Because not only am I here, but I am thriving. I am an answered prayer to many. I could be an answered prayer to what you’ve been praying. And I’m so grateful that you found me. If I am and whichever way we interact and engage, it is my deepest desire to serve you and to offer you transformation. That’s why my swag is my swag, because I’m confident. I’m anchored in my confidence.

Listen, I don’t care who’s out there doing it. Ain’t nobody doing it like me. Ain’t nobody doing it better than me. I am literally the best thing since pockets when it comes to equipping entrepreneurs and small business owners to make, move and leave millions to become million dollar ceos and businesses that serve them financially and spiritually with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. Period, point blank. I’m anchored into my confidence and most assuredly and most importantly, I am anchored in to embodying the next level version of myself. You have heard me say, and if you have a copy of the book, there’s a whole chapter on vision point versus vantage point. You have got to be it in order to become it.

And for those of you who have yet to cross the million dollar mark that it continues to sit in your belly as something that you must do to become a million dollar CEO and also a millionaire, there’s a difference. You are going to have to embody in advance a million dollar CEO. You are going to have to be act and decide like a million dollar CEO. You are going to have to get into the rooms where million dollar ceos congregate. That’s why move to millions is so important. I don’t keep telling you about it because I don’t have anything better to do. I keep telling you about it because embodiment and being surrounded, being in the proximity to millions is how the power unearths itself in your life. And I want you to understand the significance of the embodiment.

So there will be episodes about embodiment this season on the podcast. Now that I’ve shared with you what I’m anchoring into for 2024, let me tell you about ascension. I was really excited. It was last year. It was 2023. I don’t know what it is about the month of October. I probably need to do some research and some study about the month of October because God speaks to me widely in October. You might remember that it was October 22, 2020 when God gave me the three words that changed my life and yours moved to millions.

And it was this past October when God gave me the word ascend. I was seeking for what I was going to create. After the book came out, I knew that once the book hit the streets, people would be getting a copy of the book and they would be asking, Darnell, how can I get into proximity with you? So I was thinking about that and how I was going to create an environment to support people in this way. And I started praying and I started thinking. One of the things that God revealed to me is that 2024 is the year to ascend. And here’s what I love about the word ascend, and I’m going to define it for you in a second. What I love about the word ascend is that it’s a fancy way to say move. That’s what I love about it, okay? It’s like move at the next level.

That’s what Ascend is. Oh, got me so warm and fuzzy. Okay, so ascend and ascension is the act of rising to an important position or higher level. I’m going to just let that breathe for a second. In fact, let me repeat it. The act of rising to an important position or higher level. An important position. Million Dollar CEO is an important decision.

Best version of yourself is an important decision. Financial legacy keeper is an important position. So when God said ascend, I got immediately excited. And when I realized that my word, my theme, my focus for 2024 was going to be anchored ascension, I got really excited because the ideas just really started flooding in, of how I could use this in my own life and how I could serve our community at large in order to have and experience their own anchored ascension. So let’s talk about some of the things that I am anchored into, ascending into being a healthy and wealthy vessel. Here’s what I know. You cannot sell the dream when you look like a nightmare. 2023, as I’ve already expressed to you, was the best worst year.

There were high highs and lows, low lows and y’all. I put a lot more sugar in my body and the way that it is reflecting or had reflected. I’m now weaning myself off sugar again. I didn’t like the way it looked.

If you love the move to Millions podcast and the move to Millions book is blowing your mind, then you have got to join us for move to millions live. All the details are waiting for you to secure your seat at movetomillionsevent.com.

I believe just like my good friend and client Patrice Washington, in the original definition of wealth, which includes wellness and well being. And so that means that personally, if I am suggesting, if I am creating an environment, if I’m offering you the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind, then I have got to also be an example of what that looks like in every way. I don’t want a whole host of us making millions of dollars, but we got high blood pressure, diabetes. I don’t want that. I don’t want us selling the dream when there could be a better version of ourselves available. I don’t want that. I don’t want us settling for not looking like the vessels we were created to be because we’re too busy operating our businesses. I spent a lot of time on the road last year.

I hadn’t had a year of travel like I had last year since 2016. And one of the stories I’ve been telling myself, I told myself in 2023, as evidenced by my growing waistline, was that when you’re traveling, it’s hard to eat healthy. That is a lie. That is a lie that I told myself. Most of the things you believe are a lie. And so I’m anchoring in to ascending to a vessel that is healthy in every way so that I can do this work without getting winded, because it’s important. I’m in it for the long haul. I’m here to be part of this movement until God calls me to something else.

And you all know I prayed a long time before this movement showed up. So I’m not intending on going anywhere. I’m anchored into ascending into being light in the business world when it comes to the convergence of faith and business, the anointing on my life, and I’m anchoring into fully ascending into that. So I’m going back into deepening my own connection and alignment with the father even more. I’m going deep so that I can rise up, so that I can lead in a way that gives you a very real example of what it looks like. And I’m anchoring into ascending to being already what it is that I envision at my next level. I’ve shared openly with you of my desire to get the business to 10 million, and we’re still working towards that trajectory. We’re not there yet, and I’ve recognized that I need to be, in advance, the $10 million CEO.

And if I’m being honest, there have been moments when I haven’t been. And you know I’m always going to be honest and transparent, right? And so a big part of anchored ascension for me is to be honest with myself. So here are the practical steps. The takeaway. Number one, like Nanny said, I want you to get somewhere and sit down and think about it. And as you get somewhere, sit down and think about it. I want you to be honest with yourself. To borrow from Patrice Washington again, I’m talking about what she calls radical honesty.

I had to be honest with myself. I want you to be honest with yourself. Are you setting a goal that you don’t look anything like it, you don’t resemble it in the least little bit be honest with yourself. And then after you’re honest with yourself, number two is ask yourself if you are willing to do whatever it takes. I love that John Asaraf quote. He says, when you’re interested, you do what’s convenient, but when you’re committed, you do whatever it takes. I’m talking to those of you who are committed. If you are committed to being the version of yourself that becomes a million dollar CEO and millionaire, then I need you to be honest about what is required and what it’s going to take.

And then number three, I want you to in that evaluation of asking yourself that question, I want you to write down what comes to you as the next move you must make. Once you know the move, step four is to find a community to help to put you on the trajectory to it. And perhaps it’s this community have something amazing coming that you are going to love. So stay tapped in. I’m almost ready to share it with you. The team is just working out some of the fine details, but I have something for you. We’re going to be releasing something this year that we have never done in almost 17 years in business. We don’t count the lost years.

Right? We don’t count the lost years. But if I count all the time that there was an incredible one enterprises, we’re looking at almost 17 years in business. And for the first time in almost 17 years, what we have prepared for you this year. Your eyes haven’t seen, your ears haven’t heard, neither has it entered into your heart. But what I want you to know is I heard God’s heart for you when we designed it. It’s going to be amazing. This is the year of anchored ascension. What are you going to anchor in and ascend to? So I want you to do me a favor.

I want you to do a screenshot and a story as you’re listening to this first episode of the new season. Tag me in your story on Instagram and tell me what are you anchoring in to ascend to in 2024? And I’ll see you guys next time. Take care.
Thank you for joining me for the Move to Millions podcast. The way I see it, you deserve a business that generates millions. We’d love to have you join us in May at move to millions live to help you prepare, plan and position your company for the million dollar mark visit move to millions event now to grab your seat. If you enjoyed our time together, do yourself a favor. Head on over to iTunes, subscribe rate and leave us a review until next time. Remember, millions are your birthright. And to access them, you need only move. See you next time.
Take care.
