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Ep 145 – The 10 Commandments of a CEO on the Move to Millions


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Thou shall know that you deserve a business that serves you financially, spiritually, and sustainably.” – Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

Episode Summary

This episode is powered by the  Move to Millions Live Black Friday Specials

One thing I have learned after helping others successfully navigate their business to the million-dollar mark is that there are a set of “bylaws,” commandments if you will, that aid in shifting an entrepreneur into a CEO.  When I created the list I will share with you in this episode, it started because I took a look at the lives and businesses of those we have helped to move to millions.  I was looking for the commonalities and mindset shifts and decisions they made that made the difference in them achieving this goal that less than 2% of all entrepreneurs ever make.  My goal is that these commandments become your personal blueprint because I believe that there is a mandate to millions on your life.   In this powerful episode, I am sharing the 10 commandments with you in hopes that you’ll see which you have down and which you need help in putting into place.  These commandments come   straight out of my forthcoming book, Move to Millions. I’m excited to share them with you because I know that something amazing has the potential to shift inside of you as you live into these commandments and you make them the precipice, the most centrifugal part of all that it is that you do inside of your life and inside of your business. Grab your pen and paper and listen in now to discover:

  • The real reason that surrender is essential to taking your business to the next level   
  • How to scale your business sustainably
  • #1 reason why you’re not supposed to be all things in your company
  • The real reason you need to raise your rates
  • Why you must exude confidence even if it makes others uncomfortable
  • And so much more

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Powerful Quotes from the Episode

  • Speak it, believe it, and don’t doubt it. Then forgive, and you’ll watch mountains move
  • Forgiveness as a precipice to you making, moving, and leaving millions is something you need to do every day
  • Your ego wants you to believe that you have to be in control. But the real control happens when you surrender.”
  • Confidence is your way of thanking God for creating you.”
  • As your confidence heightens, it is going to rub some people the wrong way.”

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I want you to know that when I say million dollar, I’m not talking about the singular million. It’s moved to millions, right? It’s moving millions. The impact of the lives that you will change. It’s making millions. It’s the money that will infiltrate your bank account and change the way that you get to change the lives of other people. The original definition of wealth, which is health and wellness and wellbeing, in addition to financial resource. And it’s leaving millions. It’s being able to leave a financial legacy. Sure. Pass down your recipes.

You’re listening to the Move to Millions podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, the place to be for high level conversations about all things millions. Your mission, mindset, methodologies, mandate, movement, messaging, marketing, metrics, and most definitely your money. I am your host spiritual business growth coach, Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. Join me each week for inspiring stories, powerful interviews, and business growth strategies to help you experience abundance in your life because of your business. If you’re ready to move to your next level everything, let’s get this party started.

This episode is powered by Move to Millions Live 2023 and our Black Friday specials. Listen to me. If you are a million dollar CEO or a million dollar CEO in the making, you want to meet us at Move to Millions Live. And when you take advantage of getting your ticket on Black Friday, you will get the best deals ever. Go now to

I am so excited to be back with you for another episode. And if you happen to be new around here first and foremost, welcome. We are so excited to have you join us on the Move to Millions movement. There’s a couple of things I need to let you know. First and foremost, or second actually, this podcast as you’ll come to learn isn’t really just about business. It’s about the convergence of the principles, the assets, and the legacy that will take your business to your million dollar birthright.

I am going to tell you everything that I know about making the Move to Millions in a way that is sustainable. And it prevents you from sacrificing your faith, your family, your freedom, your finances, or your fun. Every time I record an episode, whether it’s you and me, together, or you, me, and an amazing guest, my mission is the same. I am here to normalize wealth, legacy, and abundance all for you. 

And listen. It’s not just about the money. It is also about the impact and the legacy. I created the Move to Millions Method, which is our proven method of getting six figure entrepreneurs to the million dollar mark sustainably in one to three years. And it’s my gift to you just for coming to hang out with me today. You’ll just need to go to We’ll put that in the show notes for you.

Today’s episode is our last episode in season three. Have we had a time together or what? This is the actual first season of the Move to Millions podcast. If you’ve been around for a while, we call you and consider you to be an OG listener. Then you know that this podcast used to be called the Leverage your Incredible Factor podcast. I know it’s a mouthful. And it was amazing. If you ever journey back to those first two years of episodes, 100 of them to be exact, then you already know the content is fire. We realized the movement that God had us on in late 2020. We underwent a rebrand in 2021, and then we came back ready to really transform the world in 2022 with the Move to Millions podcast. So I’m excited that you are here for the last episode in the third season of the entire history of the podcast, but the first season as the Move to Millions podcast.

Today, I want to leave you as we prepare to end this year strategically, and set your business on a sustainable trajectory to the million dollar mark. I want to leave you with something I’m writing in my book right now. 

So I think you know, but in case this is your first time here, I am writing the book I was born to write, Move to Millions. I mean of course you know it has to be called that, right? When I go in, I go in. And I go all the way in. Literally just before I started to record this episode, I was standing here with my executive assistant ordering more URLs that have Move to Millions in it. We I think own them all now. Everything Move to Millions is really what we’re doing. Our trademark is in. It is live. Listen. Things are moving, and we’re so excited about the lives that we get to impact during our work.

So as I’m writing this book, the book is amazing. I cannot wait to put it on pre-order for you. I’m almost done writing. I have two chapters left. I’m so excited for you, because your whole life is about to change. I believe this book is going to break open business for you, that you will finally come to know it in a way that doesn’t require you to hustle and grind. I just know that Instagram, all of the people out there are telling you wake, pray, hustle. No. This journey is a journey of grace and ease, not hustle and grind. And this book is going to break down our Move to Millions methodology and framework, and our million dollar assets. Many of the things that have already become episodes on this podcast, I am digging a little deeper to create for you an amazing blueprint to change every area of your life. 

Because you know for me it’s about the whole CEO. It’s not just about your business. I don’t want you making more money at the expense of your marriage. I don’t want you making more money at the expense of not being there for your children. I don’t want you making more money at the expense of your health and wellness. So we talk about everything that is you, everything that will take your life to your next level. I truly believe that God ordained you for millions if you have it in your heart.

When I think about that scripture in Psalms, Psalms 37, I think it’s Psalms 37. So if I’m not right, you don’t need to be DMing me. But I’m going to tell you the scripture I’m talking about. “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” What I believe that scripture says and means is that when God is first placed in your life, the desires that you hold, the conscious desires that you speak out, you journal about, you pray about, you might even cry about are the desires that God placed on the inside of you. So for you to be sitting in this space this day at the time in which you are listening to this episode, and for you to declare in your spirit maybe not audibly at this moment, that you have a millionaire in you, you have a million dollar CEO in you. You did not think that up on your own. God thought that up for you.

And what I love about God is that anytime he gives us something, it won’t require batteries. I’m not saying that there won’t be work. But it won’t be grueling, hustle and grind work. It’s really not about hustle and grind. It’s about flow and getting into the flow of everything that goes along with it.

So when we first started the rebrand, and repositioning the company, and changing our impetus with our clients and going all in on serving people at the six figure level, that really desire to have million dollar companies. And want to do it in a way that again, is sustainable, but it doesn’t sacrifice what’s important to them. I came up with the 10 commandments of a CEO on the Move to Millions. And I thought it would be fitting to end this season three to tell you what those 10 commandments are, because the book isn’t coming out until June or July of 2023. And I want you to start sitting in the seat of the significance of the million dollar call on your life.

And I want you to know that when I say million dollar, I’m not talking about the singular million. It’s move to millions, right? It’s moving millions. The impact of the lives that you will change, it’s making millions. It’s the money that will infiltrate your bank account and change the way that you get to change the lives of other people. It gets to allow you to normalize access to wealth, and abundance, and the original definition of wealth. Which is health and wellness and wellbeing, in addition to financial resource. And it’s leaving millions. It’s being able to leave a financial legacy. Sure, pass down your recipes.

Listen, I want you to. I want them to know how to make your lemon meringue pie and your macaroni and cheese. I want them to know that. But I also want your great grandchildren and your great great grandchildren to know your name, because you thought enough to create a business that would be sustainable so that they would be able to inherit after you left. That excites me. I don’t know about you, but my whole body is reverberating right now because it just makes me feel so warm and fuzzy to think that we could shift the trajectory, right? 

You know me. I’m a [inaudible 00:09:37] girl. Listen, I was born in the projects of Wilmington, Delaware. My ancestors were slaves in this country. So today to be a Black girl making millions and a millionaire helping other Black and white girls, and Asian girls, all the girls, helping all the girls make move and leave millions. And some guys too. That just warms my heart, because I believe this wealth transfer that we’re in right now, it’s designed to shift the dynamic.

Calling all million dollar CEOs and million dollar CEOs in the making. Move to Millions Live is coming. 2023, our theme is thought after. And I have an amazing Black Friday special for you. When you get your ticket on Black Friday, not only will you be able to get your ticket at the lowest investment possible. But you will score some amazing bonuses.

Number one, you’ll get a hardback autograph copy of my forthcoming book Move to Millions. Number two, you’ll get access to our day zero VIP training. Number three, you’re going to get the brand new Move to Millions power pack. Number four, you’re going to get a Move to Millions sought after official conference tee-shirt. And you’re going to get for the first time ever, $5 million intensives designed to make sure that before we meet in May, your business has added an additional $100,000 to your business’ bottom line. You heard me correctly. Go now to to secure your ticket today.

Those of us who are underrepresented and often misrepresented are coming into wealth, and we will be sustainable and responsible with the wealth. Yeah, we’re going to buy the bag, we’re going to get the car. We’re probably going to build the house, and that’s all good. But we are also going to be the change we want to see because we understand the significance of coming from a place where we didn’t have.

So when I first created these commandments, I created them from the vantage point of almost creating a mantra if you will, a blueprint of how you should conduct yourself, because there’s a mandate to millions on your life. And I’m excited to share them with you because I know that something amazing has the potential to shift inside of you as you live into these commandments and you make them the precipice, the most centrifugal part of all that it is that you do inside of your life and inside of your business.

So let’s jump in to the 10 commandments of a CEO on the Move to Millions. And now who knows. I might get inspired and give you a few more, but I’m going to go with what we have right here. And I’m going to read them in no particular order. I’m just going to read them as they move me, not the way that they’re on this paper that I’m reading from.

Okay. So, “Thou shall forgive every day so that nothing keeps you from more abundance than your hand, heart, and bank account can hold.” Can we just pause right there for a second? Let me read it again. “Thou shall forgive every day, so that nothing keeps you for more abundance than your hand, heart, and bank account can hold.” You already know one of my favorite scriptures in the Bible Mark 11:24-26, when Jesus and the disciples are walking through town. The whole fig tree moment. The next day, they’re walking back and Jesus gives the formula, right? Say to any mountain. Speak it, believe it, and don’t doubt it. Then forgive, and you’ll watch mountains move. So that forgiveness as a precipice to you making, moving, and leaving millions is something you need to do every day, right?

That makes me think about that part in the movie Brown Sugar. If you’ve seen Brown Sugar, Taye Diggs, he quits his good job and he is starting his own record label. And he signs his first artist. It’s Mos Def, who’s playing whatever the character is in the movie. And he starts going to the radio station every day and he’s like, “Until I hear this here song in the rotation, I’m going to come up here every day. Every day with a voracious desire to free your heart and spirit, and those who have wronged you from the obligation of being held to have made a mistake at some point in time that you felt cause you harm.” 

That freeing energy will unblock the flow and open up an abundant wellspring of all the abundance into your heart, your hand, and your bank account. Girl to be dripping over, boy you won’t know what to do with yourself. It’s a game changer. That’s the first commandment. 

And here we go. “Thou shall stop stressing and start surrendering.” Y’all know how I feel about surrender. Surrender changed my life. Surrender is the reason that today, I’m a million dollar CEO and a millionaire. Because I surrendered. Even back when I had filed that bankruptcy in 2010 and then three years later to be a bonafide millionaire, even before I was a million dollar company, I was a millionaire because of my assets. But then to go on to get my company to the million dollar mark, it was because I decided to lift my hands. You don’t have to be in control. Your ego wants you to believe that you have to be in control. But the real control happens when you surrender.

“Thou shall focus on strengthening your strategy, system, sales, infrastructure and support.” You know I had to shout out the Move to Millions method, right? Because you’re going to have to strengthen all four of those things. And of course your success mindset is the fifth one, the bonus, tn order to make the Move to Millions. “Thou shall be confident at all times, because your confidence will close more deals than your skills.”

Confidence is your way of thanking God for creating you. Confidence is an understanding that you are brilliant, and the work that you’ve been given to do on this planet was designed to change the lives of other people. That’s what confidence is. And when you articulate that confidence in every way that you move, you will shake the planet.

I recently had someone tell me that my marketing was cocky, or it had cocky undertones. And what I told them was that it was just my confidence bumping up against their insecurity, and that I wouldn’t be held to the obligation of having to dim my light because they weren’t comfortable with theirs.

So I’m saying the same to you. As your confidence heightens, it is going to rub some people the wrong way. The people that don’t see themselves the same way. That is not your problem. It is theirs. 

I still think about that book by Terry Cole-Whittaker, What You Think of Me Is None of My Business. What they think of you is none of your business. “Thou shall know that you deserve a business that serves you financially, spiritually, and sustainably. Thou shalt know that. You got to know, that you know, that you know, that you know, that you know, that you know that your business was designed to serve you. This is not about quitting your quote unquote “good job” to create another job for you that maybe pays you well as you get on the trajectory to millions, but doesn’t give you the freedom and the flexibility to spend time with the people you really love, and to enjoy the fruit of your labor. Yeah no, that’s not what it’s all about.

“Thou shall not be all the things. Thou shall be the co-CEO.” And in parenthesis is another commandment. “Thou shall know that God is the real CEO of your company.” That takes us all the way back to that surrender. changes everything.

“Thou shall make decisions from your vision point and not your vantage point.” That’s a whole chapter in the book. It’s so good. All right. “Thou shall set strategic sales goals, and put the systems and processes in place to achieve them with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind.”

Yeah. I cannot stress this enough. Hustle culture is canceled. We don’t have to do that anymore. Literally just last week, I had someone who slid in my DMs. They were doing an event, and they wanted to learn about the course that we have for people who want to start making six or seven figures from their live events by shifting into enrollment events instead of conferences. And she was telling me that her coach, who shall remain nameless, told her to pick the dates and hustle.

That is not good advice. Hustle doesn’t get you anything but tired. I believe that when you hustle, you miss the important steps. And you minimize the ability to leverage the power of your systems and strategy to do the work for you.

“Thou shall not base your prices on your time, but instead on the result you provide to the problem clients can’t solve on their own.” Yeah, that one could be a whole miniseries. A whole miniseries. A whole miniseries. 

“Thou shall work the business from the top and not the bottom.” Listen. The important thing about this is to keep in mind that I know a lot of people come into entrepreneurship and they’re like, “But I just started.” Yeah, you didn’t just start. You might have just started under your own moniker. But you’ve actually been doing the work that you do for quite some time, probably for free, probably for loved ones. But you didn’t start from the bottom. Because you’ve already started, you don’t need to start the business from the bottom. You can start it from the top. The top of the market, the top of your pricing, the top of your packages. Everything can be from the top. We’re going to take a quick break. I wanted to get through all of the commandments first. And when we come back, I’ll give you a little bit more to noodle on before we call it a season. We’ll be right back.

Did you hear? For the first time ever as a precursor to Move to Millions live, we are hosting $5 million intensive. You’ll have the opportunity to join me, Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, once a month for the five months leading up to Move to Millions starting in December of 2022, with our very first million dollar intensive Modeled for Millions: How to Turn your Signature Offer Into a $100,000 Offer. Listen to me. If you want to make, move, and leave millions, it is time for you to think bigger. It’s easier than you think to from 10K offers to $100,000 offer.

One thing I’ve learned by continually elevating our pricing and experience is that the highest end of your market is ready, willing, and able to invest in your expertise if it is packaged and positioned well. And, you add a luxury experience element that transforms their whole life with your offer. In this brand new masterclass that you can only attend if you are joining us for Move to Millions Live 2023 happening May 24th through the 26th in Washington DC, I am going to show you just how to 10X your signature offer, and make the Move to Millions with grace and ease. Join us by securing your seat today for Move to Millions Live 2023 at

You’re listening to the Move to Millions podcast. Was that good for you? Going through the 10 commandments of a CEO on the Move to Millions. Listen, I’m so excited. I’m so excited that I was able to share these commandments with you. They are a game changer. I want you to spend some time living into them every single day. I’m going to repeat them in the opposite order that I gave them to you originally. 

“Thou shall work the business from the top and not the bottom. Thou shall not base your prices on your time, but instead on the result you provide to the problem clients can’t solve on their own. Thou shall set strategic sales goals and put the systems and processes in place to achieve them with grace and ease instead of hustling. Thou shall make decisions from your vision point and not your vantage point. Thou shall not be all the things. Thou shall be the co-CEO. Thou shall know that God is the real CEO of your company. Thou shall know that you deserve a business that serves you financially, spiritually, and sustainably. Thou shall be confident at all times. Your confidence will close more deals than your skills. Thou shall focus on strengthening your strategy, sales, infrastructure, systems, and support. Thou shall stop stressing and start surrendering. And thou shall forgive every day, so that nothing keeps you for more abundance than your hand, heart, and bank account can hold.”

Those are the 10 commandments of a CEO on the move to millions. I remember when each of these commandments came to me. And the difference that I immediately felt in my spirit to be able to centralize the concepts in a way that would give power to those who consider themselves desiring of a business that makes, moves, and leaves millions, right?

Because here’s the thing. I said it earlier. There will be work to get to the million dollar mark. But it doesn’t have to be hustle, grind, push a boulder uphill work. As you set the foundation for your business. It’s a big part of the reason why our work with our clients, we say one to three years to the million dollar mark. Yes, we do have some people make it in one year. And depending upon what your business is, if the revenue gets there in a year, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the business has been set up with an infrastructure that will be sustainable. 

I’ve seen that happen too, where a client crosses the million dollar mark, they disengage from our community. And the next time I check in approximately a year later, they’re not at the million dollar mark anymore. So it’s part of the reason why we set up a sustainable infrastructure over three years to make sure that you’ll be able to stick with all of the work that you put in place to have a business that operates at that level.

Typically in year one of working with clients, we’re going to help them to create their custom roadmap. We’ll set their foundation, which means that we’ll likely raise their prices. We’ll up level their programs and get them into an offer suite that is focusing on an amazing signature offer. We’ll build out their first $4 million assets, their leveraging scale offer suite, their leveraging scale messaging suite, their leveraging scale marketing suite, and their leveraging scale sales suite. And we’ll make sure that they’ve got the key team members and executive assistant, first and foremost primarily. Because you can get to the million dollar mark if you’re priced, positioned, and promoting yourself well with just an executive assistant. You’ll eventually want to add on more talent team so that you are actually in position to strategically preside over your company.

But in the first year, we don’t try to get our clients to go hiring a full blown team. We’ve got to set the foundation and get the money moving in the right direction before we start building team. In year two, we’re going to build their final 3 million assets. Their systems suite, their talent suite, and their legacy and leadership suites. We’re going to tighten all seven of their million dollar assets, make sure that their systems are in alignment with their core values so that we can accelerate their flow. Alignment is an accelerant for your business. We’ll start focusing on building out their million dollar dream team. And they will start inching away from the day-to-day as they build out their team. 

Start inching. Because once you bring on an operations manager, or director of operations, or even a COO, you can’t jet right away, right? There’s going to take time and learning curve to get that person up to speed. But making sure that they’re moving closer and things are getting documented so that they don’t have to be part of everyday things.

And we also start to remove some of that private access for them, and make sure that they’re really offering leveraged offers. And their team, their talent team is stepping up to serve their clients. Because they’ve got to be free to get out, get in the rooms, make the connections and the deals that only they can make as the CEO of their company.

In year three, it’s all about scale. We’re scaling everything. We’re scaling traffic sources where if they haven’t already been leveraging the power of PR, we’re introducing PR into their business. We’re scaling their systems and their automation. We’re building out their legacy suite. So we’re making sure that they now have a wealth management plan, that they have a business succession plan. That if they didn’t already, that they now have insurance. Not just business insurance because they should have had that from the beginning, but life insurance that actually sets them on a trajectory to be able to leave legacy, financial legacy to their loved ones.

And we get them working less, with a bigger focus on vision and moving the company forward. For whatever they want it to be. Right? Some of our clients just want to get to the million dollar mark. Some of them want to sit around $3 million so that they can take $1 million for themselves and their legacy out of the business. Some want 5 million. Some want eight figures, right? That’s why we create that custom roadmap for them, because we want to make sure that they’re able to get it. And it all hinges on these 10 commandments of a CEO on the Move to Millions. Because we want your move to be as grace-filled as possible. We want stress, and overwhelm, and confusion to subside and dissipate. And we want for confidence, and clarity, and commitment to rise. Because we know that when that rises, the impact will indeed be felt by millions.

I want to thank you guys for an amazing season three. I cannot wait to be back. We’ll be back mid-January to kick off season four. In the interim of us coming back, we are going to rewind some of our best episodes and a few of my personal favorites for the rest of the year until we lead up to season four.

But again, I want to thank you for being here. I want to invite you if you haven’t done so already to please rate and leave a review. At the top of the year as we launch season four, we are going to be doing a drawing where you can win a 30 minute strategy session with me. But only if you have a review on our podcast. So take the two seconds it takes on Apple Podcasts to write and rate this podcast. It will pay off for you. Because once we do that drawing at the launch of season four, I might be reaching out to you to tell you that you and I have 30 minutes together, and how do you want to spend it.

It’s amazing what I can do to your business in 10 minutes. If you go on our YouTube channel, you can see some of the business makeovers that I’ve done from our live events and our tour stop events over the years. Just imagine what I could do to your business if we spent 30 minutes together. And all you need to do in order to get in the running for that is rate and review this podcast. I mean, come on. Stop playing. Stop playing yourself. Stop playing, stop playing, stop playing. Please stop playing.

I’m excited, and I’m just going to hold the space for you to write that review. That one review that expands our reach that gets us into another country, right? We’re in over 50 countries around the world right now, and I know that there are more who need to hear this message. And they will with the help of your review.

So thank you so much for an amazing season. Thank you in advance. If you haven’t rated and reviewed the podcast yet, please do so and thank you for doing so. And I’ll see you in season four. Take care.

Thank you for joining me for the Move to Millions podcast. If after listening to this episode, you’re ready to stop playing and praying small, you should go grab my Plan For Millions bundle. One thing I know for sure is that before you can make the move, you’ve got to have the plan. If you enjoyed our time together, do yourself a favor. Head on over to iTunes, subscribe, rate, and leave us a review. Until next time, remember. Millions are your birthright. And to access them, all you have to do is move. Take care.
