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Ep 121 – Leisa Peterson: Mindful Millionaire


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“As long as you approach money from a place of lack and scarcity, you’re inviting it to go away quickly.” Leisa Peterson

About Our Guest:
Leisa Peterson is THE Mindful Millionaire Maker. As a coach, author, business growth strategist and founder of WealthClinic, she helps people elevate their financial consciousness by realizing their true value and becoming financially empowered.

Episode Summary:

This episode is powered by the Move to Millions Method

Wealth starts in your mind long before it lands in your bank account.  Once I realized this, I devoured everything I could get my hands on about mindset and money.  One of the books I turn to now and refer to clients and friends alike is Mindful Millionaire by Leisa Peterson.  Having a conversation with her was so mind blowing.  In this episode, she dives deep into the importance of learning about yourself, about money, and how you can create the life you truly want. She also emphasizes that the higher power is doing the work. Tune in and develop a mindset that is bound for success! From the realization that we are all born with a scarcity mindset to the illumination that how we see money is about how we see ourselves and everything in between, you have an unprecedented opportunity to position yourself to become a mindful millionaire.

Grab pen and paper and listen in to discover:

  • How what you’ve been through is the perfect segue way to your next level
  • Why the way you look at your problems impacts your ability to solve them
  • A three-pronged approach to looking at your wealth ability
  • How to consider what they’ve left outside of their relationship with God – including their relationship with money
  • How to shift your mental blocks and open up your ability to make more money
  • And so much more

Powerful Leisa quotes from the episode:

  •  I became better at money than my parents by the time I was 8 years old.
  • My journey has been one of overcoming difficulty and looking at life as ‘how I can make this better’
  • Don’t make money more important than what is really important
  • Fear and scarcity always kept me from having a life I could enjoy

Last Book Leisa Read: The Beautiful Business by Steven Morris

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” ― Frederick Buechner, Wishful Thinking: A Theological ABC

Tool Leisa Swear By: Math

How to Connect with Leisa:

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Leisa Peterson: Mindful Millionaire

In this episode, I chat with Leisa Peterson. This conversation was the There were so many amazing things that Leisa shared. One of my favorites was her asking herself the question of, “How do I make this better?” You’ll understand exactly what I mean when we get into our conversation. Let me quickly tell you a little bit about Leisa. Leisa Peterson is the Mindful Millionaire Maker.

As a Coach, Author, Business Growth Strategist, and Founder of Wealth Clinic, she helps people accelerate their financial consciousness by realizing their true value and becoming financially empowered. You need a pen, paper, and some tissues. You need all the things to be in your presence as you read my conversation with Leisa. There were so many parts of this conversation that I loved. I’m going to share a couple of highlights because there were so many amazing things.

She said that by the time she was twelve, she had more money in her bank account than her parents. She also said, “As long as you approach money from lack or scarcity, it will run away quickly.” You are in for a treat. If you are ready to finally figure out what are the blocks you are experiencing mentally in those 6 inches between your ears that is keeping you from feeling 7 figures in between your fingers, get that pen and paper. Let’s jump in to my conversation with Leisa Peterson, the author of The Mindful Millionaire.

Leisa, I’m so excited to welcome you to the show. How are you?

I am very well and so happy to be here.

When I met Lisa, I knew already that this woman was my sister from another mister. We’re going to talk all about her book, Mindful Millionaire. Do yourself a favor and pull up Amazon unless you’re driving. If you’re driving, don’t do this. As soon as you stop, go to Amazon and grab this book. It’s going to change your whole life. I do mindset and talk about this stuff all the time. I was in my car, having to pull over to write down something powerful that Leisa said. I am so excited that you were here. Would you take a moment and tell everybody who you are in your own words?

I love mindset work because I’ve been on a journey for years to understand what that means. I was born in Oakland, California. My parents were 18 and 19 years old. They didn’t know anything about money. They didn’t know how to barely raise kids. I learned through the difficulties of life how to take care of money. I became better at money when I was maybe 8 or 9 years old. I was better than my parents. By twelve, I had more money in my bank account than they did. That was interesting. That’s not the way we expect it to be.

My journey has been one of overcoming difficulty and looking at life like, “How do I make this better? How can I take what I’ve got and transform it into something that works for me?” Life didn’t feel like it worked for me early in life. I feel now that I finally figured it out. The book, The Mindful Millionaire, was my journey of what I learned about myself, money, and how we can make money more important than anything else.

That’s what I did in the early parts of my life. Sadly, my dad was brutally murdered in 1999. That caused me to have that wake-up moment of, “You don’t even know what it’s like to be happy. You don’t even know what it’s like to have a life that you enjoy. It’s always been fear, scarcity, worry, and concern about all of these problems.” I was like, “I’m going to do something different. I’m going to use this testimony to what happened to my dad to change my life.” That began a journey that continues to this day.

I have written down five things that you said. I’m like, “We got to pull on this because it was so good.” I love learning about money through the difficulties in your life. I want to celebrate you because this has been perpetual. You didn’t wake up this way. I say all the time, “No one goes to bed a blunder and wakes up a wonder.” Your journey, your story, and how you see money are no different. What I love about this is recognizing that at a young age, there was an opportunity for you to find lessons.

Our stories are not exactly the same, but there are so many similarities. As a young child, I imagine asking myself the same questions and creating different realities like you is because of my parents and where I came from. I have seven brothers and sisters. I’m number three. I feel I’ve been in therapy for as long as I’ve been alive. When I first started working with the therapist many years ago, she said, “There’s always one child who was resilient.” Do you have brothers and sisters?

I have a younger brother. He might beat me on resilience, but mostly because he’s got that life where the dark cloud follows him. In order to be alive, he has had to be even more resilient than me. He might be one of those people. I am resilient in that, unlike my brother, I tried hard to find the silver lining. Whereas he would look at it sadly from a place of a victim or, “I’m going to go hunt that person down and beat the crap out of them.” That’s the difference.

I’m glad that is the parallel because that is exactly what I was trying to get through. It’s the same thing with us. There are a lot of us. My mom and dad share three children. I have 1 full brother and 1 full sister, and then my mom had several other children. What I find amongst my brothers and sisters is the same thing. Bad things are always happening to them because that’s what they expect to happen. Children like us who grow up in that chaotic environment get a glimpse of there being something else. We hold fast to what else there could be. That is enough to keep us out of the same hell, for lack of a better word to use, that we watch our siblings go through, which is incredibly interesting.

Take care of money. You’ll realize that when you encounter difficulties in your life.

I love that you said the question you keep asking yourself was, “How do I make this better?” What I love about it is that even as life is happening to us, as business is happening to us, the launch failed, or it wasn’t as good as you thought it was going to be. The client you knew who was going to enroll doesn’t enroll. The team member that you were grooming to get into leadership suddenly ups and quits. Being able to consistently ask yourself, “How do I make this better?” is a way to stay out of that victim mentality. I can tell that that comes from experience after experience. If you can even recall, how did you know that your approach to everything was going to be, “How can I make this better?”

I didn’t know this early in life. I didn’t realize it until I had one of those breakdown moments where you’re sobbing and then the light bulb went on. Way back inside of me, there was a feeling of, “I’m never going to give up on you. I am always going to be there for you.” I have that feeling that even though I couldn’t depend on anyone else in my life, I could depend on my own tenacity, resilience, and hope for goodness in life. I was like, “I’m going to find it.” That would keep me going in those dark moments.

What I love about moments that is that it carries us through. It can also be a bad thing because we come to rely on ourselves. That doesn’t open us up to be able to share life with other people and to truly be at the level of transformation that we want to bring into our life experience and into the lives of others. I feel you on that.

You are pointing out what I now see as the scarcity way of going through life versus the abundant way. The scarcity, you’d be like, “I’m all on my own. I’ve got to figure this out.” That was a great part of my life. Even in writing the book and feeling like I could help people in this way forced me to get out of that scarcity and into this abundance and thinking, “I am not alone. I have faith in a Higher Power. I have faith in other people. I don’t want to be an island. I don’t want to be separated from all of that anymore.”

For me, my faith is everything. It’s not religion. It’s about the fullness of *God. Some people are going to be mad when I say this, but I put a little asterisk beside God because if you say universe, spirit, or source, God is the Creator of the universe. He is the Holy Spirit. He is the source of all that is good. Other people are going to be upset by me saying that, but recognizing the relationship, who we are, and allowing that to guide us right there.

The God that is in every single one of us, allowing us to rightly divide the good and the bad, the lack from the abundance and carry on forward as a result of that is an important part of the journey. What I recall reading through or listening to your book, many of the nuggets that I’ve gotten so far have been from your inner knowing, intuition, and turning inward instead of looking outward. That is an important part of wealth, abundance, and ultimately legacy.

The people who think that their ability to make millions is tied to strategy have it all wrong. It is about all of the stuff that has nothing to do with the tangible work. That’s the lesson that I’m getting from your book. The mindful millionaire is doing the mindset work to alleviate all of the things that are in the way threatening to derail what’s possible.

That’s what I wanted to create. In the book, I talk about Corinthians. This experience that happened for me where I had been practicing and teaching Buddhism for many years after my dad died. I went to Buddhism because I felt so cut out from God when I was young. I didn’t want to even think about God because I’m like, “This is a mess.” After my dad died, I practiced Buddhism and meditation for many years. I was awoken in the middle of the night with this message. It was like somebody shouted at me, “Corinthians.” It scared me.

At that point, I had not studied the Bible. I wasn’t even sure where it was coming from. There was a suspicion. It’s so interesting because you say that inner knowing. What I learned from all of these journeys over the years, especially since that moment, is that we have so much within us waiting for us to get quiet enough to hear those messages. Yet when you live these crazy busy lives, if we don’t make a concerted effort to carve out the time for silence, quiet contemplation, prayer, and nothing but openness, we might not hear those things. I got lucky that it shouted at me. Normally, it doesn’t work that way for most people.

By the time you get the shout, it feels like it’s the last attempt. It’s like, “If I didn’t get you now, who knows what might have happened?” What I love about all of that is the realization that it is in the still small moments, the moments where nothing is happening, that we can hear the voice of God. That voice is within every single one of us. I think about the Scripture in Genesis. At the beginning of the Bible, Genesis 1:26 says, “Let us make man in our image and likeness.”

In that Scripture, what God is saying is that, “You, person on the earth, you are like Me. I’m creating you in my image and likeness. That means you can do what I do.” We don’t get that power that comes along with that if we don’t spend the moments in quiet contemplation or even praying. We don’t always have to be hustling and bustling. For me, sometimes praying is sitting in silence to see if there’s anything God wants to say to me, to help me to better navigate and be a better vessel for Him so that other people might get to experience His fullness.

I feel that moment. I did read that in the book with Corinthians. This is the way that I perceived it as a person learning what had happened to you. It was a moment to come home. Even though you had been absent and departed from God, He never left you. He loved you so much that at the appropriate moment when he knew that all the other things would it be interfering, He got your attention again,

It rocked my world. I talk about it. I’m like, “What’s happening? Am I going crazy?” I had to go to a friend who was a Bible scholar. I was like, “I don’t know what’s going on,” first before I could even go research what this means because there was a whole message. I needed to say, “Is this normal?” It’s pretty funny. My experience is when there’s been a lot of trauma and difficulty, we lose the magic and the mystical in life. When the magical and mystical happens, it takes us a little bit of time to realize that there is something else going on here. That’s one of the greatest gifts that I have ever received in my life. There is so much more going on than what meets the eye.

Everything that we do with money comes from the heart now and then radiates out.

What I love about that is that it’s black or it’s white. For me, there are a lot of gray areas. There’s a lot of opportunity for what I thought was my reality to be challenged and me to be okay with it. I don’t have to know all the things. I’m completely open to however, whatever, whenever. For me, it’s surrender. It’s being detached from any and all outcomes. No matter what it is that I might be trying to accomplish in my life, being open that the path that gets me there could happen in any 1 of 1,000 ways. Every single one of them is perfectly okay if that’s the way that’s chosen to bring it into my life.

It takes so much freedom to get to that point. We don’t wake up like this. Beyoncé wants to lead us to believe that we do, but we don’t. A lot of care goes into becoming the people who write books like The Mindful Millionaire and opening up this path of self-discovery and the importance of that path for people who desire to have access to millions.

You talked briefly about the fact that by the age of 12, you had more money in your bank account than your parents had. I don’t want to steal the thunder. I want you to talk about it, even with the struggles you experienced around money and where your freedom came from, you and your husband leveraging the power of real estate and doing the things that you’re doing to have access to so much.

Even through your practice previously as a financial advisor and as a money breakthrough coach and helping people to hone in on what it takes to experience that financial wealth that accompanies, the mindful or spiritual wealth. Can you talk a little bit about your journey with money? It’s been going on over the last several years. Where did it start to go bad or down? Where did it start to crescendo up to get you to the point where you can make the impact that you’re making for millions while you also make millions?

In the mid-’90s, I did make the decision, “I would like to be a millionaire. Other people are. Why not me?” Within ten years, my husband and I were millionaires. However, within a year or a couple of years later, we got a phone call from our financial advisors saying, “All of the money, about $350,000, that we were using to build a new house was gone and had disappeared overnight.” Ultimately, the bank got sued. We got the money back because of the way the investments had been sold to us is the same as cash. That wasn’t the case. This was all during the whole 2007 and 2008 eruption in the financial markets.

What I learned about that, which was pivotal to my work, is as long as you’re approaching your money from a place of scarcity, fear, and worry, it can go away quickly. Like attracts like. Scarcity attracts more scarcity or lack or limitation. While we had the right mechanics of building wealth, I also realized that we were still operating from a bad scarcity mindset that would take me years to understand how to reconfigure the way that not only we made money, but how we kept it and then ultimately, to how we invest it.

We ended up doing well over the past several years. I also have noticed that as we’ve turned our attention away from creating out of fear, and we’ve moved into, “How can we create out of love? How can we be thinking about what are we doing to make this money? What impact is this making on the planet or the environment?” All of those things have come into my sphere of reference that wasn’t before.

“How can I make a difference in people’s lives in the work that I do?” Everything that we do with money comes from the heart and then radiates out. What’s fascinating is we’ve tripled our net worth in a short amount of time, even though I can proudly say that if you signed my taxes, you’d be like, “You’re not making much money, yet we’re making tons of money.” I cracked up. This is the mystical part of it.

We’re focused on our hearts. You help people build amazing businesses. I like helping people. Most people come to me because they’re like, “I want a happier life. I’m tired of being so stressed out. If I could just get that.” What I realized is no matter how much money I had, I was still a stressed mess until I got this other stuff figured out. I could have all the money in the world and still be a wreck. That was the big transformation I had to go through.

There are a couple of things that you wrote down that I want to pull on a little bit. You said, “As long as you approach money from a lack or scarcity mindset, it will go away quickly.” Your decision to start creating out of love and impact instead of creating from a space of fear, “What if it goes away?” was what made the difference. I saw the same thing happen.

In 2010, I filed for bankruptcy. By 2014, I was a millionaire outright. Since then, I’ve watched the numbers rise and what it is that we do. The big thing that changed in those few short three years, I always say, “It’s 1 for the Father, 1 for the Son, and 1 for the Holy Spirit.” The reason it changed is because I stopped chasing the money. You said earlier, “We make money more important.” I stopped making the focal point of what I did, money.

Years later, 2019 was the first time I decided that instead of setting a revenue goal inside of my business, I was going to set a tithing goal. How much money could I give away? Since I was ten years old, I said, “I’m a philanthropist.” Every time I would walk past someone on the street, I didn’t care if it was $0.05. I would put it in there. I’ve always wanted to be a person who was in a position to give to other people. One of the affirmations that I speak over myself every single day and gratitude is, “I’m grateful that I have more money than I can give, spend, invest, or save.”

I have so much money I don’t even know what to do with, and that’s the space that I do everything in. It has made a difference for me. When you talked about that scarcity mindset and what it looks like, what would be helpful is if we could maybe call out some of the symptoms of a scarcity mindset. That way, those people tuning in to this episode who want to be like you were, who in the mid-’90s said, “I want to be a millionaire.”

We want to be good stewards of the world.

They want to make that decision. They will know what it looks like not to be operating from a space of love and impact instead of a space lacking clarity or scarcity. That’ll be fun. If we think about the scarcity mindset, when you hear me say that, being a woman who no longer lives her life that way, can you remember back to what it looked like and how you would act and respond in situations as it pertained to money?

We talk about running our businesses. One example that is tangible that we probably all have been there before is you’ve got a problem. You identify the problem in your business and your response is one of many things. One could be, “How cheap can I solve this problem for?” That would be a scarcity. “How can I spend the least amount of money?” It’s all about the money in that decision. It’s not about how the glory of what’s going to happen when you fix this problem. It’s all about the dollars and cents that you’re going to have to spend to fix it and keep it as low as possible.

When you don’t do things because of the money, it’s obvious that if there’s a problem, we can keep it about business. There’s a problem in your business that you have been unsuccessful in solving on your own. You start to seek out a solution, but the investment is higher than you can fathom, and you don’t solve the problem because of money. That’s also scary.

You freeze and you’re like, “I’m going to forget about that.” What you and I have figured out in the course of our journey is that money is a tool that’s here to help you live in harmony with your life, your loved ones, the environment, the animals, and all these beautiful things. If you’re like, “It’s just a tool. I need the money to do this thing that I’m excited about,” it’s just a matter of finding the money to bring that on. That’s all there is. If we make it about, “I need this amount of money. This is what it’s going to do. This is what’s going to be, where’s it coming from,” that moves into an abundance mindset.

The reason it’s so powerful is there is a lot of science around scarcity. This isn’t a made-up self-help term. This was studied at the university level. They found that when we’re in scarcity, when we’re like, “How can I do this as cheap as possible?” we lose 13, 14 points in IQ. We become stupid. We look through this little teeny lens and we don’t see all the possibilities.

By saying, “It’s a money problem. Where am I going to find the money? It’s everywhere. I just need to put the possibilities out there,” we’re out of the scarcity. We’re into the abundance. We’re like, “I could do this or I could do that.” All of these possibilities come. All of a sudden, you’re in abundance. Anything you do from that place of, “I can do this,” is going to have a far bigger impact on your life in a positive way.

I talk all the time about the Universal Law of Circulation. Law of Circulation says, “Abundance is expanding around us at an ever-increasing rate.” The only time abundance stops is when we do specific things and the things that we would do to stop our abundance are all scarcity-minded. It could be as simple as I give you a compliment, Leisa. I’m like, “That top is gorgeous.” You say, “I got this old thing at Goodwill.” You dismiss my compliment. You operate from a space of lack and scarcity and you stopped abundance. You could be out having lunch or drinks, and you don’t give a tip.

Even if the service was bad, I tell people all the time, “Tipping is not about the person. It’s about keeping the flow, making sure that your abundance is always circulating. We don’t do anything to stop it. It’s not charging what you should charge for your services.” That’s abundance. Anyone who is undercharging and underpricing their services is operating from a scarcity and lack mindset.

I hope you guys are taking notes on some of the clues. You’re sitting in a seat of scarcity when you say you want to be taking your business to and beyond the million-dollar mark. It is not going to happen if you sit in the seat of scarcity. You have to shift into the seat of significance to make and move millions. Significance looks like operating from a paradigm of abundance. Leisa said it’s asking yourself the question about how it becomes possible. Instead of being closed off, you’re opening yourself up to any way.

We probably still do this exercise, but not as much. We used to do this exercise on our sales calls. When we were talking with any potential client, whether they said they could afford it or not, we would play this game with them. We would say, “We believe you can afford anything that you decide to afford. Let’s imagine that you needed to afford $1,000. I want you to give me five different ways you could come up with $1,000.”

By the time we will get to the point where we would talk to them about the investment in the program, we would stop hearing that, “I can’t afford that,” response because we opened them up to what was possible for them and got them thinking from an abundancy instead of a scarcity seat, which makes a massive difference in the process.

I would think that anyone in business comes up against this in their sales calls. That’s a great exercise. I love that you shared that with all of us. I can see the impact because you’re expanding their ability to see the potential. I’m curious if you also cover this in sales calls or in other conversations. The other piece is this action of receiving. A lot of people have not calibrated what they’re receiving.

I don’t think that I’ve consciously talked about the calibrating of receiving in a sales conversation. For our clients who come and work with us, we work on receiving. If you make a lot of money from a seat of scarcity, it’s going to go away quickly. We’ve got to open them up to this internal belief so that they see and believe like we see and believe that they deserve to have that. They deserve to have months where they make more than they ever did in a year. They deserve to have days when they make more.

You don’t have to be a millionaire to read The Mindful Millionaire.

I remember the first time I had a million-dollar day in my business. There was a point in time when I didn’t think that that was possible. I thought it had to take me a whole year to make $1 million until it happened, but I had to be open to receiving that. That is an exercise that we parlay into our clients, but we haven’t done it in sales calls. You’ve got me wondering how I can do that. I’m going to see how I can work that into the way that we do our sales process in my company. That is so good.

The way that I often have it come up, especially in the breakthrough work, is because I always want to know, “What’s the most that you’ve made in a year?” I saw this in my own experience. You can go from job to job, different industries. Somehow you get back to that number. If there’s a trend of what someone is comfortable with and then anything beyond that is most likely the discomfort zone. Being able to explore that idea that there’s more space for you to receive bigger than you probably dream, like what you’re doing all the time in what you’re creating. It is fascinating because most people don’t think of it that way.

Even earlier, when you talked about money being a tool and looking at it that way, there are so many people who are making money more important. Because they are making it more important, it feels like it becomes unattainable. You can never reach out and grab it because that’s the carrot instead of sitting in this space of surrender, knowledge, and belief that it’s always going to be there when you need it or always coming to you at the time that it’s the best for your highest good. For me, it started to take the pressure off of any level of performance by focusing on what I would be able to give versus focusing on what may or may not come in through just my effort.

I’ve heard of numerous stories. I went to a wedding to this gal. I was her nanny when I was sixteen and now, she’s getting married. She’s a successful salesperson. She’s on track, earning millions of dollars a year through an IPO. She was so excited to tell me that she had hit that place of 10% tithing. She said, “I got it all together. I made the contribution.”

A week later, the principals from the company called and they were giving her a 10% raise and a whole mess of additional stock options. She was like, “This is exactly what I don’t think I was expecting. I didn’t do it for that reason. I did it because I’ve been wanting to give this money to the church. It scared me, but I was like, ‘I’m doing it.’” Immediately getting that reinforcement, she’s like, “This is going to get better.”

I love it when that happens to show how it all works. I think about the Scripture, which is often misquoted and mispreached. Malachi talks about opening up the windows of heaven and pouring out blessings you don’t have room enough to receive. That is the promise that’s coming back to us. For her, to see that immediate increase, it proves that it does work to focus on the impact of operating around money from a space of love and not from a space of lack or scarcity, which makes all the difference in the world.

This conversation has been amazing. I don’t want it to end. I want to give you the opportunity if there’s anything else you want to share, specifically stories or anything outside of your book that you think would be helpful for people who are going to listen to this episode on the show. Is there anything else you want to share with them?

You and I have worked on ourselves a lot and we have paid our dues over the course of our lives. There may be people reading this conversation and being like, “That works for the two of you, but that’s not what my life has been like. I’ve struggled and it feels like it’s getting harder versus easier.” I want to say, when I wrote The Mindful Millionaire, I was writing it for two audiences. One was my parents, who always had struggled with money. Unfortunately, while they were alive, I couldn’t help them in the way that I can help other people now.

I wrote the book for those who are like, “It isn’t working. I don’t know what these blocks are. I don’t know why I keep ending up in the same spot over and over again.” My heart’s call was to put a book together that could help you get out of your own way, learn some new strategies, and get your feet strongly planted on the ground so that you could begin taking stronger steps. I also have another audience of the book, which is folks like us. We can see a tendency to make maybe sacrifices along the way to our success that we don’t feel good about.

We realize that there’s a better way and that maybe we want more balance in our lives. We want the money but also thriving relationships. We want to be healthy. We want to be good stewards of the world. It talks to both parts of ourselves. If we feel in different situations, it speaks to both of those. You don’t have to be a millionaire to read The Mindful Millionaire. In fact, most people aren’t and they read it because they’re looking for an opportunity to change their lives in a beneficial way.

If you decide to become a millionaire, you need to read Mindful Millionaire. You need that backdrop to go through the process of looking at your life experience up to whichever point you are when you want to make the decision that you want to make millions and have millions to be able to leave a legacy to other people. It’s sometimes complicated but necessitated mindset that inner work, that inner knowing and get your spirit and balance with the recognition that you deserve.

Abundance is your birthright. No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve been through, that is not the legacy of your life. The legacy of your life is abundance. That comes when you have access to millions, not just so that you can personally live better. The materialism gets old. Buy the house, drive the car, get the shoes if you want, but then, “How can I impact the world? How can I change someone else’s situation?”

Leverage what you earn and what you bring in to be able to create that legacy. That’s the mindfulness of having access to millions as we move to millions, for those of you who are still on the journey, or Leisa and I, as we continue to make millions. The first million is the hardest to make. It gets so much easier after that. It all starts with the six inches between your ear and the mindfulness about who you are, the core of your spirit, your being, and you come from in every situation. You have a choice to show up as a victim and to live in lack and scarcity or to show up as the victor and to live from a space of abundance.

You could have all the money in the world and still be a wreck.

Leisa, before I let you go, I have to ask you our closing questions. Even though I fancy myself the host of a business show, these conversations are almost never about business, even though my category is spirituality. It’s crazy. I like to ask a couple of questions that grounds us. It also gives our readers a place to go to get additional support. I’m already recommending that they get a copy of Mindful Millionaire. I believe that when you read, you put yourself in a position to lead others. I would love to know what’s the last book you read?

I’ve been reading Chakra Therapy: For Personal Growth & Healing. A lot of the work I do is inspired by the chakras. It’s by Keith Sherwood.

What would you say is a quote that you live by that has made a difference for you on your move to millions?

It’s a quote from Frederick Buechner. “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” That’s like the place of abundance. That’s the idea of the quote.

Is there a tool that you swear by that has been unequivocally essential on your own move to millions?

It’s basic financial math.

You got to know how to count the millions.

I always need to see it backward and forwards and make sure that it makes sense.

This has been phenomenal. Many lives are going to be blessed by this conversation. They’re going to go and grab your book. I want to thank you so much for your time, for your attention, and for blessing us with this powerful message and unlocking some of your story with us. Thank you so much for being here.

Thank you.

Did I tell you it was going to be good? Leisa is my sister from another mister. I hope you got as much value from that conversation as I did. I have so many notes. There were so many things. Did you guys love the part where we gave you some of the symptoms you’re likely experiencing if you’re trying to make decisions from a scarcity mindset instead of an abundance mindset? One of my favorites is when the decision that you make is about the dollars and cents, or when you don’t solve the problem that you have because of the money.

I hope you got your whole entire life listening to Leisa and I talk about what it looks like to be a mindful millionaire. If you enjoyed our conversation and you want to connect directly with Leisa, be sure to check her website and grab a copy of her book. You need this in your professional library. I 100% approve of this book. It has been so transformational for me. I’ve done my mindset work. I don’t want you to miss out on what is possible for you. As a reminder, if you are a service-based entrepreneur stuck at six figures and would like some help transforming into the million-dollar CEO you were created to be, go grab that Move to Millions quick start guide at I’ll see you guys next time. Take care.

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