Check out our latest Podcast episode!

Half Time Part 2

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“Not understanding your business model and revenue plan will keep you stuck in a business that will never serve you.”  Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

Episode Summary:

In this second part of my recent midyear complimentary training, It’s Half Time: 5 Things You Must Do Now to Breakthrough in Your Business Before 2020, I share the final 4 (out of 5) things that the most successful entrepreneurs will be doing between now and the end of the year to up-level everything in their business.  Without a clear understanding of the key components of business growth strategy, you’ll continue to muddle in mediocrity instead of strutting in significance in your business.  Listen in to part two of the training and you’ll discover:

– what every business model must include (and why missing any one of them will cripple your business)

– The key to mastering sales conversations (the sale really doesn’t start until you hear “no”)

– Why accountability is the missing link in building a business that serves you financially and spiritually

Want more of Darnyelle? Access my Unlock Six Figure Cash Flow Master Class:

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