making and moving

You deserve a life + business that serves you financially and spiritually (that's right you don't have to choose)

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Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon


business coach + speaker IN THE MARKETPLACE.

“The goal of your life and business is to Next Level Everything™”

I see so many talented, powerful, mission-driven business owners who are stuck although God created them to experience significance. My mission is to do something about it. Time is up for questioning your value, deserve level and if you’re enough! My purpose in this season of your life is clear – I’m here to help you to MOVE – your mindset, your relationship with God, your business acumen, your impact and most definitely your money.

Dr. Darnyelle has shared her powerful, poignant message with:

Hello, Incredible One!



(my name means: the secret place where dreamers go to dream).

I am a woman who’s excited about the power, passion, purpose, provision and profits of today’s service based entrepreneur.  I’m tickled purple about big vision, dreams, ice cream and seeing yourself the way God has always seen you. More than likely you’re here because you’ve heard me speak, watched my docuseries, found me on social media, heard about me from a client, you listened to my podcast or read my book.  

Regardless, I want to celebrate you

This is a divine appointment.

I’m very clear – you don’t have to choose – you can love God and make boatloads of money and I am on a mission to serve you, the whole CEO, so that you are a better spouse, parent, leader, human…We dream big and believe in Next Level Everything here…

How can I add value to your journey? What are you needing most for your life and business right now?

Hire Darnyelle to speak

Move your business to millions

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