Ep 206 – 3 Types of Goals Million Dollar CEOs Set Each Year

“When you spend time with million-dollar CEOs, you learn that the way they look at goal setting is truly next level.” Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

Episode Summary

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Can I keep it real with you – it’s the end of January and many who have set resolutions have already abandoned them.  This is why I am an advocate for setting one of three types of goals vs setting resolutions when you desire to scale and sustain your business to and beyond the million-dollar mark. When I started to focus on niching down my goals, I noticed something powerful happened – more of my goals were achieved in a way that honored who I am and what I desire to do in the world.  Once I have tried anything for myself and it works, it’s time to share it with you – this way, I know that I am not spouting theory and I can help you to turn your gaps into a gateway. . If you are a million-dollar CEO or million-dollar CEO in the making, your goal setting game is about to get stronger as I introduce you to the three types of goals every million-dollar CEO sets each year.  These goals are typically set quarterly as million-dollar CEOs run their businesses in 90-day Moves. In this powerful episode, you will learn how to differentiate your goals and how to set them so that you get to celebrate more wins in the millions messy middle. If you are looking for a powerful and fresh perspective on goal setting, this episode is for you.  Grab your pen and Move to Millions Podcast note and listen in now to discover:

  • 3 types of goals to set if you desire to become a million-dollar CEO
  • How to create a goal setting cadence that you can share with your team to accelerate achievement
  • Who on your team contributes to each goal type
  • And so much more

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Powerful Quotes from the Episode

  • “I believe that this episode has the potential to change everything for you, and that’s why it’s running early in the season, so that you can get it and you can actually do something with it this year.”
  • “Comfortable goals, community goals, and catalyst goals. First for the whole year, then for the quarter, then for the month each month, and then for the week.”
  • “You’re not dreaming big enough if you can do it in of your own strength. That’s a comfy goal.
  • A catalyst goal is a goal that is going to change everything.”
  • “Deciding that I wanted a pink Cadillac in Mary Kay Cosmetics was an example of a catalyst goal.”
  • “Spend some time today focused on your comfortable goals, your community goals, and your catalyst goals. Which of those are you going to make sure that you do some work on? You need them all. You need to do them all. But of course, you’re not doing them all at the same time.”

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Spend some time today focused on your comfortable goals, your community goals, and your catalyst goals. First for the whole year, then for the quarter, then for the month, each month, and then for the week.

You’re listening to the Move to Millions podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, the place to be for high level conversations about all things millions. Your mission, mindset, methodologies, mandate, movement, messaging, marketing metrics, and most definitely, your money. I am your host, spiritual business growth coach, Dr. Darnyelle J. Harmon. Join me each week for inspiring stories, powerful interviews, and business growth strategy to help you experience abundance in your life because of your business. If you’re ready to move to your next level, everything let’s get this party started.

This episode is powered by move to millions live. If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner that has millions on your mind, the only event you need in order to transform your destiny and to put you in position to truly access the millions that are your birthright is move to millions live. Go now to movetomillionsevent.com to get all the deets and grab your ticket. I am so excited to be back with you for another episode here on the Move to Millions podcast. If this is your first time joining us, welcome. I’m so excited that you are here. A few things I want you to know about me as we get to know each other and you anchor in to what it means to become a million dollar CEO. I am a God girl first and foremost.

I am a philanthropist and I am committed to making money move and helping entrepreneurs and small business owners step boldly into their birthright as a million dollar CEO and millionaire so that they can leave a financial legacy for their family. Our community move to millions. It was designed, is designed, is currently shifting the trajectory of the lives of those who know that they are called to millions. And so we are so excited to welcome you here. If you are just anchoring in, I invite you to go to drdarnyelle.com. Start here. There’s some other powerful information that you can access to start your journey and just go ahead and start binging on the podcast because we already know that you’re going to love every single episode. Hit that subscribe button so that you don’t miss any notifications about what we have coming down the pike for you.

Today’s episode I’m so excited to do this episode. I get asked this question a lot and I’ve been really paying attention in my DMs. So if you slide into my DMs with questions, know that I see them and I am going to be responding either with an episode on the podcast or a live on IG and Youtube. Somehow, some way, I want to make sure that I’m helping you to understand what it really takes in order to make the move to millions and to do it in a way that honors who you are so that you don’t have to sacrifice or compromise anything that’s important to you in the process. Listen, I’ve been there, done that, and have the t shirt for the years when I compromised myself and my sanity. Time is up for all of that. This is 2024. This is the year of the open door.

This is the opportunity for everything around us to move just like that. And so I want to create an environment that really allows me to serve you in the best possible way. And so one of the questions I get all the time, I’m smiling. For those of you who won’t see the video version of this episode, because love, love this question, it actually came from a client that’s currently enrolled in my move to millions mastermind. And she said, you know, Darnyelle, I watch you knock down goal after goal after goal. How do you do it? Number one. And what types of goals do you personally set? One of the decisions I made for this year on the podcast is to share more of myself. Right.

I feel like I do a decent job at that, but I really want to go deeper. And you all know this is my year of anchored ascension. So I’m going deep into the things that really matter so that I can accelerate. And so some of the things I think I take for granted, because I’ve just been doing this work and I’ve been this high achiever person forever, since, like, 1975, is I just take for granted that people know these things. And what I’m realizing is that even when we have a knowledge or an understanding of something, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we get it and how others do it, right? So sometimes we’re just looking for a frame of reference. And so I thought it would be cool to share with you three types of goals that I believe every million dollar CEO needs to set. Annually, quarterly, monthly, and weekly. Yes, you heard me correctly.

Annually, every year, quarterly, every 90 days, monthly, every 30 days, and every week, every seven days. These are the goals that you should set. I believe that this episode has the potential to change everything for you, and that’s why it’s running early in the season, so that you can get it and you can actually do something with it this year. Okay, so let’s jump in. Three types of goals. Type number one, comfortable goals. Comfortable goals are those easy to do. It’s almost like low hanging fruit, right? You know what low hanging fruit is? In case you don’t, let me define it, low hanging fruit are those opportunities that are right there that if you just literally reach out, you don’t even have to stretch to get them.

They could turn into something for you that’s comfortable goals. They’re easy to do, they’re right there, they’re quick wins. What I love the most about comfortable goals is they make your confidence soar. You know that your confidence will close more deals than your skills. And the more confident you are, the more your clients will be able to borrow your confidence to say yes to themselves through your products and services. So confidence being high is so important. And that’s why we set comfortable goals, because we want your confidence to soar. We want you to be able to use that confidence to anchor in to the realization that you are in fact, the best thing since pockets.

So the first types of goals that you want to set every year, every quarter, every month, and every week are comfortable goals. My personal recommendation is that you get a copy of the move to millions planner, y’all. This planner is the bomb. It’s the best thing since pockets. In the planner every single week, we have space for you to set these comfy goals that we’re talking about. And we’re going to get into the other two types of goals in a moment. But you can literally have a place where every single week you can set those goals so that you make sure that you leave each week with quick wins. Some of these wins are going to help you to grow as a leader.

Some of these wins are going to grow your revenue. Some of these wins are going to grow your team, but there will be growth when you focus on comfortable goals. And when you’re planning for your year, your quarter, your month, and your week, starting with your comfortable goals, has you vibrating at a higher level. Your energy is really high. And we know that the right action with the right energy produces the right results. And that’s what we desire for you. So the first types of goals are your comfortable goals. Second types of goals that I want you to set every year, every quarter, every month, every week are community goals.

Now, community goals take those comfortable goals to the next level, because in order to accomplish your community goals, you need coaches and other people rallying around you in order to be accountable to them so that you actually take the actions to achieve your goals. These goals will require the participation of others and this group of people gives you the courage to actually achieve the goals. These goals are a little bit harder because you got your quick wins out of the way. So these ones are still going to be wins, but you might have to put your elbow in it in order to win with a community goal. And while you’re putting your elbow in, you’re looking at others and looking to others for support around the goal.

Move to Millions live is the only event that supports you before, during and after the powerful experience. To make sure that you prepare, plan, position and profit to and beyond the million dollar mark. Move to millions live is the only live event that you need. If you have millions on your mind, get in proximity to your next level by joining us May 22 through 24th of 2024, just outside of Washington, DC. All the details are waiting for you right now at movetomillionsevents.com. If you love the Move to Millions podcast, you are going to go crazy for move to millions. The proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. This brand new book is changing lives already with thousands of copies sold.

You have got to get yours. It must be in your professional library if you are a million dollar CEO or you’ve got millions on your mind. Get your copy and our bonuses today at movetomillionsbook.com.

So every year, every quarter, every month, every week, you also want to identify those community goals that you need to set, that you need the accountability to hit so that you can stay on target to your million dollar year. And the last types of goals that you need to plan for every year, every quarter, every month, every week are catalyst goals. Catalyst goals shift the trajectory of your life. These are dates with destiny. These goals create a reverberation in the atmosphere. These goals scare you. These goals probably make you want to swallow your tongue. These goals keep a knot in the pit of your stomach.

These goals are so big that it doesn’t feel possible in and of your own strength that you could actually accomplish them. Those are catalyst goals. But these catalyst goals, as you get out of your comfort zone and even get beyond the support of your community and stretch yourself, will literally shift the trajectory of how you show up in the world and what you accomplish and what accolades you receive. When I think about some of the catalyst goals that I have set in my lifetime, let’s just talk about in the last year of my business, I set some goals that made me nervous. And here’s what I know. You’re not dreaming big enough if you can do it in of your own strength. That’s a comfy goal. A catalyst goal is a goal that is going to change everything.

Some have asked me, I literally was just having a conversation with some people in a mastermind that I’m in about my book launch. And for many people on the outside looking at that launch, there were a lot of moving parts. Now, when you are launching, there are a lot of moving parts. As you’re listening to this, our next million dollar intensive is on producing a million dollar launch. So if you want to learn how to step by step in detailed fashion, because that’s how I do go grab your ticket to move to millions live and we can talk all about launching. But a lot of people have asked me questions about the catalyst goals that I set as a result of my book launch. Now, I knew this book was needed. I knew that the planet needed the book.

I was so clear, because God mandated it, right? God is not going to give you a purpose that the fulfillment of isn’t going to shake the planet. He’s just not going to do that. And so I knew going in that I was onto something and that I was creating something really special. And as we set the goal, that was a catalyst goal, that was a stretch goal. I honestly didn’t know if we would hit it, but I set it nonetheless. You ever heard the saying, shoot for the moon so that you land amongst the stars? That’s what setting a catalyst goal does for you, right? So the goal I set, I don’t know if I’ve ever talked about this on the podcast, was to sell 10,000 copies of the book before the book released on November the 7th. We did not sell 10,000 copies of the book before the book released on November 7. I didn’t know if we could do it.

But catalyst goals make you nervous. I said, it makes you want to swallow your tongue. The thought that I would like, if I thought that I could sell 10,000 copies of the book, I would have set the goal to sell 50,000 copies of the book, like, I really wanted it to be more. And my estimation of how many copies of the book we would sell 10,005 figures felt like something catalysts. And so I set the goal to sell 10,000 copies. We didn’t. The first week the book was out, we sold 5500. Do you know the percentage of books that come out in the first week and sell 5500 copies? It’s not that many.

According to Google, 98% of books release sell less than 5000 copies. So that means only 2% of books sell 5000 copies. One study says 1% of books sell five thousand copies. Wow. I’m a one percenter guys.

Can’t call me off guard and by surprise, but I’m glad I googled it, right? That’s the catalyst goal, as an example, to do something that only 1% to 2% of the world actually does. That’s like when I was in Mary Kay cosmetics. I became a Mary Kay beauty consultant after my first ex fiance’ got the older woman in our church pregnant. And the bottom fell out of my life. If you’ve been an OG listener, and you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve heard that story, you already know my very first book. If you understood my past, you would understand my praise. Talks all about that relationship and what happened. I talk about it a smidge and move to millions just to really set y’all up a little bit.

Y’all thought it was going to be a real housewives of insert your city kind of moment, but it wasn’t. I was just making a quick point when I got into Mary Kay. Here’s the thing. If I’m getting into anything, I’m doing whatever the thing is that one does when they get there. That’s just how I roll. And so when I came into Mary Kay, much like when I started incredible one enterprises, I knew this was a million dollar company, even though I hadn’t realized it yet. When I went into Mary Kay, I knew I was a pink Cadillac driving Mary Kay person, even though I hadn’t realized it. And y’all know the story. I was mediocre at best when I first got into Mary Kay. It wasn’t until I decided. Decide. There’s that word. So I decided to quit my job that I went all in on Mary Kay and picked up that pink cadillac five months after I quit my job or earned it. Five months after I quit my job, picked it up like eight months later because it takes three months to deliver. Those are catalyst goals. Deciding that I wanted a pink cadillac in Mary Kay Cosmetics is a catalyst goal.

So let’s make this practical for you. A comfy goal might be: This week I’m going to reach out to three previous clients and see if any of them are interested in working with me again in some capacity. This month, this quarter, this year. That’s a comfy goal. A community goal might be: I want to speak on five stages next year at events that have at least 100 people in the audience. Your community is going to help you to find those events. And a catalyst goal might be: I want to make a million dollars as a speaker. Those are examples of comfortable goals, community goals and catalyst goals. You need to set all three.

If you love the Move to Millions podcast and the Move to Millions book is blowing your mind, then you have got to join us for move to millions live. All the details are waiting for you to secure your seat at movetomillionsevents.com. Want to know what it’s like to work with me and the incredible factor university coaching team? You can get started today with the move to millions 90 day business growth planner. 90 days at a time, you’ll be setting your business on a trajectory that will make the move to millions happen much faster for you. It’s got everything that you need to track every strategy, every sale, all of your KPIs, as well as your self care and life transformational needs. We made sure we left nothing out of this amazing planner. And by accessing the planner, you’ll get a behind the scenes view of what it’s like to work with me and my team. Go grab yours today at movetomillionsplanner.com.

I know you love the Move to Millions podcast. I know you can’t wait every single week for me to drop a new episode. You know what that tells me? It tells me that you’re also going to love my brand new book, move to millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. Listen to me. Everything you need to know to make millions of dollars without losing your shirt, your sanity, or anything that’s important to you in the process is in this powerful book. It takes what you are experiencing each week on the podcast to the absolute next level. Go now to movetomillionsbook.com to grab your copy

Every year, every quarter, every month, every week. If you truly want to be successful in your business, if you want to create a business that really does serve you and serve you well, then you need all three types of the goals. When I started drilling my goal setting process down to this level of specificity and writing out what my comfortable community and catalyst goals were, I watched me start to knock things off my list. And I know you’re the same type of person as I am. You love a good list. So just so you can check things off. And that’s what has the potential to happen when you have this level of intention around what it is that you’re doing in your business. So as a million dollar CEO, I’m just going to talk to you like you already are one because you need to be acting, thinking and making decision like it anyway.

Spend some time today focused on your comfortable goals, your community goals, and your catalyst goals. First for the whole year, then for the quarter, then for the month each month, and then for the week on Sundays is when I get out of my move to millions planner and I go through my goals and I go through my gratitude and I go through my forgiveness and I lay out each one of these types of goals and it makes a huge difference in how I get to show up in the marketplace and the results that my business and my team help to accomplish. So if you enjoyed this episode, do me a favor. Take a screenshot of however you’re listening. Tag me in a post on Instagram at Darnyelle Jervey Varman and tell me what was it about this episode that made a difference for you that broke down? How as a million dollar CEO, you should be setting goals in your business so that you can create an environment to actually accomplish the goals that you set. And which goal are you going to be focusing on? Your comfortable goals, your community goals, or your catalyst goals this week? Which of those are you going to make sure that you do some work on? You need them all. You need to do them all. But of course, you’re not doing them all at the same time.
I cannot wait to hear from you. This is how we make millions move. I’ll see you guys next time. Take care.

Thank you for joining me for the Move to Millions podcast.
The way I see it, you deserve a business that generates millions. We’d love to have you join us in May at move to millions live to help you prepare, plan and position your company for the million dollar mark visit move to millions event now to grab your seat. If you enjoyed our time together, do yourself a favor. Head on over to iTunes, subscribe rate, and leave us a review until next time. Remember, millions are your birthright and to access them you need only move. See you next time. Take care
