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Ep 174: Kept From Millions


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The community you are in will determine how much money you move.” – Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

Episode Summary

This episode is powered by the  Move to Millions Book

Ever heard the saying “you don’t know what you don’t know?” What you don’t know often leads to making mistakes that will keep you from your biggest goals.  What if I told you that the mistakes you might be making are the key to your millions?  Would you want to stop making mistakes so that you could start making millions?  In this short but might episode, I share what I have observed after more than 12 years working directly with business owners who desire to scale and sustain to and beyond the million-dollar mark.  Over the last 12 years, I have identified the three biggest mistakes that are made that have kept entrepreneurs and business owners just like you from their millions.   If you are ready to learn  the three biggest mistakes, one you are likely making right now, this episode is for you. My hope is that in being exposed to them, you might create a plan to turn those mistakes into a methodology and consistent movement toward your goals. Grab your pen and paper and listen in now to discover:

  • The top three mistakes that keep entrepreneurs and business owners from their millions
  • Why community is essential to unlocking your next level
  • How to shift from mistake to movement to bring your goals into view
  • And so much more

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