Ep 170 – The After Glow

Once you have transformed the lives of others, do yourself a favor and sit in the significance of what you have achieved – this is the after glow .” – Darnyelle Jervey Harmon

Episode Summary

This episode is powered by the Move to Millions Live After Party on June 6, 2023

Last week, we held our annual live event experience, Move to Millions Live.  While I am still processing the greatness that unfolded over 3.5 days, I can honestly say that tt was the perfect reflection of God’s mandate for me – to transform the lives of others with my words.  Every attendee, speaker and panelist as well as my team helped me to create a defining moment for nearly 200 attendees who came from around the world to step boldly in to their birthright for MILLIONS. 

On this episode of Move to Millions Podcast, we’re diving into the Move to Millions Live event held last week. This event is not a conference; it’s a call to your FIRST or NEXT million.  Did you know that only 2.35% of service-based businesses cross the million-dollar mark, and even fewer for women and black women-owned businesses? Joining a community of like-minded individuals can help you scale and sustain your business to achieve million-dollar impact without feeling guilty or greedy. The episode will share how the event focuses on small details to create an environment for attendees to unplug and surrender to their best and highest good. Tune in to discover why this year’s event was a defining moment for many attendees and hear inspiring stories, powerful interviews, and business growth strategies to help you experience abundance in your life. Grab your pen and paper and listen in now to discover:

  • My top three tips for BEING the million-dollar CEO in you
  • How to walk boldly into your million-dollar birthright
  • The importance of community on the journey to making, moving and leaving millions
  • And so much more

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Powerful Quotes from the Episode

  • “I hold the room so that they can get their biggest breakthroughs.”
  • “The way that I was covered, the way that I was supported, it was absolutely amazing.”
  • “It’s time to defy the statistics around small business and help more of us step into businesses that serve us financially and spiritually.”
  • “The scripture that sat in my spirit just before the event started was first Corinthians 2:9.”

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Full Transcript

 2.35% of service-based businesses cross the million dollar mark. 1.9% of women-owned businesses cross the million dollar mark and 0.5% of black women-owned businesses cross the million dollar mark. If you wanna learn how to scale and sustain, get in community with people who are just like you on a mission to make, move and leave millions so that you don’t feel lonely and you don’t get made to feel guilty or greedy for desiring to have million dollar impact because that is your birthright.

You are listening to the Move to Millions podcast with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, the place to be for high level conversations about all things millions: Your mission, mindset, methodologies, mandate, movement, messaging, marketing metrics, and most definitely your money. I am your host spiritual business growth coach, Dr. Darnyelle J Harmon. Join me each week for inspiring stories, powerful interviews and business growth strategy to help you experience abundance in your life because of your business. If you’re ready to move to your next level, everything, let’s get this party started.

This episode is powered by the Move to Millions Live 2023 after party happening Tuesday, June the sixth at 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. If you were unable to join us, or you were there and you want to keep living in the feeling of the experience, then I invite you to go to darnyelle.com/after party.

Now I know you can hear it in my voice. We literally just finished three and a half amazing days at Move to Millions Live. Tuesday, May the 23rd was our VIP half day for our attendees, Wednesday through Friday the 24th through the 26th was the actual live event experience. Now I have never been one to call our events a conference because it’s not a conference. I believe, as I say in our marketing, that an experience with us is a call to your first or next million, and that is exactly what we were able to facilitate an environment for, for our attendees who came from around the world. I am so grateful. Gratitude is the word that I would absolutely unequivocally use.

I always struggle with how I am going to express what the experience was for me. I always struggle with that leading up to the event. I fast and I pray. At the event this year was the very first time I actively participated in this. I always have a person in the room covering the room, spiritually, a watchman, if you will, but this year was important for me, which came up during my prayer time to actually be the one who prayed over every seat in the room.

And so with my hands drenched in holy oil. I touched every single seat, and I prayed because God had placed it in my spirit that this event was going to be a defining moment for many of the attendees, and I’m so happy to report to you that that is the feedback I got back. That it was truly a defining moment.

It’s always amazing to me because I go through all of this preparation, right? I believe in preparing. I think that it would be disrespectful to have people invest in themselves at the level that people invest to come to Move to Millions live and just show up and wing it. And so I prepare this amazing content and we prepare an amazing run of show.

And then I also detach from any and all outcomes and just let God have his way. And that is exactly what happened. And so many of the things I prepared, we did, many of them we didn’t, but it all came out in the wash and the attendees got exactly what it is that they need. And so this quick but mighty episode on the Monday following the experience from last week is just some of my personal reflections.

But I do wanna seriously invite you to the after party because by then, I won’t sound so raspy and salty, and I will have truly been able to formulate what the experience was for me. This is like first reaction. I’m literally recording this for you as soon as my husband and I got back home from Herndon, Virginia.

And I wanted to do it right away because I wanted to, of course, give myself a chance to rest, give my voice a chance to rest. I’m gonna be off, my whole team are gonna be off for the next couple of days. Just kind of resetting on the amazing experience that we were able to curate for our clients. I wanna share just a couple of my highlights and just some of the backstory as to why we do what we do.

One of the questions I often get, especially from those who. Can’t join us at the experience is why I choose to do the event preceding Memorial Day. Move to Millions Live. In fact, for the last 12 years, we started out in April and then we eventually landed in late May for at least 10 years. We’ve been doing events in late May, so people always ask, why do you do your events preceding Memorial Day, and so we fell into this corridor and I really loved it, and we just stayed there. And we do know, I’m keenly aware that as a result of deciding to do the event the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday prior to Memorial Day, every year there are gonna be some people who just can’t join us because they have a loved one graduating, or a prom or a wedding.

And while it always, you know, I want as many people to be able to get in the room, I understand that sometimes life happens and you can’t make it that year. And I get it. And even though we know that that corridor is the one that has proven to be really, really successful for, for us, but especially for me because.

In my preparation and for three and a half days, I hold hundreds of attendees. I hold the room so that they can get their biggest breakthroughs and being able to have a built-in rest day on Memorial Day Monday, it is so life edifying for me, and so it’s one of the things that we do. I ended up repeating the pattern, not intentionally with our second event that we do every year, God Girls Making Millions because it happens the Wednesday, Thursday, Friday following Thanksgiving.

What I also find is that because we come up against these holidays, the people who really make it their business to get in the room are the people who get the biggest breakthroughs. And so I’m always excited coming into the season. I also like May, because like you’ve made it through the first five months of the year, we’ve got one more month.

Before the first half of the year is over. And so it’s like that energetic and spiritual alignment push to finish the year for your best and highest good. And I just love it. I get so much joy out of that. Something else that I really love about our events is the time and attention that we pay to the small details.

And so when I think about last week and how every single attendee who walked up to me was like, it’s the details for me from them checking into the hotel and getting a key car holder that was completely branded. To the welcome gift that we give them. Upon checking in to the gifts that they get as an attendee and or V I P attendee, every single detail is sourced for the purposes of creating an environment for their best to happen and to give them the safety that is often required for them to truly unplug and surrender to their best and highest good.

And for me, coming into an experience like we curate is really a game changer. And like I said, I knew that it would be a defining moment for the attendees, which just makes me so very happy. So right now we’re in what we call following the event, the Afterglow. So I do my signature closing. I’m not gonna tell you about it.

You’re gonna have to just come and experience it. It’ll change your life all by itself. And then we enter into an hour of afterglow, and the afterglow at the event is, You know, the team and the vendors, they’re starting to break down the stage and all of the elements, the the things that we’ve rented, they’re coming to pick those things up.

But we also find that almost no one leaves unless their flight was like right up against that closing, because they’re still in the vortex, they’re still in the energy that we were able to create and curate for their biggest breakthroughs ever. And I get to take pictures with the attendees and just hear.

How the experience changed their life, because that’s always my biggest prayer, is just that lives will be changed every time I show up in any environment. For me this year, I. What was extra special is that we’ve been doing live events since 2009, and we’ve been doing them well since 2011, and this was the very first year where I got to be completely present to show up and shake it.

And you guys know, especially if you are an OG listener, you know that I’m always advocating for getting your business to the point where you really get to be the talent, right? I told my team that this was the very first year that I truly felt like the Beyonce. The way that I was covered, the way that I was supported, it was absolutely amazing.

I am so immensely grateful, and so I just wanna shout out my whole team and our team of volunteers who were there to allow that to be possible. For me, the ability to be able to hold the room. Intently because I didn’t have to be concerned about any detail. Oh, that was amazing. That was the greatest gift of all, and I’m so immensely happy.

All of the preparation that I did, all of the sessions that I had planned. I had a surprise because the session that I believe went over the absolute best, the way that I intended the session to go was completely different than the way it unfolded, and I’m so grateful and so grateful because we’re gonna do it again and again and again, and I’m already thinking about ways that we can do it even better next year.

All I’m gonna tell you is the session called the Million Dollar Winning Formula, and it was amazing just the way that it played out. There’s something about the energy and having hundreds of people all in the space that are ready for what is next and best for them. That shifts and changes things and it just made it more special.

So I’m feeling grateful right now. I’m feeling excited for the attendees. I’m feeling excited for those who enrolled in our programs and are gonna be working with us over the next year. I’m feeling excited because we officially, officially put the book out there and you know, if you’ve been paying attention and you’ve been following me and you following me online, then you know that.

The book I was born to write became available for pre-order at the beginning of April. Without my knowledge, I was told that it wouldn’t be available for pre-order until May to go along with the event, but it actually became available and hit all online retailers on April the third, and we went on to become a number one new release best seller in several categories on Amazon. Within days, we actually held our number one new release status for one full week, which was amazing. So I just knew that this book was gonna be something special. And so at the event, I had a six foot replica of my book cover made as one of the picture book moments, and that was probably my favorite part of the decor.

Actually, that’s not true. There were two favorite parts of the decor, but that was like my, oh my gosh, here we go. Now, you know. That I’ve written seven other books, plus I’ve been in two anthologies and I’ve been a bestselling author before, but this is the book I was born to write. I feel like all of the other books that I’ve written were written with some strategy in mind to get me on stages or to get me into rooms that you had to be an author to get into.

But this book Moved to Millions was actually the book I was born to write. And so I wrote it and it’s amazing, and to know that this book is going to move the masses. Oh my gosh. That is just. Ridiculous and and amazing. We’re gonna take a quick break and then I’m gonna come back and we’re gonna talk a little bit more about the book and some of the things that we did, and I’m gonna round out this episode with three tips that I have for you, especially if you weren’t there last week.

We’ll be right back.

It’s here. It’s here. You’ve heard me share about my new book Moved to Millions a gazillion times. Well, now you can pre-order your very own copy. The book officially releases. November 7th, 2023. And if you pre-order your copy now, you’ll help us make history move to Millions. The proven framework to become a million dollar c e o with Grace & Ease instead of Hustle & Grind is already in Amazon Bestseller.

Grab your copy in our bonuses today at movetomillionsbook.com.

You are listening to them Move to Millions podcast. I am your host, The Raspy any sexy version of myself following three amazing days at Move to Millions Live 2023 sought after was our theme, and this. Quick episode is really just about, I call it, I’m calling it the afterglow because this is my chance to really just sit in the significance of what we created, what the help of my team and the attendees that came from all over the world to hang out with me for three days, what we were able to accomplish.

The scripture that sat in my spirit just before the event started was first Corinthians 2 and 9. Eyes haven’t seen, ears haven’t heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, that which God has for those who love them. And I am here to tell you that that scripture is holding true, even as I sit in the significance all the way driving home with just the biggest, brightest smile on my face and gratitude in my heart.

I am just so grateful. My eyes couldn’t have seen it. My ears couldn’t have heard it. My mind couldn’t have conceived it because I make it my mission to detach from any and all outcomes so that I can just show up as a pure vessel and be what is needed in that moment. We talk about being a lot, right? Who must I be the model of abundance in order to do what I desire?

To do and have what I desire to have, right? Who must I be? So for me, during the event, I must be. The purveyor of the space that’s gonna allow the attendees to experience their biggest shifts ever, and that is amazing that God has given me the power and the unique gift and the ability to hold this space so that I literally watch erupting around the room.

Breakthrough after breakthrough, after breakthrough after breakthrough. And so as I’m still in my afterglow, I am just so excited for all that transpired. I have no idea how many people enrolled in our programs. It’s not time for that yet for me. I’m just sitting in the significance of what I did and what I did.

I. You can’t put an enrollment goal on it. You can’t put a monetary value on it. It is me being who God created me to be. And so yes, I will eventually look at the numbers and I will eventually talk with my team and. Create strategy to round out this launch, but for now, I am basking in the glow of what transpired over those three amazing days.

I am so grateful to everyone who joined us. Every single one of you who pressed your way despite the obstacles that threatened to derail you, despite the voices that told you you didn’t have to show up. Cuz see, some people didn’t show up and that’s completely okay. But for those of you who pushed through, pressed your way and came despite everything that was working against you, I celebrate you.

I honor you, was my joy and my honor and my privilege to serve you for three and a half amazing days. I hope you felt the love that was put into every single thing that we did. I hope that when you sat down in that seat for the very first time, you felt the energy ruminating on the seat because I had touched it with my hands and anointing.

I hope that you felt it, because that is what I truly desire to create for you. If you have never been. To an incredible One Enterprises event. I hope and pray for your next level sake, that it is on your vision board and you are making a decision at some point in time to join us right now. Tickets for 2024, which the event will be held May 22nd through the 24th.

The VIP day will be on May the 21st. 2024 will be back in Herndon, Virginia at the Hyatt Regency Dallas. You can go grab your ticket right now at movetomillionsevent.com. You can get your ticket for 2024 right now and make sure that you are in the place, and right now you have a distinct opportunity to get your ticket for the lowest it will be available when you go.

Go to movetomillionsevent.com I just wanna invite you if you know that you know that there is a millionaire in you and that you were called to operate at the million dollar level to defy the statistics, 4.2% of the 32 million companies in the United States cross the seven figure mark. 2.35% of service-based businesses cross the million dollar mark. 1.9% of women owned businesses crossed the million dollar mark and 0.5% of black women owned businesses crossed a million dollar mark. If you wanna stand in that number, And you wanna learn how to scale and sustain and get in community with people who are just like you on a mission to make, move and leave millions so that you don’t feel lonely and you don’t get made to feel guilty or greedy for desiring to have million dollar impact because that is your birthright.

Then I invite you, I believe that invitation proceeds transformation, and I invite you to be transformed by the experience that we create at Move to Millions Live. So I wanna, before I leave you, I just wanna give you three quick tips. Whether you were with us or not last week, to focus on, to set and finalize the first half of the year in a way that honors all that you are and the gifts and talents on the inside of you, and also sets you up to make the second half of year your opportunity to achieve your best and your next

Number one. You have got to think, act, and make decisions like a million dollar c e o, because millions, it’s a mindset before, it’s a material expression of wealth in your bank account. So you’re gonna have to make some shifts and do some things differently in order to. Get to the point where who you be is ready for the manifestation in your life. That’s number one.

Number two. I want you to think about the community and the company that you keep. You need to get around people for whom desiring millions, making, moving and leaving millions is normal. That’s where you need to spend your time with people who believe that what you desire is normal. You are not a unicorn. You are greatness personified, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with desiring millions. And if the people you spend your time with now make you question that you need to get some new people, we have openings in our community and we’d love to have you join us.

Number three. I want you to realize that the desire that you hold, it ain’t your desire. Not in and of itself, it’s God’s desire for you desire itself in Latin means of the Father. I think about that scripture in Proverbs that says, when you delight yourself in the Lord, he’ll give you the desires of your heart. That delighting process, putting him first, seeking him in ways. The desires that get put in your heart are the ones he placed there. So if you have a desire for it, it’s because you’re supposed to experience it and you need to get it into your hearts, your mind, your body, and your spirit. That those desires are there for a reason, and then you need to get in proximity with those who can help to bring them into your life experience.

I absolutely love the mission and the call that I’m on, and I’m so grateful to be able to do this work. I wanna say thank you to every speaker and panelists who are comprised of either our clients in our Move to Millions Mastermind, or my super friends who traveled in from all over the country to hang out with me and to help me to serve the attendees.

I say thank you. I wanna shout out and celebrate my amazing team. Who worked tirelessly and selflessly to allow me to show up and shake it. I honor you and I’m grateful for you, and I wanna thank you for every single one of you who said yes to yourselves and showed up, and showed out to get your yes to move swiftly in the direction of the desires that you hold in your heart.

I see you. I honor you. I will keep holding space for you, and I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to now be sitting in the significance. In the afterglow of all that we accomplished together. I love you guys and I’ll see you on June 6th for our after party. And we’ll go from there into exactly what is next and best for us.

I do believe that God will let you live on whatever level you settle for and that I hope that you will decide to settle for your next level. Everything. I’ll see you next time. Take care. Thank you for joining me for the Move to Millions Podcast the way I see it. You deserve a business. That generates millions.

We love to have you join us in May at Move to Millions Live to help you prepare, plan, and position your company for the million dollar mark. Visit move to Millions event now to grab your seat. If you enjoyed our time together, do yourself a favor. Head on over to iTunes, subscribe, rate, and leave us a review.

Until next time, remember. Millions are your birthright, and to access them, you need only move. See you next time. Take care.
