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Forgive to Scale

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“Forgiveness is the key to experiencing full abundance.”  Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, MBA

After hosting Breakthrough in Business two weeks ago, I realized that there is one thing that will keep you from the Next Level Everything you crave and that is unforgiveness.  I totally use to be the same way until I realized that forgiveness was for me.  Once I took a hold of that gem, I watched my life and business come into alignment and my results soar to the next level and the cool thing is that with a few tweaks like I share in the episode, you can too. Listen in to discover:

  • How to perform the Forgiveness Protocol
  • Why God put the emphasis on forgiveness is the often quoted scripture
  • What’s really at stake when you don’t forgive
  • My favorite scale strategy (it’s not what you think)

This episode is powered by the Grow Your Business Toolkit

Powerful Quotes from Darnyelle during the Episode:

  • “I forgive as often as I can because I don’t want to miss out on anything I desire.”
  • Forgiveness is for you.
  • Scaling to the million dollar mark will be tough if you don’t forgive at least one person – yourself

The Seven Protocols of Forgiveness Mentioned in The Episode (based on Forgiving Forward by Bruce and Toni Hebel):

  1. Thank God for forgiving you
  2. Ask God who you need to forgive and why
  3. Repent for having unforgiveness in your heart towards that person
  4. Forgive each offense from your heart
    1. Lord, I choose to forgive X from my heart for Y
    2. Is there any other reason I need to forgive X?
    3. I proclaim that X is no longer in debt to me for Y
  5. Ask God to bless them
  6. Do your best not to remember the offense
  7. Do you part to not take personal offense to anyone so that pre-forgiveness can become a lifestyle

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