Tenita Johnson: The ONE Book

“Writing is healing” – Tenita Johnson

About Our Guest:

Tenita Johnson is an editorial guru and author printer, perfecting manuscripts for hundreds of best selling authors. She’s on a mission to end the prominent everyday abuse of the English language and rectify punctuation pet peeves. As the founder and CEO of So It Is Written, LLC., Tanisha collaborates with industry professionals to take manuscripts to the marketplace, positioning authors for success in the literary world. Well-known by many as the “human spellcheck”. Now, nerd and grammar police, she proudly wears the badge of honor to correct and serve. Dubbed as the editor’s editor, Tenita has positioned writers as experts in their industry, oftentimes empowering them to create their own writing or editorial business, and thus developing multiple streams of income to connect with Tenita.

Episode Summary

This episode is powered by Shatter Your Income Ceiling  

I still the remember the day I got the very first galley copy of my book, If You Understood My Past, You Would Understand My Praise in the mail.  It was a life changing moment for sure.  I was an author.  My name was on a book. What I didn’t know then is that it’s possible to write ONE book that could take my business to the six-figure mark and ultimately beyond the seven-figure mark and that is because I hadn’t met Tenita Johnson yet.  In this episode, I am joined by Tenita Johnson and we talk about the ONE book that can shift the trajectory of your brand and business.  I love how she so easily lays out the process to literally change your life with ONE book. If you’ve been thinking about telling your story, you need to listen in.  If you’ve written a book and that book is not keeping your bank account full, you need to listen in.  Tenita shares all of the ways that your one book can boost your bank account, expand your brand and make you a best-selling author.

Listen in to discover:

  • Five steps to turn your book into a best seller that changes your bank account
  • Why you have to learn how to tell your story in a way that it benefits others
  • The biggest mistake you can make with your book and how to avoid it at all costs
  • The questions you must ask to write the ONE book that will change the game for you

Powerful Quotes During the Episode:

  • “Transforming the world through our words.” – So It Is Written, Tenita Johnson
  • “The answer to the questions will change the way you look at your book.” – Tenita Johnson
  • “We’re a work-in-progress until we leave this earth.” – Tenita Johnson
  • “Most people do not write the book because they don’t feel qualified.” Tenita Johnson
  • “If you think your book is about you, you are missing the point.” Tenita Johnson
  • “Your book needs to solve a problem if you want it to sell.” Tenita Johnson

Tenita’s Incredible Factor Wisdom Questions:

Last book Tenita read: Godmothers by Lisa Bevere Also reading my first book, If You Understood My Past, You Would Understand My Praise. 

Favorite Quote“Write the vision and make it plain.” – Habakkuk 2:2

Tool Tenita swears by to grow her business:  Google Calendar.

How to Connect with Guest Name:

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tenitajohnson/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenitajeditor?lang=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tenita.b.johnson

Email: [email protected]

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrstenita/

Incredible One Enterprises, LLC is not responsible for the content and information delivered during the podcast interview by any guest. As always, we suggest that you conduct your own due diligence regarding any proclamations by podcast guests.  Incredible One Enterprises, LLC is providing the podcast for informational purposes only. 

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