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Ep 199 – REWIND: Dan Mangena: The Commitment To Millions


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You’re experiencing the byproduct of the commitments you’ve made.” – Dan Mangena

About Our Guest

Dan Mangena is a celebrated and award-winning CEO and serial entrepreneur. Through his company, Dream with Dan he is best known for teaching people like you to develop a millionaire mindset and achieve abundance mastery. He’s a podcast host, a best-selling author, international speaker, and a successful entrepreneur. Dan has been featured in Forbes and Entrepreneur magazines, and appeared on FOX, CNN, and CBS.

Episode Summary

This REWIND episode is powered by Move to Millions Live (and the Million Dollar Intensives) 

When it comes to the reason why millions-minded entrepreneurs and business owners aren’t actually making millions, 9 times out of 10, there is a limiting belief issue.  While it seems like if we just do more activity, we can hit that number – if making millions was just about math, there would be more than 4 percent million-dollar companies in the US. Most business owners don’t realize that millions come into your life when your thoughts, feelings and beliefs, words and actions are in alignment. Alignment is what produces million-dollar results.  Sadly, most aren’t talking about what it truly takes to achieve success at this level. That stops today. If you’ve been challenged by the why behind why you’re not already making, moving and leaving millions, this episode is for you.  In this episode, prepare to experience a powerful mindset and abundance shift.  Although I was the interviewer, Dan Mangena was dropping so many gems that I got next level clarity for myself!  His profound declaration – “you are experiencing the byproduct of the commitments that you have made,”  hit me like a ton of bricks and at the same time shifted me instantly. I have often been quoted stating that the move to millions is more mental than it is methodical.  Grab your pen and paper and listen in now to discover:

  • The #1 mistake we make that limits the results we receive
  • 3 keys to shifting your commitments to watch what you desire to come into your business
  • How to center yourself and get into alignment (and why that’s so relevant to your million-dollar company)
  • And so much more

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Powerful Quotes from the Episode

  • “When you feel stuck, pre-tithe.  Whenever I feel stuck, spending money creates a massive shift.”
  • “Gratitude is a practice that has been instrumental in scaling my company.”
  • “The Bible reminds us that God loves a cheerful giver.”

How to Connect with Dan Mangena

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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those.

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