Ep 165 – Questioning Greatness

Greatness is questioned before it is celebrated and appreciated.” – Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

Episode Summary

This episode is powered by the  Move to Millions Live (and the Million Dollar Intensives) 

What do Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Eleanor Roosevelt, Colonel Sanders, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry and you all have in common?  Their greatness that was called into question before it was elevated, celebrated, and appreciated.  I was in the shower last week when the impetus for this week’s episode hit my spirit.  Often, we have an idea or project our brilliance out into the world or marketplace, but others mock or downplay it, don’t get excited or even attempt to stifle it.  That typically sends us into a tailspin of questioning our own greatness, which creates feelings of inadequacy and even imposter syndrome.  I have certainly had moments when I questioned my greatness, my purpose and my place on the planet. Whenever, I have felt this way, I took specific steps to remind myself that my greatness doesn’t need to be validate by anyone but me and my Creator.  If you are currently working towards scaling your business to and beyond the million-dollar mark, these feelings can heighten once you enter into the Millions Messy Middle TM, where everything is called into question.  In this short but mighty episode, I have one mission and that is to stop you from ever questioning your greatness again. What I know for sure is that the questions you are asking about yourself are impacting your Move to Millions. Grab your pen and paper and listen in now to discover:

  • #1 way to respond when your value, expertise or worth is questioned
  • 5 tips for navigating this period in your life and business
  • The importance of having blinders on as you navigate day to day
  • The importance of a morning routine to navigate these moments in your life and business
  • The role that community and collaboration plays as you continue to level up
  • And so much more

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Powerful Quotes from the Episode

  • “The goal is to become more comfortable with your greatness so that it doesn’t matter what others think.”
  • “Being liked was the best thing since pockets.”
  • “As I got older, I realized that what other people thought of me was non of my business.”
  • “In order to show up fully and be who God created you to be, you’ll need to put on your blinders.”

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