REWIND: 5 Stages of Entrepreneurship

Being an entrepreneur is an honor and a privilege.  I celebrate entrepreneurs worldwide with this episode”. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

It’s National Entrepreneurship Month and November 17, 2020 was National Entrepreneurship Day.  In honor of that, check out this rewind episode on the 5 stages of entrepreneurship with an added training in the intro on the 5 things you must SHIFT to move to the next stage.

After nearly 12 years working with various stage entrepreneurs, I have come to realize that there are five stages of entrepreneurship that every service-based entrepreneur finds themselves in.  Some make it through all five while others stay stuck in theirs for years.  And in each of these five stages, every entrepreneur can find success and/or struggle, especially if they’re not careful.  Listen in to this powerful episode and learn which stage of entrepreneurship you are in and more importantly what you must do to Breakthrough to the next stage and grow a business that funds the life you crave.

Listen in to discover:

  • The 5 shifts you must make to shift to the next stage of entrepreneurship
  • The 5 stages of service-based entrepreneurship
  • Why most new entrepreneurs create a bad paying job for themselves
  • How to stop letting people bully you into believing that you’re playing small just because you don’t want what they want

“An employee mindset will keep you stuck in the launch stage.” Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. Click to Tweet

This episode is powered by Shatter Your Income Ceiling with Darnyelle

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