Ep 161 – Dr. Erica Jordan-Thomas: Disruption on Every Side

Disruption always precedes transformation.” – Dr. Erica Jordan Thomas

About Our Guest

Dr. Erica Jordan-Thomas is CEO and Founder of The EJT Education Group, a business development company on a mission to shift the power dynamics in education and disrupt the racial wealth gap by providing high-performing educators from marginalized backgrounds with the tools to grow six and seven figure education consulting businesses.  Dr. Erica’s career began in education as a high school math teacher.  She went on to serve as an assistant principal and principal. She holds a master’s degree in instructional leadership from Relay Graduate School and a doctorate in education leadership from Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Episode Summary

This episode is powered by the  Move to Millions Live (and the Million Dollar Intensives) 

If you are a business owner who desires to make the move to millions, my advice to you is simple – expect disruption on every side. As my guest in this episode, Dr. Erica Jordan-Thomas, so eloquently states, “disruption always precedes transformation.” I personally cannot think of a time when the disruption I was experiencing wasn’t a catalyst to my next level.  When I shifted from no figures to five, from five to six, from six to seven and most definitely on this journey to eight, I have learned to see disruption, just like fear, as an indication that my next level is present. As entrepreneurs and business owners, we are often told that disruption is a bad thing.  Seldom is that the case.  Disruption leads to innovation and shifting beyond your comfort zone and innovation and playing big leads to up leveling every area of your life because of your business.  When I began to understand that a disruption was a destiny adjustment, I started to walk boldly into my million dollar company AND my status as a millionaire. Truthfully, you’ll have to DISRUPT everything you currently believe in order to access the abundance that is your birthright. And yes, Incredible One, abundance is indeed your birthright. If you are ready to disrupt your own beliefs about success, money, life and love and you’re committed to stop living on your last level when God has always opened the door to your next, this episode is going to give you so much life!  Grab your pen and paper and listen in now to discover:

  • How to inspect your disruptions for destiny
  • 3 keys to shifting your environment to send a message of worthiness
  • Why disruption is the best thing to happen to your patterns of struggle
  • How to run experiments to decode your disruptions
  • The difference between luxury energy and scarcity energy
  • And so much more

Important Links:

Powerful Dr. Erica Quotes from the Episode

  • “When educators get freed, they create freedom for others.”
  • “Money is a source of power.”
  • “Fear and wealth don’t co-exist.”
  • “Don’t build a house that is too small for your vision.”

How to Connect with Dr. Erica Jordan-Thomas

  • Website: https://www.ericajordanthomas.com/
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/e_jordanthomas/
  • Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erica-jordan-thomas-ed-l-d-86314764/

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