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Ep 212 – The Million-Dollar Assets 2.0

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As you build your business, create assets, each of which, will position you add one million dollars to your business’ bottom line.” – Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

Episode Summary

This episode is powered by the Move to Millions Live

When I got serious about creating the foundation for my 8-figure business, I knew that I had to shift the way I looked at everything we created to operate the business. It’s true, your business’ valuation will be based, at least in part, on the assets you have that can continue to increase the value.  So, in that grain, I knew that as I built my business to 8-figures, I’d want the ability, over time, to sell it for 9 or 10 figures and that is what led to the development of the Million Dollar Assets that we now have and teach to our clients. At inception, we developed 7 clear assets. Each asset led to a part of the business that would drive predictable results and revenue. In this episode, we are up-leveling the assets as introduced to you in my book, Move to Millions: The Proven Framework to Become a Million Dollar CEO with Grace & Ease Instead of Hustle & Grind.  We now have 10 assets that every million-dollar CEO and million-dollar CEO in the making must build and leverage to generate millions per year in sales and revenue. If you’re ready to master your next phase of growth and scaling on your own move to and beyond the million-dollar mark, grab your Move to Millions Podcast notebook and your favorite pen and listen in to discover:

  • The upgraded 10-million-dollar assets every business must build and leverage
  • A revised approach to what is included in each asset
  • Why creating an asset focused on self-care is a game changer
  • And so much more

Powerful Quotes During the Episode:

  • “The move to millions is not 1 million, it’s millions. We’re talking about moving to millions.”
  • “Keep in mind though, you only need one to get to the million-dollar mark. You should not actually start having multiple offers until you are making $1 million.”
  • “Systems make millions predictable. If you want your money, the millions of dollars that flow through you as a conduit to abundance and alignment. To be predictable, you’re going to need some systems.”
  • “Take care of your business, but don’t forget self-care is your ultimate asset. Integrate wellness into your operations and unlock new levels of abundance.”
  • “Your voice, your message. Keep it consistent across all platforms to magnetize your audience. Clear messaging equals clear results – and that’s millionaire talk.”
  • Want more of Darnyelle?

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Systems make millions predictable. Say it with me, people. Systems make millions predictable. If you want your money, the millions of dollars that flow through you as a conduit to abundance and alignment. To be predictable, you’re going to need some system. Now your systems are going to include the software that you use, the standard operating procedures that you write for every function that needs to be performed inside of your company, as well as the automation plan that you will use to scale your company.

You’re listening to the Move to Millions podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, the place to be for high level conversations about all things millions. Your mission mindset, methodologies, mandate movement, messaging, marketing metrics, and most definitely, your money. I am your host, spiritual business growth coach, Dr. Darnyelle J. Harmon. Join me each week for inspiring stories, powerful interviews, and business growth strategy to help you experience abundance in your life. Because of your business, if you’re ready to move to your next level, everything.

Let’s get this party started. This episode is powered by Move to Millions Live. I guess by now you could probably say it with me. It’s the only live event experience you need if you’ve got millions on your mind. Something I want you to know about this year. As you know, this is the year of anchored ascension. And so I’ve been spending a lot of extra time in my word with the father, and what he is sharing with me is that at the event this year I am going to be releasing a seven generation anointing. I’m excited, I’m a little nervous, but I’m also very excited because here’s what I’ve been realizing.

The call on my life, the mandate, my anointing for money, for transfer of wealth. It’s real, it is growing. We’re watching it enter into the lives of our clients every single day. And so we’re going to be releasing something special. So my message to anybody who lives anywhere, who listens every week faithfully to the move to Millions podcast is to get in the room. If you desire access to more, and that more includes more money, so that you can be the change you want to see in the world, then you need to get in the room. Everything you need to know about the event is waiting for you [email protected]. Before we jump into today’s episode, in the event that this is your very first time checking us out, welcome.

I’m excited that you are here. Move to millions is my mission, my mantle, my mandate. It is my love to spread wealth, abundance to the planet. And so I’m so excited that you are here. I would love it if you took a moment and rated and reviewed this podcast. Doing so is going to help us to expand our reach without us having to compromise how we show up in the world. We are currently in lots of countries, but I know there’s another one out there who could love to learn about the move to millions. And they will do so if you take just a minute, no matter how you’re listening, if you’re on the treadmill, if you’re in the car, wait until you stop at a light, wait until you get to your destination.

But if you would take a moment and rate and review this episode, I would be so grateful. It brings me so joy to come into your device twice a week to share with you what is being given to me to equip you to make move and eventually leave millions. I also want to make sure that you know about our free online community. If you go to, you can learn all about our private Facebook group. We are going to be ramping up how we show up in that group and we want you to be in on it. And today’s episode, as you know, over the last few episodes I’ve been updating you, you likely have now gotten your very own copy of move to millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind. And I thank you. Thank you.

Because of you, at the time of recording this episode, the book has been out in the world for three months and we have sold more than 10,000 copies. I am ecstatic. I am so grateful. I know we are just getting started and if you have a copy of that book, hopefully you’ve cracked the spine and you’ve started to read and you are blown away by what I share with you inside the book. Well, this is the year of anchored Ascension, so we are going deeper into everything that we share out in the world, including many of the things that you have read in the book. In this episode, we’re going to talk about the million dollar assets. The million dollar assets. These assets, as you know, if you have the book, are designed to make sure that every area of your business is fully positioned and equipped to make millions of dollars come into your business.

Here’s what I want you to know. The move to millions is not one million, it’s millions. It would have been moved to million if it was just about getting you to cross that first seven figure threshold. This is about millions, right? So whether millions for you is 3 million, 5 million, 10 million, 50 million, 100 million, 500,000,990, 9 million. We’re talking about moving to millions. So getting you as an entrepreneur, small business owner, special shout out to my sisters of faith, getting you to the million dollar milestone that will allow you to show up in the world fully leveraging who God called you to be before you were formed in your mother’s womb, and also position you to be the change that you truly want to see. So today we’re going to go all up in and through the million dollar assets in our first episode back this season that got into the hooks and crannies of the book moved to millions method 2.0, we introduced you to two more pillars. So after we get through these introductory episodes, what you’ll start to see is that every time I present you an episode, we will put it into one of those seven pillars.

So we will either be talking about strategy, sales system support, success, mindset, spirituality, or self care. We will break everything we do into one of those seven pillars so that you can start to really build a powerful toolkit based on each pillar that is going to help you make the move to and beyond the million dollar mark into millions. So let’s jump into what we’re here to talk about today. So I created the million dollar assets because I really needed a frame upon which to talk with our clients who were beginning to understand the move to millions method. As you know, it’s our proven framework to scale and sustain businesses that serve you financially and spiritually. And so, as we laid out the assets, we went deep into the first seven. Well, now we have ten. There are $10 million assets.

So this episode is an update on what you already know to be a million dollar asset. And I’m going to introduce you to three more. Okay, so our first million dollar asset that we talk about in the book is the leverage and scale offer suite. The leverage and scale offer suite is about the problem. You solve the package. You put the solution to that problem in, how you price that solution and how you position it to bring in your most ideal, high end pinnacle clients.

If you love the Move to Millions podcast and the Move to Millions book is blowing your mind, then you have got to join us for Move to Millions lLve. All the details are waiting for you to secure your seat at

Ever wish as a podcast episode comes to an end, that we could spend more time together? Well, I want to make sure that you know about our free community on Facebook. If you are a millions minded entrepreneur who wants to go from millions on your mind to millions in your bank account. Then we should spend more time together, get all the details you need to join us in our free Facebook community at The question that the offer suite should answer for you as you build out your business, as you think about your strategy and your plans is how will I serve those that I’m called to serve? That’s the leverage and scale offer suite. You know, because you have the book, we go into how many offers you should have. Keep in mind though, you only need one to get to the million dollar mark. You should not actually start having multiple offers until you are making $1 million. Once you cross over the million dollar mark, then you can introduce other offers in your suite and position them in the marketplace.

That’s the Leverage and Scale Offer Suite. The very first million dollar asset. When you have a strong, significant solutions based offer suite, your ability to get in front of clients who have the problem that you solved that have been unsuccessful at solving their problem on their own will massively increase. That’s your offer suite. Second million dollar asset. As you know, if you have a copy of the book, if you don’t have a copy of the book, stop playing and go to and get you a copy. This book, part memoir and part methodology, was designed to let you behind the veil. It gets to be easy to have a business that makes millions.

Now it will take work and it will take operationalizing your business in order to make it happen in a way that serves you without you having to hustle and grind to do it. It’s going to take time. Which is why we advocate for one to three years depending upon where you are, when you decide you’re ready to get in position to make millions of dollars flow through your business. Your business is a pass through entity. So your business is what allows you to bring money in, pay your team, influence the economy, but your business by itself does not necessarily make you a millionaire. Now your business could be valued at and worth millions of dollars, which would then make you a millionaire. But if your business just does $1 million a year, it’s a pass through entity. So you are not a millionaire.

Just to be clear and on the safe side, second million dollar asset is the Leverage and Scale Messaging Suite. Now, your messaging suite is going to house all of your key messaging. Messaging is how you get known. You need to get known for whatever it is that you do right now that solves a problem that your client cannot solve on their own. You need to get known for it. And the best way to do so is to create a suite of messages that allows you to show up consistently and on message in the marketplace. Almost like a broken record. Now, one of my clients recently corrected me and said, Darnyelle, don’t say broken record.

We’re not broken. And I accepted the correction. Right. We want you to put your message on repeat so that anytime you show up, you get known for that thing. So before we did our rebrand our brand refresh in 2021 to move to millions, you could think about the word incredible. And I would pop into your mind because we did our due diligence of creating messaging that spoke to being incredible, and now our message is speaking to making millions move. Right? So we experienced that shift. So, inside of your messaging suite, you’re going to have your key messages that you will use for all types of copy, ad copy, sales page copy, social media copy, all of your captions, your website pages, sales pages, general information pages, opt in pages, thank you pages, all the pages.

The messaging that you use to get booked to speak. So your pitch messaging, as well as the talks that you give which you talk about your sales conversation, messaging, the stories that you share that are an indication of what it’s like to be served by you, as well as how you show up on social media. The question that is answered by your messaging suite is, how will I get their attention and how will I be known in the marketplace? That is your messaging suite. Messaging is everything. I tell you that if you are not closing the types of clients you want to be closing, it’s something you’re saying or not saying. A lot of things hinge on your messaging. And every time you decide to up level any part of your business, you also have to up level your messaging. Your messaging is probably the asset, the million dollar asset that you are spending the most time tweaking.

Because if you put a message out there and it’s not resonating, it could take up to 90 days for you to know that it’s resonating. But if you put a message out there and it’s not resonating, that’s where you have to go back to. You have to go back to the message. Second million dollar asset is your Leverage and Scale Messaging Suite. Third million dollar asset is the Leverage and Scale Marketing Suite. Now, marketing is how you get found. Messaging is how you get known. Marketing is how you get found.

The way that you get found is by deploying that powerful compelling contrarian message consistently in places where your idle clients are gathering so that they can see it and they can self select inside of your marketing suite, you’re going to include what we call your business success formula. You’re going to go from your traffic source all the way to onboarding a client. That’s a business success formula. Some people call this your funnel. I don’t like to call it a funnel because a funnel, it goes in the top, it comes out the bottom. A success formula can be cyclical so that you keep feeding people back through and build clients and customers for life. Your business success formula is going to chart your marketing activity, your dissemination plan for your message through each phase of the process. And it answers the question, how will I spread the word that I have the solution that my pinnacle client has been seeking for the problem they’ve been unsuccessful at solving on their own? The fourth million dollar asset is the Leverage and Scale Sales Suite.

All things sales. Mary Kay Ash said, nothing happens until somebody sells something. So inside of your leverage and scale sales suite, you have your chosen sales tool. There are several that you can choose from. At last count, seven that work really well and make it easy for you to get to the million dollar mark to enroll clients consistently into your high end programs. And the question that is answered by your sales suite is how will I leverage my messaging and my marketing to convert clients into my offer? What I love about the sales suite is that it relies fully on your offer suite, your messaging suite and your marketing suite. The fifth million dollar asset is the Leverage and Scale Systems Suite. Systems make millions predictable.

Say it with me people. Systems make millions predictable. If you want your money, the millions of dollars that flow through you as a conduit to abundance and alignment. To be predictable, you’re going to need some system. Now your systems are going to include the software that you use, the standard operating procedures that you write for every function that needs to be performed inside of your company, as well as the automation plan that you will use to scale your company. The question answered by your leverage and scale system suite is how will I operationalize my company to make my results and success predictable? The 6th million dollar asset. This is a review. If you have a copy of move to millions, the proven framework to become a million dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind.

The Leverage and Scale Talent Suite is all about your talent, who you hire and how you manage the hiring relationship, how you manage your team, how you manage their performance, how you manage, how you incentivize and pay them. All of your policies, processes, and procedures pertaining to your million dollar dream team are housed in your leverage and scale talent suite. And the question that your talent suite answers is, how will I build my team, and how will I leverage this team to make our results sustainable over time, while getting our people to show up fully and serving our clients in the best possible way? The 7th and final Leverage and Scale Suite million dollar asset that is highlighted in my book, move to millions, is the Leverage and Scale Legacy Suite. Oh, I love the legacy suite. This is the key to building wealth and leaving an inheritance to your children’s children. Your insurance is in your suite. Your business’s succession plan is in your suite. Amongst many other things, your financial management team is housed in your legacy suite.

Everything that pertains to your ability to leave a financial legacy. And the question that you answer is, how will I create a financial legacy for my company and for my children and my children’s children? I’m talking about seven generations of wealth, right? I’m talking about Rockefeller wealth, the kind of money that will prevent your lineage of ever experiencing famine in their life. Now, we know it can take three to four generations to become wealthy, and it can only take one generation to lose it. So it’s not enough that you establish a legacy suite. You also need to include in there how you’re going to make your family financially literate, how your team is going to become financially literate, so that everything that you created, all of the wealth that you created, actually does what you purposed for it to do. So those are the Seven million assets that you already know about and are familiar with. Leverage and Scale Offer Suite. Leverage and Scale Messaging Suite. Leverage and Scale Marketing Suite. Leverage and Scale Sales Suite. Leverage and Scale System Suite. Leverage and Scale Talent Suite and Leverage and Scale Legacy Suite. One of the questions that just popped into my spirit that you might have is, Darnyelle, why do you call it the leverage and scale? Insert the name of the suite, because if you want to make millions, you need to learn how to experience leverage, and you need to scale. You’ve heard me say this before, you do not scale to six figures. It really does burn my biscuits when I hear coaches in the marketplace say scale to six figures. You don’t scale to six figures. And for me, that’s an indication that they don’t know what they’re talking about, and you probably shouldn’t hire them. There is no scaling to six figures.

Scaling only happens. Scaling, first and foremost, means multiplication and replication. It’s not about speed. It’s about a foundation upon which you can make your success predictable. Six figures is so easy to come by. No disrespect for those of you who haven’t received it yet, it gets to be easy to make six figures. That’s why I say you can oops your way to six figures. We have so many clients who have the right relationship that creates six figures for them.

It’s easy to make six figures if you’re making it hard You need to look at your relationship with money. I’m going to go into all of that in a future episode, but you’re going to need leverage. Leverage means that you are maximizing your output and minimizing your input and scale means that you actually are in position to multiply and replicate what you have been doing in order to create the level of results that are going to get you to your next level. Those are the first seven that you already know about. So now I want to introduce you to the three brand new million dollar assets. These are hot off the press. You all.

They’re not in a book anywhere. And maybe down the road if I do a revised second edition of the book, then we’ll go deeper and we’ll put all of these things in there. So the 8th million dollar asset is your Leverage and Scale Success Mindset Suite. Now you heard me share in the Move to Millions Method 2.0 that we separated success mindset. It used to just be one and we turned it into three different components. Right? I used to combine everything. I used to combine your spiritual principles, your money mindset and your self care all into one asset. Well, now we’re breaking them out into three.

So your success mindset suite is really about your money mindset.

Are you ready for move to millions live 2024? Well, registration is now open. It is going down May 22 through the 24th, just outside of Washington, DC. You have to be there if you have millions on your mind, if you think the book was something, wait until you get into proximity to your next level. The conversations, the clarity, the collaborations, and the community that is going to get you to and beyond the million dollar mark is waiting for you now. Go grab your seat at
Want to know what it’s like to work with me and the incredible factor university coaching team? You can get started today with the move to millions 90 day business growth planner. 90 days at a time, you’ll be setting your business on a trajectory that will make the move to millions happen much faster for you.

It’s got everything that you need to track every strategy, every sale, all of your KPIs, as well as your self care and life transformational needs. We made sure we left nothing out of this amazing planner. And by accessing the planner, you’ll get a behind the scenes view of what it’s like to work with me and my team. Go grab yours today at

And the question it answers is, how will I make money move? Now, inside of this suite, you’re going to have to trace your money patterns and your limiting beliefs so that you can actually reset the way that you show up around money. Because at the end of the day, you’re in a relationship with money, whether you know it or not. And if your relationship isn’t producing what you want any relationship to produce, then there’s an opportunity for you to shift the way you see money. Your leverage and scale success mindset suite is going to help you to do that. The 9th million dollar asset is the leverage and scale spiritual alignment suite. We know spirituality is a whole thing. And I want to be clear. I am not talking about religion.

I’m talking about relationship with God, the creator of the abundant universe that we live. So much so that while in relationship to God, you realize that you are in fact abundance. And the moment you start feeling abundant is the moment that abundance starts to enter your life experience. Inside of this week, there are many modalities that we cover. You know, some of them because they’re mentioned in the O operational obedience section of the book, right? We’re talking about surrender and alignment and confidence and forgiveness amongst other things. And the question your leverage and scale spiritual alignment suite answers is how will I stay in alignment with abundance, with God? You know, down the center of your being flows a current that keeps you in alignment to the abundance that you were created to be. You came into the world as abundance, right? Whether you were pulled out or pushed out, you came into the world as abundance. Once you met your parents, however, that abundance began to dissipate.

God is calling for you to transfer back into the abundance that is your birthright. And so we’ve designed an entire suite. I’ll do a whole episode that breaks down each of these new suites for you because I think that they are that important. So look for them at some point this season. And then our 10th and final million dollar asset is the leverage in scale self care suites. Self care is your most important strategy. Every time I get on a plane and I literally just got back from a trip, the flight attendants say, should the cabin shift and lose pressure. An oxygen mask will drop from the ceiling.

And these are the lines. Secure your mask before helping those on the journey with you. That is the purpose of having your own self care suite. And my personal recommendation, at least one day a month, you should have a self care day. At least one day a month. Actually, no, that don’t even sound right. We’re not going to say one day a month. At least one day a week, you should have a self care day.

I have a self care day every single week. At least one weekend a month, you should have a self care weekend. Now, self care means different things to different people. So it could mean time at the spa, it could mean getting a manny and a petty. It could mean seeing your therapist, right, working on your mental health, but at least one day a week. Self care, a core part of your business’s strategic plan is about. It needs to be about self care. So when you think about the seven pillars that are in the move to millions method, each of them needs a part of your strategic plan.

It’s a game changer. When you look at your business this way, the question answered by your self care Suite is, how will I care for my vessel so that I can be the change I would like to see in the world. We only get one, y’all. We only get one. I turned 48 in November, and I feel like in turning 48, I heard a click. Like something flipped in me. I flipped the switch. And not that it wasn’t important before that I take care of myself because I’ve always been a self care girl.

But it became increasingly important. So much so that I began to shift some of my own boundaries and expectations of how I show up for myself in self care. It’s that important. It’s integrated into the work that I do, that I take time for myself and I make sure that I am caring for me first. Yesterday, I had on a sweatshirt that actually was designed by one of my clients that said, it’s me season. I want you to decree and declare the same thing. It’s me season. And establish your own self care suite.

So there you have it, ladies and gents. Millionistas, millionistos move to millions nation. The Million Dollar Assets 2.0, Leverage and Scale Offer Suite. Leverage and Scale Messaging suite. Leverage and Scale Marketing Suite. Leverage and Scale Sales Suite. Leverage and Scale System Suite. Leverage and Scale Talent Suite. Leverage and Scale Legacy suite. Leverage and Scale Success Mindset Suite. Leverage and Scale Spiritual Alignment Suite and Leverage and Scale Self Care Suite. I’m excited about the upgrade. Are you excited about the upgrade? If you are excited about the upgrade, do me a favor. Take a screenshot of however you’re listening to this podcast and tag me in your stories. Let me know that you know that the move to millions assets, the million dollar assets, just got an upgrade. I’m excited for you as you integrate these into your life and in your business, I’m excited at how you’ll make millions move. I’ll see you guys next time. Take care

Thank you for joining me for the move to Millions podcast.
The way I see it, you deserve a business that generates millions. We’d love to have you join us in May at move to millions live to help you prepare, plan and position your company for the million dollar mark visit move to millions event now to grab your seat. If you enjoyed our time together, do yourself a favor. Head on over to iTunes, subscribe rate and leave us a review until next time. Remember, millions are your birthright and to access them you need only move. See you next time. Take care.
